Themed collection Environmental fate of nanomaterials

41 items

Reply to the ‘Comment on “Foliar application of nanoparticles: mechanisms of absorption, transfer, and multiple impacts”’ by S. Husted, P. Møs, S. Le Tougaard, A. Pinna and F. Minutello, Environ Sci.: Nano, DOI: 10.1039/D1EN00630D

From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Critical Review

Chemical reactivity of weathered nanoplastics and their interactions with heavy metals

Nanoplastics (NPs) are chemically reactive following abiotic and biotic weathering processes. These weathered NPs have the potential to facilitate the transformation of legacy contaminants, such as heavy metals.

Graphical abstract: Chemical reactivity of weathered nanoplastics and their interactions with heavy metals

Weathering pathways differentially affect colloidal stability of nanoplastics

This study demonstrates that environmental weathering processes differentially affect the aggregation behavior of nanoplastics, providing important insights into the risk assessment of nanoplastics contamination.

Graphical abstract: Weathering pathways differentially affect colloidal stability of nanoplastics
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Time resolved pore scale monitoring of nanoparticle transport in porous media using synchrotron X-ray μ-CT

Capturing nanoparticle retention in 4D via ex situ μ-CT.

Graphical abstract: Time resolved pore scale monitoring of nanoparticle transport in porous media using synchrotron X-ray μ-CT
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

Facet-dependent growth and dissolution of hematite resulting from autocatalytic interactions with Fe(II) and oxalic acid

The autocatalytic growth and dissolution of hematite by Fe(II)aq and/or oxalic acid was probed at the single particle scale. Multimodal analyses reveal electron transfer and interfacial reactivity are highly anisotropic and facet-dependent.

Graphical abstract: Facet-dependent growth and dissolution of hematite resulting from autocatalytic interactions with Fe(ii) and oxalic acid
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Biochar colloids act as both transporters of organic pollutants and stimulants of respiratory chain electron efflux: a new understanding of microbial degradation of adsorbed pollutants

BCCs facilitate both extracellular reduction and intracellular oxidation of their adsorbed pollutants by bacteria.

Graphical abstract: Biochar colloids act as both transporters of organic pollutants and stimulants of respiratory chain electron efflux: a new understanding of microbial degradation of adsorbed pollutants
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

UV-B degradation affects nanoplastic toxicity and leads to release of small toxic substances

UV-B irradiation on 53 nm amine modified polystyrene nanoparticles lowers the toxicity to Daphnia magna and releases small toxic molecules.

Graphical abstract: UV-B degradation affects nanoplastic toxicity and leads to release of small toxic substances
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Quartz sand surface-bound rice root exudates decreased the transport of microplastics in porous media

Quartz sand surface-bound root exudates could decrease the transport of MPs in porous media, due to the lower DLVO energy barrier between MPs and quartz sand covered with root exudates.

Graphical abstract: Quartz sand surface-bound rice root exudates decreased the transport of microplastics in porous media
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Solid phase silver sulfide nanoparticles contribute significantly to biotic silver in agricultural systems

This study presents the first evidence of a substantial contribution of soil-borne NPs to biotic silver burden in comparison to aqueous phase NPs observed in the water column.

Graphical abstract: Solid phase silver sulfide nanoparticles contribute significantly to biotic silver in agricultural systems
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Micro- and nanoplastic-mediated phototransformation and bioaccessibility of fluorinated liquid crystal monomer in aquatic environments

Our work suggested that micro- and nanoplastics influence the phototransformation and bioaccessibility of fluorinated liquid crystal monomers in aquatic environments.

Graphical abstract: Micro- and nanoplastic-mediated phototransformation and bioaccessibility of fluorinated liquid crystal monomer in aquatic environments
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

Impact of size and UV-ageing of polystyrene nanoparticles on copper(II) adsorption: kinetics and isotherms in aquatic environments

Size-dependent adsorption of Cu2+ ions onto polystyrene nanoparticles in aquatic environments: influence of UV-ageing, temperature and salt ions in the medium.

Graphical abstract: Impact of size and UV-ageing of polystyrene nanoparticles on copper(ii) adsorption: kinetics and isotherms in aquatic environments
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Real-time visualization of carbon quantum dot transport in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media

The environmental behavior and mechanisms of CQDs in 2D homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media were revealed in real time by light transmission visualization.

Graphical abstract: Real-time visualization of carbon quantum dot transport in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

Environmentally persistent free radicals readily form on TiO2 but not on ZnO nanoparticles

Nanoparticles like TiO2 and ZnO can form harmful, stable pollutants called EPFRs. But TiO2 readily forms even at low temperatures. This finding suggests these pollutants can form in many environments.

Graphical abstract: Environmentally persistent free radicals readily form on TiO2 but not on ZnO nanoparticles
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Co-transport of polybromodiphenyl ethers and soil nanoparticles in saturated porous media: implications for the risks of polybromodiphenyl ether spreading in groundwater

This study demonstrates that PBDEs attached to soil nanoparticles can be highly mobile in saturated porous media, providing important insights on risk assessment of PBDEs contamination.

Graphical abstract: Co-transport of polybromodiphenyl ethers and soil nanoparticles in saturated porous media: implications for the risks of polybromodiphenyl ether spreading in groundwater
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Delineating the role of surface grafting density of organic coatings on the colloidal stability, transport, and sorbent behavior of engineered nanoparticles

Aqueous stability and sorption affinity (towards target environmental contaminants) of engineered nanoparticles, composed of inorganic nanoparticles and surface stabilizers, are dependent on surface grafting density.

Graphical abstract: Delineating the role of surface grafting density of organic coatings on the colloidal stability, transport, and sorbent behavior of engineered nanoparticles
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

Sub-100 nm nanoplastics: potent carriers of tributyltin in marine water

This study demonstrates that sub-100 nm nanoplastics have a significantly greater capacity for tributyltin adsorption, raising concerns that small nanoplastics may remobilise existing TBT pollution, rendering it more available to marine organisms.

Graphical abstract: Sub-100 nm nanoplastics: potent carriers of tributyltin in marine water
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Colloidal stability of hematite nanoparticles in the presence of a common quaternary ammonium compound at environmentally-relevant concentrations

The stability of a model environmental nanomineral, colloidal hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles, can be strongly affected by environmentally-relevant levels of quaternary ammonium surfactants, a surfactant present in ubiquitous daily-use household products.

Graphical abstract: Colloidal stability of hematite nanoparticles in the presence of a common quaternary ammonium compound at environmentally-relevant concentrations
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Nitrate formation and iron dissolution in the heterogeneous reactions of NH3 on nano α-Fe2O3

NH3 is oxidized into NO3 in the heterogeneous reactions on the surface of nano α-Fe2O3 and results in iron dissolution.

Graphical abstract: Nitrate formation and iron dissolution in the heterogeneous reactions of NH3 on nano α-Fe2O3
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

Investigation of magnetite–Co interactions: from environmentally relevant trace Co levels to core–shell Fe3O4@Co(OH)2 nanoparticles with magnetic applications

Three different Co(II) species are identified at the surface of stoichiometric magnetite (Fe(II)/Fe(III) = 0.5) by experiments, modeling, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism. This affects the fate of Co, and the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles.

Graphical abstract: Investigation of magnetite–Co interactions: from environmentally relevant trace Co levels to core–shell Fe3O4@Co(OH)2 nanoparticles with magnetic applications
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles
Open Access Paper

Matrix-driven environmental fate and effects of silver nanowires during printed paper electronics end of life

The fate and impact of silver nanowires incorporated in a paper-based nano-enabled product (NEP) was investigated in freshwater mesocosms.

Graphical abstract: Matrix-driven environmental fate and effects of silver nanowires during printed paper electronics end of life
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Freezing-induced microplastic degradation in an anoxic Fe(II)-containing solution: the key role of Fe(IV) and ·OH

The Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle together with newly formed EPFRs and H2O2 can cause microplastic degradation in ice.

Graphical abstract: Freezing-induced microplastic degradation in an anoxic Fe(ii)-containing solution: the key role of Fe(iv) and ·OH
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

The effect of kaolinite on ferrihydrite colloid migration in soil: molecular-scale mechanism study

The first investigation that describes the adsorption capacity of natural colloids by solid soil media, and studies their interaction mechanism in the molecular-scale.

Graphical abstract: The effect of kaolinite on ferrihydrite colloid migration in soil: molecular-scale mechanism study
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Chemical speciation and distribution of adsorbed Cd(II) on goethite: influence of pH and sulfate

Simplified conceptualization of various Cd fractions binding on the goethite surface under different pH/sulfate conditions.

Graphical abstract: Chemical speciation and distribution of adsorbed Cd(ii) on goethite: influence of pH and sulfate
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Morphological sensitivity of silver nanoparticles to the environment

Morphological competition between silver nanoparticles evolves under air exposure mainly due to temperature effects and interactions with surface contaminants.

Graphical abstract: Morphological sensitivity of silver nanoparticles to the environment
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

DNA damage caused by light-driven graphene oxide: a new mechanism

The adsorption and cleavage behavior of DNA molecules by graphene oxide under UV irradiation were investigated in detail. It will provide novel insights into the potential environmental risk of graphene oxide in the aquatic environment.

Graphical abstract: DNA damage caused by light-driven graphene oxide: a new mechanism
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Comprehensive study about the heterogeneous conversion of NH3 on nanoscale TiO2 particles: insight into the mechanism and atmospheric implications

The heterogeneous reactions of NH3 on TiO2 were comprehensively investigated using in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) and a flow tube reactor.

Graphical abstract: Comprehensive study about the heterogeneous conversion of NH3 on nanoscale TiO2 particles: insight into the mechanism and atmospheric implications
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Transformation of zinc oxide nanoparticles in freshwater sediments under oxic and anoxic conditions

This study improves the understanding of ZnO NP transformation and Zn behavior in redox-dynamic slightly alkaline freshwater sediments.

Graphical abstract: Transformation of zinc oxide nanoparticles in freshwater sediments under oxic and anoxic conditions
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
Open Access Paper

Buoyancy and Brownian motion of plastics in aqueous media: predictions and implications for density separation and aerosol internal mixing state

Nano- and microplastics exist in the environment and atmosphere in mixed-phase aqueous systems. The density and size of plastics as well as the density of the liquid phase determines if these plastics will float or diffuse through the liquid.

Graphical abstract: Buoyancy and Brownian motion of plastics in aqueous media: predictions and implications for density separation and aerosol internal mixing state
From the themed collection: Recent Open Access Articles

Nano-scale investigation of organic C sequestration and distribution on Fe oxides during ferrihydrite transformation: effect of Al-substitution

Al-substitution in Fe oxides increased the sorption of aromatic C, which was dominantly bound to the outer layer of the organo–mineral interfaces as the carboxyl C was preferentially sorbed onto the surfaces of Fe oxides.

Graphical abstract: Nano-scale investigation of organic C sequestration and distribution on Fe oxides during ferrihydrite transformation: effect of Al-substitution
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Water reduction on the facets of Fe(OH)2: an experimental and DFT study

The capacity of Fe(OH)2 to reduce H2O was limited by the predominant distribution of inert (001) facet and high energy barrier of H2O dissociation on acitive (100) facet.

Graphical abstract: Water reduction on the facets of Fe(OH)2: an experimental and DFT study
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Coupled impact of proteins with different molecular weights and surface charges on TiO2 mobility

The widely present proteins in the natural environment interact with released nanoparticles, which changes the stability, transport, and fate of nanoparticles.

Graphical abstract: Coupled impact of proteins with different molecular weights and surface charges on TiO2 mobility
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Generation of environmentally persistent free radicals on faceted TiO2 in an ambient environment: roles of crystalline surface structures

The formation of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) is highly correlated with the structure of mineral crystal surfaces.

Graphical abstract: Generation of environmentally persistent free radicals on faceted TiO2 in an ambient environment: roles of crystalline surface structures
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Prediction of nanomagnetite stoichiometry (Fe(II)/Fe(III)) under contrasting pH and redox conditions

Magnetite nanoparticles are not chemically stable at pH < 7, which drastically affects their environmental behavior.

Graphical abstract: Prediction of nanomagnetite stoichiometry (Fe(ii)/Fe(iii)) under contrasting pH and redox conditions
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Colloidal stabilities and deposition behaviors of chromium (hydr)oxides in the presence of dissolved organic matters: role of coprecipitation and adsorption

The coprecipitation or surface adsorption of dissolved organic matters determined the colloidal stabilities and deposition behaviors of Cr (hydr)oxides.

Graphical abstract: Colloidal stabilities and deposition behaviors of chromium (hydr)oxides in the presence of dissolved organic matters: role of coprecipitation and adsorption
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Nano-biochar modulates the formation of iron plaque through facilitating iron-involved redox reactions on aquatic plant root surfaces

The ubiquitous presence of submicron-sized black carbon (BC) in the water environment makes it inevitably interact with root surfaces of aquatic plants.

Graphical abstract: Nano-biochar modulates the formation of iron plaque through facilitating iron-involved redox reactions on aquatic plant root surfaces
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Metal-binding processes on nanoplastics: rare earth elements as probes

The presence of nanoplastics in the ocean and soil demonstrates their global distribution in the environment.

Graphical abstract: Metal-binding processes on nanoplastics: rare earth elements as probes
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Facet-dependent adsorption of aluminum(III) on hematite nanocrystals and the influence on mineral transformation

Enrichment of aluminum(III) in hematite with different crystal faces.

Graphical abstract: Facet-dependent adsorption of aluminum(iii) on hematite nanocrystals and the influence on mineral transformation
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Emerging investigator series: correlating phase composition and geometric structure to the colloidal stability of 2D MoS2 nanomaterials

The study reveals that the interaction with cations, colloidal stability and transport behavior of MoS2 rely on its phase compositions and geometric structures.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: correlating phase composition and geometric structure to the colloidal stability of 2D MoS2 nanomaterials
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Oxalate promoted iron dissolution of hematite via proton coupled electron transfer

Oxalate promoted iron dissolution of hematite via proton coupled electron transfer.

Graphical abstract: Oxalate promoted iron dissolution of hematite via proton coupled electron transfer
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Formation, aggregation, and transport of NOM–Cr(III) colloids in aquatic environments

This study provides nanoscale and molecular-scale evidence that the formation, stability, and transport of NOM–Cr(III) colloids depend on the C/Cr ratio and NOM source.

Graphical abstract: Formation, aggregation, and transport of NOM–Cr(iii) colloids in aquatic environments
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials

Molecular-scale study of Cr(VI) adsorption onto lepidocrocite facets by EXAFS, in situ ATR-FTIR, theoretical frequency calculations and DFT+U techniques

Lepidocrocite, as a ubiquitous iron mineral, is widely detected in different morphologies in natural environments, controlling the mobility and availability of heavy metal ions (HMIs).

Graphical abstract: Molecular-scale study of Cr(vi) adsorption onto lepidocrocite facets by EXAFS, in situ ATR-FTIR, theoretical frequency calculations and DFT+U techniques
From the themed collection: Environmental fate of nanomaterials
41 items

About this collection

This web collection includes research articles published in Environmental Science: Nano featuring nanomaterial environmental fate studies.

