Themed collection A Special Collection in honour of Albert van den Berg

19 items
Open Access Perspective

Personalised organs-on-chips: functional testing for precision medicine

Organs-on-chips can be ‘personalised’ so they can be used as functional tests to inform clinical decision-making for specific patients.

Graphical abstract: Personalised organs-on-chips: functional testing for precision medicine

Energy conversion in microsystems: is there a role for micro/nanofluidics?

Sumita Pennathur, Jan C. T. Eijkel and Albert van den Berg discuss recent developments in energy conversion in microsystems—part of a series of mini-reviews covering new trends in fundamental and applied research, and potential applications of miniaturised technologies

Graphical abstract: Energy conversion in microsystems: is there a role for micro/nanofluidics?

Nanowire electrochemical sensors: can we live without labels?

Edwin Carlen and Albert van den Berg evaluate the potential of silicon nanowires as a label-free detection method for biomolecules—part of a series of mini-reviews covering new trends in fundamental and applied research, and potential applications of miniaturised technologies.

Graphical abstract: Nanowire electrochemical sensors: can we live without labels?
Tutorial Review

Microfabrication and microfluidics for tissue engineering: state of the art and future opportunities

Open Access Critical Review

Microfluidics and catalyst particles

In this review article, we discuss the latest advances and future perspectives of microfluidics for micro/nanoscale catalyst particle synthesis and analysis.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidics and catalyst particles

A MALDI-chip integrated system with a monitoring window

The innovative concept of a “monitoring window” is presented enabling on-chip mass spectrometric studies of reactions by MALDI-TOF. In contrast with conventional procedures, the reaction mixture is directly ionized from a microchannel where the reaction takes place, in a continuous manner.

Graphical abstract: A MALDI-chip integrated system with a monitoring window
Open Access Paper

In situ spatiotemporal characterization and analysis of chemical reactions using an ATR-integrated microfluidic reactor

An ATR-integrated microreactor with the ability to spatiotemporally characterize an in situ monitored chemical reaction to obtain chemical and kinetic information.

Graphical abstract: In situ spatiotemporal characterization and analysis of chemical reactions using an ATR-integrated microfluidic reactor
Open Access Paper

Fluidic circuit board with modular sensor and valves enables stand-alone, tubeless microfluidic flow control in organs-on-chips

Translational Organ-on-Chip Platform (TOP) is a multi-institutional effort to develop an open platform for automated organ-on-chip culture that actively facilitates the integration of components from various developers.

Graphical abstract: Fluidic circuit board with modular sensor and valves enables stand-alone, tubeless microfluidic flow control in organs-on-chips
Open Access Paper

Non-invasive sensing of transepithelial barrier function and tissue differentiation in organs-on-chips using impedance spectroscopy

Combining impedance spectroscopy with electrical simulation to reveal transepithelial barrier function and tissue structure of human intestinal epithelium cultured in an organ-on-chip.

Graphical abstract: Non-invasive sensing of transepithelial barrier function and tissue differentiation in organs-on-chips using impedance spectroscopy

Measuring direct current trans-epithelial electrical resistance in organ-on-a-chip microsystems

TEER measurements are ideal for characterizing tissue barrier function in organs-on-chip studies for drug testing and investigation of human disease models; however, published reports indicate highly conflicting results even with identical cell lines and setups.

Graphical abstract: Measuring direct current trans-epithelial electrical resistance in organ-on-a-chip microsystems

Three-dimensional co-cultures of human endothelial cells and embryonic stem cell-derived pericytes inside a microfluidic device

We describe a microfluidic, three-dimensional model of a blood vessel. We analyze the structural organization and the three-dimensional interaction between human primary endothelial cells and human pluripotent stem cell-derived pericytes.

Graphical abstract: Three-dimensional co-cultures of human endothelial cells and embryonic stem cell-derived pericytes inside a microfluidic device

High-yield cell ordering and deterministic cell-in-droplet encapsulation using Dean flow in a curved microchannel

This paper describes high-yield and high-speed single cell droplet encapsulation using Dean coupled cell ordering in a microfluidic device using a simple continuous curved microchannel.

Graphical abstract: High-yield cell ordering and deterministic cell-in-droplet encapsulation using Dean flow in a curved microchannel

A prefilled, ready-to-use electrophoresis based lab-on-a-chip device for monitoring lithium in blood

The first self-test device based on capillary electrophoresis is presented. It employs a handheld reader and disposable glass chip. The chip contains a number of innovations, amongst others sealed electrode reservoirs. Accurate and precise measurement of lithium in blood by untrained operators is demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: A prefilled, ready-to-use electrophoresis based lab-on-a-chip device for monitoring lithium in blood

On-chip determination of spermatozoa concentration using electrical impedance measurements

In this paper we describe a microfluidic chip that is able to calculate the concentration of spermatozoa using electrical impedance measurements without knowing the actual flow speed.

Graphical abstract: On-chip determination of spermatozoa concentration using electrical impedance measurements

A microfluidic chip for electrochemical conversions in drug metabolism studies

A novel microfluidic microreactor chip for electrochemical conversion of analytes is developed. This chip with integrated three-electrode setup is aimed at high conversion rates for use in drug metabolism studies.

Graphical abstract: A microfluidic chip for electrochemical conversions in drug metabolism studies

Gene transfer and protein dynamics in stem cells using single cell electroporation in a microfluidic device

Highly efficient (>75%) electroporation of single human MSC with vector DNA encoding EGFP-ERK1 (MAPK3) in a microfluidic device with integrated trapping sites and thin-film electrodes.

Graphical abstract: Gene transfer and protein dynamics in stem cells using single cell electroporation in a microfluidic device

Sonoporation of suspension cells with a single cavitation bubble in a microfluidic confinement

Combining microfluidics and cavitation bubbles provides a powerful tool for cellular poration. Cells in a microfluidic chamber are exposed to a strong shear flow caused by a cavitation bubble and become thereby porated in a distance-dependent manner.

Graphical abstract: Sonoporation of suspension cells with a single cavitation bubble in a microfluidic confinement

Apoptotic cell death dynamics of HL60 cells studied using a microfluidic cell trap device

This paper presents the first results to analyse programmed cell death dynamics using an apoptosis chip and a first step towards an integrated apoptosis chip for high throughput drug screening on a single cellular level.

Graphical abstract: Apoptotic cell death dynamics of HL60 cells studied using a microfluidic cell trap device

Measuring reaction kinetics in a lab-on-a-chip by microcoil NMR

The feasibility of real-time monitoring by NMR of a chemical reaction, viz. imine formation from benzaldehyde and aniline, in a microfluidic chip with an integrated microcoil is demonstrated, for reaction times ranging from ca. 2 s to 30 min.

Graphical abstract: Measuring reaction kinetics in a lab-on-a-chip by microcoil NMR
19 items

About this collection

Lab on a Chip is very pleased to celebrate Albert van den Berg on his recent retirement. Curated by Jan Eijkel, Wouter Olthuis, and colleagues from the BIOS Lab-on-a-chip group at the University of Twente, the Netherlands, this dedicated collection highlights key contributions made by Albert and his collaborators, published in Lab on a Chip throughout his pioneering and illustrious career.

Albert received his MSc in applied physics in 1983 and his PhD in 1988, both at the University of Twente. From 1988 to 1993, he worked in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, at the CSEM and the University (IMT) on miniaturised chemical sensors. In 1994, he returned to the University of Twente to join the MESA Institute for Nanotechnology. There, in 1994, he initiated together with Piet Bergveld the microTAS conference series. In 2000, Albert was appointed full professor of Miniaturised Systems for (Bio)Chemical Analysis in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Twente.

Albert faithfully served on the Lab on a Chip Editorial Board and more recently the Advisory Board for many years. He has played an important role in establishing the journal as the leading venue for work on devices and applications at the micro- and nanoscale. Please join us in paying tribute to Albert for his innovative spirit and leadership in the lab-on-a-chip field!

