Computer simulation of dendronized polymers: organization and characterization at the atomistic level

Oscar Bertran *a, Baozhong Zhang b, A. Dieter Schlüter b, Avraham Halperin c, Martin Kröger b and Carlos Alemán *de
aDepartament de Física Aplicada, Escola d'Enginyeria d'Igualada, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Pça Rei 15, Igualada 08700, Spain. E-mail:
bDepartment of Materials, Institute of Polymers, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 10, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland
cUniversité Grenoble 1/CNRS, LIPhy UMR 5588, 38041 Grenoble, France
dDepartament d'Enginyeria Química, E. T. S. d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Diagonal 647, Barcelona E-08028, Spain
eCentre for Research in Nano-Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Edifici C', C/Pasqual i Vila s/n, Barcelona E-08028, Spain. E-mail:

Received 3rd September 2012 , Accepted 10th October 2012

First published on 11th October 2012


Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in chloroform and solvent-free environments are used to build and study a homologous series of neutral dendronized linear polymers (DPs), whose repeat units are regularly branched dendrons of generations g = 1–7, excluding g = 5. We find that a DP with g ≤ 4 displays an elongated conformation, while a DP with g = 6 exhibits a helical backbone. The conformations essentially differ in their alternating (elongated) or regular (helical) twist with respect to the macromolecular axis, at similar average distance between repeat units (2.1–2.3 Å). With increasing g the dendrons tend to induce an increasing strain, stiffness and overall cylindrical shape onto the DP; the existence of DPs with g ≥ 7 is excluded. The fractal dimensionality of the backbone appears similar for DPs with g ≤ 4, while a discontinuous fractal behavior found for g = 6 is consistent with its helical backbone. Profiles describing the variation of the density as a function of the distance to the molecular backbone are extracted to analyze conformational effects of both backbone and sidegroups. For the solvent-free case the average density grows from 0.97 to 1.11 g cm−3 upon increasing g, while the radial density profile is basically constant at 1.1–1.2 g cm−3 and insensitive to g at intermediate distances, where dendrons are able to interpenetrate. The variation of obtained DP thicknesses is successfully compared with experimental estimates deduced from transmission electron microscopy measurements of polymers deposited onto attractive mica surfaces. Finally, we examine and discuss the distribution of solvent molecules inside elongated structures.


Dendronized polymers (DPs) are a particular class of linear comb polymers with pendant repeatedly branched sidegroups. Each of the DP repeat units is a dendron exhibiting a well defined number of regular dendritic and ideally fully reacted wedges, which are usually three-functional.1–3 Strong steric repulsions among neighboring, bulky dendrons induce the locally cylindrical symmetry typically found for DPs, which tend to be accompanied by a stretched backbone.4–7 This feature, together with the fact that solubility, aggregation and chemical functionalization are largely controlled through the high number of active termini surrounding the DP, represents a significant difference with respect to conventional linear flexible polymers that usually display random coil configurations. From a practical point of view, the shape anisotropy of DPs and their large surface line density has been suggested for polymer functionalization, potentially leading to materials with applications as responsive materials,8,9 nanoaggregating polymer fluorophores,10,11 or drug-delivery systems.12,13

Within the field of DPs, the Schlüter group has pioneered and extensively investigated materials with very different physico-chemical properties, which have been tailored by altering the dendron size and composition, the degree of DP polymerization, the charge of the active termini, etc.1,4,14–18 In this context, Guo et al.15 recently demonstrated that the thickness and other related physical properties of DPs can be tuned by varying the generation number, g, of the dendrons. On the theoretical side, a mesoscopic model of mean-field type that includes the effects of solvent quality and the dimensionality of the surface19 was found to predict that the DP diameter depends on g and the dendron branching functionality, X, via Dn1/4g1/2 and Dn1/2 under good and poor solvent conditions, respectively, where n = [(X − 1)g − 1]/(X − 2) is the number of branching units contained in a single dendron. Furthermore, the persistence length of the macromolecular backbone (MB) representing a coarse-grained version of the atomistic backbone (to be discussed below) was predicted to scale as λn2.15 Throughout the present study, X = 3 and thus n = 2g − 1. The model discriminates between DPs and “bottle brush” polymers, in which side chains are linear, X = 2, thus n = g, and Dg3/4and Dg1/2 under good and poor solvent conditions, respectively.19 Experimental measurements obtained by atomic force and electron microscopy on a series of homologous DPs derived from the dendron represented in Fig. 1a corroborated the essential trends of the model for the poor solvent scenario, corresponding to the acquisition conditions.15 The maximum generation (gmax) of structurally perfect DP for this family was estimated by packing arguments to be around 6 to 7.15,16 This simple model does not consider individual interaction parameters for interior monomers within the dendron, free ends and backbone.

Chemical structure of: (a) the monomer (branching unit) used for the synthesis of PG1; (b) PG1; (c) PG2; and (d) PG3. (e) Schematic representation of PG4 used below to describe the organization of neighboring dendrons. The chemical structures of DPs with higher g (i.e. PG6–PG7) are obtained using the same procedure: attaching new dendrons to the deprotected amine groups of the external layer. (Boc: tert-butyloxycarbonyl).
Fig. 1 Chemical structure of: (a) the monomer (branching unit) used for the synthesis of PG1; (b) PG1; (c) PG2; and (d) PG3. (e) Schematic representation of PG4 used below to describe the organization of neighboring dendrons. The chemical structures of DPs with higher g (i.e. PG6–PG7) are obtained using the same procedure: attaching new dendrons to the deprotected amine groups of the external layer. (Boc: tert-butyloxycarbonyl).

On the other hand, atomistic modeling of DPs is very challenging20–25 because of both their intrinsic conformational complexity reflecting crowding and excluded volume interactions, and, especially, their huge dimensions. Thus, in spite of the interest in high g DPs, the significant amount of computational resources needed to describe their chemical details and physical properties have restricted their atomistic modeling to g ≤ 5. However, computational advances, especially in terms of both parallel computer architectures and efficient scalability of computer programs, currently allow the study of chemical systems that were unaffordable a few years ago.

In this work we give an answer to the following question: are we able to uncover the internal structure of the largest man-made polymers and to predict a theoretical limit of their thickness? For this purpose, we have combined conformational search strategies with 10 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to obtain atomistic conformation for DPs with g ranging from 1 to 7, denoted PG1–PG7 in Fig. 1 (where PGg refers to a DP of generation g). PG5 has been excluded from this study because of its seemingly exceptional behavior within the homologous series. Its thorough characterization appears to require elaborate analysis methods to be developed and presented separately, and thus does not fall into the scope of this paper, which sets the focus on the generation of representative DPs at variable g, and overall trends within the series. The specific objectives of this study are: (i) to determine the internal structure of DPs, including both backbone and side groups, at the atomistic level as this will be an important input for theory development; (ii) to predict the maximum generation for this homologous series; (iii) to evaluate the local densities and the thickness; (iv) to resolve the distribution of functional ends, which is not easily measurable at the experimental level; (v) to present details of the simulation methods employed to investigate these complex systems; (vi) to determine the effect of the solvent as well as a characterization of the loading of solvent molecules inside the structures; and (vii) to test the approach against available experimental data. The realism of our computer generated DP structures is corroborated by comparing selected physical properties with available experimental measurements, and theoretical predictions. Structural details derived from such atomistic models, which so far could not be detected experimentally, will be discussed together with their implications for applications and future studies of DPs.

Computational methods

Molecular models and computational details

The chemical structure of the simulated dendrons (X = 3) is described in Fig. 1. Their configurations were investigated in vacuum considering a DP polymer chain with N = 150 (PG1–PG4), 75 (PG6) or 100 (PG7) repeat units. This represents a total of N × (51 × 2g − 23) − 2 explicit atoms (e.g. 11[thin space (1/6-em)]852 and 650[thin space (1/6-em)]502 explicit atoms for PG1 and PG7, respectively). Furthermore, the structure of these DPs was investigated in chloroform solution considering N = 30 (PG1–PG4) or 24 (PG6). The number of particles involved in such simulations (including explicit solvent molecules) being 67[thin space (1/6-em)]112, 64[thin space (1/6-em)]997, 11[thin space (1/6-em)]5197, 136[thin space (1/6-em)]252 and 315[thin space (1/6-em)]131, for PG1, PG2, PG3, PG4 and PG6, respectively. The number of solvent molecules was adjusted to represent a dilute solution. Generally speaking, the solvent-free case reflects a situation encountered in the atomic force experiments15 (“poor solvent”), while the addition of chloroform solution is expected to swell the DP (“good solvent”).

Energy minimizations during pre-equilibration and MD simulations during relaxation of PGg to be described in detail below were performed with the so-called NAMD program,26 which uses a conjugate gradient method for the minimization procedure during the generation of non-overlapping, “pre-equilibrated” initial structures. For the canonical ensemble NVT-MD in chloroform solution a single pre-equilibrated DP was placed in the center of an orthorhombic simulation box filled with explicit solvent molecules (procedure described below). Chloroform was represented by the four particle Optimized Potentials for Liquid Simulations (OPLS) model.27 The dimensions of the orthorhombic box for simulations in chloroform solution were (116.8 × 113.9 × 137.2), (109.1 × 107.6 × 145.8), (142.6 × 127.9 × 164.3), (148.5 × 131.6 × 172.1) and (183.5 × 179.1 × 225.2) Å3 for PG1, PG2, PG3, PG4 and PG6, respectively. The energy was calculated using the AMBER force-field,28 all the bonding and van der Waals parameters required for the DPs under study being taken from Generalized AMBER force-field (GAFF).29 Atomic charges were adjusted using the Restrained ElectroStatic Potential (RESP) strategy.30 The resulting electrostatic parameters are displayed in the ESI. Atom-pair distance cut-offs were applied at 12 Å to compute van der Waals and electrostatic interactions. Bond lengths involving hydrogen atoms were constrained using the SHAKE algorithm with a numerical integration step of 2 fs.31

MD simulations of a pre-equilibrated DP in vacuum were performed by heating up the system from 0 to 298 K using a rate of 1 K each 1.5 ps. Coordinates of all the production (“relaxation”) runs, which were 10 ns long even for the smallest g, were saved every 5 × 104 steps (100 ps intervals, 100 snapshots in total) for subsequent analysis, another 500 snapshots were recorded at equidistant times (2 ps intervals) during the last 1 ns of the production runs. Conformational parameters in vacuum were averaged considering the snapshots recorded during the last 1 ns. As shown in the next section, the structure of DPs is very rigid, variance trying to represent the small effect associated with breathing movements of some chemical groups. Prior to the MD production series in chloroform solution, the thermodynamic variables of the systems were equilibrated using the following protocol. The pre-equilibrated DP was placed in a previously equilibrated solvent box upon eliminating those solvent molecules which exhibit overlap with the DP. After this, the solvent alone was thermally relaxed by three consecutive runs while the DP was kept frozen: 0.2 ns of NVT-MD at 500 K was used to re-distribute the solvent in the box. Second, 0.15 ns of isothermal relaxation at 298 K was run. Finally, the DP was set free and all atoms of the system were submitted to 0.25 ns of NVT-MD at 298 K (thermal equilibration). The temperature was controlled by a weak coupling method, the Berendsen thermostat32 with a time constant for heat-bath coupling of 1 ps. The end of the thermal relaxation simulation was taken as the starting point of the production runs in chloroform solution. All production runs were performed at 298 K. The relaxation process was generally followed by monitoring the system's energy, the end-to-end distance and the radius of gyration. Results will be shown for systems where all chosen observables oscillate around some constant value during the 2nd half of the 10 ns run. They have thus reached the state of a stable or at least metastable equilibrium. Diffusion coefficients of the chloroform molecules were calculated using the snapshots separated by 100 ps intervals and recorded during the last 5 ns of simulation. Each DP structure has its macromolecular axis (MA) and macromolecular backbone (MB), which were used to define radial distances. The MA is obtained from the coordinates of the atomistic backbone by linear regression, the MB coincides with the MA over the extension of the atomistic backbone, so that radial distances can be considered as shortest distances to the atomistic backbone in a coarse-grained fashion that eliminates atomistic details on length scales comparable with an atomistic bond length.

Conformational search and growth

Trial initial molecular conformations of PG1–PG7 were grown generation by generation. To this end a multidimensional conformational analysis was performed within a limited space considering the shape of the backbone (Fig. 2a), the angle θ and the dihedral φ, which characterize the aperture of the branching unit with respect to its outgoing strands and the relative orientation of two adjacent branching units (Fig. 2b), respectively, as variables. Five backbone initial conformations and two different values were taken for the angle θ (80° and 120°) and the dihedral φ (0° and 120°).
(a) Initial backbone conformations used to explore the conformational preferences of DPs. (b) Definition of the dihedral angles θ and φ systematically varied during the conformational search and growth process. (c) Definition of the vector d and angle α within a terminal dendron used to examine the organization of the outermost shell during the generation-wise growth process.
Fig. 2 (a) Initial backbone conformations used to explore the conformational preferences of DPs. (b) Definition of the dihedral angles θ and φ systematically varied during the conformational search and growth process. (c) Definition of the vector d and angle α within a terminal dendron used to examine the organization of the outermost shell during the generation-wise growth process.

To provide a simple characterization of the conformations of the DPs, accompanying and enhancing the efficiency of the conformational generation-wise growth process, the arrangement of their complex side groups was quantified using the distribution of absolute orientations and lengths of, and relative angles between, the two terminal strands of their (currently) outermost branching units, sometimes denoted as “external 1-generation dendrons”, or “external dendrons” of a g-generation dendron. To be specific, we considered the vectors between the first aromatic carbon of the corresponding branching unit and the center of masses of the tert-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc) groups (vectors d of length d) and the angle (α) between the two vectors d for each external dendron. Fig. 2c depicts the definition of d and α for a repeat unit of PG2.

The conformational search was done by constructing 5 (shape of the backbone) × 2 (θ) × 2 (φ) = 20 starting conformations, those without steric conflicts being subjected to an energy minimization process. A growth procedure based on a bottom-up strategy that uses energy minimization was applied to build DPs with g > 1. Both the conformational search and growth procedure are detailed in the ESI. The stability of the homogeneous structure obtained for each generation was investigated in vacuum and in chloroform solution. Simulations of 10 ns were run in vacuum for systems with N ≥ 75, while NVT-MD simulations of 10 ns were carried out in chloroform solution for systems with N ≤ 30. We will refer to these relaxation runs as constituting the “equilibration phase”.

Results and discussion

Molecular conformations for PG1–PG4

The conformational search and growth strategy explained above was applied to PG1–PG4 in vacuum with N = 150. The number of energetically accessible conformations satisfying the criteria of homogeneity and regularity, which we find necessary to accelerate our search algorithm, decreased rapidly with increasing g. Thus, although a relatively large number of pre-equilibrated conformations have been identified for PG1, the number of surviving conformations decreased to five for PG2, and only two and one for PG3 and PG4, respectively. These numbers remain basically unaltered upon weakening the criterion of homogeneity and regularity, while they could be increased further by enlarging the set of allowed initial angles θ and φ, and backbone conformations, if desired. The final selection of start conformations for PG1 and PG2 from the set of available pre-equilibrated conformations was exclusively based on energy criteria. Fig. 3 represents a complete view of the final atomistic conformations obtained for PG1–PG4 at the end of the subsequent MD equilibration phase. The backbones are represented by thick solid lines. The same figure shows a detailed view of the organization of a single selected, yet unrelaxed repeat unit just during this initial setup (at 0 K), embedded within the invisible network formed by other side groups surrounding the backbone. The detailed view thus does not provide a zoom into the relaxed DP.
Atomistic conformations for PG1–PG7 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Two images are displayed for each DP: complete view of the model (right) after 10 ns equilibration, and detailed view of a fragment of the initial backbone generated at 0 K (we show an identical backbone for all generations for better comparison) and a representative dendron (left) just after the initial growth. For PG6, the helical pitch (∼4.0 nm) and the amplitude of waves (∼1.6 nm) are displayed (see text).
Fig. 3 Atomistic conformations for PG1–PG7 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Two images are displayed for each DP: complete view of the model (right) after 10 ns equilibration, and detailed view of a fragment of the initial backbone generated at 0 K (we show an identical backbone for all generations for better comparison) and a representative dendron (left) just after the initial growth. For PG6, the helical pitch (∼4.0 nm) and the amplitude of waves (∼1.6 nm) are displayed (see text).

As is evident by visual inspection, the shape of the backbone is relatively similar for the four DPs, even though the DP persistence length seems to increase considerably with g, in qualitative agreement with the theoretical expectation mentioned above. The MBs adopt linear elongated conformations, the average distance between repeat units was calculated to range between 2.1 and 2.3 Å. These values indicate a deviation from a completely extended conformation (dihedral angles close to 180°), characterized by an average distance of 2.5 Å between adjacent repeat units. The stiffness of the MB increases with the effective strength of inter-dendron interactions, which produce strong steric clashes when small deformations occur in PG3 and, especially, PG4. It is worth noting that the initial dendrons partially wrap the backbone (i.e. do not reside preferably within the same half plane with respect to the backbone) in the case of PG4, which seems to produce a remarkable reduction in the mobility of the side groups (during the equilibration phase, data not shown).

A decrease of the standard deviation for mean values of d and α (Table 1) obtained during the equilibration phase accompanies an increase in the rigidity of the DP backbone with increasing g. The impact of the particular organization of the external dendrons surrounding the backbone in PG4 is clearly reflected by α, which decreases from ∼105° (PG1–PG3) down to 71° (PG4), i.e. the internal packing of the external dendrons in terms of mutual alignment of their terminal strands is higher for PG4. In spite of the drastic change found in α, the length of the terminal strands defined by the distance d remains unchanged at around 9 Å, which corresponds to an elongated semi-extended strand conformation, since the length for a maximally extended strand of this type, or equally the maximum spatial distance between branching units, is ∼12 Å (to be compared with 10.7 Å reported in ref. 17).

Table 1 Average values and their standard deviations of the structural parameter used to examine the organization of the dendrons in PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded). Definition of the distance d (in Å) and α (in degrees) is provided in Fig. 2c for PG2. Data were obtained by analyzing the final conformations shown in Fig. 3 and 7.
  PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG6
a The length of the calculated oligomer was insufficient to obtain reliable values.
d 9.23 ± 0.9 9.37 ± 0.8 9.40 ± 0.5 9.40 ± 0.4 9.22 ± 0.2
α 108.5 ± 29 111.7 ± 23 102.3 ± 16 71.5 ± 13 76.7 ± 7
Chloroform solution
d 9.43 ± 1.0 9.32 ± 1.0 9.18 ± 0.6 9.19 ± 0.5 a
α 103.1 ± 35 104.7 ± 31 99.1 ± 24 82.1 ± 16 a

Fig. 4a depicts the radial probability distribution of the Boc groups (see Fig. 1) as a function of the distance from the MB, gBoc-b(r), for different g. PG1, whose repeat unit is an external dendron, shows a single sharp and narrow peak centered at around 9 Å, which corresponds to the value of d listed in Table 1. The peaks observed for PG2, PG3 and PG4, centered at r ≈ 15, 25 and 35 Å, respectively, become smaller and broader with increasing g, demonstrating the growing importance of the inner gBoc-b(r) tail. Thus, for PG4 the area of the tail, i.e., the probability of a Boc group to be located at distances below 28 Å, is large, and not inconsistent with the visually detected degree of wrapping in the initial conformations. We checked that the wrapping survives the equilibration phase (example shown in Fig. 5). The occurrence of Boc groups that approach the backbone evidences a looping or “backfolding” phenomenon if g is sufficiently large so that there must be parts of the same dendron residing at larger radial distances. The mean orientation of terminal strands, characterized by vectors d, with respect to the MB were examined by calculating a radial orientational order parameter profile, Sz(r), defined by

Sz(r) = 〈|cosχ(r)|〉(1)
where χ(r) is the angle enclosed between d (pinned at r) and the MA; |cosχ(r)| is 0 and 1 when d is perpendicular and parallel, respectively, to the MA, and Sz = 0.5 for the case of randomly oriented d vectors. Fig. 4b represents Sz as a function of the distance from the MB, evaluated from the single final conformations for each g. It can be seen that Sz has maximum values at the region closest to the axis (i.e. r = 4–5 Å), being very close to 1 in all cases, ranging between 0.84 for PG1 to 0.98 for PG4. This suggests that those external dendrons that happen to be very close to the MB have an ordered structure with their terminal strands preferentially aligned parallel to the MA. The amount of backfolded dendrons end groups is quantified by the area under the inner tails displayed by the radial distributions in Fig. 4a. The number of external dendrons at such distance is thus very small but statistically significant. Next, Sz decreases rapidly showing irregular behavior until r reaches a value of ∼18 Å. After this, Sz stabilizes at around its isotropic value (0.5–0.6) though this regime is clearly attained only for DPs with larger side groups (i.e. PG3 and PG4). The results indicate that the molecular stiffness of PG3 and PG4 favors a well defined anisotropic order of their terminal strands in direction of the MA at the region close to the backbone.

(a) Distribution of Boc groups (gBoc-b) and (b) orientation parameter order (Sz) for d as a function of the distance from the backbone for PG1–PG7 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Data in (a) were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run, while data in (b) were obtained from the final conformations.
Fig. 4 (a) Distribution of Boc groups (gBoc-b) and (b) orientation parameter order (Sz) for d as a function of the distance from the backbone for PG1–PG7 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Data in (a) were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run, while data in (b) were obtained from the final conformations.

Detailed views of a representative dendron of PG6 after complete relaxation using 10 ns of MD. The two views clearly show that the relaxed dendron is wrapping the backbone.
Fig. 5 Detailed views of a representative dendron of PG6 after complete relaxation using 10 ns of MD. The two views clearly show that the relaxed dendron is wrapping the backbone.

Estimation of the maximal attainable g: PG6 and PG7

Density estimates were recently used to propose that the maximal generation of structurally perfect DPs of this family is gmax = 6 to 7.16 To explore the structural factors influencing gmax, the search strategy described above for DPs with g ≤ 4 was equally applied to create PG6 and PG7. An atomistic representation of the regular and homogeneous conformation that we obtained for PG6 is included in Fig. 3. It is worth noting that the arrangement assumed by the backbone atoms is significantly different from the extended conformation obtained for PG1–PG4. The backbone of PG6 seems to adopt a rather well-defined helical conformation, presumably caused by the repulsive inter-dendron interactions, at an average spatial distance of approximately 2.3 Å between repeat units (discussed in more detail below). We find that in the helical conformation (PG6) the twist between all adjacent repeat units tends to follow the same sense, whereas in the elongated conformation (PG4) the twist preferentially occurs in an apparently alternating fashion along the MA. Even though the helix tends to exhibit irregularities, we could estimate a helical pitch of ∼4.0 nm in size (Fig. 3) for PG6. Accordingly, the number of repeat units required to form a complete turn is ∼17 for this DP. Furthermore, the amplitude of waves which we observe in the boundary of the corrugated outer surface of PG6 is of the order of ∼1.6 nm. The longitudinal distance between maxima and minima appears to be correlated with the helical pitch determined from the atomistic backbone.

In PG6, the dendrons initially wrap around the backbone, as was found for PG4, and the average value obtained for α, 77° during relaxation (Table 1), is also very close to that of PG4 and significantly smaller than those for PG1–PG3. Furthermore, terminal strands retain the semi-extended conformation (d ≈ 9 Å) found for the DPs with lower g. Inspection of the radial profile depicting the distribution of Boc end groups around the MA (Fig. 4a) shows a peak centered at r = 57 Å for PG6 with a broad tail decaying to shorter distances from the MA. Accordingly, there is a significant number of terminal dendrons at distances relatively close to the backbone. This feature is clearly reflected in Fig. 5, which presents detailed views from two different perspectives of a representative dendron after 10 ns relaxation (i.e. the initial wrapping effect is retained after 10 ns of MD). Indeed, as the functionality of DPs grows exponentially with g, for PG6 the fraction of end groups at distances lower than 57 Å is considerably larger than the fraction of end groups above this distance. This is a result of the skewness of the distribution, which tends to be more symmetric for the low-generation DPs. Furthermore, the order parameter Sz stabilizes at its isotropic value (0.5), evidencing that the orientation of the terminal strands located at the outer region is similar to those displayed by PG3 and PG4. We conclude that backfolding occurs because gBoc-b(r) is nonzero at distances that are small compared with the radius of the DP. These results suggest that the helical backbone conformation of PG6 is associated with two different features. The first, which is observed for all DPs with g ≥ 3, is that some terminal, extended strands tend to surround the backbone in an ordered fashion. The second feature is the weight of such backfolded dendron conformations, which is especially large for the large generation DP, and thus potentially relevant. The amount of backfolding is significantly higher for PG6 than for PGg with g ≤ 4, and this phenomenon seems to correlate with an increase of strain within the atomistic backbone. More precisely, it seems to suggest that an elongated-to-helical transition occurs when g increases from 4 to 6 because excess strain is significantly relieved locally, when an elongated backbone transforms into a helical one.

The same computational strategy was used for PG7, the structure obtained after the 10 ns relaxation run being included in Fig. 3. Inspection of this structure suggests that PG7 adopts a helical arrangement that resembles the one found for PG6, from which it had been initially grown. The organization of the dendrons appears similar in PG6 and PG7, even after the 10 ns run, which might be short compared with the relaxation time for the larger PG7. However, a more detailed analysis of the results reveals that the PG7 structure is highly strained due to the repulsive interactions. There is not sufficient space to be occupied by the dendrons, that are constrained to stay with their roots at the linearly connected backbone. The resulting stretched, cylindrical shape of the DP is accompanied by a locally strained backbone. This feature is highlighted by Fig. 6, which shows the distribution of distances between pairs of carbon atoms belonging to the backbone, gc-c(r), for PG1–PG7. The first peak corresponds to the bond length between two consecutive carbon atoms. For PG1–PG6 this peak is centered at 1.55 Å, the equilibrium value of the GAFF force-field. PG7, however, exhibits multiple peaks at distances between 1.57 Å and 2.11 Å, with a most populated bond length of about 2.05 Å. Such range of values for a C–C bond length is unphysical under the chosen thermodynamic conditions, and they indicate that the PG7 generated by our algorithm is unphysically strained at the helical backbone, in spite of the regular and homogeneous distribution of their terminal strands. Careful creation of alternative structures (e.g. elongated organizations of the backbone or helices with a heterogeneous distribution of the dendrons) led in all cases to C–C bond lengths higher than 2.5 Å, indicating the instability of these artificial structures. Accordingly, the maximal generation of structurally perfect DPs predicted by conformational search and growth is gmax = 6. Importantly, this particular result is unaffected by the length of our equilibration runs, and consistent with the previous proposal based on density estimates combined with the maximal extension of the g-generation dendron strands.16

Intramolecular partial radial distribution function of PG1–PG7 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum calculated for the backbone carbon atoms, gc-c(r). Data were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run
Fig. 6 Intramolecular partial radial distribution function of PG1–PG7 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum calculated for the backbone carbon atoms, gc-c(r). Data were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run

In addition, Fig. 6 shows a bimodal distribution with secondary peaks centered at around 2.6 Å and 2.8 Å for PG1–PG4. These peaks correspond to the distances between backbone carbon atoms separated by two and three bonds, respectively (i.e. bond angle and dihedral angle, respectively). The position of the secondary peak is at a remarkably large distance for PG6, while the peak is also broader compared with the lower generation DPs. These signatures are consistent with the extended and helical conformations described above for PG1–PG4 and PG6, respectively.

Quantification of the backfolding

Fig. 7 displays the number of the total 6 × (2g − 1) aromatic carbon atoms (NCar), normalized with respect to the number of repeat units of the single DP in its final state after the 10 ns relaxation run (i.e. NCar/N where N = 150 for PGg with g = 1–4 and N = 75 for PG6), as a function of the distance (r) to the MB. The resulting profiles suggest backfolding accompanied by wrapping as mentioned in the previous sections. Both the total number of aromatic carbon atoms per repeat unit (NCar/N) as function of r and the maximum r value for a given PGg were used to characterize an amount of backfolding of DPs, under the assumption that the radial density profile is a constant irrespective the value of g (to be discussed below). We observe that all the 6 aromatic atoms of each of the repeat units of PG1 are located at r < 9 Å. The number of aromatic carbon atoms below this distance raises to 8, 7, and 10 for PG2, PG3, PG4 respectively, while it slightly drops to 8 for PG6. Indeed, these values might indicate a weak dependence of density on g close to the backbone for PGg with g ≥ 2. The 18 aromatic carbons of each repeat unit of PG2 are located at r < 17 Å, whereas the number of aromatic carbons contained within such intervals of distance grows to 31, 37 and 35 for PG3, PG4 and PG6, respectively. This effect cannot be interpreted by a variation of density with g, as we know already from the density profile. Rather, this increase by a factor of about 2 in the number of aromatic carbon atoms seems to reflect a significant amount of backfolding, especially for PG4 and PG6. This information is summarized in Table 2 for all DPs. It is worth noting that the 90 aromatic carbon atoms of PG4 are located in the interval r < 37 Å while the same space is occupied by 191 carbons for PG6. In spite of this change, the local density profiles of PG4 and PG6 are very similar (details provided below) since the spatial re-distribution of the aromatic carbons atoms is accompanied by a change in the distribution of the repeating units (i.e. the organization of the dendrons changes with g). This remarkable increment is consistent with pronounced wrapping at larger g (Fig. 5), and it is alternatively characterized by the radial distribution of external dendrons. While the early works by Alexander33 considered brushes made of perfectly stretched linear chains, the distribution of chain ends in both linear and dendritic brushes of the kind considered here (DPs) is predicted by self-consistent field theory (SCF)34–38 to be nonzero even at small distances, while this theory does not highlight the existence of “backfolding”. For a Gaussian chain whose elasticity enters the free energy calculations within the SCF, the probability of a monomer to be located is finite everywhere within the part of the brush which can be potentially reached by the chain.
Distribution of aromatic carbon atoms per repeating unit (NCar/N) as a function of the distance from the backbone for PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Data were obtained from the final conformations shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 7 Distribution of aromatic carbon atoms per repeating unit (NCar/N) as a function of the distance from the backbone for PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Data were obtained from the final conformations shown in Fig. 3.
Table 2 Total number of aromatic carbon atoms per repeat unit (NCar/N) below given distance (r) from the MB for the investigated DPs in vacuum. The total number of aromatic carbon atoms per repeat unit is 6 × (2g − 1) (100%). Data were obtained by analyzing the final conformations shown in Fig. 3
  PG1 PG2 PG3 PG4 PG6
N Car/N at r < 9 Å 6 (100%) 8 (44%) 7 (17%) 10 (11%) 8 (2%)
N Car/N at r < 17 Å 18 (100%) 31 (74%) 37 (41%) 35 (9%)
N Car/N at r < 28 Å 42 (100%) 73 (81%) 98 (26%)
N Car/N at r < 38 Å 90 (100%) 191 (51%)
N Car/N at r < 58 Å 378 (100%)

Influence of the solvent on the molecular models for DPs

MD simulations with explicit chloroform molecules were carried out using oligomers with N = 30 (PG1–PG4) and N = 24 (PG6). The conformational characteristics of the MBs in PG1–PG4 are similar to those obtained in vacuum (ESI), even though important end cap effects were detected. The dendrons located at the two DP ends tend to use the available space within the hemispherical end caps to align in the direction of the MB. To avoid undesirable end effects in the analysis of quantities characterizing a representative part of a long DP, average values of d and α were calculated by considering the terminal dendrons of the 12 central DP repeat units only (Table 1). Inspection of the configurations obtained for PG6 (ESI) reveals that the size of the oligomer (N = 24) is too small to allow drawing of conclusions for long PG6, as the organization of the dendrons inside DPs is dominated by end cap effects.

Fractal geometry of the molecular models for PG1–PG6

In this section we introduce a fractal analysis of the geometrical structure of DPs. Fractal objects are self-similar structures for which increasing magnifications reveal similar features on different length scales.39 The evolution of the fractal dimension, κ, with g provides complementary information about both the backbone conformation and the organization of repeat units and their constituents around the backbone. In the following, atomic coordinates of the solvent-free DP conformations after the 10 ns MD runs will be used to estimate a fractal dimension using the box-counting method on a regular, three-dimensional grid.40

To this end, all atoms belonging to the single DP are regarded as a set of mass points distributed in a three-dimensional box sufficiently large to fully contain the DP. The box is divided into cubes of equal side length [small script l]. Let us denote the number of cubes that contain at least one mass point by M([small script l]). If M([small script l]) satisfies the relation

M([small script l]) ∝ [small script l]κ(2)
we call κ the “fractal dimension” of the set of mass points. When the limit ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t1.gif exists, the limiting κ is known as box counting dimension. However, in our case this limit does not exist as we are investigating a set of atoms exhibiting a minimum distance. Nevertheless, ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t2.gif exists and equals the total number of atoms of our DP. Furthermore, ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t3.gif because the DP has finite size. Our fractal dimension is accordingly evaluated at intermediate [small script l] from the slope of M([small script l]) versus [small script l] in a double-logarithmic plot, since eqn (2) can equally be written as
logM([small script l]) = −κlog([small script l]/Å) + logM0(3)
where M0 is a constant. We have to thus vary [small script l] and measure M([small script l]) over a range of [small script l] values. If all atoms are distributed uniformly on a straight line, M([small script l]) is proportional to [small script l]: M([small script l]) ∝ [small script l]−1 (κ = 1). If the atoms are uniformly distributed within a plane, M([small script l]) ∝ [small script l]−2 (κ = 2). Similarly, for a set of points distributed uniformly over the 3-dimensional space, M([small script l]) is proportional to [small script l]−3 (κ = 3). A non-integer fractal dimension is thus inherently related either to a non-uniform, but somewhat regular structure in the open space, or with a uniform structure in a confined geometry. Furthermore, there is the case of local fractal behavior, if eqn (2) holds only within a limited range of [small script l] values. To judge whether our DPs exhibit self-similarity, we introduce a scale function SM([small script l]) defined by
SM([small script l]) = ([small script l]/Å)κM([small script l])(4)

If SM([small script l]) fluctuates by small amounts while [small script l] changes significantly, it means M([small script l]) is basically proportional to [small script l]κ and the corresponding structure exhibits self-similarity over this range of length scales (i.e. it is appropriate to study the fractal dimension).

Fig. 8a gives the box-counting results for the backbone atoms of PG1–PG6 evaluated over a certain range of intermediate [small script l]′s. As can be seen, DPs with g ≤ 4 exhibit a very similar behavior, a straight line being obtained in all four cases. The values of κ, which range from 0.996 (PG2) to 1.078 (PG3) indicate a well defined elongated shape of the backbone, fully consistent with the extended conformation described in previous subsections. Inspection of the evolution of SM([small script l])/SM([small script l]max) versus [small script l]/[small script l]max (Fig. 8b), where [small script l]max is the largest chosen linear size of the cubes ([small script l]max = 25.0 Å for all simulated systems) shows fluctuations within a small range near 1. While the elongated backbone of DPs has trivial self-similarity, we regard the fractal dimensionality as a useful indicator characterizing the overall structure of the backbone, which is basically insensitive to microscopic details such as fluctuations in bond lengths.

(a) Plot of log10M() vs. log10(/Å) for the trace defined by the backbone atoms of the molecular models proposed for PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Equations adjusted to derive the fractal dimension, κ, and the corresponding regression coefficient (R2) are displayed. For PG6 the adjustment has been divided in two parts due to the helix conformation of the backbone (see text). (b) Changing trend of SM()/SM(max) with /max. For PG6 the values of κ derived from the fractal analysis for  < 12 Å and  > 15 Å have been used. Data were obtained by analyzing the final conformations shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 8 (a) Plot of log10M([small script l]) vs. log10([small script l]/Å) for the trace defined by the backbone atoms of the molecular models proposed for PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum. Equations adjusted to derive the fractal dimension, κ, and the corresponding regression coefficient (R2) are displayed. For PG6 the adjustment has been divided in two parts due to the helix conformation of the backbone (see text). (b) Changing trend of SM([small script l])/SM([small script l]max) with [small script l]/[small script l]max. For PG6 the values of κ derived from the fractal analysis for [small script l] < 12 Å and [small script l] > 15 Å have been used. Data were obtained by analyzing the final conformations shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 8a indicates a completely different behavior for PG6. Thus, although the box-counting results can be fitted to a straight line with κ = 0.993 at small length scales [small script l], a step is clearly detected in the [small script l] interval between 12 Å and 15 Å. Moreover, the self-similarity analysis (not shown) shows that SM([small script l])/SM([small script l]max) decreases from 160 to 6 when [small script l] increases from 2 Å to 12 Å, evidencing that there is no unique fractal dimensionality over the whole length scales considered in these plots. However, analyzing the box-counting results for [small script l] < 12 Å and [small script l] > 15 Å separately provides two linear regimes with slopes κ = 0.917 and 1.908, respectively. Moreover, independent self-similarity analyses for these two sets of points, which are displayed in Fig. 8b, highlight that SM([small script l])/SM([small script l]max) is significantly affected by the existing helical symmetry of the backbone conformation (PG6). Thus, assuming that results obtained for [small script l] < 12 Å (log10(12) ≈ 1.08) and [small script l] > 15 Å (log10(15) ≈ 1.18) are related with the locally extended backbone (κ = 0.917) and the surface of the convex hull (we assume a cylinder) that accommodates the backbone (κ = 1.908), respectively, the pre-exponential factor derived from the corresponding fitting should be proportional to the length L ∝ 2πRm, where R is the radius of the helix defined by the backbone atoms and m is the number of turns in the helix, and the molecular surface S ∝ 2π, where λ is the length of the cylinder. Accordingly, the ratio between the pre-exponential factors should be proportional to the helical pitch S/L = λ/m. The ratio of the pre-exponential factors displayed in Fig. 8a is 17.8 Å, this value being relatively close to the characteristic wave length of the atomistic backbone visible in the PG6 conformation shown in Fig. 3.

Box-counting results obtained considering all the atoms of each conformation (including backbone and side group atoms) are discussed in the ESI. Results clearly indicate that the growing of the relative volume decreases for increasing g. Furthermore, self-similarity analyses corroborate that the conformations proposed for PG1–PG6 present fractal dimensionality over a wide range of length scales.

Density of DPs

An experimental value for the atom volume density (ρ), which may depend on g, is not yet available, but it is of uppermost relevance for estimating the maximum generation. A lower bound of ρ = 0.93 g cm−3 was obtained by assuming that the volume of the dendrons corresponds to the sum of the van der Waals volumes of the constituting atoms.16 In the same work an upper bound of ρ = 1.78 g cm−3 was derived by assuming that DPs absorbed under dry conditions on mica surfaces behave as non-deformed cylinders.16 Assuming a flattened cylinder shape of the DPs deposited on mica led to ρ values varying between 1.35 and 1.45 g cm−3 indicating that the degree of adsorption-induced flattening decreases when g increases.16 Furthermore, density measurements of dendron solutions in dichlorobenzene and dimethylformamide led to ρ = 1.10 g cm−3,16 this value being close to that reported in an earlier work for polystyrene chains made of Fréchet-type dendrons with g = 1 to 3 (ρ = 1.24–1.25 g cm−3).41

The atomistic models reported in this work for PG1–PG6 allow us to predict not only the average density but also the local density (i.e. the variation of the density ρ(r) as function of radial distance r from the MB). Fig. 9 represents the mass density profile of PG1–PG6, obtained by averaging over different cross-sections of these cylindrical molecules while the average values of the density (ρav) are listed for all DPs in Table 2. It is worth noting that the density profiles reflect all the effects associated with the influence of g on the spatial distribution of the atoms (e.g. changes in backbone conformation and the backbone wrapping phenomenon produced the backfolding of the dendrons). As can be seen, ρav grows with increasing g from 0.97 g cm−3 for g = 1 to 1.11 g cm−3 for g = 6, which represents an increase of 14%. These values are in very good agreement with measurements for solutions of dendron units,16 even though they are significantly smaller than those predicted for homogeneous DPs with a flattened cylinder shape deposited on mica. Inspection of the profiles displayed in Fig. 9 indicates that the highest density to be compared with the theoretical prediction is localized at the region close to the backbone in all cases, reaching values ranging between 1.25 and 1.87 g cm−3. After this, the density drops to 1.1–1.2 g cm−3, remains constant over some range of distances, and finally decreases slowly and progressively until the external layer of the cylinder section has been reached. Following ref. 16, using a density of 1.1 g cm−3 and 1.2 g cm−3 leads to non-integer upper (lower) gmax values of 6.52 (6.21) and 6.72 (6.42), respectively, if one assumes a mean spacing of 0.25 nm between repeat units, and thus an integer-valued gmax = 6 in all these possibly limiting cases for the growth of defect-free DPs.

Density profile for PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum representing the density (ρ) against the distance to the backbone measured using the vector perpendicular to the helix axis (d). The profile displayed for each DP corresponds to an average considering different cross-sections within a given snapshot. Data were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run.
Fig. 9 Density profile for PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) in vacuum representing the density (ρ) against the distance to the backbone measured using the vector perpendicular to the helix axis (d). The profile displayed for each DP corresponds to an average considering different cross-sections within a given snapshot. Data were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run.

Thickness of DPs

Fig. 10 represents the calculated PG1–PG6 structures at identical length scales. These images are reminiscent of the AFM images displayed in ref. 15 and 16, which were used earlier to qualitatively compare thicknesses of DPs with different g. The value of g for each of the five DPs shown can already be visually identified due to the very different thicknesses, this feature being analogous to the observations gathered from AFM images.15,16 Assuming that the length of simulated PG1–PG6 chains was large enough, a radius (R) of each DP was determined considering that the radial probability distribution profile, p(r) ∝ ρ(r). For the case of the higher-generation DPs in vacuum, the density profile is approximately constant up to the length of an extended g-generation strand, where ρ(r) approaches zero. For a homogeneous cylinder of yet unspecified radius R one has p(r) ≈ 1/r2 subject to normalization, ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t4.gif, with dr2 = 2rdr, and thus
ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t5.gif(5)

Representation of the modeled PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) DPs in vacuum at the same length scale.
Fig. 10 Representation of the modeled PG1–PG6 (PG5 excluded) DPs in vacuum at the same length scale.

For the case of chloroform solution, the density profiles (graphs not shown) are better captured by a parabolic distribution, which approaches zero at yet unknown radial distance R. For a parabolic distribution p(r) ≈ [1 − (r/R)2]/R2, again subject to normalization, and thus

ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t6.gif(6)

Eqn (5) and (6) have been used to obtain estimates of R from the calculated 〈r21/2 values. Table 3 lists the R values derived from MD simulations of DPs in both vacuum (Rgpviaeqn (5)) and chloroform solution (Rchlviaeqn (6)). While both Rgp and Rchl clearly increase with increasing g, and Rchl exceeds Rgp for all g, the Rchl values for PG3 and PG4 can be considered as lower bounds, due to the end cap effects discussed already in detail. The fact that we could only determine a lower bound for Rchl has been attributed to the small number of repeat units (i.e. N = 30 only) we had to consider for the MD simulations in chloroform solution. Thus, end group effects increase with g since dendrons tend to align into the backbone direction, which leads to a thickness reduction with respect to the larger systems simulated in vacuum.

Table 3 Average density (ρav) in the solvent-free case, radius of the assumed homogeneous, cylindrical DP derived from MD simulations in vacuum and in chloroform solution (Rgp and Rchl, respectively) and experimental estimates of the radius derived from scanning transmission microscopy measurements of the height of DPs absorbed onto attractive mica (h/2). Data were obtained by analyzing the final conformations shown in Fig. 3
  ρ av (g cm−3) R gp (Å) R chl (Å)a h/2 (Å)b
a R chl values have been obtained using DP conformations with a rather small number of repeat units (N = 30). Such conformations are not representative for a piece of an infinitely long DP and thus do only allow to calculate an upper bound for the mean density, or lower bound for cylindrical radius one would obtain for an infinitely long DP. The finite N effect increases with g and Rchl is expected to be significantly larger than Rgp not only for PG1 and PG2, where these effects are smallest, but for larger g as well. b From ref. 16.
PG1 0.97 11.7 16.9
PG2 1.03 17.0 22.1 11.5
PG3 1.02 24.2 30.4 17
PG4 1.07 36.2 >37.1 24.5
PG6 1.11 58.7 >60.2

The more quantitative set of values for Rgp shows that it increases nonlinearly with g, as clearly displayed by Fig. 11, and consistent with experimental observations on DPs absorbed onto attractive mica substrate.16 Thus, representation of a half of the apparent height (h/2) of adsorbed DPs, which were measured by transmission electron microscopy, against g provides a behavior very similar to those obtained for Rgp (Fig. 11), even though the latter values are around 30% higher than h/2, or higher by a constant value of about 0.75 nm. Quantitative discrepancy between the g-dependent shape of Rgp and h/2 can be attributed to the adsorption-induced flattening of the DP structures, even though the degree of flattening decreases with increasing g.16 The exponential equation obtained by adjusting the variation of the difference Δτ = Rgph/2 against g for g = 2, 3, 4, Δτ = 0.25 × e0.37g nm (R2 = 0.973), captures both the influence of such factors and the role of g in their relative importance. However, it should be remarked that this is only an approximation since the adjustment was carried out using three points only. The data sets are also in basic agreement with a constant offset, Δτ = 0.75 nm.

Graphical representation of Rgp and h/2 versus g. Rgp was calculated using eqn (5) while values of h/2 were taken from ref. 16.
Fig. 11 Graphical representation of Rgp and h/2 versus g. Rgp was calculated using eqn (5) while values of h/2 were taken from ref. 16.

Loading and diffusion of solvent molecules

Simulations in chloroform solution have been used to evaluate the radial distribution function of the chloroform molecules and the DP backbone, gCHCl3-DP(r). Fig. 12a displays the gCHCl3-DP(r) profiles for PG1-PG4 (PG6 has been excluded from this analysis because of its limited relevance for the behavior of realistically long DPs), which also allows identification of the behavior at distances smaller than Rchl. The number of chloroform molecules inside the volumes defined by the structures predicted for the DPs grows with the volume, approximately exponentially with g. The number of solvent molecules per MB repeat unit particles found inside the volume defined by Rchl is around 3, 6, 15 and 20 for PG1, PG2, PG3 and PG4, respectively. In addition, the shape of the profiles displayed in Fig. 12a indicates that the distribution of the solvent molecules inside the DP structure follows the same behavior in all cases. This is clearly reflected in Table 4, which shows the distribution of solvent molecules inside local volumes defined by the different values of Rchl. Thus, solvent particles are essentially located at the regions explored by the external dendrons, this feature being particularly remarkable for PG4.
(a) Radial distribution functions of the chloroform molecules and the DP backbone, gCHCl3-DP(r), for PG1–PG4. The values of Rchl for PG1 (14.4 Å), PG2 (17.4 Å), PG3 (22.6 Å) and PG4 (30.2 Å) are indicated by dashed lines. (b) Distribution of the average diffusion coefficient (D; solid lines) and average radial diffusion coefficient (D⊥; dotted lines) against the distance to the backbone. The D⊥ values have been determined using the radial direction R in cyclindrical coordinates. The dashed lines in both (a) and (b) indicates the Rchl values for the different DPs, obtained viaeqn (6). Data were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run.
Fig. 12 (a) Radial distribution functions of the chloroform molecules and the DP backbone, gCHCl3-DP(r), for PG1–PG4. The values of Rchl for PG1 (14.4 Å), PG2 (17.4 Å), PG3 (22.6 Å) and PG4 (30.2 Å) are indicated by dashed lines. (b) Distribution of the average diffusion coefficient (D; solid lines) and average radial diffusion coefficient (D; dotted lines) against the distance to the backbone. The D values have been determined using the radial direction R in cyclindrical coordinates. The dashed lines in both (a) and (b) indicates the Rchl values for the different DPs, obtained viaeqn (6). Data were obtained by averaging over 500 snapshots taken during the last 1 ns of the 10 ns MD run.
Table 4 Number of chloroform molecules Rchl inside the volumes of different regions defined by the radius Rchl predicted for PG1–PG4 (see Table 3). For each DP the total number of solvent molecules contained in the volume defined by its corresponding Rchl value (Ns) is included in the first column. As it can be seen, Ns grows exponentially with g for PGg. Data were obtained by analyzing the final conformations shown in Fig. 7
  r < 16.9 Å 16.9 Å < r < 22.1 Å 22.1 Å < r < 30.4 Å 30.4 Å < r < 37.1 Å
PG1 (Ns = 82) 82
PG2 (Ns = 172) 57 115
PG3 (Ns = 446) 46 75 325
PG4 (Ns = 587) 11 31 160 385

The diffusion coefficient of the chloroform molecules (D) in the bulk can be estimated from the available trajectory using the so-called Einstein relation

ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t7.gif(7)
involving for D(t) the mean square displacement (MSD) of chloroform positions ri(t) over a duration of time t, averaged over all Nchl solvent molecules and all time origins. In evaluating D from MD simulations, a line is fitted to the linear portion of the D(t) curve and D ≈ 0.6 Å2 ps−1 for the bulk solution is obtained from the limiting slope at large t. This procedure rests on the fact that for sufficiently long times, the MSDs of the diffusing particles increase linearly with time. The criterion used in this work to corroborate that the simulated systems reached this normal diffusive regime was based on the representation of the function log(D(t)) = f[log(t)]:
D(t) ∝ tm(8)
which shows a slope of m = 1 for normal diffusion processes (i.e. m < 1 and m > 1 correspond to accelerated and anomalous diffusive regimes).42

The mobility of the chloroform molecules in radial direction with respect to the MA over a finite duration of time, and as function of the their original radial position r within the DP, was determined by monitoring a local version of D(t), and its radial contribution with respect to the MA, denoted by D(t;r) and D(t;r), where the average is taken over a subset of particles residing at radial distance between r and r + dr at time t = 0. Denoting the distance of solvent molecule i to the MB by Ri, the latter coefficient was computed via

ugraphic, filename = c2ra22034b-t8.gif(9)

Similarly, one can define D||(t;r) and D(t;r) = (D||(t;r) + 2D(t;r))/3. Isotropic motion with respect to the MA would result in D = D|| = D. The variation of D(t;r) and D(t;r) at t = 100 ps for the subset of solvent molecules, originally at distance r from the MA, is displayed as function of r in Fig. 12b. As can be seen, both “diffusion” coefficients inside the DP structure drop significantly with respect to the diffusion coefficient in bulk solution (D ≈ 0.6 Å2 ps−1), due to the reduction of the solvent molecule's mean free path. In fact, Fig. 12b is fully consistent with the calculated density profile (not shown), which is similar to that displayed in Fig. 9 for DPs with a large number of repeat units. Moreover, in all cases D(100 ps;r) does not reach a value of 0.5 Å2 ps−1 until the distance from the backbone exceeds r = Rchl + 11.5 Å. Accordingly, g also affects the diffusion of solvent molecules located not only at the first and second solvation shells but also at more distant regions. On the other hand, comparison of the D and D values indicate that the mobility of the solvent molecules deep inside the DPs is highest in the radial direction.


Atomistic MD simulations on a homologous series of DPs with g ranging between 1 and 7 have been used to obtain microscopic conformational details and information that are in part inaccessible to experimental techniques and/or physical mesoscopic models. Simulations relying on a conformational search approach and subsequent 10 ns MD runs in vacuum predict an elongated MB for PG1–PG4 while we find PG6 to prefer a helical arrangement. This conformational transition seems correlated to the wrapping of the branching units, which surround the backbone for DPs with g ≥ 4. The existence of external dendrons close to the backbone induces a significant degree of strain in the atomistic backbone. This phenomenon is pronounced for PG7, which we artificially created, but which we find to be instable in full accord with packing considerations. Thus, our atomistic MD predicts that the maximum attainable generation is gmax = 6 for this particular class of DPs, in excellent agreement with previous estimations based on the density.16 Additional simulations of DPs in solution considering explicit chloroform molecules have allowed us to confirm that conformations resulting from the solvent-free conformational search can be efficiently used as a starting point to generate organic condensed phases.

An analysis to obtain the fractal dimension has been performed by applying the box-counting method to the backbone. Consideration of the trace defined by the backbone atoms led to a κ≈ 1 for all DPs with g ≤ 4, which is consistent with the proposed elongated conformation. In contrast, two independent fractal domains were required to describe the helical conformation of PG6. The average density found for DPs is around 1.0–1.1 g cm−3, which is in good agreement with the extrapolated density value from solutions of dendron units (ρ = 1.10 g cm−3).16 Inspection of the density profiles revealed that the density remains constant at around 1.1–1.2 g cm−3 in the region associated with the interpenetration of the dendrons around the backbone. On the other hand, the thickness estimated from MD simulations increases from ∼2 nm (PG1) to ∼12 nm (PG6). The theoretical radius of the cylindrical projections are, in general, ∼30% larger than the rough experimental estimations obtained using deformed DPs deposited onto attractive mica surfaces. Finally, analysis of the trajectories in solution indicates that the number of solvent molecules accumulated inside the DP structures grow with g. The diffusion coefficient of the chloroform molecules inside the structures is considerably lower than that of the molecules in the bulk.


Financial support from the MICINN and FEDER (MAT2009-09138) and Generalitat de Catalunya (research group 2009 SGR 925 and XRQTC) is gratefully acknowledged. Support for the research of C.A. was received through the prize “ICREA Academia” for excellence in research funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Authors are indebted to the Centre de Supercomputació de Catalunya (CESCA) for the computational resources provided. Dr D. Zanuy is thanked for helpful discussion.


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