Juan Patiño Cárdenasa,
Armando Encinasb,
Rossana Ramírez Villegasa and
Joaquín de la Torre Medina*a
aInstituto de Investigaciones en Materiales – Unidad Morelia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701 Col. Ex Hacienda de San José de la Huerta, C. P. 58190, Morelia, Mexico. E-mail: delatorre@materiales.unam.mx
bDivisión de Materiales Avanzados, Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica A. C., Caminio a la Presa 2055, 78216 San Luis Potosí, SLP, Mexico
First published on 28th July 2021
A novel electrochemical methodology for the growth of arrays of Ni and Co nanowires (NWs) with linear and non-linear varying micro-height gradient profiles (μHGPs), has been developed. The growth mechanism of these microstructures consists of a three-dimensional growth originating from the allowed electrical contact between the electrolyte and the edges of the cathode at the bottom side of porous alumina membranes. It has been shown that the morphology of these microstructures strongly depends on electrodeposition parameters like the cation material and concentration and the reduction potential. At constant reduction potentials, linear Ni μHGPs with trapezoid-like geometry are obtained, whereas deviations from this simple morphology are observed for Co μHGPs. In this regime, the μHGPs average inclination angle decreases for more negative reduction potential values, leading as a result to more laterally extended microstructures. Besides, more complex morphologies have been obtained by varying the reduction potential using a simple power function of time. Using this strategy allows us to accelerate or decelerate the reduction potential in order to change the μHGPs morphology, so to obtain convex- or concave-like profiles. This methodology is a novel and reliable strategy to synthesize μHGPs into porous alumina membranes with controlled and well-defined morphologies. Furthermore, the synthesized low dimensional asymmetrically loaded nanowired substrates with μHGPs are interesting for their application in micro-antennas for localized electromagnetic radiation, magnetic stray field gradients in microfluidic systems, non-reciprocal microwave absorption, and super-capacitive devices for which a very large surface area and controlled morphology are key requirements.
Besides these approaches, electrochemical methods have been widely used because of its low cost, reliability and ease of adaptation for the production of a large variety of materials. Particularly, bipolar electrochemistry is a promising technique for the generation of metal composition gradients with electrocatalytic activity and optical and electronic properties,18–20 gradient polymer surfaces for electrochemical patterning applications21 and surface-wetting gradients with controlled hydrophilic behavior.22 Although a variety of methods such as magnetron plasma aggregation, spin coating, and centrifugation have been developed to produce nanoparticle size gradients,23–25 electrochemical methods have been proved to be very reliable for synthesizing nanoparticle size gradients26–28 and concentration gradient nanowire (NW) arrays.29 Arrays of NWs with height gradient profiles30 and nanotube size gradients31 are microstructures based on nanoscale building blocks of elongated shapes and varying sizes synthesized by electrochemical methods, which are interesting as microwave devices32 and energy storage33 applications. Indeed, the elongated cylindrical geometry of these nanostructures is susceptible to the appearance of confinement and size-dependent effects and quantum mechanical optical, magnetic, and electrical properties.34–37 Other systems consisting of arrays of programmable stimuli-responsive hybrid magnetic micropillars, polydimethylsiloxane micropillars, and slanted functional gradient micropillars have been proposed as novel prototypes for reconfigurable patterns upon actuation,38,39 microfluidics40 and bioinspired dry adhesives as self-cleaning superhydrophobic and biosensing applications,41 respectively. Previous works on the use of a combined technique based on electrodeposition and dip-coating have been developed to synthesize gradients with transversal section widths of the order of 102–103 μm.14,30 However, these techniques do not allow the synthesis of gradients of lateral widths of the order of several micrometers wide.
In this work, we have developed a novel room temperature electrochemical methodology for the growth of fixed diameter NW-based 3D microstructures with controlled μHGP morphology. This methodology takes advantage of the different growth dynamics that take place outside the pores and within them via an enhanced or reduced ionic mobility. The strategy used for the growth of these microstructures consists in allowing the lateral growth of Eutectic–Galium–Indium (EGaIn) cathode that serves for the NWs growth inside the pores of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) or alumina (Al2O3) membranes. Such a horizontal or lateral growth generates new nucleation sites for the growth of other NWs at different initial moments. We have shown that both the material and concentration of metallic cations in solution significantly influence the morphology of μHGPs grown at constant reduction potential. Furthermore, by varying the reduction potential over time in a controlled way, it also leads to changes in the morphology of μHGPs. The proposed methodology in this work allows the synthesis of novel spatially modulated 3D microstructures based on NW building blocks, which are interesting for potential applications as site-selective application of electric potentials,21 non-reciprocal microwave absorption,30 electron field emission,42 and super-capacitive device applications.43 Furthermore, the morphology of the proposed μHGPs may also be interesting for energy conversion,44 optoelectrical,45 and thermoelectric energy conversion46 applications that take advantage of NWs length-dependent properties.
Electrolytes with compositions xNiSO4·6H2O + 0.5 M H3BO3; and xCoSO4·7H2O + 0.5 M H3BO3, with the metallic cation concentrations (x) adjusted to 0.5 M or 1.0 M and the pH adjusted to 4, were used for the growth of Ni and Co NWs. The corresponding electrolytes for Ni (Co) NWs are named hereafter as the Ni-0.5 M (Co-0.5 M) and the Ni-1.0 M (Co-1.0 M) solutions. Prior to electrodeposition four 300–400 μm wide and 1 cm long thin straight layers of EGaIn from Aldrich are painted onto one side of the membrane to serve as cathodes for the growth of arrays of NWs with μHGP. The four EGaIn lines are painted using a cotton swab on the AAO membranes through a paper mask, thus generating eight μHGPs which serve to carry out statistics of their morphology. Then the membrane is placed on a flat surface, consisting mainly of adhesive tape that insulates the membrane along with the electrolyte and a large section of the EGaIn lines. One end of the EGaIn lines at tiny sections are in electrical contact with a flat copper conductor which is isolated from the electrolyte and serves as the counter electrode of the electrolytic cell, as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The remaining section of the EGaIn cathode lines is exposed to the electrolyte along with the other side of the porous membrane, as shown in the zoomed scheme in Fig. 1(b). As seen, exposition of the EGaIn cathode lines beneath the AAO membrane promotes a horizontal or lateral growth from their edges, leading to thin metallic layers which progressively generate new nucleation sites for other NWs. A large surface area Pt working electrode is used to ensure as far as possible a homogeneous electric field with the EGaIn lines. After electrodeposition, the EGaIn lines are removed using isopropanol to carry out the structural characterization of the samples. The NWs height and the μHGP morphology were confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations from the cross section of the different samples.
This lateral growth is induced by the electrical contact between the edges of the EGaIn cathodes with the electrolyte, so the progressive lateral extension of the EGaIn cathodes creates new nucleation sites for other NWs. In the third and subsequent stages at times t ≥ t2, the uninterrupted growth of the NWs and the creation of new nucleation sites at the cathode result in NWs with different heights because their nucleation take place at different times. Linear or trapezoid-like μHGPs are obtained when both the NWs and the metallic layer in the in-plane direction grow at a constant rate, as seen in Fig. 2(c). The angle θ of a μHGP can be determined by using the two tangent method, which locates the point beneath the intersection of the two fitting lines to both, the horizontal and inclined sides of the trapezoid-like structure made of NWs. This point serves to measure the maximum lateral extension (xm) of the μHGP which leads to θ = tan−1(zm/xm) where zm is the maximum NWs height. The y-coordinate lies along the depth of the μHGP structure.
An interesting feature of the metallic layer grown beneath the μHGP shown as bright contrast in Fig. 2(d) is its very low thickness that is comparable to the NWs diameter. The close magnification view displayed in the inset of this figure provides further evidence of the very low thickness of such a metallic layer (bright contrast) at the bottom of the NWs. The fact that this layer is considerably thin can be explained by the electric field established between the EGaIn layers and the Pt working electrode which is strong enough to avoid the migration of ionic species at the bottom of the EGaIn cathode. This very thin layer is not the main structure, however, it plays a fundamental role in the growth of a μHGP and can easily be removed if desired.
The different morphologies observed for Ni and Co μHGP at a fixed E value suggests that the growth dynamics, through the ionic mobility of each material, plays a fundamental role in their growth. This feature can be ascribed to the different interactions between the metallic cations in solution and the electric potential originated by the surface-bound hydroxyl (–OH) groups at the AAO membrane pore walls which make them hydrophilic.48 This effect depends on other factors like the electric double layer or Debye length, the pore diameter, the nature and concentration of cations, and the solution pH.49 Particularly, the Debye length is in the range 1–50 nm and can influence the cations transport in aqueous solutions through nanopores with diameters as large as 200 nm.50 The electrostatic screening has a greater influence inside pores of lower diameter due to electrokinetic effects.51
Therefore, due to these effects the cations transport inside the pores is expected to be different from the cations transport in the free solution at the bottom metallic layer growing laterally beneath the NWs.
Fig. 4 shows the variation of the bottom metallic layer and NWs average growth rates Vx (triangles) and Vz (circles) as a function of the reduction potential E. These parameters have been obtained using the two tangent method as in Fig. 2(c), thus averaging the dimensions of the different μHGPs in the same porous membrane and dividing them by the total growth time. Constant growth rates are better suited than the μHGPs dimensions for their morphological characterization and comparison between each other because they have neither the same growth time nor the same maximum height. Error bars to the data correspond to one standard deviation resulting from the dimensions dispersion of the μHGPs in a single AAO membrane with four EGaIn lines. A general behavior is the increase of both Vx and Vz with increasing |E|. Specifically, increasing the metallic cation concentration for a specific material and at a fixed E value leads to slightly larger growth rates in both directions. As observed from the comparison between Fig. 4(a) and (b) for the case of Ni μHGP, these parameters behave similarly as E increases, with Vz being slightly larger than Vx for both electrolytes. At low |E| values, both vertical and horizontal growths take place in a slow cation transport regime with the migration of mainly metallic species. However, during electrodeposition both reduction of metallic cations and hydrogen evolution reactions (HER) take place, leading as a result to a reduced cathodic current efficiency for the NWs growth.52,53 A further increase of the reduction potential can lead to an increase of the current density for the HER which in turn can have a significant impact in decreasing the NWs cathodic current efficiency.47 Therefore, larger reduction potentials can be responsible for more limited growths along the vertical direction. This mechanism can explain the morphological changes that lead to a decrease of the μHGPs angle with increasing |E|, as observed in Fig. 3(a–c).
Besides, the growth rates in Fig. 4 fairly display a linear behavior in most of the cases as shown by the continuous and dotted lines fitted to the data, which can be expressed in the slope-intercept form as Vx = mxE + bx and Vz = mzE + bz. Since these growth rates are average velocities computed by dividing the μHGPs dimensions into the horizontal and vertical directions by the growth time, they can be expressed as Vx = x/t and Vz = z/t for a particular time t. Combining these expressions with the slope-intercept linear equations given above leads to the NWs height z as a function of the lateral position x measured from the endpoint of the μHGP base, that is
(1) |
Eqn (1) reproduces the straight line fitted to the inclined side of the trapezoid-like μHGP at a specific reduction potential value. Particularly, since the slope of this line depends on the reduction potential, it directly leads to the potential-dependent inclination angle
(2) |
This equation predicts the morphology of a linear μHGP synthesized using a specific electrolytic solution and at particular constant reduction potential. The slope (mi) and z-intercept (bi) coefficients for i = x, z can be used as input parameters in eqn (2) to obtain the variation of each series of μHGPs, as they depend on the cations material and the electrolyte concentration. Table 1 summarizes the as-obtained values for mi and bi for the different electrolytes, given in units of nm s−1 V−1 and nm s−1, respectively. The inclination angle of each μHGP has been determined as θ = tan−1(zm/xm) and compared with the variation of θ(E) vs. E to validate eqn (2).
Electrolyte | mx (nm s−1 V−1) | bx (nm s−1) | mz (nm s−1 V−1) | bz (nm s−1) |
Ni-0.5 M | −42.71 | −38.80 | −35.93 | −30.84 |
Ni-1.0 M | −59.49 | −51.81 | −55.65 | −48.62 |
Co-0.5 M | −80.72 | −60.49 | −26.98 | −19.07 |
Co-1.0 M | −252.14 | −225.26 | −82.22 | −68.33 |
Fig. 5 shows a very good agreement between the experimental data and the calculated variation of θ vs. E. For each series of μHGPs, θ varies by about 20° in the corresponding range of E values. However, such angle variations take place in different ranges of values for each series of μHGPs.
Fig. 5 Measured (symbols) and calculated (lines) inclination angle θ for Ni (triangles) and Co (lozenges) μHGPs grown at different constant reduction potentials using electrolytes with metal cation concentrations of (a) 0.5 M and (b) 1.0 M. The calculated curves are determined using eqn (2) with the growth rate slope and z-intercept coefficients given in Table 1. |
Considering all combinations of NWs materials and electrolyte cation concentrations lead to a θ variation in a wide range from about 18° to 67°. These angles are much larger and are in a wider range of values than those in the range 1–6° reported in a previous work for NW arrays with height gradient profiles made by a combined dip-coating and electrodeposition method.30 As a result, the method proposed in this work has the advantage of obtaining μHGPs whose geometry can be modified more drastically. Another interesting feature of the behavior of θ is that larger inclination angles arise at lower reduction potentials for all series of μHGPs for which the electrodeposition process is very slow. At these potentials, eqn (2) predicts higher inclination angles than the measured ones and zero lateral growth for E close to −0.9 V. Therefore, although the proposed model provides a pretty good explanation for the behavior of the inclination angle, it is limited to low E values because the lateral growth is likely to take place as long as the NWs growth occurs. Furthermore, Ni μHGPs show larger inclination angles than those for Co μHGPs at a fixed cation concentration, indicating higher growth rates along the vertical direction than in the horizontal one using Ni electrolytes. As seen from the comparison between Fig. 5(a) and (b), larger θ values up to about 40° are obtained for Co μHGPs grown at low potentials using more concentrated electrolytes. In contrast, θ shows a weaker dependence on the cation concentration for the case of Ni μHGPs. The slight variation of both the experimental and predicted θ at large |E| values corroborate the fact that the growth rates in the vertical and horizontal directions increase proportionally. Therefore, deviations from the linear behavior observed in Fig. 4 are very likely due to the increase of the HER.
(3) |
Fig. 6 Non-linear (a and b) Ni and (c and d) Co μHGPs obtained by varying the potential using eqn (3) with p = 4 for electrolytes with 0.5 M metal cation concentrations and varying the reduction potential in the range (a and c) −0.9 V to −1.4 V and (b and d) −1.4 to −0.9 V. The dashed lines are guides to the eye to highlight the μHGP morphology and scale bars in all figures represent 20 μm. |
For the μHGP of Fig. 6(a) Ei = −0.9 V and Ef = −1.4 V, so the reduction potential is increasing or accelerating with time, which is responsible for the observed concave morphology. As seen in Fig. 3(a–c) and 5(a), larger reduction potentials favor the horizontal growth that leads to lower inclination angles. This mechanism can explain the preferred concave morphology with a low initial angle as a result of the application of larger potentials at the end of the NWs growth provided that the vertical and horizontal growth rates are similar to each other. Conversely, for the μHGP of Fig. 6(b) Ei = −1.4 V and Ef = −0.9 V, leading as a result to a decelerating growth which is responsible for the observed convex morphology, as expected. In this case, the higher starting potential which is characteristic of lower inclination angles does not have a significant influence on the morphology of the μHGP because it is followed by lower potentials over time which favor larger inclination angles. As a consequence, two different growths are obtained by just switching the initial and final reduction potentials in the experiment.
On the other hand, although eqn (3) has been designed to induce deviations from the linear morphology of Ni μHGPs, it can also be used to obtain Co μHGPs with different morphologies. Both growths of Co μHGPs with |Ei| < |Ef| and |Ei| > |Ef| for the accelerating and decelerating regimes, respectively, have been carried out by following the same procedure as for Ni μHGPs. Fig. 6(c) and (d) show Co μHGPs grown considering p = 4 for the accelerating and decelerating potential regimes. As seen, the morphology of these structures is now convex- and concave-like, respectively, which is contrary to what is obtained for the Ni μHGPs grown under the same conditions. In order to understand this change of morphology, observe from the comparison between Fig. 4(a, b) and (c, d) that a potential-dependent gap between Vx and Vz takes place for Co μHGPs but not for Ni μHGPs. In the accelerating regime (|Ei| < |Ef|), longer periods take place in a slower growth which is characteristic of larger inclination angles [see Fig. 3(d)]. This situation can explain the convex-like morphology of the structure. At this stage, the gap between Vx and Vz is not too important, so new nucleation sites are created in a controlled way, thus limiting to some extent their accelerated generation. However, as observed; the sudden final acceleration and the further increase of Vx with respect to Vz favors the lateral extension of the Co μHGP width. These features are then responsible for the convex and more extended morphology in contrast to what is obtained for Ni μHGPs fabricated under the same conditions.
Conversely, in the decelerating regime (|Ei| > |Ef|), longer periods take place in a faster growth, which is characteristic of lower inclination angles [see Fig. 3 (f)]. At this stage, Vx > Vz with a significant difference between them, thus promoting a fast creation of new nucleation sites that significantly extend the width of the μHGP. Since most of the time is devoted to larger reduction potentials, it follows that the total growth time is shortened in comparison to that in the accelerating regime. Then, a preferred concave-like morphology is generated instead of the convex-like one. The lower reduction potentials at the end do not have a significant impact on the μHGP morphology because the structure is mainly completed in the initial times as a result of the corresponding faster growth.
On the other hand, by comparing the morphologies of the μHGPs shown in Fig. 3(d) and 6(d), it seems that a more horizontally extended structure is generated when E varies in a decelerating way than when E is very high but kept constant during the total growth time. Indeed, the average angle of the μHGP of Fig. 3(d) is about 20°, thus larger than the value of about 13° for the μHGP of Fig. 6(d). The lower angle observed when the potential decelerates is due to the longer time required for the NW growth, in contrast to the shorter time when the growth occurs at the highest constant potential. This feature can be explained by the fact that θ is nearly independent on E for the Co-0.5 M electrolyte [see Fig. 5(a)], whereas Vz clearly depends on |E|. The decreasing of Vz in the decelerating regime leads to a growth time delay with respect to the faster growth done at the constant highest reduction potential.
The careful variation of the reduction potential through simple functional expressions can generate broad μHGP morphologies with lateral dimensions that span in the range of 10 to 102 μm. By following the experimental approach reported in this work allows synthesizing not only very narrow microstructures but also the generation of laterally extended structures comparable to those obtained by more complex fabrication techniques like dip-coating.30 Besides, the proposed method in this work has the drawback of generating gradients around isolated regions without electrical contact in contrast to heterogeneous nanostructures manufactured by other methods such as two-photon lithography and electron beam-induced lithography.54,55 However, its main advantages are its low cost, ease of production, and flexibility to design patterned electrodes useful for a wide variety of potential applications that require 3D structural control.
Finally, the method developed in this work is a novel approach to modulate geometrical features in three dimensions at the micron-scale since it takes advantage of a mechanism that has not been previously identified. The study highlights the role and effects of the main working parameters like the dependence on the reduction potential and cation concentration of the morphology of the μHGPs. Simple control mechanisms are proposed to vary continuously and in a controlled way the deposition potential in order to obtain predetermined morphologies. The method also highlights the dynamical lateral growth of the electrode and its role in the electrochemical reduction of the metal along the perpendicular direction. In this sense, the use of patterned geometries as electrodes can make it possible to control and design three-dimensional shapes of nanowire arrays. Moreover, the combination of the method of this work with micropatterning tools can be used as a different approach to conventional micro-lithography for the fabrication of arrays of nanowire bundles with predesigned shapes. The method also complements currently known processes for modulating the shape and micrometer-scale geometric features of NW template-assisted electrochemical growth in three dimensions. Overall, this method can be adapted for many of the NW growth variations based on the usual continuous electrode approach, like diameter modulation in anodic aluminum oxide membranes,56 multilayered NWs,57 and interconnected NWs,58 to produce novel 3D modulated NW arrays.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |