Issue 62, 2015

Gold(i)-catalysed cascade reactions in the synthesis of 2,3-fused indole derivatives


A gold(I)-catalysed hydroaminative/arylative cascade for the efficient synthesis of a variety of indole-fused skeletons has been developed. Factors controlling the catalyst loading required in these transformations involving 1,3-unsubstituted indole intermediates have been revealed, allowing isolation of an unprecedented 1,3-dimetallated 3H-indole gold complex characterized by X-ray diffraction.

Graphical abstract: Gold(i)-catalysed cascade reactions in the synthesis of 2,3-fused indole derivatives

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Article information

Article type
04 Jun 2015
19 Jun 2015
First published
24 Jun 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 12384-12387

Author version available

Gold(I)-catalysed cascade reactions in the synthesis of 2,3-fused indole derivatives

A. Gimeno, A. Rodríguez-Gimeno, A. B. Cuenca, C. Ramírez de Arellano, M. Medio-Simón and G. Asensio, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 12384 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC04606H

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