Rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric phenylation of N-phosphinoylarylimines with triphenylborane

Xinyu Hao a, Qian Chen b, Masami Kuriyama a, Ken-ichi Yamada a, Yasutomo Yamamoto c and Kiyoshi Tomioka *c
aGraduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan. E-mail: yamak@pharm.kyoto-u.ac.jp; Fax: +81 75 753 4604; Tel: +81 75 753 4573
bThe Academy of Fundamental and Interdisciplinary Science, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang, 150080, P. R. China. E-mail: chenqian1jp@yahoo.co.jp
cFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts, Kodo, Kyotanabe 610-0395, Japan. E-mail: tomioka@pharm.kyoto-u.ac.jp; Fax: +81 774 65 8658; Tel: +81 774 65 8676

Received 11th December 2010 , Accepted 22nd December 2010

First published on 4th February 2011


Triphenylborane asymmetrically transfers its phenyl group to N-diphenylphosphinoylarylimines to give diarylmethylamines with high ee in high yield without imine hydrolysis under the catalysis of a chiral amidomonophosphane–rhodium(I) complex.

Success in the chiral amidomonophosphane–rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric arylation of N-diphenylphosphinoyl (Dpp) imines with arylboroxines1,2 relied on the use of 4 Å molecular sieves (MS 4Å) as a dehydrating agent to realize almost water-free conditions, giving the corresponding diarylmethylamines with extremely high enantioselectivity in satisfactorily high yield.3,4 For example, the arylation of benzaldehydeN-Dpp-imine 2a with 4-methylphenyl- and 4-methoxyphenylboroxines 3b and 3c in a 5[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]1 mixture of dioxane and propanol in the presence of the 1–Rh(I) catalyst and MS 4Å at 80 °C for 12 h gave the corresponding arylated amines (S)-4b and (S)-4c with 98% ee each in 96% and 92% yields, respectively (Table 1, entries 1 and 2).4 Continuing scope and limitation studies, however, revealed that the reaction of less reactive 4-methyl- and 4-methoxybezaldehyde N-Dpp-imines 2b and 2c with phenylboroxine 3a gave the products (R)-4b and (R)-4c with lower 84% and 83% ee in decreased 79% and 10% yields, respectively, probably due to competitive hydrolysis of the imines (entries 3 and 4). Then, our problem solving research was focused on the survey of arylation conditions that give shorter reaction time to avoid the hydrolysis.
Table 1 Scope and limitation of asymmetric arylation of N-Dpp-aryliminesa
ugraphic, filename = c0cy00083c-u1.gif
Entry 2 Ar1 3 Ar2 T (°C) Time (h) 4 Yield (%) ee (%)b
a The reaction was conducted with 1.67 equiv. of (Ar2BO)3 in the presence of 6.6 mol% of 1, and 6.0 mol% of the Rh(I) except entry 6. b The ee was determined by chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis. c See ref. 4. d Microwave irradiation. e 5 equiv. of triolborate 3d was used. f Without MS 4Å. g Racemic phenyl (4-tolyl)methanol, aldehyde adduct, was obtained in 76% yield.
1c 2a Ph 3b 4-MeC6H4 80 12 (S)-4b 96 98
2c 2a Ph 3c 4-MeOC6H4 80 12 (S)-4c 92 98
3 2b 4-MeC6H4 3a Ph 80 1 (R)-4b 79 84
4 2c 4-MeOC6H4 3a Ph 80 12 (R)-4c 10 83
5d 2c 4-MeOC6H4 3a Ph 220 0.15 (R)-4c 45 68
6e,f 2b 4-MeC6H4 3d Ph 80 20 (R)-4b 0g

Microwave irradiation of a mixture of 2c and phenylboroxine 3a at 220 °C for 10 min was apparently beneficial but not satisfactory to give (R)-4c with 68% ee in improved 45% yield (entry 5). A cyclic triolborate 3d5 failed to give an imine adduct (R)-4b but gave the corresponding racemic aldehyde adduct, phenyl(4-tolyl)methanol, in 76% yield (entry 6).

Finally, we found triphenylborane as a reactive phenylation reagent to give phenylated amines (R)-4b and (R)-4c with 93% ee each in 92% and 91% yields, respectively, without imine hydrolysis. Herein, we report a catalytic asymmetric phenylation of N-Dpp-arylimines 2 with triphenylborane. In contrast to the widely used boronic reagents, triarylboranes have not been utilized as an aryl source in asymmetric catalysis,6 although a mixture of triphenylborane and diethylzinc has been employed for in situ generation of diphenylzinc.7

When a mixture of 4-tolylaldehyde N-Dpp-imine 2b and triphenylborane (1.67 equiv.) was heated in propan-1-ol at 100 °C for 12 h in the presence of a catalytic amount of 1 (6.6 mol%) and acetylacetonatobis(ethylene)rhodium(I) (6.0 mol%), the phenylated product (R)-4b with 81% ee was obtained in 63% yield (Table 2, entry 1). The reaction was then performed in the presence of KF because promotion of a transmetalation process of organoboron reagents by fluoride has been described.8 The reactions with anhydrous KF and KF on alumina resulted in less satisfactory 39% and 44% yields, and 60% and 81% enantioselectivity, respectively (entries 2 and 3). When the reaction was conducted in the presence of KF on Celite, the reaction more smoothly proceeded to give (R)-4b with 89% ee in increased 72% yield (entry 4). A mixture of dioxane and propanol4 was not suitable solvent for the reaction with triphenylborane, and only a trace amount of the product was produced (entry 5). Finally, tert-butanol was found to be the choice to complete the reaction in only 1 h at 100 °C, giving (R)-4b with 93% ee in 92% yield (entry 6).

Table 2 Survey of reaction conditionsa
ugraphic, filename = c0cy00083c-u2.gif
Entry Solvent KF source Time (h) Yield (%) ee (%)b
a The reaction was conducted with 1.67 equiv. of Ph3B in the presence of 2.0 equiv. of the indicated KF source, 6.6 mol% of 1, and 6.0 mol% of the Rh(I). b The ee was determined by chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis.
1 PrOH 12 63 81
2 PrOH KF 6 39 60
3 PrOH KF/Al2O3 6 44 81
4 PrOH KF/Celite 6 72 89
5 Dioxane/PrOH (1[thin space (1/6-em)]:[thin space (1/6-em)]1) KF/Celite 6 <5
6 t-BuOH KF/Celite 1 92 93

This asymmetric phenylation with triphenylborane was applicable to other N-Dpp-arylimines 2 (Table 3).§Phenylation of 3-tolylimine 2d gave the corresponding 4d with high 96% ee in high 92% yield (entry 2). Electron-deficient 4-chlorobenzaldimine 2f bearing a chlorine atom was converted to 4f with 92% ee in 91% yield (entry 4). Although the reaction of sterically demanding ortho-substituted arylimines 2e and 2g was slower, the reaction proceeded in highly enantioselective manner to give 4e and 4g with 90% ee and 93% ee in 86% and 84% yield, respectively (entries 3 and 5). It is noteworthy that the reaction of 4-methoxybenzaldimine 2c, miserable results of which were the starting point for this study (Table 1, entry 4), also successfully proceeded for 12 h to give 4c with 93% ee in 91% yield (entry 6). Polyaromatic 2-naphthaldimine 2h and heteroaromatic 2-furancarboaldimine 2i were also good substrates to give 4h and 4i with 90% and 91% ee in 94% and 86% yield, respectively (entries 7 and 8).

Table 3 Catalytic asymmetric phenylation of N-Dpp-arylimines 2 with triphenylboranea
ugraphic, filename = c0cy00083c-u3.gif
Entry 2 Ar Time (h) 4 Yield (%) ee (%)b
a The reaction was conducted with 1.67 equiv. of Ph3B in the presence of 2.0 equiv. of KF/Celite, 6.6 mol% of 1, and 6.0 mol% of the Rh(I). b The ee was determined by chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis. c Entry 6 of Table 2 is presented for comparison.
1c 2b 4-MeC6H4 1 4b 92 93
2 2d 3-MeC6H4 1 4d 92 96
3 2e 2-MeC6H4 10 4e 86 90
4 2f 4-ClC6H4 1 4f 91 92
5 2g 2-ClC6H4 10 4g 84 93
6 2c 4-MeOC6H4 12 4c 91 93
7 2h 2-Naphthyl 1 4h 94 90
8 2i 2-Furyl 1 4i 86 91

In conclusion, we have developed a widely applicable chiral amidomonophosphane–rhodium-catalyzed enantioselective phenylation of aryl-N-Dpp-imines with triphenylborane. The results clearly indicate the utility of triarylborane in avoiding in situwater generation. Because a Dpp group is cleaved under milder acidic conditions than a Boc group,9 this reaction provides a versatile methodology to access a variety type of optically active diarylmethylamines.

This research was partially supported by a Grant- in-Aid for Young Scientist (B) to KY and YY, and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) to KT from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Notes and references

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  7. (a) J. Rudolph, F. Schmidt and C. Bolm, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2004, 346, 867–872 CrossRef CAS; (b) J. Rudolph, M. Lormann, C. Bolm and S. Dahmen, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2005, 347, 1361–1368 CrossRef CAS; (c) S. Dahmen and M. Lormann, Org. Lett., 2005, 7, 4597–4600 CrossRef CAS; (d) V. J. Forrat, O. Prieto, D. J. Ramón and M. Yus, Chem.–Eur. J., 2006, 12, 4431–4445 CrossRef CAS; (e) C. Bolm, F. Schmidt and L. Zani, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2005, 16, 1367–1376 CrossRef CAS; (f) V. J. Forrat, D. J. Ramón and M. Yus, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2005, 16, 3341–3344 CrossRef CAS; (g) V. J. Forrat, D. J. Ramón and M. Yus, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2008, 19, 537–541 CrossRef CAS; (h) V. J. Forrat, D. J. Ramón and M. Yus, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2009, 20, 65–67 CrossRef CAS; (i) F. Schmidt, R. T. Stemmler, J. Rudolph and C. Bolm, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2006, 35, 454–470 RSC.
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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details, analytical, and spectral characterization data of the products. See DOI: 10.1039/c0cy00083c
Dedicated to Prof. Carmen Nájera Domingo in celebration of her 60th birthday.
§ General procedure of the catalytic asymmetric phenylation: Under argon atmosphere, a round-bottom flask was charged with Rh(acac)(C2H4)2 (3.1 mg, 0.012 mmol), 1 (6.5 mg, 0.013 mmol), 2 (0.200 mmol), triphenylborane (0.334 mmol), and 50% KF on Celite (40 mg). To the flask was added t-BuOH (0.5 mL), and the mixture was stirred at 100 °C. After the indicated reaction time, the mixture was diluted with AcOEt, washed with brine, dried over Na2SO4, and then concentrated. The resulting residue was purified through silica gel column chromatography.

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011