Low-temperature heat capacities of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ionic liquids and the influence of anion structural characteristics on thermodynamic properties

Miao Yang a, Jun-Ning Zhao b, Qing-Shan Liu a, Li-Xian Sun b, Pei-Fang Yan a, Zhi-Cheng Tan *ab and Urs Welz-Biermann *a
aChina Ionic Liquid Laboratory, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Zhongshan Road 457, Dalian, 116023, China. E-mail: tzc@dicp.ac.cn; uwb@dicp.ac.cn; Fax: 86 0411 84379992; Tel: 86 0411 84379199
bThermochemistry Laboratory, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Zhongshan Road 457, Dalian, 116023

Received 7th September 2010 , Accepted 8th October 2010

First published on 23rd November 2010


Two chelated orthoborate ionic liquids (ILs), 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ([Bmim][BOB]) and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ([Hmim][BOB]), were prepared and characterized. Their thermodynamic properties were studied using adiabatic calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The thermodynamic properties of the two ILs were evaluated and compared with each other, and then with those of other [Bmim] type ILs. The results clearly indicate that for a given cation (or anion) and at a certain temperature, the more atoms in the anion (or cation), the higher the heat capacity; the higher glass-transition temperatures of [BOB] type ILs than others are mainly caused by the higher symmetry of the orthoborate anion structure. It is suggested that a high content of strong electronegative atoms and Cn or Cnv (n = 1,2,3,…,∞) point group symmetry in the anion are favorable for the design and synthesis of room temperature ILs with a wide liquid range.

1. Introduction

Ionic liquids (ILs) are very promising replacements for traditional volatile organic solvents because of their unique physicochemical properties, such as low vapor pressure, non-combustibility and good solubility.1,2 Another attractive advantage of ILs is that they are designable.3,4 The cation and anion of ILs can be varied and combined in nearly infinite ways which lead to a quite large number of different compounds with unique desirable properties. Correspondingly, the properties of ILs including viscosity, solubility and melting point etc. could be adjusted. Therefore, understanding the relationship between the basic physical properties and the molecular structure characteristics of ILs is one of key issues for ILs' design, evaluation and successful use.

Although much effort has been made on the synthesis and application of ILs in various areas such as catalysis, electrochemistry and separation sciences, the research work on their physicochemical properties, especially thermodynamic properties is still scanty.5Imidazolium based ILs as one of the most popular classes has been widely investigated, and for some of them, the thermodynamic properties are available.6–12 In 2000, A. B. McEwen et al. investigated the thermal properties of several imidazolium based ILs by using DSC and TGA/SDTA.10 After that, J. F. Brennecke et al. reported the densities, melting temperatures, glass-transition temperatures, decomposition temperatures and heat capacities for a series of 13 imidazolium based ILs.11 It is found that the properties of imidazolium based ILs follow quite reasonable trends which can help to design and synthesize more useful and task-specific ILs. Our research group has paid much attention to the fundamental thermodynamic investigation of ILs, and the heat capacities, standard enthalpies of formation and thermodynamic functions of some ILs have been investigated.13–16 Recently, the ILs based on various chelated orthoborate anions attracted much attention because of their potential electrochemistry and enantiomeric recognition application.17,18 Moreover, they are interesting solvents for large-molecule dissolution and a good model system for a fundamental liquid-state study.19 Very recently, we have also successfully achieved a new extra-large microporous borophosphate through the use of chelated orthoborate ionic liquids as a special boron source.20

As a continuation of the research work in our group on the thermodynamic properties of ILs, we prepared and characterized two chelated orthoborate ionic liquids, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ([Bmim][BOB], CAS No. 566135-35-1) and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ([Hmim][BOB]). Their thermodynamic properties were studied by using adiabatic calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The phase change behavior and thermodynamic properties were evaluated and compared with other imidazolium based ILs.

2. Experimental section

2.1 Materials

All reagents were purchased from commercial suppliers. 1-Methylimidazole (Industrial grade, Linhai Kaile chemical factory, China), 1-bromobutane (AR grade, Sinopharm Chemical Regent Co., China) and 1-bromohexane (AR grade, Sinopharm Chemical Regent Co., China) were distilled before use. Lithium bis(oxalato)borate (LiBOB) (Premium Battery grade, Chemetall GmbH, Germany), acetonitrile (AR grade, Tianjin Fengchuan Chemical Reagent Co., China) and dichloromethane (AR grade, Beijing Chemical Reagent Co., China) with purities ≥99.5% were used in the synthesis process without further purification.

2.2 Preparation and characterization of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB] ILs

1-Methylimidazole (1 mol) was reacted with an excess of 1-bromobutane or 1-bromohexane (1.1 mol) in a round-bottomed flask under a nitrogen atmosphere at 70 °C for two days to prepare [Bmim][Br] or [Hmim][Br]. The product [Bmim][Br] was purified by recrystallization using acetonitrile as a solvent several times, and [Hmim]Br was purified by passing an active carbon and Al2O3 packed column. For preparation of chelated orthoborate ILs, an equal molar amount of [Bmim][Br] or [Hmim][Br] and LiBOB were used to conduct to an anion metathesis procedure as described elsewhere.19 The insolubility of lithium bromide in dichloromethane is sufficient enough to purify the orthoborate ILs by solvent extraction. After filtering of the LiBr, the dichloromethane phase containing the final product was extracted by water several times until the test for trace of bromide using an AgNO3 solution showed no more cloudiness. Dichloromethane was removed under reduced pressure by using a rotary evaporator, and the product was finally dried under high vacuum at 70 °C for 48 h. The reaction scheme was shown in Scheme 1.
Preparation scheme of [Bmim]/[Hmim][BOB] ILs.
Scheme 1 Preparation scheme of [Bmim]/[Hmim][BOB] ILs.

The bromide and orthoborate products were characterized by a Bruker DRX 400 NMR spectrometer, and the 1H, 13C and 11B NMR spectra of orthoborate ILs were presented in Fig. S1–S6 in the ESI. Their corresponding chemical shifts were as following:

[Bmim][BOB]: NMR in DMSO-d6: 1H (400 MHz) δ = 9.102 (s, 1H), 7.761 (s, 1H), 7.697 (s, 1H), 4.192–4.156 (q, 2H, ΔJ = 7.2 Hz), 3.867 (s, 3H), 1.816–1.742 (m, 2H, ΔJ = 7.2 Hz), 1.320–1.227 (m, 2H, ΔJ = 7.2 Hz), 0.926–0.889 ppm (t, 3H, ΔJ = 7.2 Hz). 13C (100.6 MHz) δ = 158.228, 136.538, 123.645, 122.280, 48.556, 35.778, 31.385, 18.802, 13.255 ppm. 11B (128.3 MHz) δ =7.591 ppm, with H3BO3 as external.

[Hmim][BOB]: NMR in DMSO-d6: 1H (400 MHz) δ = 9.101 (s, 1H), 7.725 (s, 1H), 7.664 (s, 1H), 4.213–4.176 (t, 2H, ΔJ = 7.4 Hz), 3.907 (s, 3H), 1.831–1.798 (m, 2H, ΔJ = 6.8 Hz), 1.266 (s, 3H), 0.831 ppm (s, 3H). 13C (100.6 MHz) δ = 158.386, 136.605, 123.619, 122.241, 49.015, 35.806, 30.599, 29.467, 25.242, 21.900, 13.666 ppm. 11B (128.3 MHz) δ = 7.608 ppm, with H3BO3 as external.

2.3 Adiabatic calorimetry

Heat capacity measurements were carried out in a high-precision automated adiabatic calorimeter described in detail elsewhere.21–23 To verify the reliability of the adiabatic calorimeter, the molar heat capacities for Standard Reference Material 720, Synthetic Sapphire (α-Al2O3) were measured. The deviations of our experimental results from the recommended values by NIST24 were within ±0.1% in the temperature range of 80–400 K.

2.4 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

The DSC measurements were carried out using a Netzsch differential scanning calorimeter (model: DSC 204) under N2 with a flow rate of 25 ml min−1. The samples were first cooled with a rate of 10 K min−1 from 300 K to 173 K, and then heated with the same rate from 173 K to 290 K.

3. Results and discussion

3.1 Low-temperature molar heat capacity

The experimental molar heat capacities of two ILs measured using an adiabatic calorimeter over the experimental temperature range (from 82 to 398 K) are listed in Table 1 and shown in Fig. 1. As seen in Fig. 1, glass transition behavior was obviously observed from 230 to 244 K for [Bmim][BOB], and from 230 to 241 K for [Hmim][BOB]. No other thermal anomaly or phase transition took place in the solid phases and liquid phases for both of them.
Experimental molar heat capacity Cp,m of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB] as a function of temperature.
Fig. 1 Experimental molar heat capacity Cp,m of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB] as a function of temperature.
Table 1 Experimental molar heat capacities of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB]
T/K C p,m/J K−1 mol−1 T/K C p,m/J K−1 mol−1 T/K C p,m/J K−1 mol−1
82.260 162.68 187.494 291.06 294.720 551.30
84.253 164.80 189.427 293.99 296.704 548.95
86.175 167.39 191.350 296.21 298.689 549.07
88.114 169.92 193.303 298.74 300.668 550.11
90.038 172.86 195.291 300.98 302.649 550.60
91.957 175.54 197.267 303.12 304.624 550.99
93.888 178.05 199.233 305.52 306.599 551.46
95.810 180.61 201.627 309.09 308.573 552.38
97.724 182.92 204.037 312.02 310.543 552.45
99.653 185.50 206.020 315.00 312.509 553.28
102.331 189.45 208.000 317.55 314.473 555.34
104.994 193.24 209.971 320.03 316.435 556.40
106.920 195.26 211.938 321.68 318.394 557.61
108.859 197.53 213.896 323.98 320.352 557.15
110.775 199.69 215.852 326.20 322.303 558.16
112.702 202.09 217.801 329.42 324.256 559.28
114.642 204.87 219.806 332.92 326.204 560.50
116.562 207.20 221.863 335.96 328.152 560.98
118.493 209.88 223.919 339.45 330.096 561.78
120.441 211.92 225.971 342.57 332.092 563.39
122.365 214.00 228.020 345.96 334.140 564.45
124.304 216.71 230.056 350.39 336.185 564.63
126.259 218.92 232.074 361.82 338.224 566.77
128.193 220.92 234.141 361.55 340.266 568.03
130.108 223.20 236.241 370.61 342.302 568.32
132.039 225.31 238.241 394.03 344.335 569.25
133.982 227.87 240.030 473.56 346.365 570.84
135.911 230.25 242.083 525.22 348.392 571.96
137.852 232.95 244.303 528.69 350.415 572.99
139.814 235.14 246.290 528.83 352.437 573.08
141.756 235.90 248.334 528.83 354.455 573.61
143.679 238.11 250.372 529.19 356.471 574.41
145.590 241.90 252.415 528.85 358.482 576.20
147.521 244.43 254.450 529.21 360.492 578.27
149.463 246.62 256.486 530.58 362.499 579.53
151.952 248.86 258.520 531.80 364.503 579.76
154.404 251.85 260.553 531.94 366.499 580.19
156.317 254.53 262.579 533.59 368.490 582.08
158.267 256.13 264.608 534.57 370.480 582.13
160.198 258.45 266.632 534.39 372.463 583.83
162.118 261.49 268.653 536.90 374.456 585.44
164.072 264.24 270.677 537.26 376.445 582.92
166.057 266.60 272.694 537.44 378.428 585.20
168.031 267.94 274.709 538.78 380.417 587.00
169.988 270.01 276.721 539.56 382.395 587.98
171.937 272.91 278.733 540.89 384.374 589.30
173.874 275.19 280.744 542.47 386.346 588.94
175.798 276.91 282.758 542.58 388.317 590.79
177.710 279.16 284.767 542.56 390.289 592.57
179.656 281.05 286.744 556.25 392.256 593.07
181.633 283.48 288.759 544.97 394.216 591.44
183.597 286.34 290.758 549.07 396.203 596.40
185.552 288.38 292.740 551.92 398.239 598.12
83.600 182.21 189.062 322.00 295.453 599.83
85.596 183.90 191.025 324.67 297.481 597.88
87.516 186.71 192.971 326.98 299.507 598.99
89.457 189.85 194.912 327.94 301.535 596.30
91.381 193.51 196.837 330.20 303.549 600.05
93.300 196.77 198.798 335.70 305.575 602.38
95.230 199.44 200.798 338.30 307.594 602.99
97.152 202.40 203.219 340.82 309.613 601.75
99.065 205.16 205.598 344.23 311.626 602.02
101.761 208.48 207.552 346.98 313.636 604.40
104.455 212.11 209.557 350.94 315.649 604.33
106.367 214.75 211.562 352.93 317.655 603.88
108.290 217.82 213.555 354.70 319.658 606.29
110.230 219.95 215.545 358.27 321.610 640.72
112.140 223.45 217.532 362.00 323.726 617.23
114.069 227.71 219.513 365.99 325.774 609.87
116.013 229.97 221.547 370.10 327.761 612.50
117.933 231.26 223.636 373.98 329.752 616.75
119.867 233.90 225.718 380.16 331.740 616.17
121.815 236.46 227.796 385.72 333.722 616.98
123.744 238.84 229.856 391.45 335.705 618.71
125.651 241.78 231.870 409.86 337.684 619.09
127.577 243.64 233.889 420.76 339.662 619.27
129.516 246.01 235.815 468.47 341.634 620.48
131.439 248.76 237.524 551.66 343.604 622.85
133.381 250.67 239.332 575.78 345.576 622.52
135.333 253.60 241.650 583.30 347.540 622.03
137.275 256.53 243.967 580.69 349.501 625.75
139.197 258.79 245.941 578.80 351.463 625.38
141.135 261.75 247.914 580.61 353.411 627.88
143.092 264.39 249.889 580.96 355.416 631.33
145.034 265.58 251.862 580.26 357.462 629.85
146.958 267.04 253.834 580.79 359.497 633.48
148.867 269.40 255.802 582.26 361.528 634.99
150.796 271.85 257.774 582.42 363.537 635.85
153.301 275.44 259.743 578.44 365.564 635.68
155.779 277.28 261.707 578.20 367.598 638.71
157.704 280.92 263.669 582.16 369.627 637.66
159.672 284.18 265.633 583.67 371.643 638.92
161.624 286.08 267.595 582.63 373.654 643.64
163.562 288.93 269.549 583.95 375.664 642.97
165.490 291.82 271.508 582.90 377.621 641.54
167.453 292.54 273.457 583.71 379.623 644.09
169.446 294.62 275.407 585.61 381.640 645.41
171.429 296.99 277.352 588.66 383.614 645.21
173.395 300.83 279.359 587.14 385.578 647.82
175.356 303.92 281.352 587.85 387.530 650.01
177.305 306.21 283.350 589.18 389.526 648.42
179.241 308.79 285.339 592.75 391.513 647.81
181.168 310.79 287.330 594.64 393.448 650.54
183.125 314.07 289.371 594.05 395.446 655.72
185.118 316.44 291.402 595.56 397.436 656.71
187.098 318.06 293.426 600.80    

In order to fit the heat capacity data well to a polynomial equation, the temperature T was replaced by the reduced temperature X which is defined as:

X = [T − 0.5(Tmax + Tmin)]/[0.5(TmaxTmin)](1)
where T is the thermodynamic temperature, Tmax and Tmin are the maximum and the minimum of the temperatures in the experimental temperature range. Then, −1 ≤ X ≤ 1.

The values of the experimental heat capacities can be fitted to the following polynomial equations with the least square method:

For [Bmim][BOB], before the glass transition (82–230 K),

Cp,m/(J K−1 mol−1) = 253.937 + 87.233X − 0.752X2 + 1.271X3 + 2.181X4 + 5.415X5(2)
where the reduced temperature X = (T − 156)/74. The above equation is valid from 82 to 230 K. The correlation coefficient of the fitted curve is R2 = 0.99992, the standard deviation calculated from fitted data is ±0.2%.

After the glass transition (244–398 K),

Cp,m/(J K−1 mol−1) = 557.853 + 33.803X + 16.311X2 + 3.391X3 − 38.341X4 − 0.604X5 + 27.596X6 − 2.181X7(3)
where the reduced temperature X = (T − 321)/77. The above equation is valid from 244 to 398 K. The correlation coefficient of the fitted curve is R2 = 0.99927, the standard deviation calculated from fitted data is ±0.1%.

For [Hmim][BOB], before the glass transition (83–230 K),

Cp,m/(J K−1 mol−1) = 279.346 + 89.957X + 11.183X2 + 18.811X3 − 32.367X4 − 26.454X5 + 28.079X6 + 23.536X7(4)
where reduced temperature X = (T − 156.5)/73.5. The above equation is valid from 83 to 230 K. The correlation coefficient of the fitted curve is R2 = 0.99986, the standard deviation calculated from fitted data is ±0.3%.

After the glass transition (241–398 K),

Cp,m/(J K−1 mol−1) = 607.245 + 38.353X + 9.484X2 + 37.313X3 − 8.442X4 − 83.323X5 + 9.964X6 + 44.552X7(5)
where reduced temperature X = (T − 319.5)/78.5. The above equation is valid from 241 to 398 K. The correlation coefficient of the fitted curve is R2 = 0.99772, the standard deviation calculated from fitted data is ±0.2%.

3.2 Thermodynamic parameters of glass transition

It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the heat capacity jumps, corresponding to the glass transition of the two ILs, took place in the range from 230 to 244 K for [Bmim][BOB], and from 230 to 241 K for [Hmim][BOB]. The glass-transition temperatures, 237.18 and 235.75 K, respectively, were taken from the average temperature of the starting and end points of the heat capacity jumps. The molar enthalpies, ΔHg, and entropies, ΔSg, of their glass transition were determined by the following equations:25
ugraphic, filename = c0cp01744b-t1.gif(6)
ugraphic, filename = c0cp01744b-t2.gif(7)
where Q is the total energy introduced into the calorimeter during the course of glass transition; Ti is a temperature point slightly lower than the temperature of the starting glass transition, and Tf is the temperature a little higher than the temperature of the ending glass transition; Tg is the glass-transition temperature; Hcell is the average heat capacity of the empty calorimeter; Cp(s) is the heat capacity of the sample in solid region at temperature (Ti + Tg)/2; Cp(l) is the heat capacity of the sample in liquid region at temperature (Tg + Tf)/2; n is the mole number of the sample. The results of the calculation were ΔHg = 0.989 kJ mol−1 and ΔSg = 4.17 J K−1 mol−1 for [Bmim][BOB], and ΔHg = 1.841 kJ mol−1 and ΔSg = 7.809 J K−1 mol−1 for [Hmim][BOB].

3.3 Thermodynamic functions

The thermodynamic functions (HTH298.15) and (STS298.15) of the two ILs relative to the reference temperature 298.15 K were calculated in the experimental temperature range with an interval of 5 K, by using the polynomial equations of heat capacity and thermodynamic relationships as follows:

For [Bmim][BOB], before the glass transition,

ugraphic, filename = c0cp01744b-t3.gif(8)
ugraphic, filename = c0cp01744b-t4.gif(9)
after the glass transition,
ugraphic, filename = c0cp01744b-t5.gif(10)
ugraphic, filename = c0cp01744b-t6.gif(11)
where Ti is the temperature at which the solid–liquid phase transition started; Tf is the temperature at which the solid–liquid phase transition ended; Tg is the temperature of glass transition; ΔHg is the molar enthalpy of glass transition.

For [Hmim][BOB], the calculation of thermodynamic functions is the same as those of [Bmim][BOB]. The thermodynamic functions (HTH298.15) and (STS298.15) of the two ILs are listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Thermodynamic functions of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB]
T/K C p,m/J K−1 mol−1 H T H298.15/kJ mol−1 STS298.15/J K−1mol−1 C p,m/J K−1 mol−1 H T H298.15/kJ mol−1 STS298.15/J K−1mol−1
  [Bmim][BOB] [Hmim][BOB]
80 158.42 −67.89 −357.39 175.50 −76.65 −406.50
85 165.87 −67.07 −347.55 183.55 −75.75 −395.59
90 172.96 −66.23 −337.87 191.25 −74.81 −384.88
95 179.75 −65.35 −328.34 198.75 −73.84 −374.35
100 186.31 −64.43 −318.95 206.12 −72.83 −363.97
105 192.69 −63.48 −309.71 213.37 −71.78 −353.74
110 198.94 −62.50 −300.60 220.49 −70.69 −343.64
115 205.08 −61.49 −291.62 227.44 −69.57 −333.68
120 211.15 −60.45 −282.76 234.20 −68.42 −323.85
125 217.17 −59.38 −274.02 240.77 −67.23 −314.15
130 223.14 −58.28 −265.38 247.14 −66.01 −304.59
135 229.10 −57.15 −256.85 253.35 −64.76 −295.15
140 235.03 −55.99 −248.41 259.44 −63.48 −285.83
145 240.95 −54.80 −240.06 265.46 −62.16 −276.63
150 246.86 −53.58 −231.79 271.46 −60.82 −267.53
155 252.76 −52.33 −223.60 277.51 −59.45 −258.53
160 258.65 −51.05 −215.49 283.66 −58.05 −249.62
165 264.54 −49.75 −207.44 289.92 −56.61 −240.79
170 270.43 −48.41 −199.45 296.32 −55.15 −232.04
175 276.32 −47.04 −191.53 302.85 −53.65 −223.35
180 282.24 −45.64 −183.66 309.48 −52.12 −214.72
185 288.19 −44.22 −175.85 316.17 −50.55 −206.15
190 294.19 −42.76 −168.08 322.88 −48.96 −197.63
195 300.28 −41.28 −160.36 329.59 −47.33 −189.16
200 306.48 −39.76 −152.68 336.32 −45.66 −180.74
205 312.85 −38.21 −145.03 343.13 −43.96 −172.35
210 319.43 −36.63 −137.41 350.24 −42.23 −164.00
215 326.28 −35.02 −129.82 357.98 −40.46 −155.67
220 333.48 −33.37 −122.24 366.91 −38.65 −147.34
225 341.12 −31.68 −114.66 377.88 −36.79 −138.97
230 Glass transition Glass transition
245 528.80 −28.58 −101.38 581.18 −31.13 −114.94
250 528.78 −25.93 −91.12 580.77 −28.23 −103.21
255 530.00 −23.29 −81.03 580.60 −25.32 −91.73
260 531.96 −20.63 −71.11 580.92 −22.42 −80.46
265 534.31 −17.97 −61.33 581.83 −19.51 −69.38
270 536.78 −15.29 −51.71 583.31 −16.60 −58.48
275 539.23 −12.60 −42.22 585.25 −13.68 −47.75
280 541.57 −9.90 −32.87 587.54 −10.75 −37.18
285 543.75 −7.18 −23.65 590.04 −7.80 −26.76
290 545.79 −4.46 −14.56 592.63 −4.85 −16.47
295 547.71 −1.73 −5.59 595.23 −1.88 −6.33
298.15 548.89 0.00 0.00 596.84 0.00 0.00
300 549.58 1.02 3.26 597.78 1.11 3.69
305 551.43 3.77 12.01 600.26 4.10 13.59
310 553.33 6.53 20.64 602.68 7.11 23.36
315 555.31 9.30 29.17 605.07 10.13 33.02
320 557.42 12.08 37.60 607.49 13.16 42.57
325 559.65 14.88 45.93 609.99 16.20 52.01
330 562.02 17.68 54.17 612.63 19.26 61.34
335 564.52 20.50 62.32 615.44 22.33 70.58
340 567.10 23.33 70.38 618.44 25.41 79.73
345 569.74 26.17 78.35 621.62 28.51 88.79
350 572.38 29.02 86.24 624.93 31.63 97.76
355 574.98 31.89 94.06 628.31 34.76 106.64
360 577.50 34.77 101.80 631.66 37.91 115.45
365 579.92 37.67 109.46 634.88 41.08 124.18
370 582.23 40.57 117.05 637.89 44.26 132.83
375 584.47 43.49 124.57 640.64 47.46 141.41
380 586.73 46.42 132.03 643.17 50.67 149.91
385 589.13 49.36 139.42 645.64 53.89 158.34
390 591.89 52.31 146.75 648.42 57.12 166.69
395 595.30 55.28 154.02 652.11 60.37 174.98
400 599.77 58.26 161.23 657.68 63.65 183.20

3.4 Thermal property studies by DSC

The DSC curves of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB] are shown in Fig. 2. It should be noted that the scan began from 300 K cooling down to 173 K, followed by heating from 173 to 290 K. For [Bmim][BOB], one exothermic peak due to the freezing was observed at 196.3 K during the cooling process, and one endothermic peak due to glass transition appeared at 240.8 K when heating. The DSC curve of [Hmim][BOB] was similar to that of [Bmim][BOB], but the positions of exothermic and endothermic peaks moved to 207.4 and 238.0 K, respectively. Their glass-transition temperatures determined from DSC measurements are 238.8 and 235.4 K which are in agreement with the values observed from adiabatic calorimetry. The 238.8 K of Tg for [Bmim][BOB] is 5 K lower than the Tg value reported by Angell et al.19 This may be due to their faster heating rate (20 K min−1) used in the DSC measurements.

            DSC curves measured under high purity nitrogen. Hf is the heat flow. The inset shows the detailed exothermic peaks of the two ILs.
Fig. 2 DSC curves measured under high purity nitrogen. Hf is the heat flow. The inset shows the detailed exothermic peaks of the two ILs.

In general, three types of thermal behavior are observed for the imidazolium based ionic liquids.11 The first type has a distinct freezing point on cooling and a melting point on heating. The second type shows only glass transition with neither melting nor freezing points. The third one is characterized by cold crystallization. Upon heating, the compound passes from the glass to a sub-cooled liquid phase, and then cold crystallization occurs, followed by melting transition. In our cases, the thermal behavior of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB] is similar to the second type except for the additional appearance of freezing points during cooling. Cold crystallization occurs after the glass phase formation during cooling which is accompanied by exothermic behavior, as seen in the inset of Fig. 2. The molar enthalpy for the crystallization of the two ILs calculated through integration of the area of exothermic peaks is 37.7 J mol−1 and 57.1 J mol−1, respectively. No corresponding endothermic peak was observed during the heating process which might be due to the heat energy required for this phase transition being much smaller than that offered by the DSC equipment.

3.5 Estimation and comparison of thermodynamic properties for imidazolium based ionic liquids

Although the data reported in literature for heat capacity values of ILs are rather scarce, some heat capacities at specific temperature for imidazolium based ILs are available, which are listed in Table 3. Analyzing the data in Table 3 indicates that at a certain temperature, the more atoms in the anion, the higher the molar heat capacity of the ILs.11 The molar heat capacity of [Hmim][BOB] is higher than that of [Bmim][BOB] at the same temperature due to the additional two –CH2groups in its cation. The higher molar heat capacity of [Bmim][dca] contrasting to [Bmim][BF4] at the same temperature is because that the [dca] anion has chemical triple bonds which can store more energy.
Table 3 Heat capacities at around 298 and 323 K, and glass-transition temperatures of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquidsa
Ionic liquid Molecular weight Cp(298 K)/J mol−1 K−1 C p(323 K)/J mol−1 K−1 T g /K Anion structures Point group
a The data of other [Bmim] type ILs are taken from ref. 11 except that the Tg value of 243.8 K for [Bmim][BOB] from ref. 19 The data obtained in our work is presented in bold.
[Bmim][Cl] 174.6709 322.7 333.7 204 Cl  
[Bmim][dca] 205.2598 364.6 370.0 183 C 2v
[Bmim][Br] 219.1222 316.7 323.6 223 Br  
[Bmim][BF4] 226.0228 351.5 358 188 T d
[Bmim][PF6] 284.1824 397.6 405.1 197 O h
[Bmim][BOB] 326.0672 549.068 (at 298.69 K) 559.276 (at 324.26 K) 238.8 D 2d
[Hmim][BOB] 354.1203 597.881 (at 297.48 K) 610.325 (at 323.73 K) 235.4
[Bmim][Tf2N] 419.3644 536.3 543.9 187 C 2v
[Bmim][methide] 550.4380 782.8 802.4 208 C 3v

The glass-transition temperatures of some [Bmim] based ILs are listed in Table 3. No simple correlation between glass-transition temperatures and the molar volume of anions can be found though it is well known that the glass-transition temperature increases with increasing of ion size.26 Another generally accepted viewpoint is that the decrease in ion symmetry and increase in the number of atoms with strong electronegativity in anion will help obtain desirable ILs with a wide liquid temperature range.27,28 Therefore, the structural symmetry of the anion or cation has a significant impact on the physicochemical properties of ILs. Checking the symmetry of anions in Table 3 finds that [dca], [Tf2N] and [methide] anions have the symmetry of C2v, C2v and C3v point group, respectively, which are the only three anions with dipole moments among those compounds listed in Table 3.29,30 The strong electronegative atoms, F, S or O, in these ILs can better disperse the negative charges of anions, which may contribute to the lower melting point or glass-transition temperature. For a given cation, when the anions have comparable capacities of negative charge delocalization, the glass-transition temperature increases with increasing of anion size. Based on this assumption, higher Tg of [BOB] type ILs can be easily explained. Although the content of O atoms in [BOB] anion is high which may help to delocalize the negative charge, its D2d symmetry without dipole moment counteracts this effect, which leads to a higher Tg. In terms of the above analysis, we suggest to design and synthesize the ILs with anions containing strong electro negative atoms, and with the symmetry of Cn or Cnv (n = 1,2,3,…,∞) point groups (only compounds with the above mentioned structural symmetries have dipole moments.29) so that the ILs have widened liquid ranges.


1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ([Bmim][BOB]) and 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(oxalato)borate ([Hmim][BOB]) were prepared and studied by using adiabatic calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Their thermodynamic properties and phase change behavior were compared with other series of [Bmim] based ionic liquids. The results indicate that their heat capacities increase with increasing of the atom number of the anion. The glass-transition temperature of ILs is normally affected by the ion size and the charge dispersion degree. The high content of strong electro negative atoms and Cn or Cnv (n = 1,2,3,…,∞) point group symmetry in the anion are recommended for the design room temperature ILs with a wide liquid temperature range.


We are thankful for financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant NSFC No. 20901076 and 21073189, the Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars from the Ministry of Education of China, and the Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, China under grant No.20092174. A new ionic liquid database, recently launched by our research group, aims to collect comprehensive and up-to-date information on ionic liquids. The database—Delph-IL—is searchable by compounds or properties, and classifies data sets using quality indicators (Novionic, delph-IL, www.delphil.net, 2010).


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Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: 1H, 13C and 11B NMR spectra and TG/DTG curves of [Bmim][BOB] and [Hmim][BOB] ILs. See DOI: 10.1039/c0cp01744b

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