Néstor Guillermo Orellana Velado, Rosario Pereiro and Alfredo Sanz-Medel*
Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, University of Oviedo, C/Julián Clavería, 8, 33006, Oviedo, Spain. E-mail: asm@sauron.quimica.uniovi.es
First published on UnassignedUnassigned7th January 2000
Hollow cathode (HC) glow discharge (GD) atomic emission spectrometry (AES) with a radiofrequency (rf) source was investigated as a detector in gas chromatography (GC) for elemental speciation of methylmercury, ethylmercury and inorganic mercury following a Grignard derivatisation reaction (butylmagnesium chloride). The HC design and the transfer line between the source and the GC column are described; in addition, the parameters governing the discharge (pressure, He flow rate, rf power) on the emission of the analytes were optimised. The analytical performance characteristics of this hyphenated technique were evaluated and compared with those of other more common plasmas used as atomic detectors in GC. The absolute detection limits were found to be 0.2, 0.2 and 0.3 pg for methylmercury, ethylmercury and inorganic mercury, respectively, with the variability being lower than 8% RSD at the 10 pg level. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed methodology was successfully tested by analysing two certified reference materials from the National Research Council of Canada (DORM-2 and DOLT-2).
The combination of chromatographic techniques with atomic detectors gives rise to very powerful instruments to perform speciation analysis.4 Gas chromatography (GC) is one of the preferred separation approaches owing to its good sensitivity, resolution and availability5 when coupled to atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS),3,6 microwave-induced plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MIP-AES)7,8 and, more recently, to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).9,10
Glow discharges (GDs) are commonly used for direct solid elemental analysis in different fields of atomic spectrometry,11–13 but particular interest is being devoted to their use for in-depth profile analysis of layered materials.14,15 Although direct current (dc) GDs have traditionally been used in conductive solid analysis, in recent years radiofrequency (rf) GDs have been receiving particular attention since these latter discharges allow for direct solid analysis of both conductive materials and insulators.16,17 Hollow cathode (HC) plasmas are a particular type of GD,18 which has also been used for the determination of metals in solids18 and for the analysis of previously evaporated liquid samples. The analysis of liquid solutions using a particle beam system with HC-GD has also been described by Marcus and co-workers.19
Moreover, previous studies have also demonstrated the feasibility of using GDs for gas analyses. Winefordner and co-workers20 reported the atomic emission detection of Cl, Br, F, I and S for direct injection of organic solution (vapor) into a running dc-HC-GD-AES and Puig and Sacks21 used a dc-HC-GD-AES for determination of F, Cl and Br in gas streams. Also, Hieftje and co-workers described a gas sampling dc-GD-AES for determination of non-metals (C, F, Cl and S) in the gas phase.22
The application of rf-GD-AES to gas sample analyses, investigating the determination of non-metallic elements (C, Br, Cl and S) in discrete volumes of organic compounds thermally volatilised23 and of liquid samples after selective volatilisation by chemical means,24 has also been evaluated. Its excellent characteristics, observed for the analysis of different gas samples, fuelled further analytical investigations of rf-GD as an alternative specific detector in GC. For example, Smith and Piepmeier identified organic compounds using an oscillating GD as GC detector25 and Caruso and co-workers have studied a rf-GD-MS as detector in GC for elemental speciation studies.26–28 In a previous paper,29 we compared dc- and rf-GD-AES as GC detectors, with satisfactory results for mercury speciation using a flat cathode and introducing the analytes from the capillary column by the limiting disc29 (separating the cathode from the main body of the chamber).
The high emission intensities obtained with the use of very small cathode cavities, as in HC-GD (microcavity effect), could be useful for GC detection, since band broadening in the detector would be minimised.21 Considering this feature of HC designs, along with the good performance of rf-GD-AES for gas analysis,23,29 in this work a rf-HC-GD-AES was constructed and investigated as a specific GC detector for speciation of methylmercury, ethylmercury and inorganic mercury. After derivatisation with a Grignard reagent (butylmagnesium chloride), the derivatised mercury species are separated in a GC capillary column and Hg emissions are measured by AES at 253.6 nm. The transfer line design is described while the parameters affecting the performance of rf-HC-GD coupled with GC are discussed. Analytical figures of merit are established and compared with those previously obtained using a flat cathode-GD-AES29 or MIP-AES.30
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Fig. 1 Diagram of the transfer line, hollow cathode and limiting disc. |
Component | Description and specifications |
(a) Gas chromatograph | Unicam Model 4600, split/splitless injection mode |
Capillary column | Fused-silica column SGE, 25 m × 0.32 mm id, non-polar phase |
Chromatographic program | Injector temperature: 240![]() |
Initial temperature: 40![]() | |
Ramp: 35![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Injected sample volume | 1 µL |
(b) Spectrometer: | |
Monochromator | 1 m Jobin–Yvon HR-1000 M Czerny-Turner mount with a grating of 2400 grooves mm−1. Slit width 0.1 mm |
Photomultiplier | R-212 Hamamatsu |
Read out system | Jobin–Yvon Spectralink controlled by a computer |
Recorder | Shimadzu data processor (Chromatopac C-R6A) |
Parameter measured | Chromatographic peak height |
Wavelength emission | 253.6 nm |
The hollow cathode (Fig. 2) consisted of a stainless-steel disc (40 mm in diameter and 35 mm thick). A central cavity of diameter 1 mm was made to produce the hollow cathode effect. The capillary column was introduced into the hollow cathode by a 1 mm id orifice and various distances between the end of the capillary column and the plasma discharge were tested, the position selected being that at which the capillary was closest to the hollow cathode cavity (1 mm from the plasma discharge). In some experiments the He discharge gas was introduced by the cathode through an inlet placed at 5 mm from one end of the cathode (see Fig. 2).
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Fig. 2 Diagram of the transversal section of the hollow cathode. |
The limiting disc was the same as that used in previous studies29 and consisted of a stainless-steel disc (47 mm in diameter and 20 mm thick with a central orifice of diameter 3 mm) through which the light emitted by the plasma was transmitted to the quartz window and then focused to the slit of the monochromator by a 38.1 mm diameter lens (Model 41545 from Oriel Instrument, Stratford, CT, USA). Cathode and limiting disc were refrigerated by circulating cool water (5–10°C) through a lateral hollow of diameter 3 mm crossing from one side to the other, in which pipes were welded together to the external part of the holes (Fig. 2).
The reagents and solutions used for the extraction and derivatisation of the sought mercury species were the same as those employed in previous studies.29 Standard solutions of methylmercury chloride (ICN Biochemicals, Cleveland, OH, USA), ethylmercury chloride (ICN Biochemicals) and mercury(II) chloride (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were prepared and stored in the dark at 4°C.
Sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (DDTC) was obtained from Merck with a purity of 99% and butylmagnesium chloride (2.0 M solution in tetrahydrofuran) was from Aldrich (Milwaukee, WI, USA).
Helium (99.999%) from Air Liquid (Oviedo, Spain) was used as ‘carrier gas' in the gas chromatograph and also as ‘make-up' gas to sustain the plasma discharge. The carrier was kept constant at 15 psi pressure during all experimental steps.
The procedures for the extraction of mercury species from certified reference materials and for their Grignard derivatisation were essentially those of Bulska and co-workers.30
About 0.25 g of the certified reference material was weighed and treated with 150 µL of concentrated HCl to destroy the proteins from the organic material. Addition of 800 µL of saturated sodium chloride solution followed, in order to facilitate the formation of chlorides of the mercury species. Such species were extracted with 1.5 mL of 2 M sodium diethyldithiocarbamate and two portions of 2 mL of toluene. Ethylmercury chloride was used as an internal standard and hence was added to the reference materials before the addition of concentrated HCl.
It is known that when the MIP is used as a GC detector it is necessary to use a solvent venting system to avoid plasma extinction when the solvent exits the capillary column.32 In our HC-GD experimental system, the plasma was turned on once the solvent passed the capillary column and was carried out of the discharge chamber, at 2.5 min after injection into the gas chromatograph.
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Fig. 3 Effect of the rf power on the analytical signal of rf-HC-GD-AES. (✦) Methylmercury, (■) ethylmercury and (▲) inorganic mercury. |
Therefore, the rf power value selected was slightly lower, viz. 25 W (in this case the reflected power was zero). The results obtained in this experiment with rf-HC-GD seem to be different from those observed previously with a flat cathode,29 where up to 70 W can be delivered to the rf source without noticeable reflected energy.
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Fig. 4 Effect of the plasma pressure on the analytical signal of rf-HC-GD-AES. (✦) Methylmercury, (■) ethylmercury and (▲) inorganic mercury. |
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Fig. 5 Effect of He make-up flow rate on the analytical signal of rf-HC-GD-AES. (✦) Methylmercury, (■) ethylmercury and (▲) inorganic mercury. |
To increase the sensitivity of the system, the possibility of supporting the plasma with just the carrier gas from the GC (2.3 mL min−1 of He) was studied. A 15% increase of the analytical signal of the mercury species was observed compared with the use of plasma make-up flow rates of 10 mL min−1; however, the cathode became dirty too rapidly (after 4 or 5 injections onto the column) and so a compromise was needed. A working He make-up flow rate of 10 mL min−1 was eventually selected.
Finally, different ways of plasma make-up gas introduction into the discharge chamber (Fig. 6) were investigated: (A) through the limiting disc, (B) through the hollow cathode body, and (C) by the discharge chamber. Fig. 7 shows the results obtained for the three He introduction modes: as can be seen, similar results were observed when the He make-up flow was introduced either by the body of the discharge chamber or through the limiting disc (probably the mercury species suffer higher diffusion when they are carried to the plasma by introducing the plasma He gas through the hollow cathode, as shown in Fig. 6).
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Fig. 6 Designs investigated for the introduction of the make-up gas. (A) Introduction through the limiting disc, (B) introduction through the cathode and (C) introduction through the discharge chamber. |
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Fig. 7 Comparison of the emission rates of the mercury species when the He make-up plasma was introduced by means of the three designs under study. (A) Introduction through the limiting disc, (B) introduction through the cathode and (C) introduction through the discharge chamber. |
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Fig. 8 Typical chromatogram corresponding to the injection of a 10 µg L−1 mixture of the mercury species. 1, Methylmercury; 2, ethylmercury; and 3, inorganic mercury. |
Replicate analyses (n=10) of a mixed standard solution of 10 µg L−1 of the three species under study were carried out to evaluate the repeatability of the method. The results indicated that a RSD of about 5% was obtained for methylmercury and 7–8% for ethylmercury and inorganic mercury. The poorer results for the last two analytes can be attributed to heating during the chromatogram duration of the chamber discharge, cathode and limiting disc, which produced a change in the background emission and in the signals of these two mercury species.
The detection limits (DLs) were calculated as the concentration of analyte producing a peak height in the chromatogram equal to three times the standard deviation of the baseline noise. DLs were 0.2 ng mL−1 for methylmercury and ethylmercury and 0.3 ng mL−1 for inorganic mercury, which corresponds to 0.2, 0.2 and 0.3 pg of methylmercury, ethylmercury and inorganic mercury, respectively, as absolute DLs. As can be seen in Table 2, these DLs are 5–10 times better than those obtained using a flat cathode29 and are also better than those achieved by MIP-AES,30 which is the most common GC specific detector.
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Fig. 9 Chromatograms corresponding to the injection of an extract from the certified reference materials, after Grignard derivatisation. 1, methylmercury; 2, ethylmercury (internal standard); and 3, inorganic mercury. (a) DORM-2 and (b) DOLT-2. |
Methylmercury/mg kg−1 (as Hg) | ||
DORM-1 | DOLT-2 | |
Obtained | 5.01 ± 0.35 | 0.620 ± 0.041 |
Certified | 4.47 ± 0.32 | 0.693 ± 0.053 |
Finally, it has to be stressed that the GC-HC-GD-AES hybrid technique proposed here presents at least one major advantage for the analysis of mercury species: the low cost of construction of the system and the relatively low consumption of He as discharge gas (10–20 times lower than that needed to operate an MIP-AES).
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2000 |