Themed collection JAAS HOT Articles 2023

66 items
Open Access Perspective

Swimming against the current – sacrificing unit mass resolution in ICP-MS to improve figures of merit

Analysts can balance sensitivity and selectivity in quadrupole-based ICP-MS. In some scenarios, giving up unit mass resolution may into improve figures of merit.

Graphical abstract: Swimming against the current – sacrificing unit mass resolution in ICP-MS to improve figures of merit
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Critical Review

Catching up on calibration-free LIBS

This review paper will present and critically discuss the evolution of the calibration-free LIBS (CF-LIBS) method and some of its new applications that appeared since the last extensive review on the topic, which was published more than 10 years ago.

Graphical abstract: Catching up on calibration-free LIBS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

90Sr bioassay in small-volume urine by ICP-MS/MS with CO2 as the reaction gas

Further mitigation: CO2 is a better reaction gas than O2 to overcome isobaric/polyatomic interferences caused by Zr and Ge for 90S analysis by ICP-MS/MS. The method detection limit was 0.978 pg L−1 (5 Bq L−1) in 10 mL urine, with a reasonable throughput (∼6 h for 12 samples).

Graphical abstract: 90Sr bioassay in small-volume urine by ICP-MS/MS with CO2 as the reaction gas
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

The influences of ambient humidity on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

The effect of ambient humidity on the LIBS spectra of copper samples was explored. The Cu I line intensity decreased with humidity at low laser energy and increased with humidity at high energy.

Graphical abstract: The influences of ambient humidity on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Discrimination and classification of high explosives and other organic materials based on laser-induced plasma spectroscopy

A sub-band k-means clustering method was used for laser-induced plasma spectral analysis to achieve accurate identification and classification of high explosives and organic materials.

Graphical abstract: Discrimination and classification of high explosives and other organic materials based on laser-induced plasma spectroscopy
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

High throughput laser ablation ICP-MS bioimaging of silver distribution in animal organisms and plant tissue after exposure to silver sulfide nanoparticles

Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) is a method with high potential to visualize the distribution of elements in different samples, including a variety of organisms.

Graphical abstract: High throughput laser ablation ICP-MS bioimaging of silver distribution in animal organisms and plant tissue after exposure to silver sulfide nanoparticles
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Sensitive and accurate determination of REEs using a high-efficiency miniaturized ultrasonic nebulization sampling system coupled with the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer

The determination of rare-earth element (REE) mass fractions is of great significance in various fields including materials science, geology, ecotoxicology, environmental safety and human health.

Graphical abstract: Sensitive and accurate determination of REEs using a high-efficiency miniaturized ultrasonic nebulization sampling system coupled with the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

On a single method for determining As and Hg in dietary supplements by CVG-MIP OES: optimization of the multimode sample introduction system

A single method was developed for the determination of As and Hg in dietary supplements by CVG-MIP OES using a multimode sample introduction system (MSIS).

Graphical abstract: On a single method for determining As and Hg in dietary supplements by CVG-MIP OES: optimization of the multimode sample introduction system
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

An improved digestion coil arrangement for high-pressure microwave-assisted flow digestion

A large heated volume (22 mL) digestion coil for high pressure flow digestion was developed. By using computer simulation of the microwave field, the coil geometry was optimized for uniform absorption of microwave radiation along the digestion coil.

Graphical abstract: An improved digestion coil arrangement for high-pressure microwave-assisted flow digestion
Open Access Paper

Rapid screening of wood and leaf tissues: investigating silicon-based phytoliths in Populus trichocarpa for carbon storage applications using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy

Phytoliths, which are noncrystalline particles of amorphous silica that form inside plant cells, contribute to the global carbon cycle through their ability to occlude organic carbon.

Graphical abstract: Rapid screening of wood and leaf tissues: investigating silicon-based phytoliths in Populus trichocarpa for carbon storage applications using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Iron, copper and zinc isotope compositions of biological reference materials determined by MC-ICP-MS

The one-column method to purify Cu–Fe–Zn for biological isotope analysis provides comprehensive isotope information for biological individuals.

Graphical abstract: Iron, copper and zinc isotope compositions of biological reference materials determined by MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Performing parameter optimization and variable selection simultaneously in Fourier transform infrared and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data fusion

Performing parameter optimization and variable selection simultaneously in Fourier transform infrared and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data fusion.

Graphical abstract: Performing parameter optimization and variable selection simultaneously in Fourier transform infrared and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy data fusion
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

A single-stage anion exchange separation method for Cd isotopic analysis in geological and environmental samples by MC-ICP-MS

A single-stage column separation method based on an anion exchange resin column is developed to purify Cd from geological and environmental materials for high-precision determination of Cd isotopes by double spike MC-ICP-MS.

Graphical abstract: A single-stage anion exchange separation method for Cd isotopic analysis in geological and environmental samples by MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

A spectral standardization method based on plasma image-spectrum fusion to improve the stability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

A novel spectral standardization method was proposed based on plasma image-spectrum fusion (SS-PISF) to improve the spectral stability.

Graphical abstract: A spectral standardization method based on plasma image-spectrum fusion to improve the stability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Comparison of synthetic zircon, high-temperature and high-pressure sintered zircon and fast hot-pressing sintered zircon for in situ hafnium isotope analysis by LA-MC-ICP-MS

Three zircon synthesis techniques (synthesis, high-temperature and high-pressure sintering and fast hot-pressing sintering) for the preparation of reference materials for Hf isotope analysis of zircon by LA-MC-ICP-MS were compared.

Graphical abstract: Comparison of synthetic zircon, high-temperature and high-pressure sintered zircon and fast hot-pressing sintered zircon for in situ hafnium isotope analysis by LA-MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Resolving isobaric interference in the determination of Nd isotopes using laser ionisation mass spectrometry towards atom percent fission measurements

Use of LIMS for determination of Nd in the presence of Sm.

Graphical abstract: Resolving isobaric interference in the determination of Nd isotopes using laser ionisation mass spectrometry towards atom percent fission measurements
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Analysis of PbBi eutectic after matrix separation by acid induced dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by HR-CS-ETAAS determination

Analysis of PbBi eutectic after separation of matrix elements by a simple acid-induced surfactant assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction procedure is reported.

Graphical abstract: Analysis of PbBi eutectic after matrix separation by acid induced dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction followed by HR-CS-ETAAS determination
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

TARIM calcite: a potential reference material for laser ICPMS in situ calcite U–Pb dating

Assisted by laser ablation (LA) inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) analytical techniques, calcite is now accepted as an important U–Pb dating mineral for application to various issues in geology.

Graphical abstract: TARIM calcite: a potential reference material for laser ICPMS in situ calcite U–Pb dating
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Detection of chromium in different valence states in water and soil using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with an ion enrichment chip

IEC–LIBS could rapidly and sensitively detect different valence states of Cr in water and soil.

Graphical abstract: Detection of chromium in different valence states in water and soil using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy combined with an ion enrichment chip
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Development of an optimised method for measurement of iodine-129 in decommissioning wastes using ICP-MS/MS

Tube furnace extraction combined with ICP-MS/MS for low-level 129I measurement in decommissioning samples, combined with matrix modification for improved sensitivity.

Graphical abstract: Development of an optimised method for measurement of iodine-129 in decommissioning wastes using ICP-MS/MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Development and industrial application of LIBS-XRF coal quality analyzer by combining PCA and PLS regression methods

An LIBS-XRF coal quality analyzer was developed. Modeling based on PCA and PLS methods, and industrial testing was completed. The measurement repeatability of model for industrial indicators meets the requirements of national standards.

Graphical abstract: Development and industrial application of LIBS-XRF coal quality analyzer by combining PCA and PLS regression methods
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Machine learning analysis to classify nanoparticles from noisy spICP-TOFMS data

A two-stage semi-supervised machine learning approach was developed as a robust method to classify cerium-rich engineered, incidental, and natural nanoparticles measured by spICP-TOFMS.

Graphical abstract: Machine learning analysis to classify nanoparticles from noisy spICP-TOFMS data

Classification of uneven steel samples by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy based on a Bessel beam

The combination of a Bessel beam and LIBS is an effective method for rapidly detecting uneven samples in industry, which has higher accuracy and stability under fewer spectra.

Graphical abstract: Classification of uneven steel samples by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy based on a Bessel beam
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Rapid isotopic analysis of uranium, plutonium, and americium in post-detonation debris simulants by RIMS

Uranium interference is a major problem in conventional 238Pu analysis. In RIMS, a slight detuning of the resonance laser extinguishes the Pu signal so that the 238U interference can be accurately quantified and subtracted.

Graphical abstract: Rapid isotopic analysis of uranium, plutonium, and americium in post-detonation debris simulants by RIMS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Investigation of matrix effects in nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric-pressure plasma mass spectrometry (MICAP-MS) for trace element analysis in steels

We investigated the performance of nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric-pressure plasma mass spectrometry (MICAP-MS) under matrix effects and its applicability to trace element analysis in steels.

Graphical abstract: Investigation of matrix effects in nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric-pressure plasma mass spectrometry (MICAP-MS) for trace element analysis in steels
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Online monitoring of atmospheric krypton-85 with hourly time resolution

Automatic Kr separation apparatus and atom counting enable online monitoring of atmospheric krypton-85 with hourly time resolution.

Graphical abstract: Online monitoring of atmospheric krypton-85 with hourly time resolution
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

An optimization method based on spatial confinement for direct detection of laser-induced particle flow

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has the advantages of on-line, rapid and multi-element synchronous detection.

Graphical abstract: An optimization method based on spatial confinement for direct detection of laser-induced particle flow
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

A new double spike method for the determination of mass-dependent Te isotope compositions of meteorites and terrestrial materials by MC-ICP-MS

Development and validation of a new precise method for measuring mass-dependent Te isotope composition of meteorites and terrestrial samples using the double spike technique and MC-ICP-MS.

Graphical abstract: A new double spike method for the determination of mass-dependent Te isotope compositions of meteorites and terrestrial materials by MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Chemical vapour generation assisted by Cr3+/KCN coupled to atomic fluorescence spectrometry for ultrasensitive determination of cadmium in water and rice samples

A methodology for cadmium determination at ultratrace levels based on chemical vapour generation (CVG) coupled to atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) was developed.

Graphical abstract: Chemical vapour generation assisted by Cr3+/KCN coupled to atomic fluorescence spectrometry for ultrasensitive determination of cadmium in water and rice samples
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Characterisation of gas cell reactions for 70+ elements using N2O for ICP tandem mass spectrometry measurements

Gas cell interactions of 73 elements with nitrous oxide (N2O) have been evaluated using inductively coupled plasma tandem mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/MS). Recommendations for the reduction of interferences are provided.

Graphical abstract: Characterisation of gas cell reactions for 70+ elements using N2O for ICP tandem mass spectrometry measurements
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Detection of lead in water at ppt levels using resin-enrichment combined with LIBS-LIF

A simple and ultrasensitive method for detecting Pb2+ using resin-enrichment combined with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy assisted by laser-induced fluorescence.

Graphical abstract: Detection of lead in water at ppt levels using resin-enrichment combined with LIBS-LIF
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

A laboratory X-ray emission spectrometer for phosphorus Kα and Kβ study of air-sensitive samples

We report a compact laboratory-based, high resolution X-ray emission spectrometer installed in a glovebox for simultaneous measurement of phosphorus Kα and Kβ spectra of air-sensitive materials.

Graphical abstract: A laboratory X-ray emission spectrometer for phosphorus Kα and Kβ study of air-sensitive samples
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

High-efficiency X-ray emission spectroscopy of cold-compressed Fe2O3 and laser-heated pressurized FeCO3 using a von Hámos spectrometer

Fast and efficient (resonant) X-ray emission spectroscopy setup for the electronic structure at lower mantle conditions: high spin in laser-heated FeCO3 and a two-step spin transition in pressurized Fe2O3 with increasing valence to core intensity.

Graphical abstract: High-efficiency X-ray emission spectroscopy of cold-compressed Fe2O3 and laser-heated pressurized FeCO3 using a von Hámos spectrometer
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Determination of broadband-light atomic absorption through interferometric spectrometry with a spatial heterodyne spectrometer

A spatial heterodyne spectrometer (SHS) was combined with a flame atomic absorption (FAA) setup to reveal the analytical potential of SHS to be used as a tool for high-resolution atomic absorption studies.

Graphical abstract: Determination of broadband-light atomic absorption through interferometric spectrometry with a spatial heterodyne spectrometer
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Gas temperature measurement by atomic line broadening using the LIBS technique

The ambient temperature affects the electron density in the laser-induced plasma, which is reflected as changes in the atomic spectral linewidths. A thermometry technique for the gas flow field under constant pressure is proposed.

Graphical abstract: Gas temperature measurement by atomic line broadening using the LIBS technique
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

The efficiency of Hg cold vapor generation and its influence on Hg isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS

Non-quantitative Hg cold-vapor generation can compromise the accuracy of Hg isotope analysis, and it should be monitored and optimized by performing matrix separation, adopting the design of gas–liquid separators, and tuning the sample uptake rate.

Graphical abstract: The efficiency of Hg cold vapor generation and its influence on Hg isotope analysis by MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

The feasibility of using a pyrite standard to calibrate the sulfur isotope ratio of marcasite during SIMS analysis

Marcasite (FeS2, orthorhombic) is a dimorph of pyrite (FeS2, isometric), which has been reported in many kinds of ore deposits and sedimentary rocks.

Graphical abstract: The feasibility of using a pyrite standard to calibrate the sulfur isotope ratio of marcasite during SIMS analysis
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Denoising preprocessing using novel wavelet threshold functions in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on fiber laser

Fiber lasers have great advantages in long-time operations and stable power, showing great potential in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for industrial online diagnosis.

Graphical abstract: Denoising preprocessing using novel wavelet threshold functions in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy based on fiber laser
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

A newly synthesized reference material for in situ sulfur isotope measurement of sphalerite using laser ablation MC-ICP-MS

The PAS-synthesized sphalerite has a homogeneous sulfur isotopic composition and is suitable to be a matrix-matched reference material for in situ S isotope measurements of sphalerite.

Graphical abstract: A newly synthesized reference material for in situ sulfur isotope measurement of sphalerite using laser ablation MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Precise determination of 204Pb-based isotopic ratios in environmental samples by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

Precise and accurate measurement of 204Pb-based isotopic ratios by quadrupole ICP-MS at the part-per-billion concentration level was achieved.

Graphical abstract: Precise determination of 204Pb-based isotopic ratios in environmental samples by quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

In situ Sn isotope analysis of cassiterite (SnO2) by nanosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS

This study proposes a new analytical protocol for in situ Sn isotope analysis of cassiterite using a nanosecond laser ablation system and a natural cassiterite reference material.

Graphical abstract: In situ Sn isotope analysis of cassiterite (SnO2) by nanosecond laser ablation MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Efficient and robust image registration for two-dimensional micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements

Solving image registration problem in micro-X-ray uorescence spectrometry (µ-XRF) is a first step towards application of multi-image super-resolution technique.

Graphical abstract: Efficient and robust image registration for two-dimensional micro-X-ray fluorescence measurements
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Analysis of trace elements in uranium by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, design of experiments, and partial least squares regression

Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectra were modeled with partial least squares regression models to quantify trace elements in uranium (20–5000 μg per g U) without chemical separations or matrix matched calibration standards.

Graphical abstract: Analysis of trace elements in uranium by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, design of experiments, and partial least squares regression
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Investigation of a method for the correction of self-absorption by Planck function in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

Self-absorption correction of LIBS spectra using the Planck function or equivalently the plasma temperature.

Graphical abstract: Investigation of a method for the correction of self-absorption by Planck function in laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to characterize the surface mechanical properties of soft materials

The ratio of ionic to atomic lines with surface rigidity implying the feasibility of characterizing soft surface mechanical properties using LIBS.

Graphical abstract: Using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to characterize the surface mechanical properties of soft materials
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

High-accuracy measurement of the heat of detonation with good robustness by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of energetic materials

Determination of the HOD of EMs based on LIBS with a relative prediction error of less than 5%. The relevant emission lines of elements C, H, O, and N are dominant in the model rather than the spectral features of some impurity elements.

Graphical abstract: High-accuracy measurement of the heat of detonation with good robustness by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of energetic materials
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Multi-element signal enhancement mechanism investigation for laser ablation-assisted ultraviolet laser excited atomic fluorescence

Multi-element signals could be dramatically enhanced and better quantitative analysis performance could be obtained by laser ablation assisted ultraviolet LEAF technique with minimal sample destruction.

Graphical abstract: Multi-element signal enhancement mechanism investigation for laser ablation-assisted ultraviolet laser excited atomic fluorescence
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

The production of polymer reference materials for microanalysis with high homogeneity by a 3D printing method

Creative use of 3D printing to create analytical standards greatly increased the sample homogeneity and the accuracy of the desired concentration.

Graphical abstract: The production of polymer reference materials for microanalysis with high homogeneity by a 3D printing method
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Laser textured superhydrophilic silicon for uniform solidification and sensitive detection of water based samples using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy

In this report, we have evaluated the use of laser textured silicon substrates for uniform solidification of water based samples for their analysis using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with good repeatability.

Graphical abstract: Laser textured superhydrophilic silicon for uniform solidification and sensitive detection of water based samples using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Exploring the working range of automated standard dilution analysis of nutrient elements in foods by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

Accurate results with analytical solution to standard concentration ratios less than 10.

Graphical abstract: Exploring the working range of automated standard dilution analysis of nutrient elements in foods by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

The spectroscopic study of metallic lines emitted from a pulsed atmospheric pressure gas discharge source with brass and stainless steel cathodes

Numerous metallic lines are recorded from atmospheric pressure μs-pulsed NTC discharge in argon and an argon–hydrogen mixture to measure Te and Ne in the cathode region of plasma.

Graphical abstract: The spectroscopic study of metallic lines emitted from a pulsed atmospheric pressure gas discharge source with brass and stainless steel cathodes
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Rapid isotopic analysis of uranium particles by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS

In this study, we use laser ablation MC-ICP-MS as a rapid sampling tool to characterize the isotopic composition of uranium in μm-sized uranium oxide particles.

Graphical abstract: Rapid isotopic analysis of uranium particles by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Fluorine-selective post-plasma chemical ionization for enhanced elemental detection of fluorochemicals

Post-plasma chemical ionization using Sc-based reagent ions improves the robustness of elemental F detection while maintaining high sensitivity.

Graphical abstract: Fluorine-selective post-plasma chemical ionization for enhanced elemental detection of fluorochemicals
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

A confocal-controlled Raman-LIBS hybrid microscope with high stability and spatial resolution

A novel confocal controlled Raman-LIBS hybrid microscope, with a high spatial resolution and antidrift property, has been developed. The microscope provides valuable compositional and structural analysis and is a powerful tool to study unknown minerals.

Graphical abstract: A confocal-controlled Raman-LIBS hybrid microscope with high stability and spatial resolution
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

A systematic study of high resolution multielemental quantitative bioimaging of animal tissue using LA-ICP-TOFMS

A systematic approach towards high resolution quantitative multi-element imaging of biological tissue by ICP-TOFMS.

Graphical abstract: A systematic study of high resolution multielemental quantitative bioimaging of animal tissue using LA-ICP-TOFMS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Characterizing a nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric-pressure plasma ion source for element mass spectrometry

A nitrogen plasma source has been characterized and optimized for the analysis of aqueous solutions with quadrupole mass spectrometry. Modifications of the vacuum interface revealed that plasma expansion is similar to that in a conventional Ar-ICP.

Graphical abstract: Characterizing a nitrogen microwave inductively coupled atmospheric-pressure plasma ion source for element mass spectrometry
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

A high-temperature sintered cassiterite reference material for in situ determination of Sn isotope ratios

This study proposes a new synthesized protocol for cassiterite reference material for in situ Sn isotope measurement using fsLA-MC-ICP-MS.

Graphical abstract: A high-temperature sintered cassiterite reference material for in situ determination of Sn isotope ratios
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

High-precision double-spike Sn isotope analysis of geological materials by MC-ICP-MS

This study proposes a new robust protocol for stable Sn isotope measurements using the double-spike method in geological reference materials with a range of sample matrices.

Graphical abstract: High-precision double-spike Sn isotope analysis of geological materials by MC-ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Accurate determination of rare earth elements in small volumes of porewater from marine sediments by laser ablation solution sampling ICP-MS

An accurate method for ultratrace rare earth elements quantification in highly saline water with small volume sample consumption by laser ablation solution sampling ICP-MS.

Graphical abstract: Accurate determination of rare earth elements in small volumes of porewater from marine sediments by laser ablation solution sampling ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Paper

Characterization of a high-sensitivity ICP-TOFMS instrument for microdroplet, nanoparticle, and microplastic analyses

We report the capabilities of an inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ICP-TOFMS) instrument for single-droplet and single-particle analysis.

Graphical abstract: Characterization of a high-sensitivity ICP-TOFMS instrument for microdroplet, nanoparticle, and microplastic analyses
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Nebulization assisted molecular LIBS for sensitive and fast fluorine determination in aqueous solutions

In this work, an analytical methodology based on nebulization-assisted laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for the analysis of fluorine in aqueous solutions via CaF molecular emission was developed and successfully tested with real mouthwash samples.

Graphical abstract: Nebulization assisted molecular LIBS for sensitive and fast fluorine determination in aqueous solutions
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023

Direct multi-elemental analysis of whole blood samples by LA-ICP-MS employing a cryogenic ablation cell

The whole blood samples were analyzed by LA-ICP-MS with cryogenic ablation cell, which avoid droplet splashing during the laser ablation process and improve analytical precision significantly.

Graphical abstract: Direct multi-elemental analysis of whole blood samples by LA-ICP-MS employing a cryogenic ablation cell
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Open Access Technical Note

Reduction of surface charging effects in laser ablation ionisation mass spectrometry through gold coating

In this study, two methods are investigated to reduce the adverse effects on spectral quality that can occur when investigating non-conductive samples with a miniature laser ablation ionisation mass spectrometer.

Graphical abstract: Reduction of surface charging effects in laser ablation ionisation mass spectrometry through gold coating
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Technical Note

Determination of trace elements in mineral water by MIP OES using the Marin-5 nebulization system

In this study, three analytical procedures for the determination of inorganic constituents in mineral water were performed.

Graphical abstract: Determination of trace elements in mineral water by MIP OES using the Marin-5 nebulization system
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Technical Note

Mercury determination in bioresorbable calcium phosphate using a new electrothermal vaporization system coupled to ICP-MS

A new ETV system coupled to ICP-MS was developed to determine Hg at the ultra-trace level in bioresorbable calcium phosphate-based ceramic materials.

Graphical abstract: Mercury determination in bioresorbable calcium phosphate using a new electrothermal vaporization system coupled to ICP-MS
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
Technical Note

High resolution energy dispersive spectrometry (HiREDS), a new tool for X-ray emission work

New software for X-ray microcalorimeter spectrometers' pulse processing and spectral fitting allows fast access to all lines fully resolved M spectra. A XAHRM-Lab single pixel MMC based system will provide these for PIXE and PIXE induced XRF.

Graphical abstract: High resolution energy dispersive spectrometry (HiREDS), a new tool for X-ray emission work
From the themed collection: JAAS HOT Articles 2023
66 items

About this collection

This themed collection features articles published in JAAS marked as HOT by the handling editor or as recommended by referees. Congratulations to all the authors whose articles are featured.

