Themed collection 2023 Horizons Outstanding Paper Award Winners

8 items

Nanoscale Horizons 2023 Outstanding Paper Award

Recognizing some of the outstanding work published in Nanoscale Horizons, as well as the authors behind those articles.

Graphical abstract: Nanoscale Horizons 2023 Outstanding Paper Award
From the themed collection: 2023 Horizons Outstanding Paper Award Winners

Materials Horizons 2023 Outstanding Paper awards

Recognising some of the outstanding work published in Materials Horizons, as well as the authors behind those articles.

Graphical abstract: Materials Horizons 2023 Outstanding Paper awards
From the themed collection: 2023 Horizons Outstanding Paper Award Winners
Open Access Minireview

Recent development of end-of-life strategies for plastic in industry and academia: bridging their gap for future deployment

Bridging the gap between academia and industry in plastic recycling will accelerate innovation and deployment toward solving the global challenge of plastic waste management and establishing net zero carbon society.

Graphical abstract: Recent development of end-of-life strategies for plastic in industry and academia: bridging their gap for future deployment
From the themed collection: Emerging horizons in polymer applications
Review Article

Memristor-based neural networks: a bridge from device to artificial intelligence

This paper reviews the research progress in memristor-based neural networks and puts forward future development trends.

Graphical abstract: Memristor-based neural networks: a bridge from device to artificial intelligence
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Communication

A polymer library enables the rapid identification of a highly scalable and efficient donor material for organic solar cells

A scalable, two-step synthesis facilitates the preparation of a polymer library of varying side chain and co-monomer, enabling rapid photovoltaic device screening. FO6-T emerged as the optimal donor achieving 15.4% PCE with L8BO as the acceptor.

Graphical abstract: A polymer library enables the rapid identification of a highly scalable and efficient donor material for organic solar cells
From the themed collection: 2023 Horizons Outstanding Paper Award Winners
Open Access Communication

Stable organic electrochemical neurons based on p-type and n-type ladder polymers

Rigid ladder-type conjugated polymers enable the development of stable and high-performance organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs) and complementary OECT-based amplifiers for brain-inspired artificial neurons.

Graphical abstract: Stable organic electrochemical neurons based on p-type and n-type ladder polymers
From the themed collection: 2023 Horizons Outstanding Paper Award Winners
Open Access Communication

Ultrafast sensitivity-controlled and specific detection of extracellular vesicles using optical force with antibody-modified microparticles in a microflow system

We propose a detection method of 103–104 nanoscale extracellular vesicles secreted from cancer cells and distinguish their multiple membrane proteins using controlled optical force and microfluidic pressure only by 5 minutes laser irradiation.

Graphical abstract: Ultrafast sensitivity-controlled and specific detection of extracellular vesicles using optical force with antibody-modified microparticles in a microflow system
From the themed collection: 2023 Horizons Outstanding Paper Award Winners
Open Access Communication

Template-directed 2D nanopatterning of S = 1/2 molecular spins

We demonstrate fabrication of a surface-supported array of VOPc with controlled spin-spin distance, electronic decoupling from the substrate, and individual addressability to realize molecular qubit platforms interfaceable to solid state devices.

Graphical abstract: Template-directed 2D nanopatterning of S = 1/2 molecular spins
8 items

About this collection

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 Materials Horizons Outstanding Paper Award and 2023 Nanoscale Horizons Outstanding Paper Award.

Please join us in congratulating our winners. We hope you enjoy reading their outstanding articles as much as we did!

