Hattie C.
Mariah J.
Bradley Z.
Matthew S.
Laura J.
b and
Adrianne M.
aMcKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA. E-mail: arosales@che.utexas.edu
bDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA
First published on 28th September 2022
Due to their N-substitution, peptoids are generally regarded as resistant to biological degradation, such as enzymatic and hydrolytic mechanisms. This stability is an especially attractive feature for therapeutic development and is a selling point of many previous biological studies. However, another key mode of degradation remains to be fully explored, namely oxidative degradation mediated by reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). ROS and RNS are biologically relevant in numerous contexts where biomaterials may be present. Thus, improving understanding of peptoid oxidative susceptibility is crucial to exploit their full potential in the biomaterials field, where an oxidatively-labile but enzymatically stable molecule can offer attractive properties. Toward this end, we demonstrate a fundamental characterization of sequence-defined peptoid chains in the presence of chemically generated ROS, as compared to ROS-susceptible peptides such as proline and lysine oligomers. Lysine oligomers showed the fastest degradation rates to ROS and the enzyme trypsin. Peptoids degraded in metal catalyzed oxidation conditions at rates on par with poly(prolines), while maintaining resistance to enzymatic degradation. Furthermore, lysine-containing peptide–peptoid hybrid molecules showed tunability in both ROS-mediated and enzyme-mediated degradation, with rates intermediate to lysine and peptoid oligomers. When lysine-mimetic side-chains were incorporated into a peptoid backbone, the rate of degradation matched that of the lysine peptide oligomers, but remained resistant to enzymatic degradation. These results expand understanding of peptoid degradation to oxidative and enzymatic mechanisms, and demonstrate the potential for peptoid incorporation into materials where selectivity towards oxidative degradation is necessary, or directed enzymatic susceptibility is desired.
Design, System, ApplicationHere, we have explored molecular design principles of a series of peptide, peptoid, and peptide–peptoid hybrid oligomers for oxidative degradation to chemically generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). Taking inspiration from the tertiary amide structure of poly(proline), an established ROS-sensitive molecule, we designed a series of peptoids (N-substituted glycines) with various side chains for oxidative degradation. Specifically, using liquid chromatography and fluorescence tracking, we demonstrate that oxidative degradation rates can be modulated by both monomer identity and configuration. Lysine sidechains proved to be especially oxidatively susceptible. In peptide oligomers of lysine, the molecule was quickly degraded by both ROS and trypsin; however, lysine-mimetic peptoid oligomers enabled comparable oxidative susceptibility while inhibiting enzymatic degradation. This proteolytic resistance of peptoids is advantageous for biorecognition in cases where targeting biological species in complex mixtures is desired, such as developing ROS-selective biomaterials as responsive therapeutic materials or biosensors. Furthermore, oligomers with both peptide and peptoid residues afforded a straightforward way to direct enzymatic degradation by trypsin, thus achieving an adaptable degradative response to multiple biological stimuli. |
Peptoids feature an N-substituted polyamide backbone, which eliminates the backbone chirality and hydrogen bonding donors seen in peptides (Fig. 1A). Peptoids can be synthesized using ring-opening polymerizations in solution13 or stepwise submonomer methods, which allow for exact sequence control and monodispersity.14 Their chemical synthesis is even amenable to direct integration with peptide solid-phase methods, allowing for the generation of peptide–peptoid (i.e., “peptomer”)15 hybrid molecules. Additionally, peptoids use commercially available primary amines, which means that they can access a large bio-orthogonal chemical diversity and properties similar to those of other synthetic polymers.16
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Fig. 1 Summary schematic of peptide and peptoid molecules explored for oxidative and enzymatic degradation. A) Peptide vs. peptoid chemical structure depicted with representative trimers. B) Peptide and C) peptoid residues explored for oxidative and enzymatic degradation. D) Name, sequence, substrate classification, applicable library of investigation, and analyses conducted of all oligomers investigated. Full chemical structures, MALDI-TOF spectra, and LC-MS chromatographs for each molecule are included in Fig. S1–S5.† |
Given their polyamide backbone and structural similarity to peptides, peptoids are a unique class of materials that lie in a converging area between synthetic polymers and biological materials.17,18 As a result, peptoids have been used in biologically motivated applications,19 including drug discovery, therapeutics, diagnostics, and antifouling surfaces.20 It is well-established that peptoids are resistant to certain modes of biological degradation, such as hydrolytic and enzymatic mechanisms, due to their N-substitution.21,22 As a result, peptoids are generally regarded as being inherently bio-stable. However, stability of biomaterials depends not only on resistance to hydrolysis and proteolysis, but to degradation by other species such as ROS and RNS as well.7 Despite their structural similarity, peptoid reactivity to oxidative stimuli is far less explored than that of peptides. Thus, expanding fundamental characterization of peptoid susceptibility towards species such as ROS is essential to capitalizing on their full potential as bio-responsive materials.
As mentioned above, the oxidative susceptibility of the only N-substituted amino acid, proline, is known to lead to peptide backbone degradation. Poly(proline) degradability has been leveraged for ROS-degradable linkers in tissue engineering scaffolds,10 indicating that oxidation may represent a significant degradation mechanism for other N-substituted molecules in environments where ROS species are elevated.23 However, only one study has systematically explored the oxidative degradation of peptoids: homopolymers of poly(N-ethylglycine) were monitored upon incubation in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 0.5–50 μM) with a copper sulfate catalyst (CuSO4, 50 μM), and degradation was compared to polyethylene glycol (PEG) and poly(2-oxazoline).2 This work revealed that polydisperse peptoid backbones were found to be more susceptible to H2O2 with CuSO4 catalyst than PEG or poly(2-oxazolines), as observed through rapid broadening of gel permeation chromatography peaks and shifts to higher elution volumes. Given these previous results, it is feasible that peptoids may degrade via oxidative mechanisms at rates on par with peptides, but offer the benefit of proteolytic stability and expanded chemical functionality.
The goal of this work is to establish a fundamental investigation of the oxidative susceptibility of three types of peptides (Fig. 1B), in comparison to three types of synthetic peptoids (Fig. 1C), and demonstrate how their unique structure has the potential to impact selective interactions with biologically relevant degradative species (i.e., enzymes vs. ROS). First, we developed a library of six homopolymer oligomers of constant chain length (Fig. 1D) to establish a baseline comparison of peptides to structurally similar peptoids for oxidative degradation to chemically-generated ROS. Then, we adapted a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) reporter design and synthesized twelve additional fluorescent oligomers (Fig. 1D) to show that side-chain identity, sequence, and peptide content may enable a path for fine-tuning degradation behavior in certain biological contexts. Together, our library demonstrates the potential of peptoids for future applications as biomaterials, given their selective oxidative degradability, hydrolytic stability, enzymatic tunability, and vast chemical space for further functionality as hybrid molecules.
y = (y0 − Plateau)e−kx + Plateau |
y = yM − (yM − y0)e−kt |
Using solid phase synthesis, we first generated six homopolymer oligomers with chain lengths of 18 residues each (Fig. 1D). We quickly found that analyzing degradation of the highly hydrophilic lysine molecules using LC methods was extremely difficult, so we sought a new design for our oligomers. Our new design consisted of a set of peptoids, peptides, and peptomers six residues in chain length and flanked with lysines functionalized with a Dnp/Mca FRET pair (Fig. 1D).27 In addition to enabling real-time fluorescence tracking of degradation, these bulky, aromatic groups effectively shifted the polarity of our lysine oligomers, thereby facilitating analysis as the increase in hydrophobicity afforded resolution by LC.
For degradation studies, each 18-mer oligomer was exposed to one of our three oxidative or enzymatic conditions (H2O2, H2O2 + CuSO4, or trypsin) and prepared for chromatographic analysis. As mentioned, the highly hydrophilic nature of the lysine oligomers ((LLys)18 and (NLys)18) made analysis by LC difficult given the fast elution from the C18 column. Both oligomers eluted at the same retention time as the solvent peaks, thus confounding the degradation study analysis (Fig. S6†). As a result, only (LPro)18, (DPro)18, (Nme)18, and (NAla)18 were tested.
All four oligomers showed decreasing peak areas over seven days for 10 mM H2O2 and over two hours for the MCO condition (Fig. 2A and B and S7†). In both cases, the main peak associated with the intact oligomers decreased, indicating degradation, and the degree of degradation was faster for the MCO condition relative to the H2O2 condition for both oligomers (two hours vs. seven days). In addition to time-dependent degradation, we also found the MCO reaction led to concentration-dependent degradation, with faster degradation occurring at higher ROS concentrations (Fig. S8†). Furthermore, all oligomers maintained stability against proteolysis by trypsin over seven days (Fig. 2A and B and S7†).
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Fig. 2 Comparison of peptide vs. peptoid oxidative and enzymatic degradation. A) LC traces of selected 18-mer L-proline peptide, (LPro)18, in comparison to B) 18-mer N-methylglycine peptoid, (NAla)18, upon exposure to 10 mM H2O2 (top panel), 10 mM H2O2 + 50 μM CuSO4 (middle panel) or 10 μM trypsin (bottom panel). As indicated by the arrows, timepoints were taken at 15 minute intervals over the course of 2 hours for H2O2 + 50 μM CuSO4 (MCO) and at 24 hour intervals over the course of 7 days for H2O2 and Trypsin. LC traces of the other 18-mer oligomers can be found in Fig. S7.† C) Comparison of 18-mer oligomer peptide and peptoid degradation rates when exposed to oxidative (10 mM H2O2 + 50 μM CuSO4) and D) enzymatic (1 μM trypsin) stimuli. E) Comparison of 6-mer fluorescent homopolymer peptides and peptoids when exposed to 10 mM H2O2 + 50 μM CuSO4. Peptides are shown with closed markers and solid lines. Peptoids are shown with open markers and dashed lines. Each point represents max absorbance of degraded substrate samples normalized to max absorbance of control (n = 3). Lines only represent a guide for the eye. Error bars represent standard deviation from three experimental replicates. |
To quantify degradation rates, the maximum absorbance of each sample was normalized against its respective control (i.e., sample in buffer without H2O2 or trypsin) at fixed retention times. Notably, all peptoid oligomers investigated degraded in response to chemically generated ROS (Fig. 2C), in contrast to the consistent intact LC peaks observed for oligomers exposed to trypsin over the 2 hour course of the study (Fig. 2D). Degradation rates to MCO were further compared by performing an exponential decay fit on the data points (Fig. S9A–D†) and calculating the oxidative half-lives, t0.5, of each substrate (Fig. S9E and F†). While (Nme)18 and (NAla)18 had slightly larger half-lives ((Nme)18: t0.5 = 86 min and (NAla)18: t0.5 = 97 min) than the peptides ((LPro)18: t0.5 = 65 min and (D-Pro)18: t0.5 = 66 min), all peptoids exhibited half-lives on-par with N-substituted peptides. Only (NAla)18 exhibited a half-life significantly greater than (LPro)18 based on the 95% confidence interval.
Potential degradation mechanisms were further investigated for (LPro)18, (DPro)18, (NAla)18 and (Nme)18 using the mass spectra collected throughout the course of LC-MS (Fig. S10–S13†). (LPro)18 (Fig. S10†) and (DPro)18 (Fig. S11†) exhibited analogous LC-MS traces, indicating that the D-amino acid structure does not have an effect on oxidative degradation mechanisms, and thereby concluding our investigation of the D-oriented analog. Current proposed mechanisms for oxidation of proline by MCO state that peptide bond cleavage is a result of the generation of carbonyl derivatives such as glutamic semialdehydes.26,42 However, identifying and tracking carbonylation using MS is known to be technically challenging given the many types of modifications that result in carbonyl residues.38 Carbonyl assays using 2,4-dinitropheylhydrazine have been used to estimate protein and peptide carbonylation.1,42 However, these are optimized for high MW proteins and often result in carbonyl products being missed when used for analyzing peptides due to ion suppression and only a limited number of the most abundant ions (typically the parent peptide species).42 Thus, it was not surprising that the mass spectrometry results provided no clear insight regarding mechanisms of degradation.
Apart from the intact oligomer masses, we were unable to identify additional masses for (LPro)18 and (NAla)18 (Fig. S10 and S12†). However, when analyzing the mass spectrometry of the 60 and 120 min timepoints for (Nme)18, we noticed new masses arising within side peaks of the LC chromatogram (Fig. S13B and C†). Upon further investigation, it was determined that these new masses (specifically, a mass change of −60.06 from the intact structure) corresponded with cleavage of the ether side-chains. After 60 minutes, masses corresponding to one side-chain cleaved were identified (Fig. S13B†), and after 120 minutes, masses corresponding to one and two side-chains cleaved were identified (Fig. S13C†). Interestingly, (Nme)18 had the slowest (and most variable) oxidative half-life of all oligomers, likely a result of the additional side-chain sites for oxidation slowing backbone degradation. Altogether, LC-MS provided a way to monitor the disappearance of intact oligomer, and yielded some mechanistic insight regarding oxidative degradation of (Nme)18 side-chains.
We wanted to further investigate our other peptides and peptoids with charged side-chains (LLys and NLys). Given our previous difficulty analyzing degradation of the highly hydrophilic (LLys)18 and (NLys)18 oligomers using LC methods, we attempted degradation studies of our more hydrophobic 6-mer FRET reporter oligomers: (LLys)6 and (NLys)6. Studies were performed in aqueous buffer using the MCO reaction system as previously described, then separated by HPLC and subsequently analyzed by MS. Excitingly, the bulky Dnp group on the 6-mer lysine oligomers enabled successful separation of oligomer peaks from the solvent peak on the HPLC chromatogram (Fig. S14 and S15†). Fluorescently tagged (LPro)6 and (NAla)6 were also analyzed (Fig. S16 and S17†), and the maximum absorbance of each sample was again normalized against its respective controls at fixed retention times to quantify degradation rates (Fig. 2E). As before, oxidative half-lives of each substrate were calculated by performing an exponential decay fit on the data points (Fig. S18†). The results showed that (LPro)6 and (NAla)6 degraded at rates similar to their 18-mer counterparts, while also revealing rapid degradation by (LLys)6 and (NLys)6.
We were intrigued by the rapid degradation for both (NLys)6 and (LLys)6 compared to (LPro)6 and (NAla)6, so again turned to LC-MS investigation in an attempt to elucidate mechanisms of oxidation. As mentioned, current proposed mechanisms for oxidation of proline state that peptide bond cleavage is a result of the generation of carbonyl derivatives. Carbonyl derivatives are also relevant to the oxidative degradation of lysines, leading to 2-amino-adipic semialdehydes.26,38 Generation of these groups is associated with loss of ammonia groups, which carry a positive charge. This leads to decreased ionization efficiency and reduces the chance of detecting those peptides using positive-ion mode MS.38 Thus, it was not a surprise that mechanisms once again could not be substantiated from the MS data (negative-mode MS also provided no further insight).
Given the widespread difficulty in tracking oxidation degradation mechanisms for proteins and polymers, simulation studies have been used to characterize the attack of ˙OH radicals and their resulting intermediates.43 Radical attack can occur at the backbone, or at the side-chains, depending on the relative stability of the formed intermediates. In simulation studies on the oxidation of lysines caused by ˙OH radicals, the side-chain is expected to be the primary site of attack because it leads to the most stable carbonyl derivative (usually an aldehyde).43 We speculate that side-chain splitting leads to increased reactivity and susceptibility to further oxidative attack, which could accelerate backbone cleavage. This aligns with our observations of decreased half-life for (LLys)6 compared to those oligomers without protruding side-chains ((LPro)6 and (NAla6)). Furthermore, given the very similar chromatogram profiles (Fig. S14 and S15†) of (LLys)6 and (NLys)6, we suspect the peptoid oligomer degrades by the same mechanism (˙OH attack of lysine side-chains increasing reactivity of the molecule and accelerating backbone degradation).
For this study, four homopolymers of each residue: (LLys)6, (LPro)6, (NAla)6, and (NLys)6 were first synthesized to establish a baseline for our new reporter design. We were also curious how changing peptide content and residue type would affect degradation rates, especially considering the fast degradation of (LLys)6. Therefore, we synthesized three peptomers incorporating our fastest degrading residue (LLys) and our slowest degrading peptide and peptoid residues (LPro and NAla) in an alternating sequence: (LPro-LLys)3, (NAla-LLys)3, and (NAla-LPro)3. Following synthesis, a spectral fluorescence scan of all substrates was conducted to ensure the fluorophore was fully quenched (Fig. S19†).
For fluorescence studies, 10 μM of each fluorescent oligomer was exposed to the same MCO and trypsin concentrations used for the 18-mer library. Oligomers were tracked for three hours to establish susceptibility to oxidative and enzymatic degradation as indicated by increasing fluorescence signals (Fig. 3C and D). To ensure the fluorescence increase was not a result of Mca fluorophore instability, Mca was exposed to the same conditions (Fig. S20†). To better visualize variance across oligomers, the three-hour fluorescent traces were fit directly to an exponential plateau function and the k constants were tabulated to determine the half-life of each oligomer (Fig. 3C and D). As expected, all oligomers degraded to MCO as indicated by the increasing fluorescent signals, and the fastest degrading substrate was (LLys)6 (Fig. 3C, yellow). In agreement with our previous LC study (Fig. 2E), we found that (NLys)6 exhibited a heightened sensitivity to MCO compared to (LPro)6 and (NAla)6 (Fig. 3B, pink, blue, and red), and that (NAla)6 had the longest half-life (Fig. 3C, red).
Notably, when LPro and NAla residues were combined in an alternating sequence ((NAla-LPro)3), the half-life was intermediate to each homopolymer (Fig. 3C, purple). Interestingly, the other alternating sequences, (LPro-LLys)3 and (NAla-LLys)3, had significantly shorter half-lives (Fig. 3B, green and orange), again suggesting that the presence of lysine side-chains speeds up the oxidation reactions. Furthermore, because fluorescence degradation tracking is only sensitive to one initial backbone cleavage event, the fast oxidative degradation observed here indicates accelerated backbone cleavage for oligomers containing lysine side-chains, supporting our earlier hypothesis.
When exposed to trypsin, all LLys-containing oligomers were degraded, while all fully N-substituted molecules (containing NAla, LPro, and NLys residues) remained quenched, and therefore intact (Fig. 3D), demonstrating that N-substitution does generate proteolytic resistance, making these molecules selectively degraded by oxidation. NLys is exceptionally notable considering its short oxidative half-life and complete enzymatic resistance, and thus could be leveraged as a highly selective molecule. Interestingly, the LLys-containing oligomers that consisted only of peptide residues ((LLys)6 and (LPro-LLys)3) degraded more quickly (Fig. 3D, yellow green) than (NAla-LLys)3 (Fig. 3D, orange) which consisted of half peptoid residues. The fact that the N-substitution in LPro did not have this effect suggests that the NAla residue specifically alters trypsin degradation behavior. Studies have explored oligomers with non-natural residues to leverage alternative backbone interactions and side-chains that change recognition by proteases,46–48 which could be a reason for this altered cleavage behavior.
Given the results of the fluorescent reporter library, we sought to investigate the effect of changing sequence on oxidative and enzymatic degradation rates. Specifically, we were curious to explore how the significantly different sensitivities of L-lysine and N-alanine residues to MCO and trypsin alter fluorescence response when the sequence of the residues was changed, but the overall molecular composition was kept constant. Using the same fluorescent reporter design as previously, we synthesized three new peptomers with LLys and NAla residues in various combinations to create a ‘sequence effects’ library. This library included the (NAla-LLys)3 alternating substrate used in the previous study, and oligomers designated ‘blocky’, ‘scrambled’, or ‘middle’ (Fig. 4A) according to their distribution of lysine residues. After synthesis and purification, fluorescence assays were conducted as previously described.
Given the high ROS sensitivity and high trypsin sensitivity of LLys in comparison to NAla, we sought to answer the following questions with our ‘sequence effects’ library: 1) does grouping LLys residues together change enzymatic and oxidative degradation rates? And 2) does changing the location of peptoid (NAla) substitutions alter degradation behavior? As shown (Fig. 4B), grouping LLys residues together (‘Blocky’ and ‘Middle’ oligomers) or altering the location of NAla did not significantly change degradation by ROS. Rather, it appeared that increasing LLys content was most important in shortening the oxidative half-life.
For degradation by trypsin, the location of the NAla residues proved to be the most important factor affecting degradation rates (Fig. 4C). Trypsin is an endopeptidase that cleaves on the C-terminal side of L-lysine and L-arginine amino acid residues. As shown (Fig. 4C), the degradation was fastest for LLys, followed by the ‘blocky’, ‘scrambled’ and ‘alternating’ combinations. Trypsin cleavage is known to be slowed down in the presence of acidic residues49 (i.e., when the pKa of the molecule increases). This likely explains the slower rate for the oligomers with lower LLys content, given that the side-chain of lysines are known to act as bases and are often protonated at physiological pH.43 Another notable observation was that the ‘middle’ sequence appeared to cleave significantly slower, and is the only oligomer that contains an NAla residues adjacent to the C-terminus. This suggests that trypsin preferentially cleaves at the C-terminus. To investigate our hypothesis, we analyzed our control and degraded oligomers using LC-MS (Fig. S21–S25†). The mass spectrometry results revealed that all except the ‘middle’ oligomer (Fig. S24†) did in fact contain the “quencher only” mass as the primary product. The ‘middle’ oligomer was also the only oligomer with detectable amounts of intact substrate after three hours, confirming the slow-degrading behavior observed on the fluorescence trace. We also analyzed (LPro-LLys)3 (Fig. S26†), and the only cleavage product identified was the quencher, further supporting our hypothesis and also agreeing with other studies stating that cleavage does not occur when the L-lysine residue is adjacent to L-proline.49
Trypsin's preference for the C-terminus explains the faster cleavage for LLys6, ‘blocky’, ‘scrambled’, and ‘alternating’ oligomers compared to the ‘middle’ oligomer. However, the slower rate for the ‘alternating’ sequence was intriguing, and suggests trypsin might also prefer a peptide residue on both sides of the cleavage site. Again, LC-MS supported this hypothesis, given that all identified cleavage products occurred at spots in which LLys was located on both sides of the cleavage site (recall that the quencher is functionalized on a lysine residue). Finally, the exceptionally short half-life of (LPro-LLys)3 compared to the (NAla-LLys)3/‘alternating’ oligomer suggests that the rate of cleavage is heavily influenced by the presence and location of NAla residues, perhaps by decreasing the pKa surrounding the cleavage sites or by altering recognition by the trypsin protease. However, it is important to keep in mind that because fluorescence degradation tracking is only sensitive to an initial cleavage event, this means that the rates shown may not reflect the actual proteolytic activity in the case of multiple cleavage sites.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2me00179a |
‡ McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |