Themed collection Acoustofluidics

Acoustofluidics 11: Affinity specific extraction and sample decomplexing using continuous flow acoustophoresis
This tutorial outlines some basic fluidic configurations for acoustophoresis based sample decomplexing and detail the transport phenomena that impact the outcome of an acoustophoresis based affinity extraction experiment or a cell medium exchange step.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 1742-1752
Acoustofluidics 9: Modelling and applications of planar resonant devices for acoustic particle manipulation
This article discusses the design, construction and applications of planar resonant devices for acoustic manipulation of particles and cells.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 1417-1426
Acoustofluidics 10: Scaling laws in acoustophoresis
We present and analyze a number of scaling laws relevant for microsystem acoustophoresis. Such laws are useful both in understanding, designing, and analyzing acoustofluidic devices.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 1578-1586
Acoustofluidics 8: Applications of acoustophoresis in continuous flow microsystems
This acoustofluidics tutorial focuses on different applications of continuous flow microfluidic acoustic standing wave manipulation such as cell and particle concentration, separation and fractionation.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 1210-1223
Acoustofluidics 7: The acoustic radiation force on small particles
We present the theory of acoustic radiation force; a second-order, time-averaged effect responsible for the acoustophoretic motion of suspended, micrometre-sized particles in an ultrasound field.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 1014-1021
Acoustofluidics 6: Experimental characterization of ultrasonic particle manipulation devices
This acoustofluidics tutorial describes different measurement techniques used for the experimental characterization of ultrasonic particle manipulation devices.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 852-862
Acoustofluidics 5: Building microfluidic acoustic resonators
This tutorial covers some of the basics in designing and building microfluidic acoustic resonators and will hopefully be a comprehensive and advisory document to assist the interested reader in creating a successful acoustophoretic device.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 684-695
Acoustofluidics 4: Piezoelectricity and application in the excitation of acoustic fields for ultrasonic particle manipulation
This acoustofluidics tutorial covers the linear equations of piezoelectricity and their application to the excitation of acoustic fields for ultrasonic particle manipulation including a FEM model.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 506-514
Acoustofluidics 3: Continuum mechanics for ultrasonic particle manipulation
This acoustofluidics tutorial covers the continuum mechanics of structures and their interaction with a fluid used for ultrasonic particle manipulation devices.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 244-252
Acoustofluidics 2: Perturbation theory and ultrasound resonance modes
We present perturbation theory of acoustic fields in fluids and apply the result in a study of acoustic resonance modes in microfluidic channels.
Lab Chip, 2012,12, 20-28
Acoustofluidics 1: Governing equations in microfluidics
Governing equations for microfluidics and basic flow solutions are presented. Equivalent circuit modeling for determining flow rates in microfluidic networks is introduced.
Lab Chip, 2011,11, 3742-3751
About this collection
We are pleased to bring readers a series of tutorial papers on acoustofluidics: fluidics combined with ultrasonic standing wave technology.