Issue 12, 2007

Cell-based high content screening using an integrated microfluidic device


High content screening (HCS) has quickly established itself as a core technique in the early stage of drug discovery for secondary compound screening. It allows several independent cellular parameters to be measured in a single cell or populations of cells in a single assay. In this work, we describe high content screening for the multiparametric measurement of cellular responses in human liver carcinoma (HepG2) cells using an integrated microfluidic device. This device consists of multiple drug gradient generators and parallel cell culture chambers, in which the processes of liquid dilution and diffusion, micro-scale cell culture, cell stimulation and cell labeling can be integrated into a single device. The simple assay provides multiparametric measurements of plasma membrane permeability, nuclear size, mitochondrial transmembrane potential and intracellular redox states in anti-cancer drug-induced apoptosis of HepG2 cells. The established platform is able to rapidly extract the maximum of information from tumor cells in response to several drugs varying in concentration, with minimal sample and less time, which is very useful for basic biomedical research and cancer treatment.

Graphical abstract: Cell-based high content screening using an integrated microfluidic device

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Jul 2007
07 Sep 2007
First published
08 Oct 2007

Lab Chip, 2007,7, 1696-1704

Cell-based high content screening using an integrated microfluidic device

N. Ye, J. Qin, W. Shi, X. Liu and B. Lin, Lab Chip, 2007, 7, 1696 DOI: 10.1039/B711513J

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