Bruno S.
Kleydson S. G.
Giorgio S.
Jader S.
Paulino R.
Caroline S.
P. C.
Ana Rita A.
Vinicius M.
f and
Débora M. B. P.
aDepartamento de Física, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, P.O. Box 676, 13565-905, São Carlos, SP, Brazil. E-mail:
bEmbrapa Instrumentação, P.O. Box 741, 13560-970, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
cInstitute of Inorganic Methodologies and Plasmas-CNR-Bari, 70126 Bari, Italy
dInstituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, P.O. Box 593, 38400-902 Uberlândia, MG, Brazil
eEmbrapa Pecuária Sudeste, P.O. Box 339, 13560-970, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
fEmbrapa Solos, Rua Jardim Botânico 1024, 22460-000, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
First published on 7th September 2015
The aim of this study was to develop a quantitative method to determine phosphorus in fertilizers of different matrix compositions using the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique. The LIBS spectra were acquired on 26 samples of organic and inorganic fertilizers by using a low cost, portable, gated CCD system in the atmospheric environment. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) was used as the reference technique. A method was developed to remove the outlier spectra and perform the baseline correction and peak normalization. By applying the proposed corrections, the linear correlation between LIBS and ICP increased from R = 0.76 to R = 0.95. An average error of 15% found in cross-validation of LIBS quantification appeared feasible for P quantification in fertilizers. Two reference samples with different matrix compositions were also analyzed, and the absolute error in the quantification was below 5%. Further, no significant fluctuation was found in P quantification when LIBS was performed over 150 days.
Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important nutrients for agriculture, mainly in tropical soils. World reserves of phosphates are limited and concentrated in few countries. The exploration of these reserves has become critical and the average P concentration in industrial rocks has decreased during the last few decades.1 The use of secondary P is becoming an important strategy to save limited primary P reserves.2 New fertilizers based on organic residues and mixtures of organic and mineral sources of P is now available on the market. The use and commercialization of organic mineral fertilizers in Brazil have increased in a rapid manner during the last decade. Methods to check the nutrient content of these fertilizers considering the possible effect of organic matter interference are urgent and necessary.
As inorganic P fertilizers are usually extracted from rocks of various compositions, the P composition indicated on fertilizer packages may not be very accurate. The organic fertilizers are even less monitored, and because it is extracted from organic residues, their concentration variability is even higher. Thus, the development of a method that can monitor the amount of P in organic and inorganic fertilizers in a precise, rapid and non-expensive way may result in a great environmental and economic impact.
Over the recent years, the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique has been applied in several fields3 including soil and fertilizer analysis.4–7 The main advantage of LIBS is the capability to obtain rapid and relatively non expensive measurements with minimum sample preparation.8,9 The concentration of an element can be determined using a calibration curve or by multivariate methods,10 both of which require a reference technique. Once the model is developed and tested, LIBS can be used as a rapid analytical technique that does not require a huge computer capability. Another methodology to determine the sample elemental concentration by LIBS uses the calibration free technique5 that requires a detailed analysis of spectra and extended data processing. This method is commonly used for simple matrix samples in a semi quantitative approach. Further, portable LIBS equipment have been developed allowing rapid in situ measurements.
In particular, in the last decade LIBS methods were developed and applied successfully for real-time, on-site, on-line automated quantitative analysis of P and other relevant elements, including Si, Ca, Mg, Al, and K, in phosphate ores and potassium fertilizers.11–13 An acceptable level of precision and accuracy was achieved with 2–4% relative standard deviations for most elements,11 and the comparison of LIBS on-line data with control chemical analysis revealed good correlations.12,13 Further, real-time LIBS data of the P/Si ratio provided a simple and reliable indicator of phosphate ore rock quality.14 However, the elemental determination in fertilizers has involved samples with similar matrix compositions and no LIBS application has been performed on organic fertilizers.
The main goal of this study was to develop a LIBS analytical methodology for P quantification in organic and inorganic fertilizer samples by using equipment featuring a spectral and temporal resolution compatible with commercial portable LIBS systems for in situ measurements.
The organic fertilizers were mixtures of 60% poultry litter, in natura or composted, and 40% commercial mineral fertilizers. The samples consisted of spherical structures of approximately 2 mm diameter. To ensure homogeneity, samples were ground and sieved through a 100 mesh sieve. For LIBS analyses, two pellets of each sample were prepared by applying a pressure of 6 × 108 N m−2 for 30 s.
For each pellet, 100 spectra (50 for surface side) were obtained at different positions of the sample. Each spectrum was the result of two accumulated laser shots, preceded by one for cleaning. The LIBS equipment was operated with a laser pulse of 8 ns and 60 mJ with an integration time of 2.1 ms for all measurements. The optimized delay time for P line emission was 2.5 μs.
After the spectral correction, a Lorentzian function was fitted to the peak profile in order to obtain the area of the emission peak (A1). The same region selected to perform the Lorentzian fit was selected to limit the linear correction function (full line in Fig. 1b), and the area under this line was also calculated (A2). This latter value was then used to normalize the emission line area (Af = A1/A2). The final area value, Af, was then correlated with the reference technique measurements.
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Fig. 2 Correlation graph for P. The correlation was calculated between the P concentration in each sample and the intensity points at a fixed wavelength. |
The wavelengths indicated in Fig. 2 in the region 213–216 nm showed the highest correlation values for the entire spectrum (180 nm to 990 nm). Using the NIST database,16 and considering the spectrometer precision (±0.05 nm), these peaks were referred to P atomic emission lines at 213.62 nm, 214.91 and 215.41 nm. The line at 213.62 nm was chosen for the calibration model because it showed a little higher correlation than the other two peaks, featured no apparent interference and resulted in the higher peak intensity among these three peaks.
According to the NIST database,16 in addition to P transitions, this region can also include the transitions of Fe II, 213.56 nm; Fe II, 213.59 nm; Fe II, 213.60 nm and Fe II, 213.65 nm; and Cu II, 213.60 nm. Thus, these transitions may overlap each other and disturb the P emission line. To verify that these lines do not interfere with the P line, a correlation analysis similar to the one performed for P (Fig. 2) was performed for Fe and Cu concentrations measured by ICP-OES. The correlations with Fe and Cu concentration in the region 213–216 nm were small (R around 0.25), thus Fe and Cu interferents were ignored. The elements Al, Cr, K, Mg, Na, Ni and Zn were also analyzed and no significant interference was found. Thus the P line intensity at 213.62 nm is minimally interfered by others elements, and its intensity is assumed to be almost exclusively due to the P transition.
Fig. 4 shows the cross-validation data. In this kind of validation, one sample is withdrawn from the 26 samples and it is not used to calibrate the model. The extracted sample is then tested with the model. This process is repeated for testing all the 26 samples. In an ideal situation, all points in Fig. 4 would be aligned perfectly with the dashed line, indicating a total agreement between ICP and LIBS data. In the experimental case, the point displacement is proportional to the quantification error (root mean square error) that resulted in 15% averaged for all the 26 samples. The limit of detection (LOD) for P quantification was 0.5%, which is acceptable for P quantification in fertilizers of different types of matrix compositions by using portable LIBS systems. The LOD was calculated with the equation LOD = 3σ/m, where σ is the standard deviation of the background signal and m is the slope of the calibration curve referred to the P element analyzed.
Although, the average concentrations of Cu and Fe in our samples are about 46 mg kg−1 and 7500 mg kg−1, respectively, the quantification error does not change for samples. This result confirms the previous observation that Cu and Fe do not interfere with the P transition considered (213.62 nm) at the concentration limit of the experimental system used, which might not be the case for a more sensitive system. Further, the lack of interference with the P emission line may also be due to the high concentrations of P (more than 2.5%) in the fertilizers examined.
In order to test the robustness of the calibration curve, two reference materials were used: the fertilizer 695 CRM and the phosphate rock 694 CRM. The reference values for P concentrations were 7.2% and 13.2%, respectively. The values measured by LIBS were 7.4 ± 0.9% for the fertilizer and 13.9 ± 2.2% for the rock. Thus, a good agreement was obtained with the reference values within the measurement error.
In order to evaluate the possible variation of experimental parameters over time, the P concentration in the phosphate rock 694 CRM reference was measured by LIBS over almost half a year. The quantification was performed using the same calibration model developed for the 26 samples. The graph in Fig. 5 shows the evolution over time of the LIBS P value.
Fig. 5 shows that the measured P concentration remained almost stable over time with a small and acceptable fluctuation, although the electronic background baseline (when no light is being captured by the fiber) varied considerably between different days of measurements. To overcome this issue, a blank spectrum (without sample) was acquired at the beginning of each day in order to correct the spectral offset. Although most LIBS systems can eliminate the electronic offset automatically, in our system the automatic correction implied a small error, thus the offset was removed manually as described in the previous section. Despite the fact that the experimental system was susceptible to some fluctuations in that period of time, as laser power fluctuation (∼10%) and offset, the analysis based on the area normalization was able to overcome such problems. Thus, the system could easily handle some small perturbation, which is very useful for portable LIBS systems that imply handling with some perturbation due to transportation and different environments.
The robustness of the quantification obtained relies mainly on the proportionality of area A2 to the amount of ablated matter in the plasma. The methodology applied is able to overcome small fluctuations in laser power, which interferes directly with the amount of ablated material. Other authors have used a normalization procedure similar to that used in this work to prevent fluctuations.17,18 Further, the normalization applied was able to overcome the matrix effects of the different kinds of fertilizers. This result would suggest that matrix effects were mostly of physical and not chemical nature.19–21 Indeed, in the case of physical matrix effects, the interaction between light and matter affects mainly the amount of matter ablated from different samples and does not affect the stoichiometry.
The P concentrations in two reference samples with different matrix compositions (a phosphate rock and a phosphate fertilizer) were determined successfully by using LIBS. No significant fluctuations were found in P quantification over time for more than 150 days performed on a reference material. A method was developed to correct the physical matrix effects for different samples.
The LIBS technique was shown to apply well for high P concentration fertilizers encompassing a wide range of commercial fertilizers found in Brazil. For other materials with low P contents (e.g. soils and minerals) further studies need to be performed. Further possible applications of the LIBS technique will be directed to the analysis of other macronutrients in fertilizers, such as N and K.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016 |