Themed collection Special issue in honour of Prof. John Kilner’s 75th birthday

44 items

Introduction to the special issue in honour of Prof. John Kilner’s 75th birthday

Stephen Skinner, Viola Birss, Jennifer Rupp and Roger De Souza introduce the Journal of Materials Chemistry A special issue in honour of Prof. John Kilner’s 75th birthday.

Graphical abstract: Introduction to the special issue in honour of Prof. John Kilner’s 75th birthday
Review Article

Chemical lattice strain in nonstoichiometric oxides: an overview

This article reviews the state of the art – from the experimental and computational data available to the models, origins and possible uses – in the field of chemical strain of oxide materials (primarily those for elevated-temperature applications).

Graphical abstract: Chemical lattice strain in nonstoichiometric oxides: an overview
Review Article

Doping strategy and mechanism for oxide and sulfide solid electrolytes with high ionic conductivity

Ionic conductivity is a critical parameter required for superionic conductors to be successfully applied as solid electrolytes in all-solid-state batteries.

Graphical abstract: Doping strategy and mechanism for oxide and sulfide solid electrolytes with high ionic conductivity
Open Access Review Article

Silica: ubiquitous poison of metal oxide interfaces

In this review, we consider the detrimental effects of Si-contamination on electrochemical applications, broadly conceived, in which both ions and electrons play key roles in device operation and where exchange of oxygen between the gas and solid phase is likewise essential for operation.

Graphical abstract: Silica: ubiquitous poison of metal oxide interfaces
Open Access Review Article

A review on dual-phase oxygen transport membranes: from fundamentals to commercial deployment

This review summarizes recent progress on dual-phase oxygen transport membranes. Existing challenges, research strategies and future application areas are discussed.

Graphical abstract: A review on dual-phase oxygen transport membranes: from fundamentals to commercial deployment
Review Article

Recent advances, practical challenges, and perspectives of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes

We present an overview on the development of various mixed conducting perovskite-type related structure metal oxides and other crystal structures, and composite cathodes for advanced solid oxide fuel cells.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances, practical challenges, and perspectives of intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cell cathodes
Open Access Communication

Visualizing local fast ionic conduction pathways in nanocrystalline lanthanum manganite by isotope exchange-atom probe tomography

The study of the oxygen incorporation and diffusion in lanthanum manganite thin films is presented by means of novel isotope-exchange atom probe tomography, allowing a direct quantification of the enhancement of grain boundaries' oxygen kinetics.

Graphical abstract: Visualizing local fast ionic conduction pathways in nanocrystalline lanthanum manganite by isotope exchange-atom probe tomography
Open Access Paper

Halogenation of Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolytes: a combined solid-state NMR, computational and electrochemical study

Tetragonal Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) was halogenated to form cubic LLZOF(Cl) via a low temperature solid state synthetic route using PTFE and PVC polymers.

Graphical abstract: Halogenation of Li7La3Zr2O12 solid electrolytes: a combined solid-state NMR, computational and electrochemical study
Open Access Paper

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of mixed ionic-electronic conductive electrodes and their interfaces: a Ni/CGO study

Non-equilibrium thermodynamics describe the current–voltage characteristics of electrochemical devices.

Graphical abstract: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of mixed ionic-electronic conductive electrodes and their interfaces: a Ni/CGO study
Open Access Paper

Role of pO2 and film microstructure on the memristive properties of La2NiO4+δ/LaNiO3−δ bilayers

In mixed-conducting LaNiO3−δ/La2NiO4+δ bilayers the deposition conditions determine the film microstructure and the oxygen defect concentration at the interface (Image ID:d1ta10296f-t1.gifand Image ID:d1ta10296f-t2.gif) building up an electronic barrier which induces a memristive behavior.

Graphical abstract: Role of pO2 and film microstructure on the memristive properties of La2NiO4+δ/LaNiO3−δ bilayers

Operando characterization of metallic and bimetallic electrocatalysts for SOFC fuel electrodes operating under internal methane reforming conditions

Working solid oxide fuel cell anodes based on conducting ceramic scaffolds with different infiltrated electrocatalysts have been investigated by operando Raman spectroscopy and EIS. Carbon deposition depends on electrical load and electrocatalyst.

Graphical abstract: Operando characterization of metallic and bimetallic electrocatalysts for SOFC fuel electrodes operating under internal methane reforming conditions
Open Access Paper

Thermally-driven reactivity of Li0.35La0.55TiO3 solid electrolyte with LiCoO2 cathode

Co diffusion from LCO into LLTO onsets around 300 °C in air, in the absence of any secondary phases. Co diffusion into LLTO decreases the charge transfer resistance, by forming a mixed electronic and ionic conducting zone near the interface.

Graphical abstract: Thermally-driven reactivity of Li0.35La0.55TiO3 solid electrolyte with LiCoO2 cathode
Open Access Paper

High ionic conductivity in fluorite δ-bismuth oxide-based vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films

First time demonstration of epitaxially stabilised δ-Bi2O3 phase in vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films, exhibiting very high ionic conductivities of up to 10−3 S cm−1 at 500 °C.

Graphical abstract: High ionic conductivity in fluorite δ-bismuth oxide-based vertically aligned nanocomposite thin films

Enhanced oxygen reduction kinetics of IT-SOFC cathode with PrBaCo2O5+δ/Gd0.1Ce1.9O2−δ coherent interface

A PBC–GDC composite with coherent interface structure shows remarkable ORR activity and low polarization resistance under IT-SOFC service conditions.

Graphical abstract: Enhanced oxygen reduction kinetics of IT-SOFC cathode with PrBaCo2O5+δ/Gd0.1Ce1.9O2−δ coherent interface

Molecular dynamics study of oxygen-ion diffusion in yttria-stabilized zirconia grain boundaries

This work focuses on understanding the oxygen-ion transport through the mixed Grain Boundaries (GBs) present in yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), a common solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) electrolyte.

Graphical abstract: Molecular dynamics study of oxygen-ion diffusion in yttria-stabilized zirconia grain boundaries
Open Access Paper

High-performance protonic ceramic fuel cell cathode using protophilic mixed ion and electron conducting material

High-performance and stability for protonic ceramic fuel cell cathode applications are realised in a self-assembled nanocomposite material Ba0.5Sr0.5(Co0.7Fe0.3)0.6875W0.3125O3−δ (BSCFW) through interplay of single and double perovskite phases.

Graphical abstract: High-performance protonic ceramic fuel cell cathode using protophilic mixed ion and electron conducting material
Open Access Paper

Advanced metal oxide infiltrated electrodes for boosting the performance of solid oxide cells

Pr and Mn infiltrated oxide nanoparticles are confirmed as excellent candidates for boosting the performance of standard lanthanum strontium manganese oxygen electrodes.

Graphical abstract: Advanced metal oxide infiltrated electrodes for boosting the performance of solid oxide cells

Sillén–Aurivillius phase bismuth niobium oxychloride, Bi4NbO8Cl, as a new oxide-ion conductor

Fast oxide-ion conductivity in Bi3.9Sr0.1NbO8−δCl is reported for the first time, and this oxide is stable under a reducing atmosphere.

Graphical abstract: Sillén–Aurivillius phase bismuth niobium oxychloride, Bi4NbO8Cl, as a new oxide-ion conductor

Enhancing the polymer electrolyte–Li metal interface on high-voltage solid-state batteries with Li-based additives inspired by the surface chemistry of Li7La3Zr2O12

High-voltage Li metal solid-state batteries are in the spotlight as high energy and power density devices for the next generation of batteries.

Graphical abstract: Enhancing the polymer electrolyte–Li metal interface on high-voltage solid-state batteries with Li-based additives inspired by the surface chemistry of Li7La3Zr2O12

Considerations in applying neutron depth profiling (NDP) to Li-ion battery research

Li distribution within the battery electrode material is quantified using neutron depth profiling (NDP) as a function of depth in real-time.

Graphical abstract: Considerations in applying neutron depth profiling (NDP) to Li-ion battery research

Tailored nano-columnar La2NiO4 cathodes for improved electrode performance

We report a new strategy to grow nano-columnar La2NiO4 thin films with an enlarged specific surface area. In combination with modifications of the surface chemistry, we strongly improved the oxygen exchange activity of this promising electrode material.

Graphical abstract: Tailored nano-columnar La2NiO4 cathodes for improved electrode performance

Promotion of the oxygen evolution reaction via the reconstructed active phase of perovskite oxide

Gaining insight into the reconstruction of perovskite oxides that promote oxygen evolution reaction (OER) is critical for developing stable and high-efficiency electrocatalysts.

Graphical abstract: Promotion of the oxygen evolution reaction via the reconstructed active phase of perovskite oxide

In situ construction of hetero-structured perovskite composites with exsolved Fe and Cu metallic nanoparticles as efficient CO2 reduction electrocatalysts for high performance solid oxide electrolysis cells

Hetero-structured DP/RP-SFCuM perovskite composites with exsolved Fe and Cu metallic nanoparticles exhibit excellent electrochemical performance in CO2 electrolysis reactions for high performance solid oxide electrolysis cells.

Graphical abstract: In situ construction of hetero-structured perovskite composites with exsolved Fe and Cu metallic nanoparticles as efficient CO2 reduction electrocatalysts for high performance solid oxide electrolysis cells
Open Access Paper

Theoretical study on stability and ion transport property with halide doping of Na3SbS4 electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries

We report a comprehensive first-principles DFT study on (electro)chemical stability, intrinsic defects, and ionic conductivity improvement by halide doping of Na3SbS4 electrolyte for all-solid-state Na batteries.

Graphical abstract: Theoretical study on stability and ion transport property with halide doping of Na3SbS4 electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries

Layered-perovskite oxides with in situ exsolved Co–Fe alloy nanoparticles as highly efficient electrodes for high-temperature carbon dioxide electrolysis

Ruddlesden–Popper phase oxide with exsolved Co–Fe alloy nanoparticles uniformly distributed on the surface (Co–Fe–STCF) exhibited outstanding activity towards CO2 electrolysis at elevated temperature.

Graphical abstract: Layered-perovskite oxides with in situ exsolved Co–Fe alloy nanoparticles as highly efficient electrodes for high-temperature carbon dioxide electrolysis

Self-assembled nano-composite perovskites as highly efficient and robust hybrid cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells

Schematic representation of possible oxygen electrochemical reduction pathways of self-assembled multi-phase cathodes with a synergistic ensemble effect.

Graphical abstract: Self-assembled nano-composite perovskites as highly efficient and robust hybrid cathodes for solid oxide fuel cells

A low resistance and stable lithium-garnet electrolyte interface enabled by a multifunctional anode additive for solid-state lithium batteries

Limited reaction between Li0.3La0.5TiO3 and molten lithium sufficiently modifies the properties of the lithium anode, improving the overall performance of solid-state lithium batteries.

Graphical abstract: A low resistance and stable lithium-garnet electrolyte interface enabled by a multifunctional anode additive for solid-state lithium batteries
Open Access Paper

Free standing dual phase cathode tapes – scalable fabrication and microstructure optimization of garnet-based ceramic cathodes

Free-standing garnet based ceramic cathodes with tailored microstructure enable dramatically increased full-cell capacity.

Graphical abstract: Free standing dual phase cathode tapes – scalable fabrication and microstructure optimization of garnet-based ceramic cathodes

Exsolution of nanoparticles on A-site-deficient lanthanum ferrite perovskites: its effect on co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O

La0.7Sr0.2Ni0.2Fe0.8O3 (LSNF), having thermochemical stability, superior ionic and electronic conductivity, and structural flexibility, was investigated as a cathode in SOECs.

Graphical abstract: Exsolution of nanoparticles on A-site-deficient lanthanum ferrite perovskites: its effect on co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O
Open Access Paper

Influence of Y-substitution on phase composition and proton uptake of self-generated Ba(Ce,Fe)O3−δ–Ba(Fe,Ce)O3−δ composites

Substitution with Y affects phase formation and the local cation stoichiometry of the Ce-rich and Fe-rich phases of BaCe1−(x+z)FexYzO3−δ self-generated composites. This is of particular importance for the water uptake in these compounds.

Graphical abstract: Influence of Y-substitution on phase composition and proton uptake of self-generated Ba(Ce,Fe)O3−δ–Ba(Fe,Ce)O3−δ composites
Open Access Paper

Investigating oxygen reduction pathways on pristine SOFC cathode surfaces by in situ PLD impedance spectroscopy

Temperature and p(O2) dependences of the oxygen exchange kinetics of SOFC cathode materials were correlated with point defect concentrations. Defect chemical contributions were identified as a major part of effectively measured activation energies.

Graphical abstract: Investigating oxygen reduction pathways on pristine SOFC cathode surfaces by in situ PLD impedance spectroscopy

On the role of surfaces and interfaces in electrochemical performance and long-term stability of nanostructured LSC thin film electrodes

Nanostructured La0.6Sr0.4CoO3−δ (LSC) thin film electrodes with higher porosities exhibit better electrochemical performance and long-term stability owing to enhanced surface exchange properties and suppressed cation diffusion across interfaces.

Graphical abstract: On the role of surfaces and interfaces in electrochemical performance and long-term stability of nanostructured LSC thin film electrodes

Achieving performance and longevity with butane-operated low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells using low-cost Cu and CeO2 catalysts

Record high performance and longevity is reported for a butane-fueled low-temperature-operating solid oxide fuel cell (LT-SOFC). Affordable catalysts, Cu and CeO2, were incorporated into a thin-film-based SOFC to enable this remarkable enhancement.

Graphical abstract: Achieving performance and longevity with butane-operated low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells using low-cost Cu and CeO2 catalysts
Open Access Paper

Atomic-scale investigation of cation doping and defect clustering in the anti-perovskite Na3OCl sodium-ion conductor

We reveal the effects of cation doping and dopant-vacancy clustering on Na-ion conductivity in the anti-perovskite Na3OCl solid electrolyte through atomistic simulations.

Graphical abstract: Atomic-scale investigation of cation doping and defect clustering in the anti-perovskite Na3OCl sodium-ion conductor

Multi-scale chemo-mechanical evolution during crystallization of mixed conducting SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3−δ films and correlation to electrical conductivity

Crystallization of a perovskite mixed conductor is coupled to oxidation, which drives defect chemistry, ion coordination, polyhedra alignment, hierarchical microstructure, and property evolution – including a boost to electrical conductivity.

Graphical abstract: Multi-scale chemo-mechanical evolution during crystallization of mixed conducting SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3−δ films and correlation to electrical conductivity

Tailoring high-temperature stability and electrical conductivity of high entropy lanthanum manganite for solid oxide fuel cell cathodes

Optimum (La0.2Nd0.2Sm0.2Ca0.2Sr0.2)MnO3 exhibits excellent high-temperature resistance to elemental segregation and chemical compatibility with 8YSZ while maintaining good electrical conductivity.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring high-temperature stability and electrical conductivity of high entropy lanthanum manganite for solid oxide fuel cell cathodes
Open Access Paper

Anharmonic lattice dynamics of superionic lithium nitride

We explore the crystal vibrations of Li3N and their connection to the high-temperature superionic transition.

Graphical abstract: Anharmonic lattice dynamics of superionic lithium nitride

Unraveling the evolution of exsolved Fe–Ni alloy nanoparticles in Ni-doped La0.3Ca0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3−δ and their role in enhancing CO2–CO electrocatalysis

In situ exsolved Fe–Ni nanoparticles anchored on a (La0.3Ca0.7)0.95Fe0.7Cr0.25Ni0.05O3−δ parent perovskite surface significantly enhance the CO oxidation kinetics, thus reaching excellent activity of the CO2 reduction reaction.

Graphical abstract: Unraveling the evolution of exsolved Fe–Ni alloy nanoparticles in Ni-doped La0.3Ca0.7Fe0.7Cr0.3O3−δ and their role in enhancing CO2–CO electrocatalysis

Direct evidence of cobalt oxyhydroxide formation on a La0.2Sr0.8CoO3 perovskite water splitting catalyst

Combining electrochemical measurements with in situ and ex situ photoelectron spectroscopy and simulations to detect the formation of cobalt oxyhydroxide during the oxygen evolution reaction.

Graphical abstract: Direct evidence of cobalt oxyhydroxide formation on a La0.2Sr0.8CoO3 perovskite water splitting catalyst

Alternative anodes for Na–O2 batteries: the case of the Sn4P3 alloy

Formation of sodium superoxide on the anode evidences the existence of O2/O2 crossover processes. Sn4P3 alloy provides greater stability and less surface reactivity than metallic Na anode.

Graphical abstract: Alternative anodes for Na–O2 batteries: the case of the Sn4P3 alloy
Open Access Paper

Phase formation and performance of solid state reactive sintered Ce0.8Gd0.2O2−δ–FeCo2O4 composites

Reactive sintering of composites for use as OTM is a promising method enabling lower sintering temperatures as well as low-cost raw materials. Phase formation and distribution during sintering plays a vital role in the performance of the composites.

Graphical abstract: Phase formation and performance of solid state reactive sintered Ce0.8Gd0.2O2−δ–FeCo2O4 composites

Perovskite crystal symmetry and oxygen-ion transport: a molecular-dynamics study of perovskite

Oxygen diffusion in CaTiO3 is revealed through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to have a smaller activation enthalpy in the high-symmetry phase.

Graphical abstract: Perovskite crystal symmetry and oxygen-ion transport: a molecular-dynamics study of perovskite
Open Access Paper

Fabrication of multi-layered structures for proton conducting ceramic cells

We show manufacturing of 25 cm2 BZCY half-cells by tape-casting of assemblies with electrolyte thickness 10–20 μm. BaY2NiO5 transient liquid phase formation is analysed and proton conductivity with values of σ = 0.003 S cm−1 at 600 °C is shown.

Graphical abstract: Fabrication of multi-layered structures for proton conducting ceramic cells

Protagonists and spectators during photocatalytic solar water splitting with SrTaOxNy oxynitride

With a new photoelectrochemical cell we perform operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy on SrTaOxNy during photocatalytic solar water splitting. Operando characterisation proves to be an invaluable tool for the design and discovery of novel materials.

Graphical abstract: Protagonists and spectators during photocatalytic solar water splitting with SrTaOxNy oxynitride
44 items

About this collection

During his long, productive career, John Kilner has made numerous seminal contributions to the broad field of Energy Materials, advancing the fundamental understanding of critical processes in solid state batteries and solid oxide cells, and in particular, pioneering the development of methods to directly measure the ionic transport of species in solids. His work has transformed our understanding of the kinetics of surface exchange and diffusion in solids, including the cation segregation process at surfaces, transport along and across grain boundaries, as well as the effect of strain on ion mobility. More recently, he has extended his work to provide unique insights into the development of Li conducting garnet type solid state electrolytes, including focusing on processing of these materials and understanding the impact of humidity on function and stability. As well as his fundamental insights, John was instrumental in the translation of his work into technology solutions, founding the fuel cell company Ceres Power in 2000, which is now the leading supplier of metal supported intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells.
In December 2021, John will celebrate his 75th Birthday and we hope that you will join us in celebrating his achievements and continued contributions to the field by enjoying these articles published in this Festschrift issue of Journal of Materials Chemistry A Guest Edited by Stephen Skinner (Imperial College London, UK), Viola Birss (University of Calgary, Canada), Jennifer Rupp (MIT, USA), and Roger A. De Souza (RWTH Aachen University, Germany).

