Themed collection Molecular Wires

Molecular wires
Guest editors Dirk M. Guldi, Hiroshi Nishihara and Latha Venkataraman introduce the Molecular Wires issue of Chemical Society Reviews.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 842-844
Thermopower measurements in molecular junctions
The measurement of thermopower in molecular junctions offers complementary information to conductance measurements and is becoming essential for the understanding of transport processes at the nanoscale.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2016,45, 4285-4306
π-Conjugated bis(terpyridine)metal complex molecular wires
This review focuses on the bottom-up fabrication of linear and branched bis(terpyridine)metal complex wires on electrode surfaces, which feature distinct and characteristic electronic functionalities such as intra-wire redox conduction and excellent long-range electron transport ability.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 7698-7714
Electron transfer in peptides
In this review, we discuss the factors that influence electron transfer in peptides.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 1015-1027
Incorporating single molecules into electrical circuits. The role of the chemical anchoring group
Constructing electronic circuits containing singly wired molecules is at the frontier of electrical device miniaturisation. Understanding the behaviour of different anchoring groups is key to this goal because of their significant role in determining the properties of the junction.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 920-942
Ordered nanoparticle arrays interconnected by molecular linkers: electronic and optoelectronic properties
Arrays of metal nanoparticles in an organic matrix have attracted a lot of interest due to their diverse electronic and optoelectronic properties.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 999-1014
Molecular wires – impact of π-conjugation and implementation of molecular bottlenecks
We highlight recent progress in the field of electron transport through molecular bridges as integrative parts of electron donor–bridge–acceptor conjugates.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 988-998
Single-molecule transistors
Artist impression of a single-molecule transistor, where a molecule is connected to the source and the drain electrodes. The red lines illustrated the electric field caused by the gate electrode, located below.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 902-919

Nanoparticle characterization based on STM and STS
Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) can characterize intriguing nanoparticle properties towards solid-state nanodevices.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 970-987
Conjugated porphyrin arrays: synthesis, properties and applications for functional materials
Conjugated porphyrin arrays that possess delocalised electronic networks have, for the most part, been assembled by using alkene or alkyne type bridging units or by directly connecting individual porphyrin chromophores with multiple bonds to form fused porphyrin arrays.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 943-969
Break junction under electrochemical gating: testbed for single-molecule electronics
This tutorial review highlights recent developments using break junction techniques, and emphasizes the concept of “electrochemical gating” on single-molecule junctions.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 889-901
Basic concepts of quantum interference and electron transport in single-molecule electronics
This tutorial outlines the basic theoretical concepts and tools which underpin the fundamentals of phase-coherent electron transport through single molecules.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 875-888
Current advances in fused tetrathiafulvalene donor–acceptor systems
Development and applications of tetrathiafulvalene-fused electron donor–acceptor systems will be covered within this tutorial review.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 863-874
Photoinduced charge and energy transfer in molecular wires
This tutorial review focuses on photo-induced charge/energy transfer in covalently linked donor–bridge–acceptor (D–B–A) systems.
Chem. Soc. Rev., 2015,44, 845-862
About this collection
Chemical Society Reviews is delighted to present its themed issue on molecular wires. This issue will sample recent progress in a broad area relating to synthetic, electronic, electro-chemical and optical properties of molecular wires. The issue combines tutorial reviews with standard reviews to illustrate the functionality of molecular wires as building blocks to organic based electronic and photonic devices. The issue is guest edited by Dirk Guldi, Hiroshi Nishihara and Latha Venkataraman. New articles will be added to this collection as they are published.