*a and
aBeijing Key Laboratory for Science and Application of Functional Molecular and Crystalline Materials, Department of Chemistry, School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China. E-mail: yzbian@ustb.edu.cn; qdd@ustb.edu.cn; jianzhuang@ustb.edu.cn
bGuangxi Key Laboratory of Natural Polymer Chemistry and Physics, Nanning Normal University, Nanning 530001, China
cDaxing Research Institute, and Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
First published on 25th May 2022
Electrocatalytic CO2 reduction provides a possible method for carbon neutralization. Electrode materials with efficient electron transfer, high selectivity and large current density are highly desirable. Herein, we have developed a couple of tetraphenyl-p-phenylenediamine and metalloporphyrin-based 2D COFs for the electrocatalytic CO2 reduction. TPPDA-MPor-COFs (M = Co and Ni) were obtained by the cross-condensation of tetraphenyl-p-phenylenediamine (TPPDA) and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-formylphenyl)-metalloporphyrin (MPor). The as-prepared TPPDA-CoPor-COF shows high CO faradaic efficiencies of 87–90% from −0.6 to −0.9 V vs. RHE, and the largest CO partial current density (jCO) of TPPDA-CoPor-COF (−22.2 mA cm−2 at −1.0 V vs. RHE) exceeds those of most of the reported COF-based electrocatalysts. Notably, exfoliated TPPDA-CoPor-COF nanosheets (TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs) show much better electrocatalytic performance. The CO faradaic efficiencies of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs are over 90% in a wider voltage range (−0.7 to −0.9 V), and the maximum jCO reaches up to −29.2 mA cm−2 at −1.0 V. Density functional theory calculations have been performed to rationalize the improved CO2RR performance of TPPDA-CoPor-COF.
As promising porous crystalline materials, metal–organic frameworks (MOFs)20–22 and covalent organic frameworks (COFs)23,24 have been explored for the electrocatalytic CO2RR. In particular, the building blocks of COFs can be manipulated precisely for specific activity and selectivity. Some active homogeneous molecular catalysts, such as porphyrins25–31 and phthalocyanines,32–34 could be integrated into COFs as building blocks for the electrocatalytic CO2RR. Nevertheless, most of the reported COF materials exhibit limited current density and relatively low faradaic efficiency. Hence, novel COFs with high current density and excellent energy conversion efficiency are highly desirable.
Tetraphenyl-p-phenylenediamine, as a typical electron donor, has a high electron transfer capability and has been widely used in preparing electrochemically active materials.35–39 On the other hand, metalloporphyrins (MPor) can function as excellent electron acceptors and charge transfer components due to their conjugated macrocyclic structures.27–29,40–42 Therefore, efficient intramolecular electron transfer paths might be constructed by integrating TPPDA and MPor into two-dimensional COFs, and enhanced electrocatalytic CO2RR activities are expected for the obtained COFs.
Herein, MPor and TPPDA-based COFs (TPPDA-MPor-COFs, M = Co(II) and Ni(II)) have been synthesized for the first time (Fig. 1). TPPDA-CoPor-COF exhibits high CO faradaic efficiencies (FECO) and large CO partial current densities (jCO), which can be further improved by physical ultrasonic exfoliation. The obtained TPPDA-CoPor-COF nanosheets (TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs) show a maximum FECO of 92% at −0.7 V and a jCO of −29.2 mA cm−2 at −1.0 V vs. RHE. The excellent electrocatalytic properties can be attributed to the large amount of accessible Co(II) sites and efficient electron transfer from TPPDA to CoPor blocks in these COF-based materials.
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Fig. 2 (a) Experimental PXRD patterns, (b) FT-IR spectra, (c) N2 sorption isotherm at 77 K and (d) CO2 sorption isotherm at 298 K for TPPDA-CoPor-COF. |
In the FT-IR spectra of TPPDA-MPor-COFs (Fig. 2b and S3†), the peaks at 1622 cm−1 reveal that the imine bond (CN) formed successfully, along with a decrease of C
O (1699 cm−1) and N–H (3458–3348 cm−1 and 1620 cm−1) vibrations for MPor and TPPDA monomers, respectively.44 In the solid-state electronic absorption spectrum, the characteristic absorptions of the MPor moiety (i.e. Q-band, 541 nm; sorbet band 432 nm) can be observed, suggesting the successful integration of the cobalt porphyrin unit into TPPDA-CoPor-COF (Fig. S4†).
The XPS spectra reveal the presence of C, N and Co/Ni elements in the two COFs (Fig. S5a and S6a†), and the two COFs show three characteristic peaks corresponding to the C–N (pyrrolic nitrogen) bond (398.6 and 398.7 eV) of MPor, and the CN bond (399.0 and 399.1 eV) and the C–N bond (399.6 eV) of TPPDA, respectively (Fig. S5b and S6b†), further indicating the formation of the imine bond.45 In addition, the XPS analyses of Co 2p and Ni 2p indicate that all the metal sites in TPPDA-MPor-COFs are divalent (Fig. S5c and S6c†).46,47 The N2 sorption curves of the two COFs display type I-isotherms (Fig. 2c and S8†). The adsorption curves show a steep increase when P/P0 < 0.01, corresponding to the presence of permanent micropores. The Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area and the total pore volume of TPPDA-CoPor-COF were 1209 m2 g−1 and 0.99 cm3 g−1, respectively (Fig. 2c). TPPDA-CoPor-COF displays two pore sizes (1.2 nm and 1.5 nm) (Fig. S7†), being consistent with the simulated structure (Fig. 1). TPPDA-NiPor-COF shows similar N2 sorption and porous properties (Fig. S8† and S9†). Besides, TPPDA-CoPor-COF and TPPDA-NiPor-COF show moderate CO2 sorption capacities of 26.8 cm3 g−1 and 28.1 cm3 g−1 at 25 °C and 1.0 bar, respectively (Fig. 2d and S10†), indicating the CO2 affinity of TPPDA-MPor-COFs.
The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images show that TPPDA-MPor-COFs have layered morphologies with sizes of 100–500 nm (Fig. 3a, b and S11†). The element energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) mapping images (Fig. 3c and S12†) show the uniform distribution of metal ions (Co or Ni), C and N elements in TPPDA-CoPor-COF and TPPDA-NiPor-COF, respectively. The total Co content (3.35%) of TPPDA-CoPor-COF and Ni content (3.20%) of TPPDA-CoPor-COF were measured by ICP tests (Table S1†), and are reasonably lower than the calculated metal contents. Thermal gravimetric analyses (TGAs) were carried out under a nitrogen atmosphere (Fig. S13†). TPPDA-MPor-COFs only displayed a slight weight loss till 500 °C owing to the loss of residual solvents, suggesting the high thermal stability of the COFs.
The Co K-edge XANES spectra of TPPDA-CoPor-COF and CoPc exhibit similar curves, suggesting that the coordination environment of Co atoms in TPPDA-CoPor-COF are the same as that of CoPc (Fig. 4a). In the Fourier-transform (FT) EXAFS curves, TPPDA-CoPor-COF displays a strong signal at 1.53 Å corresponding to the Co–N scattering path (Fig. 4b),48 and no signal of Co–Co bonds was detected. EXAFS fitting for TPPDA-CoPor-COF was conducted using Co–N4 coordination models. The result also suggests that the Co site in TPPDA-CoPor-COF is coordinated with four nitrogen atoms (Fig. 4c and Table S2†). TPPDA-NiPor-COF shows similar results (Fig. S14†).
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Fig. 4 (a) Co K-edge XANES spectra of TPPDA-CoPor-COF, CoPc, CoO and Co foil. (b) FT EXAFS spectra of TPPDA-CoPor-COF, CoPc, CoO and Co foil. (c) The EXAFS fitting curve of TPPDA-CoPor-COF. |
Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) curves were obtained in CO2 and Ar-saturated 0.5 M KHCO3, respectively (Fig. 5a). The onset potential of TPPDA-CoPor-COF (−0.46 V) is more positive than that of TPPDA-NiPor-COF (−0.72 V). TPPDA-CoPor-COF also exhibits larger current densities in CO2-saturated solution than in Ar-saturated solution from −0.5 to −1.0 V, suggesting greater electrocatalytic CO2RR activity than the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) activity. Short-term electrolysis tests and the corresponding gas chromatography analyses show that the products of the electrocatalytic CO2RR were carbon monoxide and hydrogen (Fig. S15 and S16†). The nuclear magnetic resonance experiment shows that no liquid product is generated during the reduction process (Fig. S17†). Only a negligible amount of CO was detected when the control electrolysis was conducted in an Ar-saturated 0.5 M KHCO3 electrolyte (Fig. S18†). Furthermore, carbon cloth decorated with Vulcan XC-72R carbon black and Nafion shows almost no electrocatalytic CO2RR activity in the CO2-saturated electrolyte (Fig. S19†). According to the above results, the source of CO and the electrocatalytic CO2RR activity of TPPDA-CoPor-COF can be confirmed.
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Fig. 5 (a) LSV curves, (b) FEco, (c) jCO, (d) TOF and (e) Tafel plots of TPPDA-MPor-COFs. (f) Lasting stability test for TPPDA-CoPor-COF at −0.8 V. |
TPPDA-CoPor-COF exhibits high CO faradaic efficiencies (FECO) of 87–90% in the range of −0.6 to −0.9 V (Fig. 5b), while TPPDA-NiPor-COF shows lower FECO (i.e. 60–76% in −0.7 to −0.9 V). The jCO values of TPPDA-CoPor-COF increase with elevated applied potential and reach up to −22.2 mA cm−2 at −1.0 V, which is 5.7-fold that of TPPDA-NiPor-COF (−3.9 mA cm−2) (Fig. 5c) and surpasses most of the reported COFs (Fig. S20 and Table S3†). Moreover, in comparison with TPPDA-CoPor-COF, the maximum FECO of the CoPor monomer is only 76% at −0.8 V, and the maximum jCO value is only −11.8 mA cm−2 at −1.0 V (Fig. S21†), and the TPPDA monomer shows nearly 100% FE of H2 in the range of −0.7 to −1.0 V (Fig. S22†). The above results indicate that the TPPDA unit plays an important role in promoting the electrocatalytic CO2RR activity of TPPDA-CoPor-COF. Besides, the turnover frequency (TOF) of TPPDA-CoPor-COF was calculated to be 1.4 s−1 at −0.9 V and 2.0 s−1 at −1.0 V (Fig. 5d).
The Tafel slopes of TPPDA-CoPor-COF and TPPDA-NiPor-COF are tested to be 224 mV dec−1 and 226 mV dec−1, respectively (Fig. 5e). The results imply the slightly superior reactivity of Co over Ni sites. The Nyquist plots of the electrochemical impedance test illustrate that TPPDA-CoPor-COF has a smaller charge-transfer resistance than TPPDA-NiPor-COF during the electrocatalytic CO2RR process (Fig. S23†), confirming its more efficient electron transfer from the catalyst surface to the CO2 molecules. To compare the electrochemically active surface areas (ECSAs) of TPPDA-MPor-COFs, electrochemical double-layer capacitances (Cdl) were acquired (Fig. S24†). TPPDA-CoPor-COF presents a Cdl value of 2.61 mF cm−2, which is larger than 1.31 mF cm−2 for TPPDA-NiPor-COF, further indicating that TPPDA-CoPor-COF shows higher inherent catalytic activity.
Chronoamperometric tests were performed for TPPDA-CoPor-COF to evaluate the durability at −0.8 V in the H-cell. The corresponding FECO values remained higher than 80% in the 10 h electrolysis experiment (Fig. 5f), demonstrating that TPPDA-CoPor-COF has an acceptable electrochemical catalytic stability in spite of a decrease of the current density (∼20%). The stability of TPPDA-CoPor-COF was further demonstrated by the almost unchanged XPS (Fig. S25†) and PXRD (Fig. S26†) data after 2 h and 10 h of electrocatalysis at −0.8 V. The SEM and TEM (Fig. S27†) images of TPPDA-CoPor-COF after 2 h and 10 h of electrolysis suggest that the layered morphology of the catalysts is retained well. The above results well disclose its good electrochemical catalytic stability.
Based on previous reports,27,28 the high stability and performance of two-dimensional TPPDA-CoPor-COF motivated us to ultrasonically exfoliate the materials to further improve their catalytic activity. TPPDA-CoPor-COF was converted into TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs with a thin-layered morphology (Fig. S28†) and a thickness of ∼7 nm as proved by atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements (Fig. 6a and b). Almost identical PXRD curves indicated that the periodic structure of TPPDA-CoPor-COF was retained in the nanosheets after ultrasonic exfoliation (Fig. S29†). To evaluate the electrocatalytic CO2RR performance of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs, the same short- and long-term electrolysis tests were conducted (Fig. S30 and S31†), and the corresponding FECO and jCO were calculated. The FECO values of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs are above 90% in a wider range (−0.7 to −0.9 V) than those of TPPDA-CoPor-COF (Fig. 6c). The maximum FECO value of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs is 92% at −0.7 V and the jCO reaches up to −29.2 mA cm−2 at −1.0 V (Fig. 6d), which are higher than those of the unexfoliated one. The promoted CO2RR performance of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs could be attributed to the more exposed Co active sites.27,28 Besides, a 10 h chronoamperometric test of the nanosheets at −0.7 V was carried out. Same as the unexfoliated one, the corresponding FECO can be kept above 80% in the whole electrolysis process as well (Fig. S29†), indicating that TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs also have tolerable electrochemical catalytic stability, although accompanied by a certain degree of current density attenuation.
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Fig. 6 (a) The atomic force microscopy topographical image. (b) Corresponding height curves of (a). (c) FECO of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs. (d) Lasting stability test of TPPDA-CoPor-COF-NSs at −0.7 V. |
To understand the superior CO2RR performance of TPPDA-CoPor-COF, the CO2RR and HER mechanisms were calculated together with those of TPPDA-NiPor-COF and the CoPor monomer (Fig. 7a–c). According to the calculated relative free energies, the rate determining steps (RDSs) for the CO2RR and HER are the formation of *COOH and *H intermediates, respectively.49 The ΔGRDS values of the CO2RR for TPPDA-CoPor-COF (0.98 eV), TPPDA-NiPor-COF (1.10 eV) and CoPor (1.13 eV) are all lower than the respective ΔGRDS values of the HER (1.11 eV, 1.24 eV, and 1.15 eV), indicating their preferable CO2RR activity. TPPDA-CoPor-COF exhibits dramatically reduced ΔGRDS of the CO2RR relative to the CoPor monomer, suggesting that the introduction of the TPPDA unit and the formation of COFs could promote the CO2RR activity of the CoPor core. Mulliken population and frontier orbital analyses afforded consistent results (Fig. 7d and Fig. S34†).50 The Mulliken atom charge of the Co sites in TPPDA-CoPor-COF (0.76) is lower than that in the CoPor monomer (0.77), indicating the more electron-rich environment of the Co atom in TPPDA-CoPor-COF. The LUMO level of TPPDA-CoPor is −2.29 eV, which is higher than that of CoPor (−2.42 eV), suggesting the higher reducibility of TPPDA-CoPor-COF in the electrocatalytic process. TPPDA-NiPor-COF displays a higher ΔGRDS of the CO2RR than that of TPPDA-CoPor-COF, suggesting the harder formation of *COOH intermediates on TPPDA-NiPor-COF. Furthermore, the desorption of CO from TPPDA-NiPor-COF (*CO → *+CO) is endothermic, while this step for TPPDA-CoPor-COF is exothermic (Fig. 7b), indicating that the Co site shows superior CO2RR activity than the Ni site in the COFs, which is consistent with the experimental results.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental section and additional figures and tables. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2qi00336h |
This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2022 |