* and
School of Physical Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Shanghai, China. E-mail:;
First published on 21st September 2023
Phase engineering is a central subject in materials research. The recent research interest in the phase transition behavior of atomically thin 2D materials reveals the important role of their surface chemistry. In this study, we investigated the phase transformation of ultrathin TiO2(B) nanosheets to anatase under different conditions. We found that the convenient transformation in water under ambient conditions is driven by the hydrolysis of surface 1,2-ethylenedioxy groups and departure of ethylene glycol. A transformation pathway through the formation of protonic titanate is proposed. The ultrathin structure and the metastable nature of the precursor facilitate the phase conversion to anatase. Our finding offers a new insight into the mechanism of TiO2(B) phase transition from the viewpoint of surface chemistry and may contribute to the potential application of ultrathin TiO2(B) nanosheets in aqueous environments.
For example, TiO2(B) is a metastable phase and a naturally occurring polymorph of TiO2.12 When the application scenarios call for maintaining the crystal structure of TiO2(B), phase transition should be avoided. For instance, using TiO2(B) as an anode material of Li-ion batteries to achieve fast charging needs more loosely packed TiO6 octahedra and an open channel along the b-axis of the TiO2(B) structure, which benefits ion intercalation and transportation.13–16 In some application scenarios in which other structures outperform pure TiO2(B) phases, phase transition is a practical method for structure tuning. For instance, TiO2(B)/anatase heterophase junctions facilitate the spatial separation of electron–hole pairs and enhance photocatalytic performances.17,18 Calcining TiO2(B) at different temperatures leads to partial phase transition and the production of heterophase junctions with different mass ratios.19
However, the phase transformation of TiO2(B) is not fully understood. Although transmission electron microscopy (TEM)20 and X-ray diffraction (XRD)17 were used to study the process in situ, it is difficult to use these techniques for water-phase systems (in photocatalytic water splitting, etc.). Besides, the phase transition behaviour of 2D materials is completely different from that of their 3D analogues: it is more sensitive to the surface chemistry.4,21 It is reported that 2D TiO2(B) turns to anatase at modest temperature in water, even as low as 60 °C.22–24 To explain such an unusual phenomenon, several reaction pathways were proposed: through competitive adsorption of water,22 through dissolution/recrystallization23 or through reduced oxides (Ti3O5);24 no consensus was achieved.
Herein, we report that the phase transition of 2D TiO2(B) nanosheets in water occurs even at room temperature. The process is coupled with a surface reaction: hydrolysis of surface 1,2-ethylenedioxy groups (deprotonated ethylene glycol, EG). The removal of surface ligands is vital for phase transformation, both in calcination treatment (through ligand decomposition) and in water-phase treatment (through ligand hydrolysis). Based on our observation, a mechanism from TiO2(B) to anatase via the formation of protonic tetratitanate is proposed.
In water phase treatment, 150 mg of precursor was dispersed in 30 mL of deionized water in a flask. The flask was then heated in an oil bath at different temperatures (343 K and 373 K) for different durations under stirring. After the reaction, white products were collected through centrifugation, washing and vacuum drying. The collected products were denoted as HW-XX K-YY h, in which HW stands for heating in water.
The pH of the dispersion was adjusted using HCl or NaOH to study the influence of pH on the phase transition behaviour. For H2O2 pre-treatment, 100 mg of the precursor was dispersed in 10 mL of 30% H2O2 in a flask and stirred for 12 hours before collecting.
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In the equation, mA and mB are the relative masses of anatase and TiO2(B). IA and IB stand for the scattering intensities of the peak at 144 cm−1 assigned to anatase and the peak at 256 cm−1 assigned to TiO2(B), respectively. KR = 6.57, which is the quotient of the scattering factors of the two peaks obtained by calculation.
The amount of surface ligands was calculated based on TGA and specific surface area measurements. The TGA method can only show an overall weight loss (WL). The weight loss has three sources of contribution: due to the decomposition/combustion of EG, due to the dehydration reaction between surface –OH groups, and due to further dehydration as the surface area decreased after heating to 450 °C. We have the following equation:
mH2O + mEG = WL | (2) |
nTi-OH + nTi-EG = k × ΔS | (3) |
To determine the value of k, we used HW-373 K-3 h as a reference, and all EG ligands were removed and replaced by –OH. Considering that two –OH groups yield one H2O molecule, we have the following equation:
mH2O = 9nTi-OH | (4) |
Previous studies showed that deprotonated EG is a bidentate ligand on the surface of TiO2(B) nanosheets, forming a –Ti–OCH2CH2O–Ti– structure.28,29 After calcination, –Ti–O–Ti– is the most likely formed structure. Eqn (5) is as follows:
mEG = 44nTi-EG/2 | (5) |
Combining eqn (2)–(5), we can estimate the amount of both EG and –OH ligands in a given sample (Table S1†).
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Fig. 1 (a) Representative TEM image, (b) HRTEM image and FFT pattern, (c) XRD pattern, (d) TGA curve (e) FT-IR spectrum and (f) 13C ss-NMR spectrum of the as-prepared TiO2(B) nanosheets. |
To analyse the composition of TiO2(B) nanosheets, TGA was conducted (Fig. 1d). The weight loss below 220 °C is best explained as the removal of water that physically adsorbed on the surface and in the interlayer space. The abrupt weight loss started at 220 °C and ended at 450 °C, giving an overall 21.0% weight loss during the heating process. Such a weight loss was mainly a result of thermal decomposition and calcination of surficial organic ligands (incomplete combustion led to carbonaceous deposition and a black product).
To identify the surface species, FT-IR and ss-NMR spectra were recorded. Adsorbed EG was observed in the FT-IR spectra (Fig. 1e): CH2 vibration modes at 2932 cm−1 and 2872 cm−1 and the C–O stretching mode at 1080 cm−1. The presence of EG was also proved by 13C ss-NMR (Fig. 1f). Signals ranging from 75 ppm to 81 ppm assigned to CH2 groups were observed. The chemical shift was slightly higher than that of free ethylene glycol (62.5 ppm) (Fig. S2†), which implies a surface-bound structure.30 EG was introduced in the synthesis as a reagent, solvent and also protecting agent to stabilize the product. The EG ligands were chemically adsorbed, as they cannot be removed through repeated washing. Moreover, physically adsorbed EG is easily removed upon heating, unlike what was observed in TGA, considering the boiling point of EG being 195 °C (Fig. S3†). As an X-type bidentate ligand, the most possible coordination structure of the ligand on the surface should be –Ti–(OCH2)2 or –Ti–OCH2CH2O–Ti–, depending on the number of Ti sites each ligand is coordinated with.22 Alternatively, it can be viewed as surficial 1,2-ethylenedioxy groups (denoted as EG ligands for short).
For TiO2(B) nanosheets calcined at different temperatures for two hours, the phase transition started to occur for HA-573 K-2 h and completed for HA-773 K-2 h (Fig. 2b and Fig. S4†). The diffraction peak at 28.7° indexed to TiO2(B) were observed for lower temperature-calcined samples and was negligible for HA-773 K-2 h. In contrast, the diffraction peak at 37.8° indexed to the anatase (004) facet emerged and increased in intensity as the calcination temperature increased. The peak at 7.9° seen for the precursor gradually disappeared as more anatase phase formed, which indicates a loss of the stacked layer structure, probably due to the surface roughness observed in TEM images (Fig. S5†).
The temperature range (573 K–773 K) for phase transition happens to fall in the major temperature range of weight loss in TGA. Meanwhile, the FT-IR spectra of the calcined samples showed a correlation between the extent of phase transition and the amount of ligand residue (Fig. S6†). Hence, the calcination-induced phase transition is coupled with EG combustion. Because of the ultrathin structure of the nanosheets, the phase transition temperature range is lower than those of other TiO2(B) materials (typically completed at over 973 K).17,31,32
In water dispersion, the phase transition is much easier. To our surprise, the phase transition is a spontaneous process even at room temperature (Fig. 2c). After storing the water dispersion of TiO2(B) nanosheets on a bench for 80 days, no detectable TiO2(B) phase could be observed from XRD; the phase transition towards the anatase phase was complete, as evidenced by the characteristic diffraction peak at 37.8° indexed to anatase. The stacking feature was maintained, as shown by the diffraction peak at 7.9°. Such a low temperature is about 500 degrees lower than those of calcination systems. The process can be accelerated when the dispersion is heated and stirred: 24 hours for 343 K and 3 hours for 373 K. For HW-343 K-24 h, two small peaks marked with a square symbol indicate a possible reaction intermediate, which will be discussed later. TEM and HRTEM images were collected to characterize the morphology and crystal structure details for the anatase phase product.
For HW-373 K-3 h, the original sheet-like morphology disappeared, replaced by rod-shaped and rhombic nanoparticles (Fig. S7†). These nanoparticles were approximately 10 nm in size and stacked to some extent. The HRTEM image showed that the nanoparticles were well crystallized anatase. The FFT results indicate that the exposed facet of some anatase nanoparticles is (101). Other exposed facets may also exist, but it is difficult to observe them due to stacking. The specific surface area of HW-373 K-3 h was 214.9 m2 g−1, lower than that of TiO2(B) nanosheets (341.5 m2 g−1), but much larger than those of calcined anatase products (53.2 m2 g−1, Fig. S8†), which is consistent with the observed small particle size of the water-phase product.
The phase transition behaviour is sensitive to the chemical environment around the TiO2(B) nanosheets. Both the low turning temperature and distinct morphology indicate a quite different reaction mechanism when TiO2(B) nanosheets were heated in water, in comparison with heating in air. We reasoned that the surface state of TiO2(B) nanosheets should determine how the transformation occurs, given the atomic-layer thickness nature of the precursor.33 To understand the molecular mechanism and elementary steps, we focused on studying how water interacts with the nanosheets and how water alters the surface chemistry.
For these partially transformed heterophase materials, surface species were studied by FT-IR spectroscopy (Fig. 3b). The amount of chemically adsorbed EG decreased with prolongation of the treatment duration. Similar to the calcination-induced phase transition process, the phase transition in water is also accompanied by the removal of EG ligands. Chemically adsorbed EG ligands formed strong Ti–O covalent bonds with the surface Ti cations of TiO2 nanosheets. The most likely reaction to break the Ti–O bonds in water is hydrolysis: protonation of the bidentate 1,2-ethylenedioxy groups and hydroxylation of the surface Ti sites. We testified such a hypothesis by detecting the composition of the supernatant with 1H solution NMR, finding the released EG (Fig. S10†).
To quantify the amount of EG on each sample, TGA measurements were conducted (Fig. 3c). For products treated for 1, 2 and 3 hours, the weight loss was 10.5%, 6.1% and 4.5%, respectively. The shape of the curves also changed, indicating the different compositions of surface species.
To further understand how ligand departure and phase transition correlate, we estimated the EG ligand amount for each sample based on TGA and surface area measurements (Fig. 3d and Table S1,† Experimental section). Clearly, the departure of the EG ligand was faster than the phase transformation from TiO2(B) to anatase. Time-tracking experiments at 343 K were performed to confirm the observations (Fig. S11†) and the trend was the same.
We investigated how the pH of the aqueous dispersion affected the phase transition behaviour, considering that the surface chemical reaction in EG removal is a hydrolysis reaction (Fig. 4a). After treatment in a neutral environment, the product HW-343 K-12 h was a mixture of TiO2(B) and anatase phases. When the temperature and duration were kept consistent, we found that the phase transition was boosted in an acidic environment (pH = 1), while being suppressed in a basic environment (pH = 12). The product after acid treatment was the pure anatase phase. Almost no phase transformation was observed for the base-treated sample.
To know which process is affected by acidity, ligand removal or new crystal phase formation, TGA measurements were conducted to detect the amount of EG ligand residue after the treatment (Fig. S12†). We found that EG ligands are more likely to leave the surface in the acid than in neutral water, much more than that in the base.
This result not only confirmed that ligand removal was a hydrolysis reaction and could be accelerated by the protonic acid, but also indicated that the removal of EG from the surface of TiO2(B) nanosheets was the first step in the observed water phase transition (step I in Fig. 4c). Only by removing the EG ligands first could the phase transition occur. It should be noted that the step I product in Fig. 4c may not exist. The structure is just for schematic representation to show that surface EG ligands were replaced by hydroxyl groups.
We further confirmed the protective role of EG in calcination systems. We intentionally removed a part of surface EG ligands before calcination, to see how it affects the phase transition behaviour. After 12-hour treatment at 343 K in water, the TiO2(B) precursor partly converted to anatase and EG ligands were partly removed (Fig. S11†). The sample was then calcined at 523 K for 2 hours. The phase transition to anatase was systematic, in sharp contrast to that in the direct calcined sample without water pre-treatment (Fig. 4b). We also used H2O2 to remove the EG ligands (Fig. S13 and 14†).34 The amorphous product after H2O2 treatment completely converted to well-crystallized anatase after calcination at 573 K for 2 hours, while the directly calcined sample without H2O2 pre-treatment was still TiO2(B) dominated (Fig S4).
Overall, these results show that: (1) EG ligands protect and prevent TiO2(B) from converting to anatase and (2) in both water-phase and air-phase heating cases, the removal of EG ligands triggers the phase transformation.
These peaks were reported before in other research studies, vaguely described as the intermediate transition phase.22,24 Ye et al. assigned these signals to the Ti3O5 phase,24 in accordance with an in situ TEM study.20 However, Ti3O5 is an oxygen-deficient compound. It is possible to be formed by heating H2Ti3O7 nanofibers under vacuum (TEM chamber) as reported.20 It is not likely to be formed in the water phase with abundant oxygen atom donors, especially when the precursor was ultrathin nanosheets but not bulk materials so that the mass transportation of oxygen atom donors (H2O molecules) would not be a problem.
Protonic tetratitanate could be an intermediate transition phase, based on these facts: (1) structural similarities: both the precursor TiO2(B) nanosheets and protonic tetratitanate have a two-atomic-layered two-dimensional structure; (2) calcining hydrogen titanate is a commonly used synthetic method to obtain TiO2 materials in the TiO2(B) phase, anatase phase or their heterophase junctions; and (3) the transformation from protonic tetratitanate to anatase through dehydration condensation in liquid media is known.38 More investigation is needed to know if protonic tetratitanate is the intermediate or a side product.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: XRD, TGA, TEM, BET and FT-IR results. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |