Nancy M.
M. Soledad
Alvarez Cerimedo
Gustavo F.
M. Alejandra
Maximiliano A.
Gustavo M.
Walter F.
Hernán E.
*a and
Cristina E.
aNanostructured Polymer Division, Institute of Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA), University of Mar del Plata and National Research Council (CONICET), Av. J. B. Justo 4302, B7608FDQ Mar del Plata, Argentina. E-mail:;
bLASER Laboratory - ICYTE - University of Mar del Plata and National Research Council (CONICET), Av. J. B. Justo 4302, B7608FDQ Mar del Plata, Argentina
cElectronics Laboratory, Institute of Materials Science and Technology (INTEMA), University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP) and National Research Council (CONICET), Argentina
dChemistry Department, Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto-CONICET, Ruta Nac. 36 - Km. 601, X5804BYA, Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina
First published on 21st January 2019
Poly(ethylene glycol)-based cross-linked films with aligned micrometric channels were obtained by applying ice-templating processing and cryo-photopolymerization to aqueous solutions containing a methacrylate monomer and a visible light photo-initiator system. Aqueous solutions containing poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate (PEG-dma), camphorquinone (CQ) and ethyl-4-dimethyl aminobenzoate (EDMAB) were cast between glass slides and unidirectionally frozen (horizontally) by imposing a temperature gradient along the ends of the sample holder, keeping one of the sample ends at sub-zero temperature and the other one at room temperature. Immediately after freezing, samples were cryo-photopolymerized and air-dried for obtaining patterned films with micrometric channels aligned in the freezing direction. Crosslinking enabled producing polymer films with high mechanical and chemical stability that did not dissolve or collapse by contact with solvents, allowing efficient flow of solutions along their oriented micro-structure. Due to the high anisotropy of the topography, flow was clearly unidirectional, as determined from microscopic observation of the liquid front movement after drop seeding, an effect absent in non-patterned films prepared from the same precursors but under isotropic freezing conditions. Aqueous solutions perfused the films forming a unidirectional front that advanced very fast along the freezing direction whereas hydrophobic solutions limited their flow to well-defined channels. Addition of nanostructures to the initial aqueous formulations allowed easy transferring of photothermal response to the aligned porous platforms. Through this strategy, remote localized heating of the films was attained by using a laser beam, which could be used to enhance the potentiality of these materials as chemical micro-reactors, responsive scaffolds and/or advanced microfluidic platforms.
Design, System, ApplicationThis article proposes a new synthetic strategy for the generation of polymeric patterned films and coatings, characterized by the presence of oriented channels, through a process that combines two convenient strategies: cryogenic processing and visible-light photopolymerization. Combination of both techniques makes it possible to obtain crosslinked polymeric films with the ability of conducting fluids (both hydrophobic and hydrophilic) in one direction (the freezing direction). Crosslinking the polymer by photopolymerization enables avoiding the use of expensive and time-consuming freeze-drying techniques for elimination of the ice used as template, which is an important advantage when compared with traditional cryogenic processing used, for example, for the synthesis of porous three-dimensional materials. Versatility of the proposed technique is demonstrated by showing its ability for obtaining systems with different channels sizes and morphologies. Moreover, the work also shows that nanostructures can confer photothermal properties to the final materials (among many other possible properties derived from nanostructure properties) increasing their potential applications to processes requiring heated environments. A wide variety of applications in the design of advanced platforms can be envisioned for these films based on their directionality. Among them we can mention advanced microfluidics, tissue growing, operations in micro-reactors, etc. |
While it is true that a range of versatile techniques to obtain well defined patterns in polymer films are currently available, it is also true that special equipment facilities (not always cost-effective) are typically required. In the case of directional freezing approaches, simple experimental setups are commonly needed, though energy-intensive and costly post-processing steps are typically required, involving freeze drying of the sample to remove the templating ice phase. These steps are required to avoid structure collapse during ice melting produced by dissolution of the polymer in the aqueous phase. The problem could be solved if the polymeric structure could be fixed by cross-linking and gelation previously to ice removal. Cross-linked polymers do not dissolve in contact with solvents and are usually characterized by better mechanical and structural properties, providing coatings with additional chemical and environmental resistance.30 It is at this point that photopolymerization approaches appear as an interesting option to dispense with the usually long-term ice-removing steps involved in the ice-templating processes, which could make the 2D directional freezing strategy a potential candidate towards highly anisotropic films with tuned properties. Photoinitiated polymerization proceeds in the cryo-concentrated non-frozen liquid phase that surrounds the ice crystals, giving place to a crosslinked polymer around these crystals. When the system is defrosted, the ice crystals melt and a macroporous interconnected network with mechanical stability is obtained.31–33 We recently showed that visible light cryo-photopolymerization can be applied to poly(ethyleneglycol)-dimethacrylate reactive solutions to obtain hydrophilic porous three-dimensional systems of high stability that do not dissolve in solvents.33 These results support the idea of using this technique for obtaining crosslinked films avoiding freeze drying steps for ice removal.
Although applications of micro-patterned polymeric films are vast, versatility can be further enhanced by including nanostructures with the ability of presenting photothermal effect. It has already been demonstrated that dispersion of low amounts of metal NPs in a solid polymer can produce high temperature increases in the region of irradiation when illuminated with light having a similar frequency than that corresponding to the resonance plasmon band (SPR) of the particles.34,35 At SPR, light is converted very efficiently into heat by a process involving the increase in the population of “hot electrons” in the particle, transferring of this energy to the metal lattice (by coupling of the hot electrons with the lattice phonons) and subsequent decay to the environment.36–39 Hence, in a low thermal conductivity medium (like in a solid polymer), the photothermal effect can produce high temperature increases at low irradiation powers and low NPs concentrations.34,35 By modifying micro-patterned films with photothermal nanostructures, local heating can be induced by excitation with a laser or other light sources in a remote way. This ability is particularly interesting for the design of platforms with the potential of being used for more sophisticated or specific operations, like e.g. development of confined reactions in heated micro-environments, stimulation and cell growth at physiological conditions or development of microfluidic sensing/catalytic operations at specific temperatures, among many others.40,41
In this work, a simple and cost-efficient technique to produce patterned micro-channeled crosslinked polymeric films is proposed. The strategy is based on the combination of a cryogenic technique (directional freezing), commonly used for the development of unidirectional porosity and a photopolymerization procedure performed with visible light. Crosslinking under cryogenic conditions enables removal of water under atmospheric conditions and avoids the use of more expensive and time consuming freeze-drying steps. The influence of experimental conditions on the size and morphology of the grooves is analyzed, as well as the behavior of the channels regarding fluid transport. A final section describing addition of nanostructures to the initial formulations and activation of remote heating by taking advantage of the photothermal effect is also included.
Films incorporating nanostructures were prepared by replacing the pure water in the initial formulation (80 wt%, respect to PEG-dma) by an equal amount of aqueous dispersions of nanostructures (see below). The procedure to obtain the patterned film was the same used for formulations without nanostructures.
An aqueous dispersion of graphene oxide (GO) was prepared from oxidation of graphite flakes using a modification of Hummers and Offeman's method.43 In a typical reaction, 0.5 g of graphite flakes, 0.5 g of NaNO3, and 23 mL of H2SO4 were stirred together in an ice bath. Next, 3 g of KMnO4 was slowly added maintaining the temperature below 5 °C. After complete dispersion, the mixture was transferred to a water bath and maintained at 5 °C under stirring for about 12 h until forming a thick paste. Afterwards, the paste was added to 400 mL of iced-water, and the mixture was stirred for 30 min, keeping all the time the temperature below 5 °C. Finally, 100 mL of a cold (≈0 °C) aqueous solution of H2O2 (3%) was added. The resulting mixture was allowed to decant, then the supernatant was discarded and the remaining precipitated material re-dispersed in water (400 mL). The decantation process was carried out into a refrigerator (≈5 °C) and repeated until the precipitation process becomes difficult. Then, the purification was continued by centrifugation (4000 rpm for 30 min) until the pH of the supernatant was approximately 4. Finally, the resulting dispersion was dialyzed (dialysis membrane of regenerated cellulose with a molecular weight cut-off around 12–14 kD; Spectra/Por®) against water (18 MΩ cm) until no changes in conductance of the solution were observed for 6 h after dialysis process. The purified dispersion was concentrated by centrifugation until obtaining a dispersion with a concentration of ≈3 mg mL−1. The final sample was stored in absence of light at 2–5 °C in the refrigerator for at least 60 days before its use.
Gold branched plates were prepared in a one-step process at mild temperatures as previously reported.44 Briefly, a certain volume of an aqueous solution of HAuCl4 (0.02 M) was added to 10 mL of a diluted aqueous solution of PVP (0.004 M). After homogenization, the mixture was heated up to 70 °C and left standing without stirring for 16 h. Then, the final reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature and several cycles of decantation and centrifugation carried out to increase its final concentration up to 1 mg ml−1 of Au.
Transmission optical microscopy (TOM) micrographs were taken using a Leica DMLB microscope provided with a video camera (Leica DC 100). Video clips of the imbibition process were also recorded.
A concentrated aqueous solution of crystal violet (CV) dye and a hydrophobic blue permanent ink were used to imbibe the micrometric channels of the patterned films prepared with 80 wt% of water respect to PEG-dma. A droplet of the dye solution and a droplet of the tip of the marker were placed onto the film surface for seeding.
A 1 W DPSS laser centered at 532 nm (SDL-532-1000T Shanghai Dream Lasers Technology Co. Ltd.) was used to study the photothermal response of patterned films prepared with 80 wt% of the nanostructures dispersions respect to PEG-dma. Temperature was recorded using a Fluke Ti32 infrared camera with IR-Fusion® technology. The laser power at the irradiation spot was about 75–80 mW cm−2.
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of Ag@MUA NPs and gold branched plates were obtained with a Philips CM-12 microscope operated at 100 kV. Samples were prepared by evaporating a drop of the dispersion on a copper grid coated with Formvar and a carbon film.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, JEOL JSM-6460LV) was used to obtain micrographs of GO. Samples were previously coated with a fine layer of Au–Pd.
In this case, the temperature gradient was longitudinally imposed along the ends of the sample holder by using a flat metallic cold finger (an aluminum bar) cooled with a cryogenic liquid (liquid nitrogen). The cold finger maintained one of the ends of the film substrate at sub-zero temperature (in this case, at −35 °C) whereas the other one was kept at room temperature (17 °C). The difference in temperature between both ends provoked the advance of the ice front from the coldest end to the extreme maintained at room temperature. Parameters like e.g. the temperature of the cryogenic liquid, the thermal conductivity of the cold finger, the area and thickness of the liquid sample, etc. can be adjusted to control the temperature gradient imposed on the aqueous solution/dispersion. Total void fraction and developed morphologies (channel size and geometry) are expected to depend accordingly on the initial formulation (concentration of the reactive acrylic blend in the aqueous dispersion), the viscosity of the solution, the temperature gradient and the freezing rate imposed.
The progress of the photopolymerization was monitored by following the decrease in absorbance of the characteristic near-IR band of methacrylate groups centered at 6165 cm−1, assigned to the CH2 first overtone (Fig. S1†).46 The polymerization kinetics of PEG-dma was strongly influenced by the reaction temperature. While full conversion of methacrylate groups was achieved after 2 minutes of irradiation at room temperature, only a conversion of 0.38 was achieved after the same time of irradiation at −35 °C. This behavior is attributed to the fact that free-radical polymerization becomes diffusion limited at subzero temperatures, due to two main effects: a decrease in the initiator efficiency and the trapping of propagating radicals in the network.47 In addition, the presence of crystallized monomer (PEG-dma) at −35 °C reduces the ultimate degree of conversion. However, when the sample irradiated at −35 °C for 2 min was defrosted and stored for several hours at room temperature, polymerization continued in the dark until almost full conversion of methacrylate groups (Fig. S1†), due to the recovery of mobility of trapped radicals in the network. In this way, complete conversion was attained by simply storing the sample during a few hours at room temperature.
When used with common thermoplastic polymers or ceramic/nanostructured colloids, the directional freezing processing usually involves a final step of freeze drying. This step is required for removing ice without risk of structure collapse. In our case, as photopolymerization crosslinks the structure, this time-consuming, expensive step was not necessary. By simple air drying at room temperature, ice was melted and evaporated, giving place to the formation of a crosslinked, grooved polymeric structure with good mechanical and solvent stability. Before analyzing the properties and potential use of these films, it is important to elucidate the developed morphology during the processing and its dependence on some of the experimental parameters. In the following section, results from structural characterization of the films are analyzed.
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Fig. 3 TOM micrographs obtained for a sample containing 80 wt% of water and submitted to isotropic freezing; b is a magnification of a taken from the central part of the image. |
Another important parameter in structuring cryogenic techniques is the freezing rate. In order to evaluate the effect of a lower freezing rate on the obtained morphologies, the cryogenic liquid was changed from liquid nitrogen (−196 °C) to a freezing mixture formed by ice, salt and water (−15 °C). By imposing a lower temperature gradient on the sample, a modification in the morphology of the structure was expected. In effect, an increase in the size of the oriented patterns was obtained according to the new solidification driving force (Fig. 4). In this case, the average size was 66 ± 14 μm, a much higher value than those obtained using liquid nitrogen (Fig. S2†). However, this increase in size was accompanied by a change in morphology. As was revealed, each one of the longitudinal patterns exhibited features (localized instabilities) perpendicularly oriented with respect to the main freezing direction (magnification of Fig. 4). The formation of these secondary instabilities can be explained on the basis of the ice segregation phenomenon itself. When the ice is formed during the primary segregation event (along the main freezing direction), lateral expulsion of the (in our case) PEG-dma/photo-initiator mixture (still containing water) occurs. This leads to the concentration of monomers and photo-initiators between primary ice crystals, and, depending on the freezing rate, a secondary lateral expulsion may occur. If the freezing rate is low enough, time is provided to the expelled phase (PEG-dma + photoinitiators + water) to undergo a secondary segregation event, this time up and down respect to the forming ice. Under this circumstance, patterns oriented perpendicularly to the main freezing direction are generated, as clearly seen in Fig. 4. This effect was absent when the employed freezing rate was higher (that is, by using liquid nitrogen as the cooling source). These secondary formations would induce flow tortuosity effects along the patterns, leading to a more difficult accessibility of the channels. Although at first sight this change can be considered as a disadvantage, this morphology could be potentially useful for separation or chromatographic operations requiring higher tortuosity. Hence, modification of the freezing conditions can be an interesting tool to enhance the versatility of the obtained films in applications that require patterns at different scales. Experiments designed to elucidate conditions conducting to special changes on the morphology of the channels are currently under way.
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Fig. 4 TOM micrographs of films obtained for 50 wt% of water in the initial formulation frozen using a freezing mixture formed by ice, water and salt. |
For polar liquids, like the CV dye aqueous solution used in this experiment, the behavior was different. Due to that the substrate is hydrophilic, restraining seeding to one point and flowing to only one channel was not possible. This is because of the unavoidable degree of swelling and lateral diffusion that occur after dropping of the liquid on the patterned system. When the aqueous solution was dropped on a substrate point, immediately perfused all the film, provoking a strong and fast unidirectional advance of the aqueous front along the freezing direction (Fig. 5c and d and Movie-1 in ESI†). This perfusion and fast advance of the liquid front is quite similar to which occurs in the case of paper and other hydrophilic porous substrates but with the interesting advantage of occurring along a particular direction (the freezing direction). Due to the versatility of the proposed strategy, that enables the use of a variety of acrylic monomers, hydrophilicity of the matrix (and its flow behavior) could be controlled by changing the formulation of the initial reactive mixture, which enhances the potential interest of these films for diverse applications. Moreover, fabrication of hydrophobic barriers to limit flow to a selected region of the substrate could be carried out, in a similar way to which is performed in paper microfluidics devices.52
Taking advantage of these properties, and envisioning a potential use of the prepared platforms as guiding substrates to finely dose, for instance, chemical reactants, a proof-of-concept test was carried out to evaluate the possibility of inducing a chemical reaction between NaBH4 and HAuCl4 in the film, with the consequent production of gold nanoparticles at the reactants meeting region. Fig. 6 shows the results of this simple experiment consisting in first dispensing a drop of HAuCl4 aqueous solution on the right handed end of the film and, immediately after, a drop of NaBH4 on the left handed end. Both liquids fronts advanced to the center of the film and NPs were formed in the region in which they overlapped, as inferred from the appearance of the red-dark color better observed by TOM (Fig. 6c). As the seeding lines were not carefully defined (solutions were simply dropped with a pipette on the film surface), the overlapping region was not straight but sawed.
To prepare the films, water in the reactive mixtures (80 wt%) was replaced by colloidal dispersions of the nanostructures and then frozen and photopolymerized in the usual way. Fig. 7 shows TOM micrographs of samples obtained with similar amounts of GO, gold branched structures and Ag NPs. As clearly observed, size of the pores did not change with the addition of any of the nanostructures to the initial formulation. However, all samples show the presence of micrometric objects dispersed in the micro-patterned film that can be attributed to some degree of nanostructures aggregation. This aggregation is probably a consequence of the cryogenic processing: when ice is formed, colloidal nanostructures are expulsed to a highly concentrated water phase containing the monomer and the initiator system. This change in concentration and dielectric constant of the medium can affect the stability of the particles and induce the formation of aggregates. This moderate aggregation extent (not macro segregation was observed in any of the cases) did not preclude channel formation or photothermal activity of the films. Table 1 shows the thermal response of samples after irradiation with a green laser (centered at 532 nm) during 90 s. This irradiation wavelength was selected with the idea of using an optical excitation not specifically favorable for any of the structures. In fact, this irradiation wavelength is in a low absorbance range for the three kinds of nanostructures and can be considered as one of the less favorable conditions for activation (see Fig. S4†) however, as can be observed in Table 1, all samples show a significant localized temperature increase in the irradiation zone. The highest value was found for films modified with GO and the lowest one for films obtained using Ag NPs. A priori, these differences are not easy to correlate with the type of structure used to modify the film, for several reasons. First of all, absorption of the initial dispersions differed between structures as can be inferred from differences between spectral behaviors (Fig. S4†). Moreover, these spectra are modified (typically red-shifted and damped) by aggregation, as a consequence of dipolar interaction present between structures. Finally, local variation in the concentration of the samples within the film can also alter the intensity of the absorption producing a modification of the capacity of the system for being heated. All these variables show that a precise prediction of the response of the films obtained with different nanostructures can be a very complex issue that would deserve further work. At this point which is important to remark is that, even under non-ideal irradiation conditions, an important photothermal effect was observed in all cases. This result highlights the efficient conversion from light to heat that can be attained by inclusion of plasmonic nanostructures in solid matrices with low thermal conductivity (like crosslinked polymers) and also opens the way to the possibility of remotely activate temperature-dependent local processes in patterned channels.
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Fig. 7 TOM micrographs of films modified with Ag@MUA NPs (a and d), GO (b and e) and Au branched plates (c and f); d–f are magnifications of a–c respectively. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8me00085a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |