Themed collection Environmental Science Atmospheres Recent Review Articles

23 items
Open Access Perspective

Optimising air quality co-benefits in a hydrogen economy: a case for hydrogen-specific standards for NOx emissions

Hydrogen may play a major role as an energy source to support net zero but combustion leads to emissions of NOx, a key air pollutant. Delivering optimal air quality co-benefits may need more ambitious hydrogen-specific emission standards developing.

Graphical abstract: Optimising air quality co-benefits in a hydrogen economy: a case for hydrogen-specific standards for NOx emissions
Open Access Tutorial Review

A new advance in the pollution profile, transformation process, and contribution to aerosol formation and aging of atmospheric amines

Atmospheric amines from various sources undergo a variety of homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions to contribute to the overall process of aerosol particle formation and further affect the climate.

Graphical abstract: A new advance in the pollution profile, transformation process, and contribution to aerosol formation and aging of atmospheric amines
Open Access Accepted Manuscript - Critical Review

Microplastics in Asia: Overcoming sampling, analysis, and regulatory challenges to protect ecosystem - a review

Open Access Critical Review

Aerosolized algal bloom toxins are not inert

Harmful algal bloom events are increasing; aerosol particles from sea and lake sprays carry algal bloom toxins that react with atmospheric oxidants, creating transformation byproducts. Inhaling these toxins with air pollutants may pose health risks.

Graphical abstract: Aerosolized algal bloom toxins are not inert
Open Access Critical Review

Carbon monoxide as an indicator of indoor air quality

Carbon monoxide is a priority pollutant that is suitable as an indicator for assessing indoor air quality. Monitoring should preferably be embedded in an intelligent network of different sensors.

Graphical abstract: Carbon monoxide as an indicator of indoor air quality
Open Access Critical Review

Electrical charging of snow and ice in polar regions and the potential impact on atmospheric chemistry

Different processes can lead to high electrical field strengths in snow and ice in polar regions with the potential to initiate free radical processes and a number of other chemical modifications.

Graphical abstract: Electrical charging of snow and ice in polar regions and the potential impact on atmospheric chemistry
Open Access Critical Review

The potential environmental and climate impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection: a review

This article reviews scientific evidence for the potential environmental impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection, a form of solar radiation geoengineering.

Graphical abstract: The potential environmental and climate impacts of stratospheric aerosol injection: a review
Open Access Critical Review

Uncertainties in mitigating aviation non-CO2 emissions for climate and air quality using hydrocarbon fuels

The effects of aviation's non-CO2 emissions on climate and air quality are complex and relatively poorly understood. Mitigation measures need to be very carefully considered so that perverse outcomes do not result.

Graphical abstract: Uncertainties in mitigating aviation non-CO2 emissions for climate and air quality using hydrocarbon fuels
Open Access Critical Review

Applications of the octanol–air partitioning ratio: a critical review

Although prediction methods exist for the partitioning between air and various environmental and biological phases, that do not depend on octanol, the KOA still serves a role as a single parameter quantifying compound volatility from different phases.

Graphical abstract: Applications of the octanol–air partitioning ratio: a critical review
Open Access Critical Review

Marine aerosol feedback on biogeochemical cycles and the climate in the Anthropocene: lessons learned from the Pacific Ocean

Marine aerosol feedback on biogeochemical cycles and the climate remains highly uncertain due to the complex interplay. This review highlights recent advances in our understanding of organic aerosols, nitrogen, and iron as well as cloud properties over the Pacific Ocean.

Graphical abstract: Marine aerosol feedback on biogeochemical cycles and the climate in the Anthropocene: lessons learned from the Pacific Ocean
Open Access Critical Review

Human skin oil: a major ozone reactant indoors

Much of the ozone that enters buildings reacts with human skin oils, both on occupants and on other surfaces. Products of these reactions influence human chemical exposures.

Graphical abstract: Human skin oil: a major ozone reactant indoors
Open Access Critical Review

Acetaldehyde in the indoor environment

Acetaldehyde is ubiquitous in the atmosphere. The relevant sources and the concentrations occurring indoors are discussed and evaluated on the basis of health-related criteria and guide values.

Graphical abstract: Acetaldehyde in the indoor environment
Open Access Critical Review

Detection techniques for air-borne isocyanates based on fluorescent derivatizing agents

The high toxicity of isocyanate species in the workplace demands the development of sensitive techniques for the detection of isocyanates to protect workers from adverse health effects.

Graphical abstract: Detection techniques for air-borne isocyanates based on fluorescent derivatizing agents
Open Access Critical Review

Ecological and human health risks of atmospheric microplastics (MPs): a review

Microplastics (MPs) in the atmosphere are ubiquitous and persistent emerging pollutants which have been an environmental issue of global concern.

Graphical abstract: Ecological and human health risks of atmospheric microplastics (MPs): a review
Open Access Critical Review

Snow particles physiochemistry: feedback on air quality, climate change, and human health

During the last several decades, numerous researchers have provided evidence that physical and biogeochemical processes at air-snow/ice-water interfaces are very complex, and, in many cases, interlinked.

Graphical abstract: Snow particles physiochemistry: feedback on air quality, climate change, and human health
Open Access Critical Review

Decarbonisation of heavy-duty diesel engines using hydrogen fuel: a review of the potential impact on NOx emissions

Hydrogen–diesel co-fuelling may reduce NOx and PM2.5 emissions if used in lower load construction machinery and HGVs. In high load applications such as electrical generators, emissions could be higher than pure diesel, unless further abated.

Graphical abstract: Decarbonisation of heavy-duty diesel engines using hydrogen fuel: a review of the potential impact on NOx emissions
Open Access Critical Review

Terrestrial carbon cycle: tipping edge of climate change between the atmosphere and biosphere ecosystems

Being a climate change nexus, the study on the carbon cycle depicts the existence of its mechanistic link with the atmospheric and biospheric environment.

Graphical abstract: Terrestrial carbon cycle: tipping edge of climate change between the atmosphere and biosphere ecosystems
Open Access Critical Review

Review of methods for assessing deposition of reactive nitrogen pollutants across complex terrain with focus on the UK

We report on key findings and knowledge gaps identified regarding measurement and modelling techniques used to quantify deposition of Nr across complex terrain in the UK, which may represent up to 60% of land coverage across Great Britain.

Graphical abstract: Review of methods for assessing deposition of reactive nitrogen pollutants across complex terrain with focus on the UK
Open Access Critical Review

Emerging investigator series: surfactants, films, and coatings on atmospheric aerosol particles: a review

Surfactants alter the physical and chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol particles.

Graphical abstract: Emerging investigator series: surfactants, films, and coatings on atmospheric aerosol particles: a review
Open Access Critical Review

Impacts of crop type, management and soil quality indicators on background nitrous oxide emissions (BNE) from Chinese croplands: a quantitative review and analysis

Crop types have significant impacts (p < 0.05) on the background nitrous oxide emissions (BNE) from soils. The annual BNE for China when considering the proportion of planting area is 0.69 ± 1.52 kg N–N2O ha−1.

Graphical abstract: Impacts of crop type, management and soil quality indicators on background nitrous oxide emissions (BNE) from Chinese croplands: a quantitative review and analysis
Open Access Critical Review

Particulate nitrate photolysis in the atmosphere

Particulate nitrate photolysis can lead to the formation of secondary inorganic and organic aerosols that affect climate, air quality, and human health.

Graphical abstract: Particulate nitrate photolysis in the atmosphere
Open Access Critical Review

Methane detection and quantification in the upstream oil and gas sector: the role of satellites in emissions detection, reconciling and reporting

Satellites could revolutionise the way global oil and gas methane is reported. There are many barriers to overcome before satellites can play an active role in methane emissions reporting.

Graphical abstract: Methane detection and quantification in the upstream oil and gas sector: the role of satellites in emissions detection, reconciling and reporting
Open Access Critical Review

Aging of atmospheric aerosols and the role of iron in catalyzing brown carbon formation

Iron in mineral dust can catalyze reactions with atmospheric organics that lead to the formation of brown carbon (BrC) that impact the climate in a number of ways.

Graphical abstract: Aging of atmospheric aerosols and the role of iron in catalyzing brown carbon formation
23 items

About this collection

In addition to high quality research papers, Environmental Science: Atmospheres features topical review articles. Reviews will be added to this webpage as soon as possible after publication.

