M. J.
J. M.
*a and
aDepartment of Analytical Chemistry, University of A Coruña, Campus da Zapateira s/n, E-15071, A Coruña, Spain. E-mail: andrade@udc.es; Fax: +34-981-167065
bDepartment of Analytical and Organic Chemistry, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
First published on 22nd November 2005
Most heavy metals are present in trace concentrations in many matrices whereas concomitants are, generally, several orders of magnitude higher. Thus, when Sb was determined in water samples by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS), typical major concomitant ions Ca2+, Fe3+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl−, PO43− and SO42− induced displacement, depletion and division of its atomic peak. These interferences were handled with partial least squares regression (PLS). Plackett–Burman experimental designs were implemented to develop the calibration matrix and assess which concomitants modified the atomic signal the most. Despite the concentration-dependent effects induced by the concomitants, linear PLS was a reliable way to predict the concentration of Sb in aqueous samples (standard error of prediction = 1.44 ng mL−1). Polynomial PLS regression was also studied but it did not outperform the linear models. The multivariate-derived figures of merit were calculated: sensitivity (0.014 absorbance/(ng mL−1)), characteristic mass (6.2 pg) and selectivity (using the net analyte signal concept, 83%); limit of detection (considering 5% of type-α and type-β risks, 5.6 ng mL−1) and quantification (10.6 ng mL−1), following recent IUPAC and ISO guidelines. The method was validated studying its robustness to current ETAAS problems and analysing several certified reference waters.
Despite electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) being a suitable and widely applied technique for analyzing trace metals, it can be severely restrained by concomitants (whose concentrations may be several orders of magnitude higher than that of the analyte) which can seriously affect precision and trueness. A good example is the determination of Cr by ETAAS in presence of Fe3+ in acid extracts of soils7 where concentrations of Fe3+ above 7.5 µg mL−1 altered significantly (>15%) the signal. Another study8 proved that the determination of Sb in aqueous solutions was affected by Ca2+, Fe3+, Mg2+, Na+, Ni2+, CO32−, F−, PO43−, and SO42−.
Classical optimization in ETAAS implies proper temperature programs (the stabilized temperature platform furnace concept, STPF, is broadly applied9) and testing several modifiers (each at different concentrations) and their combinations (also at different ratios). This is time-consuming and expensive (graphite tubes, reagents, modifiers, etc.) and it may happen that the final working range becomes limited. A less time- and labor-intensive, cheap and efficient alternative is to model the signals of analyte standards (including concomitants) using multivariate calibration. Although this requires standards containing the most relevant interferences, such models are usually powerful and the analysis of unknown samples is really fast. Previous applications of multivariate calibration in this field are scarce and they include the use of ordinary multivariate linear regression (MLR) to determine several metals in preconcentrated sea water by ETAAS;10–11 the use of backpropagation artificial neural networks (ANN) combined with flame AAS data12 and the use of ANN to extend the calibration range to quantify high concentrations of Cd in drinking waters by ETAAS.13 Results were comparable to those from the standard additions method, but the method was faster. Main objections to these methodologies are that the MLR contains linear, quadratic and cross-product terms, not easy to explain chemically, and that ANNs models can not be interpreted. On the contrary, partial least squares regression (PLS) yields models that are easier to understand and that may constitute suitable, fast and convenient alternatives to cope with chemical and spectral interferences in ETAAS.14–16 A recent example studied the interferences caused by a major metal, Fe3+, when determining another trace metal, Cr.17 There, three main typical ETAAS interferences (peak-shift, peak-enhancement /depletion and increased random noise) were simulated and satisfactorily handled by PLS.
Here several major ubiquitous concomitants present in natural waters (Ca2+, Fe3+, Na+, Mg2+, Cl−, PO43− and SO42−) are considered simultaneously in order to quantify trace amounts of Sb (it had previously been reported that they interfered with Sb determination in aqueous samples8). In general, concomitant concentrations are several orders of magnitude higher than the analyte; as an example, average gross values for (non or slightly polluted) river waters sampled along A Coruña (Galicia, N.W. Spain) were:18 5 mg Ca2+ L−1; 0.4 mg Fe3+ L−1, 9 mg Na+ L−1, 5 mg Mg2+ L−1, 15 mg Cl− L−1, 0.35 mg PO43−L−1 and 10 mg SO42− L−1. With the exception of Baxter and Ohman’s work,14 where they performed multicomponent standard additions and PLS modeling, to the best of our knowledge this is the first application where the effect of several concomitants on the atomic peak is studied and addressed using PLS regression.
The problem becomes complex because many different phenomena can well occur (more details are given in the following sections):
(i). The most sensitive spectral line for Sb (217.6 nm), employed currently, is not totally free of interferences. Particularly, Fe presents an almost adjacent line (217.8 nm)19 not resolved with the instrumental slit (0.7 nm). This spectral problem has also been reported elsewhere.17,20
(ii). Chemical interferences are a real concern since Sb was reported to interact with many metals and other elements, giving intermetallic compounds.21
All chemical phenomena occurring in the graphite tube affected the atomic signal of Sb leading to peak displacement, peak broadening, peak splitting and peak depletion. Their magnitude depended on the concentration of Sb and the amounts of concomitants and they also occurred simultaneously (e.g., peak depletion and broadening).
Different PLS regression models were tested, including linear and non-linear (or polynomial) ones, from where the optimal model was selected and its performance studied. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) guidelines for single laboratory validation of methods22 defined a series of individual performance characteristics for describing analytical methods, including: applicability, selectivity, sensitivity, calibration, trueness, precision, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), and ruggedness. They are evaluated throughout this paper considering the optimal PLS model. The LOD was estimated applying an error propagation-based formula for standard error of prediction at zero concentration level23 and also follows the latest IUPAC and ISO guidelines concerning the inclusion of both alpha and beta probabilities of error. In addition, multivariate estimates of sensitivity and selectivity are derived using the net analyte signal concept.
All glassware and plasticware were soaked in 10% v/v HNO3 for 24 h and rinsed with high purity water at least three times before use.
Concentration of interferent/mg L−1 | |||||||
Experience | Ca2+ | Fe3+ | Na+ | Cl− | Mg2+ | PO43− | SO42− |
1 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 0.50 | 5.00 | 0.10 | 0.10 |
2 | 0.25 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 1.00 | 0.10 |
3 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 0.10 | 1.00 |
4 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 1.00 | 0.10 |
5 | 0.25 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 0.50 | 5.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
6 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 5.00 | 0.50 | 0.25 | 1.00 | 1.00 |
7 | 5.00 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 5.00 | 0.25 | 0.10 | 1.00 |
8 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.50 | 0.25 | 0.10 | 0.10 |
The external validation set (not employed during calibration) included nine Sb standards prepared with 10, 30 and 50 ng Sb mL−1 and their levels of concomitants were defined by the 2nd, 4th and 6th experiments of the Plackett–Burman matrix. The methodology was further validated using four certified reference materials, Water SPS-SW1 (Spectrapure Standards AS, Norway), Water TM24 (National Water Research Institute, Canada), Estuarine water SLEW-3 (National Research Council, Canada) and Water LGC6017 (Laboratory of the Goverment Chemist, UK) as well as with spiked CRM aliquots since, unfortunately, not many CRMs have certified values for Sb.
Random variability on the ETAAS measurements was accounted for by measuring every standard and sample by triplicate, smoothing (Savitsky–Golay algorithm,24 11-points-window, 2nd order polynomial) because the atomic signals were noisy, and averaging them. Therefore, each solution is represented by an averaged peak profile, with negligible noise. In this way, we avoided some problems related to cross-validation of duplicated spectra on the calibration sets. Each spectrum (data acquisition time lasted for 2 s) was digitized to 108 variables.
Fig. 1 Changes on the atomic profile of Sb caused by different combinations of concomitants given by the 8-trial experimental design ([Sb] = 20 ng mL−1). “Original” means that no concomitant was added. |
Preliminary PLS models were built in order to look for outliers by visual inspection of PLS graphs; mainly the “X-variables score plots (t)” (t1versus tk, where k is the order of the latent variable) and the “X–Y scores relationship” (tkvs. uk). Additionally, the presence of anomalous spectra and/or anomalous predictions in the calibration set was assessed by applying the studentized error vs. leverage plot, and the T2 (the multivariate t-test) and Q (considering the residuals of the model) tests.25 Outliers in the external validation (test) set were assessed by using the Mahalanobis distance.24 The bias was studied regressing the PLS predicted values against the reference values and computing the F-test for the slope and intercept joint confidence intervals.
The complex behavior of the interferents, which caused different spectral effects depending on their concentration, impelled us to test non-linear PLS regression models to assess whether they could improve the results of the linear models. They were preferred instead of ANNs because their interpretation is simpler.
Table 2 summarizes the main results, the root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC) and prediction (RMSEP, for the validation set), both calculated as [∑(cpredicted − ctrue)2/n]1/2 (n = number of samples) and the percentage of explained variance. It can be observed that linear PLS (with mean-centered data) was not outperformed by the polynomial models. This means that the non-linear effects produced by the interferences either are not too strong or (more likely) they can be modeled successfully by linear PLS, even all peak displacements and changes on the peak shapes.26,27 Hereinafter, only linear models will be considered in detail. It is worth noting that despite seven concomitants were considered, only four latent variables were needed in the PLS models and three (sometimes four) experimental factors (concomitants) were significant on the Plackett–Burman designs (see the following sections on chemical interpretation for more details on this issue). Such agreement strongly suggests that the optimum number of latent variables is four, as verified by a clear and sharp minimum in the typical plot “predicted residual error sum of squares -PRESS- versus latent variables” (not shown here). Quite good linear relationships between the three first LVs and concentration of Sb were obtained. The 4th LV is not so clear and would manage minor spectral characteristics (see Fig. S1 in the ESI).†Fig. 2 displays the loadings of the X-block variables along with the most characteristic atomic peaks. The loadings of the 1st LV can be roughly identified with the average spectral profile. The loadings of the next LVs present a first-derivative shape with maxima and minima just where the atomic peaks have maxima or inflection points. This suggests that the model tries to solve some undesirable interferences that might be yielding some spectral artifacts on those regions. This appears more clear when the final regression coefficients are considered (Fig. 3) as the model has positive implications for those variables defining the secondary (frontal) peak and, surprisingly, those variables around the maxima of the atomic peaks which became displaced to the right (e.g. experience 1). Noteworthy, this location also coincides with a shoulder of the non-displaced peaks.
Fig. 2 Graphical representation of the X-block loadings for the 4 latent variables-PLS model (continuous lines) superimposed with the three types of spectra obtained in the study (dashed lines). See text for details. |
Fig. 3 Graphical comparison between the regresion coefficients and three typical atomic profiles. “Original” means that no concomitant was added. |
[Sb]/ng mL−1 | % Informationa | |||||
PLS model | Number of LV | RMSEC | RMSEP | X | Y | |
a Total variance explained. | ||||||
Linear | Mean | 3 | 1.75 | 3.18 | 99.3 | 99.4 |
Centering | 4 | 1.55 | 1.44 | 99.7 | 99.5 | |
Autoscaling | 4 | 1.45 | 2.45 | 67.4 | 99.2 | |
5 | 1.34 | 2.64 | 72.5 | 99.3 | ||
6 | 1.25 | 1.83 | 76.0 | 99.4 | ||
2nd order | Mean | 4 | 1.24 | 3.31 | 99.3 | 99.8 |
Centering | 5 | 1.10 | 3.37 | 99.5 | 99.9 | |
6 | 0.92 | 5.32 | 99.6 | 99.9 | ||
3rd order | Mean | 4 | 1.25 | 2.32 | 98.9 | 99.8 |
Centering | 5 | 1.07 | 2.36 | 99.5 | 99.9 | |
6 | 0.92 | 11.4 | 99.6 | 99.9 |
The model behaved satisfactorily and without bias. The fitted regression line in the “predicted” vs. “actual” plot was Predicted value = (0.2075 ± 0.3819) + (0.9915 ± 0.0128) * Actual value, with an acceptable correlation coefficient (0.9958) and a low standard error of the regression line (1.58 ng mL−1). The joint confidence test for the slope and intercept revealed that there was not bias and that the method gives true results (Fexp = 0.22; Ftab,95% = 3.18). The total variances explained by cross-validation on the X- and Y-blocks, were 99.7 and 99.5%, respectively.
The use of four CRM waters, analyzed exactly like the aqueous standards, can help in assessing trueness (in addition to the previous F-test) and traceability. If they were not certified for Sb, their “true” values were evaluated in the classical way (using either ad-hoc aqueous calibration or a standard addition calibration). If their concentrations were below the PLS detection limit, spiked aliquots were used. Table 3 shows good results for the analysis of the CRMs and the spiked aliquots, with some discrepancies for the high spikes. The fact that the highest spiked concentrations are not properly predicted indicates that the model is applicable (linear behaviour) up to 25–30 ng mL−1 and it, therefore, includes the WHO maximum level.1 This boundary corresponds to the similar concept of “working linear range” in classical calibration.
Concentration of Sb/ng mL−1 | ||
True | Predicted | |
a LOD for classical measurements, 95% confidence. b LOD for the PLS model, 95% confidence. | ||
Water SPS-SW1 | <1.64a | <5.6b |
Water SPS-SW1 + spike 1 | 10.0 | 9.9 |
Water SPS-SW1 + spike 2 | 20.0 | 19.8 |
Water SPS-SW1 + spike 3 | 40.0 | 32.5 |
Water TM-24 | 9.6 | 10.8 |
Water TM-24 + spike 1 | 17.1 | 16.8 |
Water TM-24 + spike 2 | 24.6 | 22.4 |
Water TM-24 + spike 3 | 39.6 | 31.6 |
Estuarine water SLEW-3 | <1.64a | <5.6b |
Estuarine water SLEW-3 + spike 1 | 25.0 | 19.2 |
Water LGC 6017 | <1.64a | <5.6b |
Water LGC 6017 + spike 1 | 15.0 | 15.5 |
Water LGC 6017 + spike 2 | 30.0 | 24.6 |
Fig. 4 Stacked profiles simulating peak enhancement and/or peak depletion effects induced by the concomitants (the inserts correspond to two typical atomic profiles). |
Na+ can form several compounds with Sb, such as sodium antimonate and antimonite (that are used as fire retardants29) and their formation might explain the drift of the maximum of the atomic profile to higher times. Welz et al.30 reported on the displacement of the atomic peak of Sb when SO42− was present. The effect was attributed to a distortion of the atomic peak caused by a high increase on the background during the first stages of its appearance, resulting in an apparent displacement. They considered it as a typical interference occurring into the gas phase. We did not observe the increment on the background but a clear peak displacement.
Regarding Fe3+, it can give rise to both physical and chemical interferences. First, a spectral interference of Fe3+ can not be neglected because one of its secondary lines (217.8 nm)19 can not be instrumentally resolved from that of Sb (217.6 nm) (which makes the signal not totally specific of Sb). Indeed it has been reported that Fe decreased the Sb signal due to an overcorrection caused by the D2 background correction system30,31 (the Zeeman system is not available for our equipment). Nevertheless, this interference was disregarded because: (i) an overcorrection was not observed; (ii) despite it was observed that the atomic peak splits in several experiments, the total integrated area remains constant; (iii) analysis of samples containing only the interferents yielded good blanks, without clear atomic peaks; and (iv) peak splitting could not be corrected by increasing the pyrolysis and atomic temperatures (as it is generally done). This leads to the conclusion that Sb atomization is mainly suffering chemical interferences and that the spectral ones can be disregarded. In order to confirm that high concentrations of Fe3+ caused chemical interferences, a new Sb standard (30 ng mL−1) with high levels of all concomitants (except Fe3+) was measured again (this corresponded to the 1st trial of the Plackett–Burman designs) and the peak did not split. In addition, Fe3+ and Sb can form an intermetallic compound whose boiling point is greater than that of Fe3+ or Sb. This would justify the two peaks since part of the analyte would react with Fe3+ and become stabilized.
On the other hand, the latter statement suggests that Fe3+ itself could serve as a chemical modifier for Sb. This was evaluated using 30 ng mL−1 Sb standards where all concomitants were set either to zero or to their highest concentrations (within the experimental design) and Fe3+ varied from 0 to 100 µg mL−1. Their behaviour was twofold (see Fig. 5):
Fig. 5 Atomic profiles for a 30 ng mL−1 Sb standard plus (a) 0.25 µg Fe mL−1 and (b) 5.00 µg Fe mL−1. |
(a) In absence of other concomitants, low Fe3+ concentrations (0.25 µg mL−1) originated a second peak, which disappeared at higher concentrations (>5 µg mL−1). In the latter situation, the Sb peak was narrow, well defined, single and displaced to higher atomization times (as expected). This fact strongly suggested that Fe3+ might be a suitable modifier for Sb, as it was already reported for Ni.32
(b) When all other concomitants are present, up to 50 µg mL−1 Fe3+ were needed to stabilize Sb. Such large amount of Fe3+ implies that there could be an interaction or competition with other interferents (but it could not be ascertained fully).
The potential use of Fe3+ as chemical modifier for Sb was tested on a CRM (Water TM24). Unfortunately, some spectral artifacts were observed (mainly, a D2 background overcorrection) which were attributed to the TM24 matrix. Further, classical methods (aqueous calibration and the standard additions method) suffered the same problems. Accordingly, the use of Fe3+ to stabilize Sb needs to be fully confirmed by separate studies (not presented here).
The net sensitivity characterizes the model and is calculated as s* = b/‖b‖2, where b is the vector of regression coefficients and ‖·‖ indicates the Euclidean norm.33 Using the NAS, the PLS model can be represented like a usual univariate calibration model, i.e., as a scatter plot of the concentrations of standards and their signal (a pseudo univariate presentation can be seen in Fig. S3 of the ESI for the optimal PLS model based on four latent variables). The sensitivity of the method is the inverse of the slope of the regression line (which is also the norm of the net sensitivity vector), s = ‖s*‖ = 1/‖b‖= 0.0142 absorbance/(ng mL−1), for this method.
The multivariate sensitivity can be used to evaluate a ‘multivariate characteristic mass’ (m0); considering that 20 µL were injected, m0 = 0.02 (mL) × 1000 (pg mL−1) × 0.0044/0.0142 = 6.2 pg.
LOD = Δ(α, β, ν) × RMSEC√1 + h0 |
The RMSEC is obtained from the squared fit errors of the PLS model as [(cpredicted − ctrue)2/ν]1/2 where the sum extends to all samples in the calibration set, and ν is the degrees of freedom, which are calculated (for a centered model) as ν = n − F − 1, with F being the number of latent variables considered in the model and n the number of samples in the set.
The leverage, h0, quantifies the distance of the predicted sample (at zero concentration level) to the mean of the calibration set in the F-dimensional space. For a centered model it is calculated as h0 = 1/n + t0T(TTT)−1t0, where t0 is the (Fxn) score vector of the predicted sample and T the nxF matrix of scores for the calibration set. In this work, h0 was estimated as an average value of the leverages of the cross-validation samples having zero concentration of Sb.
Finally, the term (Δ(α,β,ν)) is a statistical parameter that takes into account the α and β probabilities of falsely stating the presence/absence of analyte, respectively, as recommended elsewhere.37,38 When the number of degrees of freedom is high (ν ≧ 25), as is usually the case in multivariate calibration models, and α = β, Δ(α,β,ν) can be safely approached to 2 t1−α,ν. Thus, the estimated LOD, for α = β = 5% and ν = 48 degrees of freedom, was 5.6 ng mL−1 (4.3 ng mL−1 if α = β = 10%). The limit of quantification was evaluated as the concentration having a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 15%. Although some guidelines recommended the use of RSD values of 10%, the value chosen was thought to be acceptable at the concentration level we are dealing with (around 10 ng mL−1). This is supported by Horwitz equation, which predicts a reproducibility RSD of 22% at this concentration level. Since we want to determine an intralaboratory LOQ, we took an intermediate (intralaboratory) RSD of 15% (that is about 2/3 of 22%). So, finally, the LOQ was evaluated as LOQ = 100 × (RMSEC × (1 + h0)1/2)/RSD(%), where RMSEC was calculated as above and h0 was calculated as the average value of the leverages of the cross-validation samples having 0 and 10 ng mL−1 of Sb. The estimated LOQ was 10.6 ng mL−1 of Sb. Both LOD and LOQ values are higher than those obtained previously for aqueous standards, without concomitants, in a classical way (LOD = 1.64 ng mL−1 and LOQ = 5.48 ng mL−1).9
In addition, the ETAAS-PLS approach is robust to typical variations in atomic peaks when they are measured by ETAAS (ca. 10% peak enhancement or depletion).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: PLS model with four latent variables to test for linear relationships between predictors and predictand (Fig. S1); Birbaun’s curve for assessing which concomitants will mainly modify the atomic signal (Fig. S2); pseudo-univariate presentation of the PLS model (Fig. S3). See DOI: 10.1039/b506783a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2006 |