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Correction: Understanding fecal sludge drying in membrane-lined container-based toilets for developing countries with CFD modeling

Babak Ebrazi Bakhshayesh , Shray Saxena and Paul T. Imhoff *
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, 344A DuPont Hall, Newark, DE, USA. E-mail:

Received 9th April 2020 , Accepted 9th April 2020

First published on 21st April 2020


Correction for ‘Understanding fecal sludge drying in membrane-lined container-based toilets for developing countries with CFD modeling’ by Babak Ebrazi Bakhshayesh et al., Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2019, 5, 2219–2231.

The authors would like to address errors in the legend of Fig. 8 and associated text. The city/country names and relative humidity (RH) data for two cities were reported incorrectly in the figure legend.

The required corrections are described below.

In the legend for Fig. 8, “Malakal, South Sudan” must change to “Zinder, Niger”, and the associated RH must change from 21.5% to 34.5%. “Al Kawal, Sudan” must change to “Kuraymah, Sudan”, and the RH should be 23% rather than 25%. The corrected Fig. 8 is provided below.

image file: d0ew90023k-f8.tif
Fig. 1 Filling time for the laminate-lined 40 L drum with or without laminate in five developing countries at three wind regimes with a FS loading rate of 7.8 L per day.

One sentence in the paragraph discussing Fig. 8 on page 2230 of the paper that contains country/city name and RH data, is revised:

“The smallest enhancement of ‘days to fill’ is associated with calm (0.1 m s−1), cold (16 °C) and humid (RH = 67%) conditions for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, while the largest enhancement is associated with the gentle breeze (3.4 m s−1), warm (29 °C), and dry (RH = 23%) conditions for Kuraymah, Sudan.”

The authors apologize for any inconvenience these inadvertent errors may have caused.

The Royal Society of Chemistry apologises for these errors and any consequent inconvenience to authors and readers.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020