Paul A.
Zachary P.
Azhar I.
a and
Nathan S.
aDivision of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 127-72, 210 Noyes Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. E-mail:
bBeckman Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
First published on 12th November 2020
The effects of the size, contact-angle, and coverage of gas bubbles on solar fuels devices were characterized at cm-scale, upward-facing planar and microwire-array Si photoelectrodes in stagnant electrolytes. Experimental measurements were supported by ray-tracing simulations of surface attached gas bubble films. A dilute, redox-active tracer allowed for the quantification of the mass-transport effects of bubble coverage during photoanodic O2(g) evolution at upward-facing photoanodes in 1.0 M KOH(aq.). Measurements of the gas coverage at upward-facing p-Si photocathodes in 0.50 M H2SO4(aq.) allowed for the nucleation rate and contact angle of H2(g) bubbles to be evaluated for systems having various surface free energies. Under simulated solar illumination, the rapid departure of small O2(g) bubbles produced stable photocurrents at upward-facing oxygen-evolving Si photoanodes and yielded increased mass-transport velocities relative to a stagnant electrolyte, indicating that bubbles can provide a net benefit to the photoelectrochemical performance of an upward-facing photoanode in solar fuels devices.
Broader contextPhotoelectrochemical cells have been used to produce hydrogen and oxygen gases from water and sunlight. Efficient photoelectrochemical cells will be oriented towards the sun while producing bubbles on the top-facing and bottom-facing sides of the device. Gas bubbles have generally been regarded as deleterious to the cell performance because they scatter incident light, increase the solution resistance, and obstruct the active area of electrocatalysts. In this report, we have characterized the optical, electrochemical, and mass-transport effects of gas-bubbles on planar silicon and silicon microwire-array photoelectrochemical cells. The results show that bubbles contribute minimally to increased resistance or reflective losses when the photoelectrode is large compared to the mean bubble radius. Furthermore, bubbles increase the mass transport velocity through the solution, relative to a stagnant electrolyte. Careful cleaning and control of the microstructure of the top-facing photoelectrode surface will result in gas-bubble films that do not lead to substantial reductions to device efficiency. |
Bubbles are generally regarded as deleterious to the performance of photoelectrochemical cells, and have been reported to act as concentrating “miniature lenses” that result in increased photocorrosion.9–11 Bubbles are not optically absorbing and with a refractive index lower than the surrounding medium primarily lead to forward scattering of light.12 In research laboratories, photoelectrochemical efficiency measurements are often performed on electrodes that are 0.1–1 cm2 in area, which magnifies the scattering effects of mm-scale bubbles.1 A few studies have directly quantified the optical effects of gas evolution.13–15 H2(g) bubbles led to >20% reductions in the light-limited photocurrent density at upward-facing, platinized, planar p-Si photocathodes under simulated Air Mass (AM) 1.5 illumination.13 Rising layers of O2(g) bubbles with 40–50 μm radii have been reported to reflect 1–5% of the incident illumination on a side-facing fluorine-doped tin oxide surface held at 1–8 mA cm−2 of current density.15 However, the optical and electrochemical effects of surface-attached O2(g) bubbles on upward-facing photoanodes have yet to be quantified, especially on large area electrodes that will be necessary in practical implementations of such devices.
Crystalline Si is well suited for studies of the nucleation and growth of gas bubbles during photoelectrochemical H2(g) or O2(g) evolution. Wet-chemical methods for preparing polished Si surfaces that have minimal densities of particles and organic contaminants have been well established by the microelectronics industry.16 Si photocathodes are thermodynamically stable while evolving H2(g) under cathodic conditions in 0.50 M H2SO4(aq.).17 When protected with conformal, thin films of TiO2/Ni, Si photoanodes are stable for >100 h while evolving O2(g) under anodic conditions in 1.0 M KOH(aq.).18 Si microwire, μW, arrays can be prepared over large areas with well defined, micron-scale features. μW arrays have been shown to influence the number density and radius of gas bubbles at downward-facing dark cathodes evolving H2(g) in the absence of illumination. However, the effects of such surfaces on the optical and electrochemical performances of upward-facing, gas-evolving photoelectrodes were not studied and are critical for assessing the behavior of solar-driven photoelectrodes.8
Herein, ray-tracing simulations were combined with experimental measurements on cm-scale n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes and p-Si photocathodes to characterize the effects of H2(g) and O2(g) evolution on the optical and electrochemical performances of upward-facing photoelectrodes. Steady-state photoelectrochemical experiments at upward-facing planar and μW n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes have facilitated comparison of the influence of surface microstructure on the coverage and contact angle of gas-layers as well as resulting effects on the optical losses and ohmic resistance during device operation while evolving O2(g). A dilute, redox-active tracer species was used to evaluate unassisted microconvection at upward-facing photoanode surfaces during O2(g) evolution. Moreover, the nucleation rates and coverages of gas bubble layers were compared as a function of surface free energy at upward-facing hydrogen-evolving Si photocathodes. Ray-tracing simulations allowed the photocurrent density at upward-facing crystalline Si photoelectrodes to be predicted as a function of gas coverage, bubble radius, and contact-angle. Experiments at downward-facing p-Si photocathodes and downward-facing n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes allowed additional quantification of the coverage of surface-attached gas bubbles while concomitantly measuring their effect on the photocurrent behavior of such systems.
The optical effects of O2(g) bubbles on upward-facing electrodes were investigated for electrodes in 1.0 M KOH(aq.). Fig. 2A presents the current density vs. potential, J–E, behavior of n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes under simulated 1 sun conditions, as measured via linear-sweep voltammetry at a scan rate of 200 mV s−1, before and after extended potentiostatic holds at 1.6 V vs. RHE (Fig. 2B). The potential was swept at a rate sufficient to assess the J–E behavior of the photoelectrode in the absence or in the presence of a stable gas bubble layer, while maintaining sufficiently low sweep rates that the charging current did not contribute substantially to J. Data were not corrected for the substantial iR drop between the working and the reference electrode. A representative iR-corrected plot of the J–E behavior of a planar n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanode, accounting for the potential drop through the 5.3 ohm solution resistance, is provided as Fig. S15 (ESI†). Electrodes were poised at a potential at which J was light-limited, Jph, producing conditions under which efficient charge separation produced by the potential drop across the space-charge region minimized effects due to changes in the exposed catalyst area, concentration overpotential, and/or electrolyte resistance. Gas layers at oxygen-evolving n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes were characterized by large numbers of bubbles that released frequently at small radii. Under simulated 1 sun illumination, Jph was 20 mA cm−2 at either planar or μW 6|14 n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes, which produced streams of bubbles due to nucleation of bubbles predominantly at a small number of sites across the surface (Fig. 2C and D). The number of nucleation sites increased as the illumination intensity increased, leading to a more uniform coverage of bubbles across the photoanode surface (Fig. S4, ESI†). The bubbles at the planar n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanode were larger in radius than the bubbles produced by μW 6|14 n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes.
The production of O2(g) bubbles during gas evolution did not lead to a substantial change in Jph, which remained stable and close to the measured maximum during voltammetry (Fig. 2A). This Jph–t behavior did not change during extended testing at 1.6 V vs. RHE (Fig. 2E). Linear-sweep voltammograms after 1 h of continuous photoanodic operation showed that the J–E behavior was not substantially affected by the presence of a sparse gas bubble film. Illumination with 2 suns of intensity yielded similarly stable Jph–t behavior, consistent with the J–E behavior before and immediately after chronoamperometry (Fig. 2F and G). At nominally constant illumination intensities, μW 6|28 n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes yielded lower Jph values than μW 6|14 n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes (Fig. S5, ESI†). The lower Jph at μW 6|28 n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes, in comparison to analogous samples prepared from a μW 6|14 array, was due to the decreased coverage of microwires such that a greater quantity of light was absorbed by the planar substrate. A planar n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanode with a 10 nm thick layer of Ni exhibited Jph = 17.4 mA cm−2 under 2 suns (Fig. S5A, ESI†).
The effect of gas evolution on the Nernst diffusion layer was quantified for n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes in the presence of a dilute, redox-active tracer, Fe(CN)64−, whose oxidation product, Fe(CN)63− strongly absorbs blue light (Fig. 3A). Measurements were performed on both downward-facing and upward-facing electrodes. During photoanodic operation at 2.1 V vs. RHE, Jph was set by the illumination intensity from the narrow-band red LED, which was primarily reflected or converted to photogenerated charge carriers and thus did not contribute to substantial heating of the electrolyte. The average partial photocurrent passed towards Fe(CN)64− oxidation was calculated from the concentration of Fe(CN)63− measured in the cell after electrolysis. During the forward scan, two anodic peaks were observed, corresponding to surface oxidation of Ni and oxidation of Fe(CN)64−. After electrolysis, these peaks were not present during the reverse scan (Fig. 3B), indicating that the Fe(CN)64− concentration at the surface approached zero and that the electrochemically addressable Ni was fully oxidized. A single, broad reduction wave was observed, consistent with the voltammetric behavior of a polished Ni surface, but with peaks shifted towards more negative potentials as expected for a photoanode (Fig. S6, ESI†). Measurements of the electrochemical behavior of Fe(CN)64− in 1.0 M KOH(aq.) at a Ni wire, for comparison to the n-Si/TiO2/Ni surface, and at a Au wire, to measure the isolated electrochemical behavior of the Fe(CN)63−/4− couple, are presented as Fig. S6 (ESI†).
Eqn (1) relates the diffusion-limited current density for Fe(CN)63− production, jFe(III), to the bulk concentration of Fe(CN)64−, , and the mass-transport velocity, mFe(II), across the diffusion layer.
![]() | (1) |
Side-view, false colored photographs of illuminated gas streams emanating from upward-facing photoanodes (Fig. 3D–F) revealed small streams of bubbles that were difficult to observe in top-down images. Original images are available as Fig. S9 (ESI†), and a composite video of the gas streams is provided as Video S1 (ESI†). Fewer, larger bubbles were released on planar n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes (Fig. 3D) than on μW 6|14 or μW 6|28 n-Si/TiO2/Ni photoanodes (Fig. 3E and F). The vertical gas streams at μW 6|14 and μW 6|28 n-Si/TiO2/Ni electrodes generated a horizontal flow of electrolyte at the electrode and at the electrolyte surface. Near the electrode surface, this flow was directed towards the center of the electrode, but at the electrolyte surface the flow was directed towards the edges of the electrode. Jph/Jbareph was nearly constant with time, and for Jph ≤ 30 mA cm−2 the optical losses did not exceed 2% of Jbareph (Fig. S10, ESI†) despite substantial differences in the distribution of gas bubbles in the ∼1 cm thick, illuminated layer of electrolyte.
The radius and coverage of gas bubbles were both small at either upward-facing planar or μW n-Si/TiO2/Ni electrodes, and did not contribute to substantial increases in the ohmic resistance or concentration overpotential (Fig. 2A and F). Moreover, bubbles did not substantially reflect photons away from the semiconductor (Fig. 2B, E and G). The generation of gas bubble streams has been studied at Pt microelectrodes in 1.2 M H2SO4(aq.).19 Gas evolution at upward-facing electrodes consistently led to increased mFe(II) relative to a stagnant electrolyte. Such behavior is consistent with previous measurements of the oxygen-evolving behavior of polished Ni foils.6 The redox-active tracer used herein was present in concentrations that were 100 times more dilute than the concentration of OH− in the cell, but yielded mass-transport-limited jFe(III) values only 10 times less than Jph required for a 10% efficient solar-to-fuels device.4 This behavior suggests that the formation and departure of O2 bubbles on upward-facing photoanodes generates sufficient convection to sustain device operation in unstirred electrolytes.
Mutually similar mFe(II) values were observed at upward-facing planar, μW 6|14, and μW 6|28 photoanodes (Fig. 3D–F), despite the variation in the number density and radii of bubbles in the gas-layers. The dependence of mass-transport velocities only on the volumetric flow rate of gas, and not the size or distribution of gas bubbles, is consistent with a fluid replacement model for bubble-generated microconvection.6,20 Mass-transport velocities were lower at downward-facing electrodes relative to upward-facing electrodes (Fig. 3C), suggesting that the departure rate of gas bubbles from the surface is a controlling variable on the microconvection process. A consequence of this microconvection model is that electrodes that produce isolated streams of gas bubbles (Fig. 3D and E) will produce a spatially nonuniform distribution of products and reactants, potentially leading to undesirable pH gradients and efficiency losses. Increases in the density of microwires, from planar to μW 6|28 to μW 6|14, led to decreases in the radii of bubbles and an increased number of gas streams, which would be expected to lead to more uniform mass transport. Preexisting gas nuclei can also be added to the surface to ensure a more even distribution of passive microconvection.21 Solar fuels devices should ensure that the quantity of gas that is collected within gas bubbles approaches unity, to minimize concentration overpotentials and maximize the mass-transport velocity at the surface. We have herein evaluated the effects of microconvection due to bubble formation, noting that convection due to thermal gradients may be important for solar fuels devices under concentrated sunlight (ESI†). Under nonconcentrated sunlight, the generation of highly reduced products such as C2H4 (12 e− per mole) may not produce sufficient gas flow rates to eliminate the need for external convection at that electrode surface.
The low gas coverages and minimal decreases in Jph in stagnant electrolytes observed for upward-facing Si photoanodes in 1.0 M KOH(aq.) contrast with the previously reported behavior of side-facing or upward-facing planar Si photocathodes in H2SO4(aq.), which exhibited greater coverages of larger bubbles than observed herein.9,13 The surface chemistry of planar photoelectrodes influences the gas coverage and consequently affects Jph. The shape and departure diameter of a bubble is controlled by the adhesive forces at the solid/gas interface. The differences in Rb and θb between upward-facing photocathodes and photoanodes observed herein are not explained by differences in the surface free energy; both the hydrated Ni(OH)2/NiOOH, which forms during photoanodic operation in 1.0 M KOH(aq.), and clean noble metal surfaces, are expected to act as wettable, high-energy surfaces.22,23 However, a monolayer of carbon contamination is sufficient to increase the hydrophobicity of a metal surface, and advancing water droplet contact angles >50° have been reported at Au and Pt.24 Rigorous cleaning may be required to observe similar nucleation rates at Si coated with a uniform layer of Pt. Hydroxyl terminated Si, Si/OH, is wettable and thus is expected to exhibit bubble contact angles approaching 180°.
A substantial reduction in the gas coverage was observed for hydroxyl-terminated upward-facing p-Si surfaces in 0.50 M H2SO4(aq.) relative to hydride-terminated surfaces. This observation is consistent with heterogeneous nucleation rate models that include a dependence on the contact angle of the initial nuclei, because surfaces with θb ∼ 180° are not catalytic for heterogeneous nucleation.25–27 (100)-Oriented Si surfaces terminated with Si–H bonds, following exposure to HF(aq.), exhibit an advancing water contact angle >70°,28 and p-Si photocathodes dipped in HF exhibited gas coverages and Jph losses in 0.50 M H2SO4(aq.) that were comparable to those of Si coated with Ti/Pt.13 For planar solar fuels devices that utilize a noble metal catalyst layer such Au or Pt, small Rb and θb values, approaching 180°, may be obtained after careful cleaning of such electrodes. Upward-facing polished Pt foils primarily produced bubbles of Rb < 50 μm after three days of continuous cathodic current flow in 1.0 M H2SO4(aq.). Microstructuring or micropatterning can alleviate the deleterious effects of gas bubbles produced by non-optimal surface chemistry. Hence the results described herein are consistent with prior reports that the capillary forces within Si μW arrays, attributed to the more frequent release of small bubbles, lead to stable (photo)electrochemical performance in the absence of external convection.8,29 Patterned catalyst islands surrounded by a hydrophilic, passivating metal oxide layer could also result in increased wettability and decreased departure diameters for gas bubbles on upward-facing electrodes.
The simulations also revealed that gas bubbles should produce a substantial redistribution of photogenerated carriers in the electrode (Fig. 5B). Bubbles act as diverging lenses that should reduce the Jph under the bubble, |r| < Rb and divert intensity to outside the bubble, |r| > Rb. The highest regions of increased photocurrent were directly beyond the projected radius of a surface-attached bubble, with complementary effects for neighboring bubbles (Fig. S11, ESI†). The sum total effect of gas films that contained multiple bubbles was simulated by line-scans over a 1 cm wide absorber, while varying the total coverage by bubbles having a uniform size and shape. Bubbles with larger values of θb minimized the area of the gas/solid interface for an equivalent projected surface coverage, producing values of close to Jbareph (Fig. 5C). Larger bubbles scattered light from a greater distance from the absorber surface and thus led to increased optical losses relative to an equivalent surface coverage of smaller bubbles (Fig. 5D). However, gas coverages ≤0.5 produced a <10% reduction in simulated Jph values.
The close agreement between line scans of simulated in this work and previously reported Jph(r) line scans measured experimentally using scanning-photocurrent microscopy demonstrates that ray-tracing simulations are an accurate method for simulating the optical properties of bubbles that have diameters substantially larger than a wavelength of light.13 Although the shape of surface-attached bubbles can be expected to affect the spatial propagation of off-incident illumination (Fig. 5B), Jph should be close to Jbareph if Rb is small with respect to the electrode width (Fig. 5D). Refracted rays are not scattered far from a bubble and can moreover produce an increase in collection efficiency relative to the absorption at a bare-Si/liquid interface (Fig. 5A). Eqn (2) gives the scattering distance, s, for a ray at position r undergoing total internal reflection as a function of the bubble radius, Rb, and θb:
![]() | (2) |
The dependence of Jph/Jbareph on the gas coverage (Fig. 6A and B) was in agreement with simulated Jph/Jbareph data vs. coverage data for 2D line scans at coverages <0.4 (Fig. 5C and D). At the highest gas coverages, the experimentally measured Jph/Jbareph values were lower than the Jph/Jbareph values predicted by simulation, concurrent with the presence of the largest gas bubbles. The simulated gas coverages however assumed an even distribution of gas bubbles across the surface, whereas in practice gas bubbles tended to aggregate and were more often found near the edges of the electrode, which could increase the amount of light scattered away from the absorber. Differences in the shape of larger bubbles due to hydrostatic pressure could also influence the measured optical effects, but such effects are not expected to be relevant to the optical properties of bubbles at upward-facing electrodes.
The ray-tracing simulations described herein assumed that only bubbles that are large with respect to the wavelength of light contributed substantially to optical losses in photoelectrochemical cells. This assumption is justified by the R ∼ t1/2 dependence of bubble growth, such that bubbles spend a short time as small nuclei but spend a relatively long time close to the Rb at which the bubbles leave the surface.30 The simulations in this work do not treat interference effects and will underestimate the effective scattering radius of small bubbles.31 These effects could be important for solar fuels devices that generate a large number of small gas nuclei due to operation under concentrated sunlight. The dominant optical effect of gas bubbles is the spatial redistribution of photogenerated carriers across the semiconductor surface. The deleterious effects of bubbles on the efficiency of small-scale photoelectrochemical solar fuels devices suitable for research-scale measurements cells are not present on larger-scale electrodes.10 Solar fuels devices using a conductive emitter layer will redistribute carriers across the equipotential top surface such that bubbles will not affect the local Jph.32 Gas bubbles that are much smaller than the carrier-collection length of a semiconductor are unlikely to influence the spatial distribution of Jph because photogenerated carriers will redistribute to minimize the overpotential at individual catalyst sites. Large gas bubbles on membrane-embedded, electrically isolated microcells will have more substantial effects on the device efficiency if cells operating under less than 1 sun illumination do not generate sufficient photovoltage to drive the full-cell reaction. Gas bubbles that adhere to micropatterned catalyst sites will direct light away from the catalyst, which could lead to beneficial increases in the total Jph.
Tandem photocathodes connected to a dark RuOx anode have been reported to exhibit lower stability and efficiency in two-electrode configurations relative to three-electrode configurations.33 The contributions of gas bubbles to the solution resistance, concentration overpotential, and mass transport velocity are expected to be mutually similar for optimally configured two-electrode and three-electrode measurements. If bubbles do not obstruct current carrying paths, the solution resistance during wireless water splitting should be lower, and thus more favorable for stability and efficiency, than in the three-electrode configuration used herein. Deleterious effects in a two-electrode configuration of cross-contamination of impurities produced by the counter electrode that may degrade the performance of the working photoelectrode are minimized in our three-electrode configuration and could be minimized in a two-electrode configuration through optimal choice of the counter electrode material and electrolyte, along with optimization of cell design including membranes or separators.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d0ee02796k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 |