Issue 12, 2007

Integration of porous layers in ordered pillar arrays for liquid chromatography


The present paper describes a method for the production of partly porous micro-pillars in columns suitable for use in liquid chromatography. These layers increase the available surface at least two orders of magnitude without destroying the huge benefits of the ordered nature of the system. A process flow was developed that enabled us to create a 550 nm thick porous layer on the pillar array in a sealed channel configuration, withstanding pressures up to at least 70 bar. Measuring band broadening under non-retained conditions, only a modest increase in plate height was observed in the porous pillar array as compared to that in a non-porous pillar array. The homogeneity of the layers was demonstrated using an optical microscope and SEM pictures and by monitoring peak velocities at constant pressures. The internal porosity was determined using particles with a diameter larger than the mesopores in combination with a dye that could penetrate into the pores.

Graphical abstract: Integration of porous layers in ordered pillar arrays for liquid chromatography

Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2007
07 Sep 2007
First published
21 Sep 2007

Lab Chip, 2007,7, 1705-1711

Integration of porous layers in ordered pillar arrays for liquid chromatography

W. De Malsche, D. Clicq, V. Verdoold, P. Gzil, G. Desmet and H. Gardeniers, Lab Chip, 2007, 7, 1705 DOI: 10.1039/B710507J

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