William J.
Martin D.
Gregory M.
Igor V.
Paul M.
Anthony W.
*b and
Harry L.
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Chemistry Research Laboratory, Oxford OX1 3TA, UK. E-mail: harry.anderson@chem.ox.ac.uk
bCentral Laser Facility, Research Complex at Harwell, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK. E-mail: tony.parker@stfc.ac.uk
First published on 22nd January 2020
Break down of the Born–Oppenheimer approximation is caused by mixing of electronic and vibrational transitions in the radical cations of some conjugated polymers, resulting in unusually intense vibrational bands known as infrared active vibrations (IRAVs). Here, we investigate the mechanism of this amplification, and show that it provides insights into intramolecular charge migration. Spectroelectrochemical time-resolved infrared (TRIR) and two-dimensional infrared (2D-IR) spectroscopies were used to investigate the radical cations of two butadiyne-linked conjugated porphyrin oligomers, a linear dimer and a cyclic hexamer. The 2D-IR spectra reveal strong coupling between all the IRAVs and the electronic π–π* polaron band. Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) and vibrational relaxation occur within ∼0.1–7 ps. TRIR spectra show that the transient ground state bleach (GSB) and excited state absorption (ESA) signals have anisotropies of 0.31 ± 0.07 and 0.08 ± 0.04 for the linear dimer and cyclic hexamer cations, respectively. The small TRIR anisotropy for the cyclic hexamer radical cation indicates that the vibrationally excited polaron migrates round the nanoring on a time scale faster than the measurement, i.e. within 0.5 ps, at 298 K. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations qualitatively reproduce the emergence of the IRAVs. The first singlet (S1) excited states of the neutral porphyrin oligomers exhibit similar IRAVs to the radical cations, implying that the excitons have similar electronic structures to polarons. Our results show that IRAVs originate from the strong coupling of charge redistribution to nuclear motion, and from the similar energies of electronic and vibrational transitions.
Oxidation of a family of π-conjugated porphyrin molecular wires (Fig. 1a) has been shown to generate radical cations that exhibit IR vibrational transitions with intensities on the same order of magnitude as electronic transitions.1–4 The behavior of these species can be explained by treating the charge or ‘hole’ as a polaron, which is understood as a geometrical reorganization localized over 2–3 porphyrin units.3 The polaron exhibits a low energy electronic absorption band P1 in the region 1500–6000 cm−1 corresponding to a transition between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and the singly occupied molecular orbital (SOMO).2,5,6 The IR bands of these cations (Fig. 1b) are much more intense than those of the neutral oligomers; they have molar attenuation coefficients ε ≈ 10–70 mM−1 cm−1, far beyond the intensities expected for vibrational transitions. Here we present a study of the origin of this huge IR band intensification in both linear and cyclic π-conjugated porphyrin oligomers.
Similarly intensified IR bands have been observed in the polarons of doped conjugated polymers,7,8 and mixed-valence coordination complexes,9 where they are known as ‘infrared active vibrations’ (IRAVs). This terminology arose because they were attributed to infrared-activation of Raman modes by electric fields.4,7,10 Their origin is attributed to two processes: coupling between charge redistribution and vibrational motion (Fig. 2a), or mixing between low-lying electronic and vibrational transitions (Fig. 2b).8,9,11,12 Either of these mechanisms could explain the IRAVs in doped butadiyne-linked porphyrin oligomers, especially as the energy of the formally electronic P1 transition is similar to those of the classically vibrational IRAV transitions (Fig. 1b).3
The radical cations of butadiyne-linked porphyrin oligomers are suitable systems to explore the behavior of IRAVs using advanced ultrafast spectroscopies including two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy (2D-IR) and time-resolved infrared spectroscopy (TRIR). Polarization-sensitive ultrafast spectroscopies13 have been used previously to explore IRAVs in doped conjugated polymers, and 2D electronic spectroscopy has been used to explore optically generated polaron pairs in conjugated polymers.14 The discrete molecular nature of our systems allows us to elucidate mechanistic insights into the behavior of polarons on a molecular wire.
2D-IR is a technique used to elucidate equilibrium structural dynamics, vibrational mode coupling and energy transfer in complex molecular structures.15–18 It offers simultaneous resolution of the pump and probe axes, as well as ultrafast time resolution (<1 ps), providing a snapshot of the coupling between vibrational modes at a given pump-probe delay time.19 Recording data at varying delay times between pump and probe pulses extends the utility of the technique, enabling analysis of chemical dynamics and kinetic decay processes. TRIR offers similar benefits to 2D-IR, at the expense of a resolved pump axis.
Previous work suggests the polaron (i.e. positive charge) in our systems is delocalized over 2–3 porphyrin units,3 and that the charge is fully delocalized in the dimer radical cation (Robin-Day class III).3 Consequently, we propose the linear dimer l-P2+˙ as a model molecular polaron, and contrast its properties with those of the cyclic hexamer c-P6·T6+˙ (Fig. 2a). The dimer radical cation l-P2+˙ exhibits a broad P1 absorption band of electronic origin in the region >3000 cm−1; a band around 2050 cm−1 which is characteristic of the CC alkynyl stretch, observed as a discrete intensified vibrational-like absorption; and a series of IRAVs in the fingerprint region (1000–1600 cm−1).
The structurally well-defined CC vibrational stretch absorption in l-P2+˙ is isolated in energy between the formally electronic P1 band and the IRAVs in the fingerprint region, providing an unambiguous handle with which to explore the behavior of the polaron and IRAVs. Conversely, c-P6·T6+˙ shows a Fano-type anti-resonance at this energy, due to the overlap of the C
C vibrational alkynyl stretch with the lower-energy P1 polaron electronic band (Fig. 2b).3 This overlap causes a cancellation of oscillator strengths due to destructive quantum interference between the electronic continuum and discrete vibrational transition.4,6,20
The pump-probe pulse time-delay is controlled by optical delay stages and the pump and probe beams are focused to <150 and <75 μm diameter, respectively, at the sample. The probe beams are collimated after the sample and delivered to MCT-array IR spectrometers, providing the probe frequency axis in the spectra.
The difference between the TRIR and 2D-IR experiments is that in 2D-IR, rather than modulating the pump pulse on–off with a chopper, the pump pulses pass through an acousto-optic pulse shaper.18 This device generates a pulse pair with varying delay, mimicking a rapid scanning interferometer, with phase cycling capability. Collected probe spectra at a range of interpulse delays are Fourier-transformed through this parameter to give the frequency-resolved pump spectrum axis in the 2D-IR spectra.
All samples measured in this set-up had optical densities of 0.2–0.5 in P1 and fingerprint regions, to allow qualitative comparison between data sets, in lieu of known exact concentrations of monocation species.
Polarization experiments were conducted by rotating the pump relative to the probe by a λ/2 plate, measuring angles 0°, 54.7° and 90° at each time delay. Randomizing time delays, and recording concurrent spectra of parallel and perpendicular pump-probe orientations at a given delay time, allowed the calculation of anisotropies while minimizing the effect of fluctuations in the concentration of the electrochemically generated radical cations.
The polarization dependent response of the detectors was tested using a W(CO)6 standard, and compared to anisotropy values reported in the literature (Fig. S24†).26
In the spectrum of l-P2+˙ the on-diagonal features appear as pairs of signals, consisting of negative ground-state bleach signals (GSB, blue) with associated positive excited-state absorptions (ESA, black) corresponding to ν2 ← ν1 transitions at lower energy. The ESAs are red-shifted from the GSB by the vibrational anharmonicity.
The spectrum of c-P6·T6+˙ is similar to that of l-P2+˙ showing significant coupling between all IRAV modes in the frequency range 1300–1600 cm−1. A major difference in intensity is observed between the GSB and ESA signals. In c-P6·T6+˙, the GSBs dominate the spectrum with little evidence of ESA at early times, whereas in l-P2+˙ the ESA signals are more pronounced, albeit still weaker than corresponding GSB. At later times the GSB/ESA pair are of similar intensities (Fig. S7†). The GSB of c-P6·T6+˙ are expected to be more intense due to the quadratic dependence of signal intensities on the molar absorption coefficient.18 The on-diagonal peak at ∼1480 cm−1 appearing in both monocation spectra (Fig. 3) results from residual neutral species, which show a strong on-diagonal peak at this frequency (Fig. S6†).
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Fig. 4 2D-IR spectra of c-P6·T6+˙ (a) and l-P2+˙ (b) at 400 fs delay, with pump (FWHM ∼80 cm−1) centered at 2080 cm−1. Black solid and blue dashed contour lines correspond to positive (ESA) and negative (GSB) signals, respectively. Vertical dashed lines correspond to different experimental spectra, where probe a was changed to cover region 1300 cm−1 to 1900 cm−1 and probe b was centered in the 1900–2150 cm−1 region for each experiment (see Fig. S14–S23† for time resolution of each probe window). Probe windows in 1300–1900 cm−1 were stitched together by normalizing all probe a spectra to probe. b (c) fit of on-diagonal slice for l-P2+˙ (red line in (b)) using the sum of two Voigt. (d) The peak–peak distance for each time delay, calculated from the fit in (c). |
A full population time delay series was recorded for probe regions 1300 to 2150 cm−1, taking advantage of the short acquisition times of LIFEtime.19 In these experiments, a narrowband pump was centered at 2050–2100 cm−1, in direct resonance with the CC stretch of l-P2+˙ and with the Fano-type anti-resonance in the P1 band of c-P6·T6+˙. The molecular responses were probed by selecting two spectral windows: probe a and probe b. Probe a was set to one of four spectral regions centered at ∼1370 cm−1, 1520 cm−1, 1650 cm−1 or 1800 cm−1. Probe b was set to the on-diagonal region centered at 2025 cm−1, giving a shared spectral window between each experiment and allowing normalization. In the resulting 2D-IR spectra (Fig. 4a and b), off-diagonal signals appear immediately (within 200 fs) for all the IRAVs in the FTIR spectra. Each IRAV probed below 1600 cm−1 appears as a GSB with associated ESA as a result of vibrational mode anharmonicity. The GSB signals (blue) are much stronger at earlier times compared to the anharmonic ESA signals (black), commensurate with the 2D-IR spectra shown in Fig. 3.
One major difference between the two species is the absence of a positive ESA signal in the on-diagonal region of the c-P6·T6+˙ spectra at early times. We observe a broad positive ESA band that extends across the whole spectrum, which appears to be primarily electronic (like the P1 band). The absence of significant ESA signals for c-P6·T6+˙ indicates that the IRAV amplification effect is suppressed in the excited polaron. In l-P2+˙, the GSB and ESA are well resolved as a result of the discrete CC stretch vibrational mode, although there is still a broad positive ESA feature extending across the whole fingerprint region. The presence of this feature, even in the absence of direct P1 pumping, suggests some degree of vibronic coupling in l-P2+˙, as confirmed by the observation of the coupling of P1 to all of the IRAVs in TRIR, as discussed below.
The evolution of the 2D-IR signals over time showed little change in the peak positions and shapes, with the exception of the l-P2+˙ on-diagonal ESA/GSB pair at ωpump = 2070 cm−1 and ωprobe = 2045/2078 cm−1 which appears to shift to higher frequencies within about 1 ps. To explore this time-dependence of the peak position, a sum of two Voigt profiles was fitted to the slice at ωpump = 2070 cm−1 for the l-P2+˙ on-diagonal CC stretch (Fig. 4c), because Voigt functions generally provide more accurate fits to IR data than purely Lorentzian or Gaussian profiles.27 The GSB Voigt was fixed to a FWHM of 41.3 cm−1 centered at 2084 cm−1 (values chosen from initial free fits at later times). The ESA Voigt was allowed to vary in both position and width. The Voigt profile peak positions for the ESA, ν2 ← ν1, shift to higher frequency over time, resulting in a decrease in the apparent anharmonicity Δν from 60 cm−1 to 20 cm−1 (Fig. 4d). This blue shift of ∼40 cm−1 follows a mono-exponential decay with a lifetime of 0.48 ± 0.01 ps. The FWHM of the ESA stays fairly consistent over time around 50–55 cm−1. It is not clear whether this evolution reflects a true decrease in anharmonicity over time, or the decay of overlapping ESA bands.
We determined that the kinetic data for each species (l-P2+˙ or c-P6·T6+˙) can be modeled in terms of three decay times, τ1, τ2 and τ3. Here we summarize the features of these decay processes and their associated states:
(a) τ 1 : intramolecular energy redistribution. This is a very fast process (l-P2+˙: τ1 = 0.15 ± 0.02 ps; c-P6·T6+˙: τ1 = 0.29 ± 0.01 ps) and it is mainly observed through the decay of the GSB (on-diagonal for l-P2+˙; both on- and off-diagonal for c-P6·T6+˙). It sits within the instrument response, but the good fit to the decay profile at early times for every on-diagonal GSB and the agreement with previously reported values of the instrument response for this spectrometer19 (σ ∼ 200 fs) enable us to confidently detect this fast decay component. τ1 appears as a rise-time for the ESA signals that decay with time-constants τ2 and τ3 (Fig. S11–S13†). This process is consistent with intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR), as described by Rubtsov and coworkers in their work on acetylproline-NH2 and relaxation-assisted 2D-IR spectroscopy (RA-2D-IR).29–31
(b) τ 2 : relaxation from an “electronic” excited state (l-P2+˙: τ2 = 0.92 ± 0.01 ps; c-P6·T6+˙: τ2 = 0.74 ± 0.07 ps). This process is mainly observed through the decay of the extremely broad featureless ESA band extending from 1300–2000 cm−1; in l-P2+˙, this decay is also detected as a component in the GSB. The resemblance of this ESA to the P1 absorption band suggest that this decay originates from a nominally electronic excited state that lacks the IRAVs of the P1 ground state.
(c) τ 3 : relaxation from a “vibrational” excited state (l-P2+˙: τ3 = 5.7 ± 0.1 ps; c-P6·T6+˙: τ3 = 4.1 ± 0.3 ps). This component appears in most of the signals and it is the dominant relaxation process for the sharper ESA signals. It resembles a normal vibrational relaxation process and it originates from a state populated by IVR that shows ESA/GSB pairs of similar intensity.
Polarization experiments were performed to study the relative orientations of the IRAV modes. Experiments of this type are often used to establish the relative orientation between pumped and probed processes.32,33 The vibrational anisotropy r was calculated using eqn (1).13,33 In isotropic solution, the anisotropy is expected to be in the range −0.2 < r < 0.4, considering extremes with the transition dipole moment of induced absorption perpendicular or parallel to the excitation, respectively.
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TRIR spectra using the magic angle (54.7°) orientation ΔAmag, were acquired and served as a check of the experimental setup. Measurements with this orientation obeyed the expected relation (eqn (2)) to data obtained from parallel ΔA∥ and perpendicular ΔA⊥ setup (Fig. S26†).
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Since l-P2+˙ and c-P6·T6+˙ are large molecules with molecular weight of 4.0 kDa and 11 kDa, respectively, no anisotropy decay due to rotational reorientation is expected on the experimental time scale.
Anisotropy of all TRIR signals in the fingerprint region against the time for both l-P2+˙ and c-P6·T6+˙ are plotted in Fig. 6a and b, respectively, showing no significant change over the time. Due to instrument response effects at early times, the anisotropy is analyzed at probe delays >0.5 ps.
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Fig. 6 Average anisotropy of all analyzed signals (greyed areas in Fig. 5a and b) of l-P2+˙ (a) and c-P6·T6+˙ (b) pumped both at 2100 cm−1 and 3250/2500 cm−1 as a function of probe time delay. |
Investigation of all probe regions with a signal-to-noise above a selected threshold (Fig. S27–S32†) showed that the anisotropy values for each ESA/GSB pair have similar values in the range r = 0.28–0.38 for l-P2+˙ and r = 0.03–0.12 for c-P6·T6+˙ (Fig. 5c and d).
The fact that the anisotropies are independent of pump frequency allows the values to be averaged across the whole spectrum for each system, resulting in anisotropies of r = 0.31 ± 0.07 for l-P2+˙ and r = 0.08 ± 0.04 for c-P6·T6+˙, both these average values are constant over time, as seen in Fig. 6.
The dipole derivatives of the modes with the most intensified absorptions show 100% alignment with the CC axis along the length of the l-P2+˙ molecule (Fig. 8c, for more details see ESI Section 5†). The DFT calculated spectra do not exactly match the experimental spectra suggesting a dissimilarity between the modes in neutral and oxidized species as seen in doped conjugated polymers.41
The kinetic evolutions of the 2D-IR spectra fit a model with just three decay times: τ1 for IVR, τ2 for relaxation from an “electronic” excited state and τ3 for relaxation from a “vibrational” excited state. This “electronic” excited state is unusual: it exhibits a featureless ESA band, extending from 1300–2000 cm−1, with no apparent IRAVs in c-P6·T6+˙. One explanation for this lack of IRAVs might be that they are suppressed by the same Fano-type anti-resonance that occurs with overlap of electronic and vibrational transitions in the ground state (Fig. 1).3
The TRIR anisotropy measurements show similar anisotropies for all of the signals in the fingerprint regions of l-P2+˙ and c-P6·T6+˙ (Fig. 5 and 6). The anisotropy value of 0.31 found for l-P2+˙ is not far from the theoretical limit of 0.4 expected for a simple linear transition dipole, while the value of 0.08 found for c-P6·T6+˙ is near the limit of 0.1 expected for 2D delocalization.22l-P2+˙ is a linear molecule and its high TRIR anisotropy demonstrates that the intensified vibrations can be assigned to transitions parallel with the length of the molecule, i.e. parallel to the P1 transition and CC stretch vibrations.
At first sight, the low anisotropy measured for c-P6·T6+˙, which implies that the vibrationally-excited polaron is delocalized around the whole nanoring, is surprising because previous results indicated that the polaron is only delocalized over 2–3 porphyrin units. Together, these results imply that, on IR-excitation, the polaron migrates around the circumference of the nanoring faster than the TRIR measurement, i.e. within 0.5 ps, at 298 K. In contrast, polaron migration is slow on the timescale of linear electronic and vibrational measurements (∼fs) at 298 K, and on the EPR timescale (∼100 ns) at 80 K.3
The time-independence of the anisotropies supports the assignment of IRAVs to being within the porphyrin framework, as this assignment fixes the relative orientations of the pumped and probed transitions. This contrasts with systems that have coupled bonds capable of rotating in relation to each other, which in turn causes a change in anisotropy over time.42 The apparent observation of IVR effects in l-P2+˙ is also consistent with the assignment of the IRAV modes to transitions along the CC axis of the molecule, as IVR is known to occur efficiently between modes having strong spatial mode overlap (i.e. between modes that share vibrating atoms).31
The evidence presented above implies that all the IRAV modes in l-P2+˙ are aligned along the long axis of the butadiyne-containing skeleton, i.e. along the porphyrin–porphyrin axis and the CC stretch direction. This, together with the assignment of fingerprint vibrations by DFT, is consistent with the polaron redistribution mechanism as proposed by Zamadar et al. (Fig. 2a) and the explanation for previously observed infrared ‘marker bands’ in porphyrin monomers where intensified infrared transitions are assigned to contracting and expanding breathing modes with transition dipole moments passing through opposed meso positions.12,43 The intensification in those monomers arises as the contraction of one side of the porphyrin results in charge redistribution to minimize anti-bonding interactions on the contracted side. DFT calculations of l-P2+˙ support the assignment of the intensified vibrations to similar contracting and expanding modes, and the calculated dipole derivatives of the most intensified vibrations are oriented along the long axis of l-P2+˙ (Fig. 8).
The coupling between vibrational modes and charge redistribution can be appreciated by calculating the distribution of the SOMO at distorted geometries, at which the molecule is mechanically compressed/expanded during a vibration to the extent of 10 times the energy of the first vibrational transition (Fig. 8d). The mechanism of vibronic coupling can thus be explained in the case of l-P2+˙: as one porphyrin ring contracts, the anti-bonding orbital lobes are brought closer together. In response to this, the mobile polaron redistributes to the expanded ring, causing a large change in the dipole moment. The electron density in these systems is effectively moving from one porphyrin ring to another, in a way analogous to an electronic transition, providing an explanation for the exceptionally high intensities observed for these vibrations. This mechanism relies on the polaron being mobile along the oligomer backbone and redistributing in response to vibrations. It follows that the polaron must be mobile in c-P6·T6+˙, as confirmed by the observed low anisotropy.
The delocalization length of polarons in conjugated polymers tends to be reduced by strong electron–phonon coupling.11,44,45 The assignment of the IRAVs (by definition strongly coupled phonon modes) to those of breathing modes across two porphyrin rings is consistent with the previously reported delocalization length of 2–3 porphyrin units in the radical cations of butadiyne linked porphyrin oligomers.3
DFT calculations predict a huge intensification of several vibrational bands, but they fail to reproduce the observed pattern of activated vibrations in the fingerprint region, even for the simpler system of l-P2+˙. DFT predicts only two IRAVs in the window 1100–1800 cm−1 compared to at least five modes observed in the experimental IR spectrum.
Coupling between vibrational modes and charge transport is frequently an important factor determining the rate of electron transfer through molecular wires in single-molecule electronic devices.46–48 If we assume that the vibrational modes in l-P2+˙ are similar to those in c-P6·T6+˙, then the anisotropy of ∼0.08 recorded for c-P6·T6+˙ suggests that, in the vibronic excited state, the polaron is mobile along the length of the molecular backbone, consistent with previous discussions of polarons in polymer chains.11
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc05717j |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |