Themed collection Recent Review Articles

129 items - Showing page 1 of 2

Instrumentational implementation for parallelized nanopore electrochemical measurements

Nanopore electrochemistry, as one of the promising tools for single molecule sensing, has proved its capability in DNA sequencing and protein analysis.

Graphical abstract: Instrumentational implementation for parallelized nanopore electrochemical measurements
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Separation of distinct exosome subpopulations: isolation and characterization approaches and their associated challenges

Currently, there exists a multitude of different exosome isolation and characterization approaches based on biophysical and/or biochemical characteristics. Herein we review various technologies for separation of distinct exosome subpopulations.

Graphical abstract: Separation of distinct exosome subpopulations: isolation and characterization approaches and their associated challenges
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Single enzyme electroanalysis

Traditional enzymology relies on the kinetics of millions of enzymes, an experimental approach that may wash out heterogeneities between individual enzymes. Electrochemical methods have emerged in the last 5 years to probe single enzyme reactivity.

Graphical abstract: Single enzyme electroanalysis
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of viruses: challenges and opportunities

Recent advancements regarding the application of MIPs and relevant virus imprinting techniques for the detection of viruses are highlighted.

Graphical abstract: Molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of viruses: challenges and opportunities
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles

Self-assembled nanomaterials for biosensing and therapeutics: recent advances and challenges

Self-assembled nanomaterials (SANs) exhibit designable biofunctions owing to their tunable nanostructures and modifiable surfaces.

Graphical abstract: Self-assembled nanomaterials for biosensing and therapeutics: recent advances and challenges
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles

Recent advances in bioanalytical methods to measure proteome stability in cells

This review summarizes recent bioanalytical methods for measuring and profiling protein stability in cells on a proteome-wide scale, which can provide insights for proteostasis and associated diseases.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in bioanalytical methods to measure proteome stability in cells
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

DNA origami: an outstanding platform for functions in nanophotonics and cancer therapy

The utilization of the DNA origami technique in the fabrication of complex objects has given rise to possibilities in DNA-induced precise manufacturing and might open a new era of bottom-up fabrication.

Graphical abstract: DNA origami: an outstanding platform for functions in nanophotonics and cancer therapy
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles

Gas-propelled biosensors for quantitative analysis

Gas-propelled biosensors display a simple gas-based signal amplification with quantitative detection features based on the target recognition event in combination with gas propulsion.

Graphical abstract: Gas-propelled biosensors for quantitative analysis
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles
Open Access Minireview

Recent advances in the use of stimulated Raman scattering in histopathology

Stimulated Raman histopathology with computer aided diagnosis.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in the use of stimulated Raman scattering in histopathology
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Progress in electrochemiluminescence of nanoclusters: how to improve the quantum yield of nanoclusters

Classification of nanoclusters and methods to improve their quantum yield and applications.

Graphical abstract: Progress in electrochemiluminescence of nanoclusters: how to improve the quantum yield of nanoclusters
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles

Harnessing bubble behaviors for developing new analytical strategies

Gas bubbles are easily accessible and offer many unique characteristic properties of a gas/liquid two-phase system for developing new analytical methods.

Graphical abstract: Harnessing bubble behaviors for developing new analytical strategies
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Biosensing based on upconversion nanoparticles for food quality and safety applications

The unique optical properties of UCNPs, in particular the ability for background-free optical detection, bestow great potential for food safety and quality monitoring.

Graphical abstract: Biosensing based on upconversion nanoparticles for food quality and safety applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

H2O2/HOCl-based fluorescent probes for dynamically monitoring pathophysiological processes

H2O2/HOCl-based fluorescent probes for dynamically monitoring pathophysiological processes in vivo were described.

Graphical abstract: H2O2/HOCl-based fluorescent probes for dynamically monitoring pathophysiological processes
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Aggregation-induced responses (AIR) of 2D-derived layered nanostructures enable emerging colorimetric and fluorescence sensors

Modulated aggregation and photonic properties of layered nanostructures (LNs) result in the stimuli-responsive output of colorimetric and fluorescence signals, contributing to the desired construction of novel chemical and biological sensors.

Graphical abstract: Aggregation-induced responses (AIR) of 2D-derived layered nanostructures enable emerging colorimetric and fluorescence sensors
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Phosphoproteomic strategies in cancer research: a minireview

Due to the critical nature of biological and clinical samples used in cancer research, in terms of amount, stability and diversity of analytes, several combinations of sample preparation steps and methods have been developed.

Graphical abstract: Phosphoproteomic strategies in cancer research: a minireview
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Microfluidic technologies for vasculature biomimicry

An overview of microfluidic technologies for vascular studies and fabrication of vascular structures.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic technologies for vasculature biomimicry
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Recent advances in reaction-based fluorescent probes for detecting monoamine oxidases in living systems

This Minireview summarizes the recent advances in reaction based MAO type fluorescent probes and their imaging applications in living systems.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in reaction-based fluorescent probes for detecting monoamine oxidases in living systems
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Single cell transcriptomics: moving towards multi-omics

Single-cell multi-omics analysis helps characterize multiple layers of molecular features at a single-cell scale to provide insights into cellular processes and functions.

Graphical abstract: Single cell transcriptomics: moving towards multi-omics
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Recent advances in and potential utilities of paper-based electrochemical sensors: beyond qualitative analysis

Paper based electrochemical sensors (PESs) are simple, low-cost, portable and disposable analytical sensing platforms that can be applied in clinical diagnostics, food quality control and environmental monitoring.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in and potential utilities of paper-based electrochemical sensors: beyond qualitative analysis
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

A new point-of-care test for the diagnosis of infectious diseases based on multiplex lateral flow immunoassays

Multiplex lateral flow immunoassays for outstanding POCT of infectious diseases.

Graphical abstract: A new point-of-care test for the diagnosis of infectious diseases based on multiplex lateral flow immunoassays

Advances in diagnostic methods for keloids and biomarker-targeted fluorescent probes

A focused review of keloid diagnosis, keloid biomarkers, and recently reported fluorescent probes.

Graphical abstract: Advances in diagnostic methods for keloids and biomarker-targeted fluorescent probes
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Emerging trends in sensors based on carbon nitride materials

A new class of functional materials, carbon nitrides, has recently attracted the attention of researchers.

Graphical abstract: Emerging trends in sensors based on carbon nitride materials
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

New mass spectrometry technologies contributing towards comprehensive and high throughput omics analyses of single cells

We provide a vision for integrating pioneering mass spectrometry technologies for future applications in single cell analysis.

Graphical abstract: New mass spectrometry technologies contributing towards comprehensive and high throughput omics analyses of single cells
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Minireview

Advances in mass spectrometry based single-cell metabolomics

Single cell metabolomics using mass spectrometry can contribute to understanding biological activities in health and disease.

Graphical abstract: Advances in mass spectrometry based single-cell metabolomics
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Quantitative imaging of lipid droplets in single cells

Non-destructive spatial characterization of lipid droplets using coherent Raman scattering microscopy and computational image analysis algorithms at the single-cell level.

Graphical abstract: Quantitative imaging of lipid droplets in single cells
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Analysing single live cells by scanning electrochemical microscopy

Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) offers single live cell activities along its topography toward cellular physiology and pathology.

Graphical abstract: Analysing single live cells by scanning electrochemical microscopy
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Recent advances in single cell manipulation and biochemical analysis on microfluidics

This review highlights the advances in single cell manipulation and biochemical analysis on microfluidics over the past three years.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in single cell manipulation and biochemical analysis on microfluidics
From the themed collection: In celebration of Chinese New Year 2020

Advancements in fractal plasmonics: structures, optical properties, and applications

Fractal nanostructures exhibit optical properties that span the visible to far-infrared and are emerging as exciting structures for plasmon-mediated applications.

Graphical abstract: Advancements in fractal plasmonics: structures, optical properties, and applications
From the themed collection: Analytical Nanoscience

Prospective on using fibre mid-infrared supercontinuum laser sources for in vivo spectral discrimination of disease

Mid-infrared (MIR) fibre-optics may play a future role in in vivo diagnosis of disease, including cancer.

Graphical abstract: Prospective on using fibre mid-infrared supercontinuum laser sources for in vivo spectral discrimination of disease
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Synthesis, design and sensing applications of nanostructured ceria-based materials

Cerium-based materials possess redox properties due to the presence of dual valence states of Ce3+ and Ce4+.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis, design and sensing applications of nanostructured ceria-based materials
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Investigations on the interface of nucleic acid aptamers and binding targets

The binding targets of aptamers, the interaction probing methods, and the main binding forces mediating the interaction have been summarized.

Graphical abstract: Investigations on the interface of nucleic acid aptamers and binding targets
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Lipid metabolism in inflammation-related diseases

Lipidomics is used to describe the complete lipid profile and network of cellular lipid metabolism. Traditionally, lipids are recognized as general membrane construction and energy storage molecules. Now, lipids are regarded as potent signaling molecules that regulate a multitude of cellular responses.

Graphical abstract: Lipid metabolism in inflammation-related diseases
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Luminescent switch sensors for the detection of biomolecules based on metal–organic frameworks

The applications of MOFs-based luminescent sensors for biomolecules sensing via a “turn on” or “turn off” response have been reviewed.

Graphical abstract: Luminescent switch sensors for the detection of biomolecules based on metal–organic frameworks
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Direct label-free imaging of brain tissue using synchrotron light: a review of new spectroscopic tools for the modern neuroscientist

A suite of direct spectroscopic imaging techniques using synchrotron light can provide increased biochemical insight into brain disease.

Graphical abstract: Direct label-free imaging of brain tissue using synchrotron light: a review of new spectroscopic tools for the modern neuroscientist
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Chemical clocks, oscillations, and other temporal effects in analytical chemistry: oddity or viable approach?

We review chemo-chronometric assays, in which the time factor—rather than analogue signals—is used to determine concentrations of analytes.

Graphical abstract: Chemical clocks, oscillations, and other temporal effects in analytical chemistry: oddity or viable approach?
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Platforms for rapid cancer characterization by ambient mass spectrometry: advancements, challenges and opportunities for improvement towards intrasurgical use

Ambient Mass Spectrometry (MS) analysis is widely used to characterize biological and non-biological samples.

Graphical abstract: Platforms for rapid cancer characterization by ambient mass spectrometry: advancements, challenges and opportunities for improvement towards intrasurgical use
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Recent advances in merging photonic crystals and plasmonics for bioanalytical applications

The integration of photonic crystals and plasmonics enhances the performance of bioanalytical applications.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in merging photonic crystals and plasmonics for bioanalytical applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Minireview

How iMALDI can improve clinical diagnostics

Protein mass spectrometry (MS) is an indispensable tool to detect molecular signatures that can be associated with cellular dysregulation and disease.

Graphical abstract: How iMALDI can improve clinical diagnostics
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Biosensing strategies based on enzymatic reactions and nanoparticles

Application of new nanomaterials to detection of enzymatic activities allows the development of new sensitive and selective bioanalytical assays based on enzymes for recognition and signal amplification.

Graphical abstract: Biosensing strategies based on enzymatic reactions and nanoparticles
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Mobile diagnostics: next-generation technologies for in vitro diagnostics

The emergence of a wide range of applications of smartphones along with advances in ‘liquid biopsy’ has significantly propelled medical research particularly in the field of in vitro diagnostics (IVD).

Graphical abstract: Mobile diagnostics: next-generation technologies for in vitro diagnostics
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Gas-generating reactions for point-of-care testing

Gas generation-based measurement is an attractive alternative approach for POC (Point-of-care) testing, which relies on the amount of generated gas to detect the corresponding target concentrations.

Graphical abstract: Gas-generating reactions for point-of-care testing
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Chem/bio sensing with non-classical light and integrated photonics

Modern quantum technology experiences currently extensive advances in its applicability in communications, cryptography, computing, metrology and lithography. Harnessing this technology platform for chem/bio sensing scenarios is an appealing possibility to enable ultra-sensitive detection schemes.

Graphical abstract: Chem/bio sensing with non-classical light and integrated photonics
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles

Sample preparation for polar metabolites in bioanalysis

Sample preparation is a primary step of any bioanalytical workflow, especially in metabolomics where maximum information has to be obtained without spoiling the analytical instrument. The sample extraction of polar metabolites is still challenging but strategies exist to enable the phase transfer of hydrophilic metabolites from the biological phase to a clean interference-free phase.

Graphical abstract: Sample preparation for polar metabolites in bioanalysis
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Synthesis and modification of carbon dots for advanced biosensing application

The synthesis and modification strategies of CDs are summarized, and their applications, challenges and future prospects in advanced biosensors are discussed.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis and modification of carbon dots for advanced biosensing application
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Nucleic acid amplification-based microfluidic approaches for antimicrobial susceptibility testing

This review discusses the recent developments in microfluidics technology for antimicrobial susceptibility testing with a special emphasis on the nucleic acid amplification-based approach.

Graphical abstract: Nucleic acid amplification-based microfluidic approaches for antimicrobial susceptibility testing
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles
Tutorial Review

Chemometrics in forensic science: approaches and applications

This tutorial review provides an overview of common chemometric methods, and their potential uses within forensic science for evidence interpretation and optimisation of analytical procedures.

Graphical abstract: Chemometrics in forensic science: approaches and applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Tutorial Review

Approaches in metabolomics for regulatory toxicology applications

This tutorial review provides an overview of key concepts in metabolomics and their application to develop successful strategies in regulatory toxicology-oriented studies.

Graphical abstract: Approaches in metabolomics for regulatory toxicology applications
From the themed collection: 150th Anniversary Collection: Metabolomics
Tutorial Review

Raman microscopy for skin evaluation

The applications of Raman microscopies, such as spontaneous Raman scattering microscopy and coherent Raman scattering microscopy, used to evaluate skin and research trends are presented.

Graphical abstract: Raman microscopy for skin evaluation
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Applications of DNA-nanozyme-based sensors

In this review, the research progress of the sensors based on the DNA-nanozymes were summarized.

Graphical abstract: Applications of DNA-nanozyme-based sensors
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

True one cell chemical analysis: a review

The constantly growing field of True One Cell (TOC) analysis has provided important information on the direct chemical composition of various cells and cellular components.

Graphical abstract: True one cell chemical analysis: a review
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Measuring and regulating oxygen levels in microphysiological systems: design, material, and sensor considerations

Quantifying and regulating oxygen in a microphysiological models can be achieved via an array of technologies, and is an essential component of recapitulating tissue-specific microenvironments.

Graphical abstract: Measuring and regulating oxygen levels in microphysiological systems: design, material, and sensor considerations
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Fluorescent organic nanoparticles (FONs) as convenient probes for metal ion detection in aqueous medium

Fluorescent organic nanoparticle (FON)-based chemosensors are emerging as a valuable tool for the fast and accurate detection of metal ions in aqueous media. In this review, we highlight the recent developments in this field.

Graphical abstract: Fluorescent organic nanoparticles (FONs) as convenient probes for metal ion detection in aqueous medium
From the themed collection: Analytical Nanoscience
Tutorial Review

A unified approach for investigating chemosensor properties – dynamic characteristics

The response is what makes a sensor. In this review the methods for characterizing the response are laid out.

Graphical abstract: A unified approach for investigating chemosensor properties – dynamic characteristics
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

A pressure-driven gas-diffusion/permeation micropump for self-activated sample transport in an extreme micro-environment

The pressure-driven gas-diffusion/permeation micropump is highlighted for stable microdroplet/liquid delivery under extreme conditions, e.g. high temperature, and a three-dimensional, long-distance and complex-topology microchannel.

Graphical abstract: A pressure-driven gas-diffusion/permeation micropump for self-activated sample transport in an extreme micro-environment
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Single-system based discriminative optical sensors: different strategies and versatile applications

Single-system based optical sensors can realize discrimination through multi-wavelength cross-reactive responses by different strategies.

Graphical abstract: Single-system based discriminative optical sensors: different strategies and versatile applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Advances in the integration of quantum dots with various nanomaterials for biomedical and environmental applications

We review the advances in the integration of quantum dots with various nanomaterials for biomedical and environmental applications.

Graphical abstract: Advances in the integration of quantum dots with various nanomaterials for biomedical and environmental applications
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Advances in point-of-care diagnostic devices in cancers

The early diagnosis and monitoring of the progress of cancers are limited due to the lack of adequate screening tools.

Graphical abstract: Advances in point-of-care diagnostic devices in cancers
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Tutorial Review

Chemical analysis in saliva and the search for salivary biomarkers – a tutorial review

A review of the uses of saliva biomarkers, detection methods and requirements for new biomarkers.

Graphical abstract: Chemical analysis in saliva and the search for salivary biomarkers – a tutorial review
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Potential and applications of capillary electrophoresis for analyzing traditional Chinese medicine: a critical review

Capillary electrophoresis (CE) presents a promising possibility for analyzing traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) due to its low reagent consumption, high analysis speed, and enhanced efficiency.

Graphical abstract: Potential and applications of capillary electrophoresis for analyzing traditional Chinese medicine: a critical review
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Open Access Critical Review

Commercially available rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of high priority pathogens: status and challenges

Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) will provide a key element of disease surveillance. Their rapid turnaround, low cost, and accessibility in resource limited areas will help increase public health reporting and facilitate outbreak containment.

Graphical abstract: Commercially available rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of high priority pathogens: status and challenges
Critical Review

Spatial proteomics for understanding the tissue microenvironment

We outline the achievements and remaining challenges of mass spectrometry-based tissue spatial proteomics. Exciting technology developments along with important biomedical applications of spatial proteomics are highlighted.

Graphical abstract: Spatial proteomics for understanding the tissue microenvironment
Open Access Critical Review

Selective-sampling Raman imaging techniques for ex vivo assessment of surgical margins in cancer surgery

Selective-sampling Raman Imaging enables intraoperative assessment of excised surgical margins in cancer surgery, a review.

Graphical abstract: Selective-sampling Raman imaging techniques for ex vivo assessment of surgical margins in cancer surgery
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Nucleic acid analysis on paper substrates (NAAPs): an innovative tool for Point of Care (POC) infectious disease diagnosis

The cost-effective rapid diagnosis of infectious diseases is an essential and important factor for curing such diseases in the global public health care picture.

Graphical abstract: Nucleic acid analysis on paper substrates (NAAPs): an innovative tool for Point of Care (POC) infectious disease diagnosis
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Smartphone-based optical analysis systems

The review describes the design, application and performance of current smartphone-based colorimeters, photo- and spectrometers and fluorimeters. Furthermore, it gives an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of such systems.

Graphical abstract: Smartphone-based optical analysis systems
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles
Open Access Critical Review

Electroanalytical overview: the pungency of chile and chilli products determined via the sensing of capsaicinoids

We explore the endeavours directed to the development of electrochemical-based sensors for the determination of capsaicin and related compounds, starting from their use in hyphenated laboratory set-ups to their modern use as stand-alone electroanalytical sensors.

Graphical abstract: Electroanalytical overview: the pungency of chile and chilli products determined via the sensing of capsaicinoids
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Carbon dots as naked eye sensors

Optical sensors are always fascinating for chemists due to their selectivity, sensitivity, robustness and cost-effective nature.

Graphical abstract: Carbon dots as naked eye sensors
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Microfluidics for sepsis early diagnosis and prognosis: a review of recent methods

Sepsis is a complex disorder of immune system response to infections that can be caused by a wide range of clinical contexts.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidics for sepsis early diagnosis and prognosis: a review of recent methods
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Advances in gold nanoparticles for mycotoxin analysis

AuNPs have been widely used in mycotoxin detection including ELISA, optical-based sensors, electrochemical-based sensors, surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based sensors, mass-based sensors and other sensors.

Graphical abstract: Advances in gold nanoparticles for mycotoxin analysis
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
Critical Review

Rapid developments in lateral flow immunoassay for nucleic acid detection

Schematic of two main research directions of lateral flow assays for nucleic acid detection.

Graphical abstract: Rapid developments in lateral flow immunoassay for nucleic acid detection
From the themed collection: Analyst Recent HOT articles
Critical Review

Wearable sensors for continuous oral cavity and dietary monitoring toward personalized healthcare and digital medicine

Recent advances in wearable sensors for dietary monitoring and saliva analysis are presented to discuss super-aged/aging societies, non-face-to-face social life, and global pandemic disease issues toward personalized healthcare and digital medicine.

Graphical abstract: Wearable sensors for continuous oral cavity and dietary monitoring toward personalized healthcare and digital medicine
From the themed collection: Recent Review Articles
129 items - Showing page 1 of 2

About this collection

This themed collection features recent review articles published in Analyst.

