Baowei Wang*,
Zongyuan Hu,
Sihan Liu,
Minhong Jiang,
Yuqin Yao,
Zhenhua Li and
Xinbin Ma*
Key Laboratory for Green Chemical Technology of the Ministry of Education, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China. E-mail:
First published on 17th October 2014
The effect of the sulphidation temperature on the activity and selectivity of a NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst for sulphur-resistant methanation was systematically investigated. The prepared catalysts were subsequently characterised by N2-physisorption, temperature-programmed sulphidation, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained from characterisation demonstrated that the NiMoO4 species in the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was sulphided when the sulphidation temperature was at or above 300 °C. Evaluation of the catalysts in sulphur-resistant methanation from syngas indicated that the sample sulphided at 400 °C has the highest likelihood of possessing a greater NiMoS type I structure. The catalytic activity decreased when the sulphidation temperature was above 400 °C. This decrease was primarily caused by the formation of MoS2 crystals and the progressive transformation of the NiMoS phase with increasing sulphidation temperature. The NiMoS type II structure did not display good performance for sulphur-resistant methanation because it resulted in the over-sulphidation of the NiMoS structure to form crystalline MoS2, which exhibited lower methanation activity.
CO + 3H2 → CH4 + H2O | (1) |
As is evident in eqn (1), methanation reactions over Ni-based catalysts require a H2/CO molar ratio of no less than 3:
1. However, for most coal gasification processes, it is almost impossible to generate syngas with such a high H2/CO ratio. Thus, the adjustment of the H2/CO ratio is inevitably performed via a water–gas shift (WGS) reaction in syngas:
CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 | (2) |
2CO + 2H2 → CH4 + CO2 | (3) |
MoS2-based catalysts can significantly reduce the cost of methanation reactions from syngas and react at low H2/CO ratios (H2/CO = 1:
1). Moreover, it is widely recognised that MoS2-based catalysts exhibit sulphur tolerance during methanation, whereas Ni-based catalysts are very sensitive to sulphur poisoning.4 Hence, this sensitivity leads to certain operating limitations of Ni-based catalysts, which also increases the need for MoS2-based catalysts in industry.
To date, due to the specific properties of MoS2-based catalysts, such as high catalytic activity and sulphur-resistant ability, these catalysts have been broadly applied to various hydrotreatment reactions, such as hydrodesulphurisation, the Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, and alcohol synthesis.5–8 The active phase of the MoS2-based catalyst has been extensively recognised as MoS2, which is formed by sulphiding an oxidic precursor. Although the sulphidation of the oxidic precursor can occur under reaction conditions, its catalytic performance completely relies on the raw materials used and optimal operational conditions. For catalysts prepared from precursors containing oxygen, sulphidation plays a key role in determining the catalytic performances of such catalysts.9–11 It is therefore essential to adjust well-controlled sulphided conditions for the MoS2-based catalyst in order to obtain better catalytic performance.12 Following sulphidation, it must be determined whether molybdenum oxysulphide or MoS2 exist on the catalyst, as the species present is correlated with the activity. Hence, it is believed that Mo-based sulphides might be promising catalysts for methanation.
Unlike monometallic MoS2-based catalysts, bimetallic MoS2-based catalysts, such as CoO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 and NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3, show higher catalytic activity in hydrotreating reactions.13–15 Sulphided Ni–Mo and Co–Mo catalysts supported on Al2O3 have been used extensively in several hydrotreating processes, such as hydrodesulphurisation (HDS), hydro-denitrogenation (HDN), hydrodeoxygenation (HDO), and hydrogenation (HYD). It is well accepted that the active component of hydrotreatment catalysts comprises nanosized MoS2 particles with cobalt or nickel atoms decorating their edges and corners;16 these particles form the Co(Ni)–Mo–S phase. Two types of the Co(Ni)–Mo–S phase have been described in the literature.17–19 Type I, characterised by incomplete sulphidation, is formed after low-temperature sulphidation; it has a lower degree of hydrodesulphurisation (HDS) activity than type II, which is formed after high-temperature sulphidation and is fully sulphided.
In our previous study,20 it was found that the CoO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst sulphided at 400 °C exhibited the highest catalytic activity because it possessed the most CoMoS type I structures. A CoMoS type I structure, which is formed at low temperature, can transform into CoMoS type II when the sulphidation temperature increases. In addition, the CoMoS type II structure did not favor sulphur-resistant methanation reaction.
Although there are ample studies in the literature on the application of sulphided Ni–Mo catalysts in hydrotreating HDN reactions, no studies have focused on their ability to participate in sulphur-resistant methanation. In this work, we attempted to investigate the effects of the sulphidation temperature on the catalytic performance of NiO–MoO3/Al2O3 for sulphur-resistant methanation from syngas. The catalysts were sulphided at a range of temperatures; characterized by BET, TPS, XRD, RS, XPS and TEM; and evaluated in a fixed-bed reactor. In addition, the properties of as-prepared catalysts were further investigated, in order to understand the correlations between structure and activity.
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YCH4 = XCO × SCH4 × 100% | (8) |
To understand the sulphidation conditions, the sulphidation behaviours of the NiO/γ-Al2O3, MoO3/γ-Al2O3 and NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts were investigated via TPS techniques. Fig. 2 presents the TPS profiles of these catalysts. As shown in Fig. 2(a), there were two H2S consumption regions in the hydrogen sulphide consumption profile of the NiO/γ-Al2O3 sample. This result indicates that the Ni species would be sulphide until the sulphidation temperature was above approximately 320 °C. Bastow et al.21 reported that the Ni3S2 phase initially appeared, and then it gradually changed to the NiS phase with increasing sulphidation temperature. This was consistent with the second weak H2S consumption region, i.e., the Ni3S2 phase was gradually sulphided to NiS as the sulphidation temperature rose from 550 °C to 700 °C. As shown in Fig. 2(b), there were three H2S consumption regions for the MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. The first region, below 200 °C, was associated with a simple O–S exchange to form MoOxSy species.26,27 The second H2S consumption region (250–500 °C) was attributed to further sulphidation of MoOxSy to form a MoS2 structure. The last region (>550 °C) arose from the sulphidation of a Mo–O–Al structure, which indicated that the MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst was completely sulphide.28 The TPS profile of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst is displayed in Fig. 2(c). Three H2S consumption regions are clearly observed in the TPS profile of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst, including H2S consumption regions of the NiO/γ-Al2O3 and MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts during sulphidation. The sulphided regions are broader than those of the NiO/γ-Al2O3 and MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. This result could be attributed to the sulphidation of the Ni and Mo species in the catalyst. As reported in the literature,29 catalyst sulphidation occurs in three main stages: (1) initial exchange of surface oxygen for sulphur; (2) reduction of molybdenum accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulphide; and (3) slow sulphiding of the remaining oxygen. The results of the TPS profiles in this study were in good agreement with the sulphiding stages described above.
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Fig. 2 TPS profiles of (a) NiO/γ-Al2O3 catalyst, (b) MoO3/γ-Al2O3, catalyst, and (c) NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. |
Fig. 3 presents the X-ray diffraction patterns of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 samples sulphided at 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 °C. For comparison, the XRD pattern of the non-sulphided sample is also included. Three primary γ-Al2O3 diffraction peaks were detected at 2θ = 37.5°, 45.7°, and 66.6°, which were also found in the XRD spectra of the sulphided samples. There was an additional feature observed at 2θ = 26.7°, which might be due to β-NiMoO4 (tetrahedral Mo coordination).30 The formation of these crystallites, which was caused by the interaction between the Ni and Mo species, was characterized by being highly dispersed on the support. In addition, no diffraction peaks corresponding to crystallographic MoO3 or nickel oxides were detected in the non-sulphided sample, which meant that molybdenum oxide and nickel oxide completely dispersed on the γ-Al2O3 support.24,31 When the catalyst was sulphided at 200 °C, there were no distinct diffraction peaks for the MoS2 phase, indicating no MoS2 crystal formation, i.e., the catalyst was not sulphided at 200 °C. Instead, weak diffraction peaks with 2θ at approximately 33° and 59° characteristic for the (100) and (110) planes of the hexagonal phase of MoS2 [PDF 37-1492] occurred after sulphidation at 300 °C. This result indicates that the oxidic precursor was initially sulphided at 300 °C, in accordance with the TPS results. Furthermore, an enhanced intensity of these diffraction lines occurred with the increase in sulphidation temperature, demonstrating that large MoS2 crystallites were formed as the sulphidation temperature increased. Moreover, a NiMoS4 phase was observed at 2θ = 38° for samples sulphided at temperature of 400 °C or above.32 It could be deduced that the NiMoS structure formed when the sulphidation temperature was 400 °C or above.
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Fig. 3 X-ray diffraction patterns of NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 sulphided at different temperatures: (a) non-sulphided, (b) 200 °C, (c) 300 °C, (d) 400 °C, (e) 500 °C, and (f) 600 °C. |
In accordance with the XRD spectra, the laser Raman spectra of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst and samples sulphided at different temperatures are illustrated in Fig. 4. The Raman spectrum of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst (non-sulphided) revealed a dominant asymmetric feature at 961 cm−1, which was attributed to the β-NiMoO4 phases33 (Fig. 4(a)), and was in agreement with the XRD results in Fig. 3. In addition, the Raman bands at approximately 925 cm−1, 359 cm−1, 579 cm −1, and 227 cm−1 were associated with the symmetric stretching and bending modes of the terminal MoO bond, and the Mo–O–Mo symmetric stretch and deformation modes of the amorphous octahedrally coordinated Mo6+(O) species, respectively.34–37 The intensity of these bands decreased with the increase of sulphidation temperature. With respect to the sulphided samples, a dominant peak at 961 cm−1, which was attributed to the NiMoO4 phases, was not found. This result was likely caused by the sulphidation of the NiMoO4 phases during the sulphidation process.
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Fig. 4 Laser Raman spectra of NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 sulphided at different temperatures: (a) non-sulphided, (b) 200 °C, (c) 300 °C, (d) 400 °C, (e) 500 °C, and (f) 600 °C. |
The Raman bands at 383 cm−1, 408 cm−1, and 281 cm−1 are ascribable to the MoS2 phases.38,39 Additionally, the intensity of these bands gradually strengthened with the increase of sulphidation temperature. As the sulphidation temperature rose, there were increasingly more MoS2 phases formed. All of these phenomena were in agreement with XRD analysis. Notably, the Raman bands at 848 cm−1 and 1002 cm−1, corresponding to MoO3,40 were also found in these sulphided samples and not found in the non-sulphided samples. It was observed that the Raman bands at 848 cm−1 and 1002 cm−1 were overlapped by the dominant asymmetric feature at 961 cm−1. It was probable that exposure of the samples to air following sulphidation caused partial sulphided sample re-oxidation and thereby made it easy for MoO3 to form.
In addition, XPS experiments allowed evaluation of the part of Mo and Ni involved in the different phases encountered on the catalyst surface. For simplicity, the deconvolution of Mo 3d and Ni 2p3/2 spectra for only catalysts sulphided at three representative temperatures (200 °C, 400 °C, and 600 °C) were reported (Fig. 5 and 6). The deconvolution of Mo 3d spectra has been well documented.41–44 Molybdenum could exist as disulphide MoS2 (MoIV), where the doublet was located at 229.0 ± 0.1 eV (MoIV 3d5/2) and 232.1 ± 0.1 eV (MoIV 3d3/2). The existence of a Mo oxide phase (MoOx or NiMoO4, MoVI) was elucidated by two contributions located at 232.2 ± 0.1 eV (MoVI 3d5/2) and 235.3 ± 0.1 eV (MoVI 3d3/2). According to the literature, the last phase was an intermediate state Mo oxysulphide species (MoOxSy, MoV). For this species, the doublet appeared at 230.2 ± 0.1 eV (MoV 3d5/2) and 233.4 ± 0.1 eV (MoV 3d3/2). In addition, in the same part of the spectra, two bands appeared corresponding to the S 2s contributions that were decomposed in two different sulphur species (226.0 ± 0.1 eV and 227.6 ± 0.2 eV), which were attributed to the S2− (MoS2) and S22− (MoOxSy) species, respectively.45 These sulphur species must be subtracted from the total spectrum of Mo 3d. Proper deconvolution of the registered peaks provided the data that is summarized in Table 2. There was a significant influence of the sulphidation temperature on the distribution of Mo species. The highest atomic percentage of the (MoIV) sulphide phase and the lowest atomic percentages of the (MoV, MoVI) phases were obtained for the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. This confirmed that the Mo contained in the catalyst was well sulphided at 600 °C, i.e., the sulphidation degree of NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 was correlated with the sulphidation temperature.
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Fig. 5 Deconvolution of XPS Mo 3d spectra of the catalysts sulphided at different temperatures: 200 °C (a), 400 °C (b), and 600 °C (c). |
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Fig. 6 Deconvolution of XPS Ni 2p3/2 spectrum of the catalysts sulphided at different temperatures: 200 °C (a), 400 °C (b), and 600 °C (c). |
ST (°C) | MoIV | MoV | MoVI | |||
BE (eV) | % atom | BE (eV) | % atom | BE (eV) | % atom | |
200 | 229.2 | 22.3 | 230.2 | 33.1 | 232.4 | 44.6 |
400 | 229.1 | 56.5 | 230.3 | 24.3 | 232.5 | 19.2 |
600 | 229.3 | 84.1 | 230.2 | 10.3 | 232.4 | 5.6 |
For the analysis of surface Ni species, there were three major contributions that could have been responsible for the decomposition of the Ni 2p envelope: (i) the NiSx sulphided phase (which could arise from Ni2S3, Ni9S8, or NiS, with binding energy between 852.9 and 853.8 eV), (ii) oxidic nickel on the Al2O3 carrier (binding energy of 856.9 eV), and (iii) the NiMoS phase (with binding energy between 853.5 and 854 eV).46,47 The relative quantities of Ni species (NiII oxide, NiSx, and NiMoS) according to the nature of the support are reported in Table 3. A higher proportion of NiMoS phase was obtained on NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 sulphided at 600 °C, in which 80.8% of the nickel atoms were engaged. This value was higher than those obtained for catalysts sulphided at the low temperature, demonstrating that NiMoO4 phases were transformed into NiMoS4 upon sulphidation.
ST (°C) | NiMoS phase | NiSx phase | NiII phase | |||
BE (eV) | % atom | BE (eV) | % atom | BE (eV) | % atom | |
200 | 853.5 | 46.6 | 852.9 | 15.9 | 855.8 | 37.5 |
400 | 853.4 | 67.4 | 852.5 | 14.5 | 855.9 | 18.1 |
600 | 853.5 | 80.8 | 852.8 | 11.4 | 855.4 | 7.8 |
The surface XPS atomic ratios of the sulphided samples are also compiled in Table 4. For sulphided catalysts, the Mo/Al ratios markedly decreased with the increase in sulphidation temperature, and a similar trend was observed for the Ni/Al ratios. The drastic decrease in both Mo/Al and Ni/Al ratios upon sulphidation suggested the formation of large sulphide particles at the surface of the aluminium oxide. The S/Al and S/(Ni + Mo) ratios substantially increased, however, as the sulphidation temperature rose, thus indicating that the degree of sulphidation depends, to a large extent, on the temperature. Furthermore, catalysts sulphided at 600 °C had higher S/(Ni + Mo) and S/Al ratios, which indicated a larger degree of sulphidation of these catalysts.
ST (°C) | S/(Ni + Mo) | Mo/Al | Ni/Al | S/Al |
200 | 0.800 | 0.127 | 0.0403 | 0.134 |
400 | 1.80 | 0.101 | 0.0380 | 0.227 |
600 | 2.05 | 0.0974 | 0.0252 | 0.279 |
The HRTEM images of catalysts sulphided at different temperatures are shown in Fig. 7. Information is provided regarding the morphology of MoS2, the distribution of slab length (L), and the number of fringes (N). Fig. 7 presents images of typical crystallites of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 phase sulphided at different temperatures. Obviously, no distinct stacked MoS2 crystals were found in the catalysts sulphided at or below 300 °C, which was in good agreement with the results of XRD and Raman spectroscopy. Nanosized spot-like entities were found to exist in these catalysts, and these entities were assigned to non-crystalline Mo oxysulfide particles.48 These entities were scarce in the catalysts sulphided above 300 °C, which was attributed to the high-temperature sulphidation of these entities. With the increase in sulphidation temperature, the micrographs consistently displayed increasingly more stripes that represented MoS2 phase. There were abundant black thread-like fringes corresponding to the MoS2 slabs with different stack height and length evenly distributed on the surface of Al2O3. In addition, the stacking number and length of stacked MoS2 crystals are presented in Table 5 by statistical analysis of the HRTEM images. For the catalyst sulphided at 300 °C, the average stack length was 2.14 nm, and the average stacking number was 1.73 layers. With a further increase in the sulphidation temperature, larger MoS2 particles were predominantly formed as seen in the case of catalysts sulphided at higher temperatures. The stacking number and length of stacked MoS2 crystallites increased with increasing sulphidation temperature. In addition, HRTEM showed that the MoS2 slabs for those catalysts sulphided at high temperature were larger and more stacked than those at low temperature, which suggested that less MoedgeIV active sites were available on the catalyst surface.43 The results of TEM demonstrated that the degree of sulphidation for MoO3 strengthened and large MoS2 phase crystallites formed, which were in good accordance with XRD and Raman results.
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Fig. 7 TEM images of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst sulphided at (a) 200 °C, (b) 300 °C, (c) 400 °C, (d) 500 °C, and (e) 600 °C. |
ST (°C) | Average length L (nm) | Average stacking number |
200 | — | — |
300 | 2.14 | 1.73 |
400 | 2.66 | 1.96 |
500 | 3.58 | 3.23 |
600 | 4.17 | 3.65 |
The sulphidation temperature was found to have a pronounced influence on both textural and structural properties of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts. Furthermore, based on the results of TPS, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, and TEM, we divided the temperature range into two zones and will separately discuss the variations observed in the properties of the resulting sulphides.
(I) Sulphidation temperature below 400 °C: in this region, no significant influence on the texture of the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 sulphides is observed. Based on the results of the N2 adsorption–desorption (Table 1 and Fig. 1), the BET surface, pore volumes, and average pore sizes were essentially the same. As previously reported in the literature,49,50 β-NiMoO4, which was more easily converted into NiMoS active sites during the sulphidation process, was the precursor of the NiMoS structure. The XRD and RS results elucidated that NiMoO4 species existed in the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst. Therefore, the Ni species and Mo species could form a NiMoS structure during the sulphidation process. The NiMoS structure was formed by the Ni atom located on the edge of the MoS2 crystal.16 In other words, the formation of the MoS2 crystal was a prerequisite for the formation of the NiMoS structure. At low sulphide temperature, no NiMoS phase formed until the MoS2 particles were formed. The XRD and RS results demonstrated that the formation of MoS2 occurred when the sulphidation temperature was 300 °C. The TEM results indicated, however, that MoS2 crystals were visible in the catalyst until the sulphidation temperature reached 400 °C. Thus, it could be concluded that the NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst underwents only partial sulphidation at 300 °C.
(II) Sulphidation temperature in the range of 400–600 °C: a drastic decrease in the specific surface area accompanied by a significant increase in the size of the MoS2 particles was observed in this temperature range (Table 1). XRD, Raman, and XPS analyses demonstrated that the intensity of sulphidation was progressively enhanced with the increase of sulphidation temperature. Previous reports in the literature stated that the type of NiMoS structures could be divided into NiMoS type I and NiMoS type II, which formed incomplete sulphidation and full sulphide, respectively.28 This demonstrated that the NiMoS type formation depended on the sulphidation temperature. According to the results of XPS, NiMoS phases were formed during the sulphidation process. A higher proportion of the NiMoS phase was obtained at higher sulphidation temperature. In addition, TEM revealed MoS2 slabs with significantly higher stacking and an average higher length as the sulphidation temperature rose. It was observed from a combination of XPS quantification and HRTEM micrographs that there were more and more stripes representing MoS2 as the temperature increased from 400 to 600 °C. This strongly suggested that NiMoS type II was formed at high sulphidation temperatures. It can be deduced that the NiMoS phase can be changed with the sulphidation temperature.
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Fig. 8 CO conversion and selectivity of NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 catalysts sulphided at different temperatures: (a) non-sulphided, (b) 200 °C, (c) 300 °C, (d) 400 °C, (e) 500 °C, and (f) 600 °C. |
As discussed above, the BET specific surface areas of the catalysts decreased with increasing sulphidation temperature. The decrease in BET specific surface is one of the factors leading to the decrease in catalytic activity, but not the key factor. In the NiMoS catalyst system, Ni atoms are generally incorporated into Mo vacancies at the edge locations of the MoS2 crystallites. Only the NiMoS structure, which was formed by interactions between the edge atoms of MoS2 and Ni atoms, has been reported to show catalytic activity, while Mo sites on the basal plane area were almost inactive.51 Moreover, the TEM results illuminated that the stacking number and the length of stacked MoS2 distinctly increased when the catalyst was sulphided at temperatures higher than 400 °C. The formation of MoS2 crystals decreased the edge atoms of MoS2 where the Ni atoms were located. The quantification of the active MoIV sites was achieved by XPS, and the morphology of MoS2 slabs was examined by TEM. XPS quantification revealed that the MoS2 slabs of catalysts sulphided at high temperature are longer, the stacking is higher, and apparent MoedgeIV active sites are relegated. This strongly suggested that NiMoS type II was formed at high sulphidation temperatures. Presumably, the active structure changed from NiMoS type I to NiMoS type II with increasing sulphidation temperature. Therefore, it could be speculated that the deterioration in the catalytic activity of NiO–MoO3/γ-Al2O3 sulphidation at higher temperatures occurred for the following reasons: (1) a decrease in the BET specific surface area; (2) an increase in the amount of stacked MoS2 crystals accompanied by a decrease in the MoedgeIV active sites; and (3) an increasingly progressive transformation of the NiMoS phase with the increase of sulphidation temperature.
In HDS reactions, the NiMoS type II structure that was formed at a high sulphidation temperature of 600 °C exhibited better catalytic activity than the NiMoS type I structure that formed at a sulphidation temperature of 400 °C. Nevertheless, in the sulphur-resistant methanation system, the catalyst sulphided at 400 °C had a higher catalytic activity than the catalyst sulphided at 600 °C. This result suggested that the active reaction centres for HDS and methanation were different. In addition, the combined results of XRD, RS, and TEM revealed that NiMoS type II formed at 600 °C with numerous crystalline MoS2 species. The crystalline MoS2 structure showed lower methanation activity. As a result, these phenomena indicated that the formation of a NiMoS type II structure did not favour a sulphur-resistant methanation reaction, similar to the CoMoS type II structure.
In agreement with a previous study,18 regardless of which promoter (cobalt or nickel) was used in the MoS2-based catalysts for methanation, the Co(Ni)–Mo–S type I structure exhibited higher catalytic activity, and formation of a Co(Ni)–Mo–S type II structure did not favour the sulphur-resistant methanation reaction. However, this result was completely different from the HDS reactions in which the Co(Ni)–Mo–S type II structure formed at high sulphidation temperatures displayed catalytic activity approximately twice as high as the Co(Ni)–Mo–S type I structure.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 |