We report the synthesis of five coordination polymers of divalent transition metals combined with 5-hydroxyisophthalic acid (HIP) and 4,4′-bipyridyl (bipy). Mn forms two polytypic two-dimensional coordination polymers, Mn(HIP)(bipy)·3H2O and Mn(HIP)(bipy)·¼bipy·2H2O (I and II, with ABAB and ABC stacking sequences, respectively); Ni forms a chiral hexagonal three-dimensional coordination polymer with two interpenetrating trigonal sublattices exhibiting the “dual quartz” topology, Ni(HIP)(bipy)(H2O) (III); Cu forms a one-dimensional coordination polymer containing arrays of infinite hydrogen-bonded molecular ribbons, Cu(HIP)2(bipy) (IV); and Zn forms a two-dimensional coordination polymer with a stair-stepped layered structure, Zn2(HIP)2(bipy)(H2O)2·H2O (V). The M–HIP–M connections are perpendicular to the M–bipy–M connections in all structures where they are present.
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