Samuel C.
Isabella L.
Alyssa L.
Jeffrey E.
b and
Michele L.
aDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Princeton University, 41 Olden Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, Frick Chemistry Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA
First published on 12th June 2024
Zirconium-carboxylate metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) of isoreticular crystal morphologies and contrasting pore sizes are examined to understand the relative influence of linker size (UiO-67 vs. UiO-68) and secondary metal incorporation in photocatalytic aqueous pollutant degradation. Here, iron (Fe) is chosen given its prevalence in wastewater treatment literature and applications, resulting from its low toxicity and ability to activate benign oxidants. UiO-67 with Fe incorporated (Fe-UiO-67) via incipient wetness impregnation demonstrates reduced band gap energy relative to the UiO-67 parent and higher apparent photocatalytic degradation under UV light toward methylene blue dye using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), with catalyst mass-normalized pseudo-first order rate constants of 6.8 ± 0.5 g−1 ks−1 and 2.0 ± 0.3 g−1 ks−1, respectively. While structural characterization via X-ray diffraction remains unperturbed for Fe-UiO-67 before and after reaction, some Fe leaching is evident, as indicated by recharge experiments in the filtrate. Synthesized UiO-68, which possesses increased pore size, also has reduced band gap energy resulting in higher UV-light activation than UiO-67 (pseudo-first order rate constant of 3.5 ± 0.4 g−1 ks−1). Further, UiO-68 demonstrates high stability and exhibits a higher productive H2O2 utilization fraction than either of the UiO-67 catalysts. Together, this work clarifies the relative influence of linker modulation and active metal incorporation in UiO-MOFs for pollutant degradation and aqueous applications broadly.
MOFs, consisting of networks of metal-containing nodes connected by organic linkers, constitute a diverse class of materials with tunable porosity and chemical functionalities, making them attractive for a variety of applications.12,13 MOFs constructed from non-toxic, earth-abundant metals are especially attractive as adsorbent materials or for catalytic degradation of organic pollutants.6,14–16 Additionally, many MOFs exhibit semiconductor-like behavior, allowing light at or above the band gap energy (BGE) of the material to excite electrons and form holes. These can interact directly to degrade toxic organic pollutants or create highly reactive, transient radical species (particularly in the presence of oxidants) that can then break down the pollutant moieties. Significant attention is devoted to Fe-based MOFs, such as the Fe-MIL series, that function as heterogeneous analogs to homogeneous Fenton catalysts with BGEs in the visible light range (for instance, 2.4 eV for MIL-101(Fe)) enabling electron transfer between the node and linker sites of the MOF.17–22 However, they suffer from significant stability limitations in aqueous environments, causing a seemingly enhanced catalyst performance through the conflated impact of leached Fe and solid reactivity.6,23–25
From this perspective, zirconium (Zr)-based UiO series MOFs are more attractive alternatives, given their high chemical and thermal stability derived from the strength of the Zr–oxygen (O) bonding in their Zr6O8 metal nodes.26–29 However, Zr does not intrinsically promote thermal H2O2 activation in the manner of Fe, since it does not possess characteristics of other variable valence state metals that facilitate a redox cycle; instead, any low H2O2 activation observed is typically attributed to peroxidase-like activity of Zr–OH(H2O) nodal moieties found in many Zr-MOFs.30,31 Given this limited intrinsic reactivity for pollutant oxidation, the semiconductor-like behavior of UiO structures is paramount to inducing significant degradation. UiO-66 and UiO-67, formed using linear dicarboxylate linkers benzene 1,4-dicarboxylate (BDC) and 4,4-biphenyl-dicarboxylate (BPDC; Fig. 1), respectively, are well-studied but have higher experimentally-measured BGEs than typical Fe-MIL-series MOFs (UiO-66: 4.0 eV and UiO-67: 3.6 eV), requiring high energy UV light to induce photocatalytic effects.32,33 Employing strategies to modulate band gap—such as by altering linker identity/functionality, introducing alternative metals to the structure, and adjusting material defect density—will reduce energy-intensity of their use in photocatalysis.32–35
One option explored herein is use of a longer, terphenyl-4,4″-dicarboxylate (TPDC; Fig. 1) linker to form UiO-68, characterized by a lower theoretical BGE of 2.9 eV, with its longer, more conjugated linker that better promotes electron transfer due to a greater density of carbon states that raise the valence band maximum.32,36 Larger UiO linker sizes correspond to higher porosity materials—theoretically 0.45 cm3 g−1, 1.05 cm3 g−1, and 1.82 cm3 g−1, for UiO-66, UiO-67, and UiO-68, respectively—with similar surface area trends (970 m2 g−1, 1580 m2 g−1, and 2820 m2 g−1 reported experimental BET surface areas, respectively).36,37 The longer linkers may also influence adsorption of pollutants by promoting π–π interactions, in addition to modulating photocatalytic reactivity.
Structural modifications through secondary metal incorporation could further influence the reactivity of the material, as well as impact pollutant adsorption, with many doping approaches for modifying UiO structures reported. For instance, titanium (Ti) substitution for Zr after synthesis in aminated UiO-66 (2-aminoterephthalate linker) decreased its BGE, shifting the photoabsorption edge to the visible light range (though this is partially attributable to the increased number of missing linkers resulting from Ti introduction).38 Indium (In) doping in place of Zr during synthesis of UiO-66 likewise reduced the BGE, from 4.0 to 2.8 eV, while also improving ligand to metal charge transfer.39
Nanoparticle incorporation in lieu of nodal metal exchange represents another promising path toward more effective wastewater treatment and BGE modulation. For instance, growth of cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanoparticles on UiO-66 reduced the BGE of the composite to intermediate values between the two parent materials and demonstrated enhanced photocatalytic reactivity above the level of physical mixtures of CdS and UiO-66.40 Integration of magnetic Fe3O4 during the synthesis of Cu-based HKUST-1 showed improved persulfate-mediated degradation of tetracycline compared to equivalent mass loading of Fe3O4 or HKUST-1 without light.5 Another study supported Fe3O4 onto UiO-66/67 after synthesis and showed enhanced Fenton-like performance for BPA degradation in the absence of light over the parent structures.11 Similarly, recent work synthesized a Fe3O4 composite with UiO-66-NH2 (and functionalized graphene oxide), which showed effective adsorption of lead and dye molecules.16 Although adsorption and Fenton-like behavior have been demonstrated previously, studies interrogating Fe oxide loaded UiO structures in photocatalytic pollutant degradation remain limited, and contextualizing results in material stability is underemphasized.
In this work, supported Fe oxide nanoparticles and dispersed Fe moieties are incorporated into UiO-67 through an incipient wetness impregnation (IWI) procedure. The relative performance of Fe-loaded UiO-67 (herein termed Fe-UiO-67) is compared against synthesized parent UiO-67 and UiO-68 in the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under catalytic and photocatalytic (visible and UV light) conditions using excess H2O2. The dye MB is chosen as the organic pollutant for study because it is a suitable probe for understanding the degradation of aromatic compounds pertinent to industrial waste effluent.41,42 Reactivity differences, inferred from extracted pseudo-first order kinetic rate constants, demonstrate the enhanced degradation of MB by UiO-68 compared to UiO-67, suggesting the positive impact of linker length extension. Moreover, Fe-UiO-67 reactivity exceeds that of UiO-68, confirming the positive role of metal nanoparticle incorporation. However, catalyst stability investigations via leach tests and post-reaction characterizations emphasize the nuanced balance between apparent initial performance and catalyst recoverability and reuse, with UiO-68 demonstrating a higher productive oxidant utilization. Collectively, these results inform the importance of contextualizing reactivity observations with structural changes to understand and improve MOFs for aqueous applications.
Fe-UiO-67 was synthesized adapting an incipient wetness impregnation (IWI) procedure reported for platinum incorporation into UiO-67 in literature.44 An Fe-containing precursor solution (34 mM) was made by adding 0.067 mmol of FeCl3·6H2O to 2 mL of acetone and sonicating for 10 minutes. This amount of precursor was determined by targeting nominal 8 wt% Fe oxide, assuming complete metal incorporation.45 The precursor solution was added dropwise to 100 mg UiO-67 in 50 μL increments and stirred manually until the MOF was saturated and had a clay-like texture (300–350 μL). This mixture was heated in a convection oven at 338 K for 20 minutes. These two steps were repeated until complete incorporation of precursor solution. The resultant material was dried overnight under vacuum (∼70 kPa) at 383 K. Afterward, the product was washed twice with 45 mL of acetone, twice with 45 mL methanol, and once with 45 mL acetone, centrifuging (7000 RPM, 10 minutes) between washes. The resulting Fe-UiO-67 was dried overnight at 383 K, forming a light-yellow powder.
UiO-68 was synthesized adapting a procedure reported in literature for an isoreticular structure with a modified linker by mixing 0.20 mmol ZrCl4, 0.17 mmol H2TPDC, and 1 mL TFA in 40 mL DMF and sonicating for 3 minutes.46 The opaque white solution was sealed with a glass stopper and keck clip in a 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask and heated at 393 K for 96 h. After cooling to ambient temperature, the product was isolated through centrifugation (7800 RPM, 5 minutes) and washed three times with 25 mL DMF and three times with 25 mL methanol. Washed MOF was dried overnight under vacuum (∼70 kPa) at 353 K, forming a fine white powder.
Leach testing was performed at the end of typical reactions (or at truncated times) by recovering 50 mL supernatant fluid from solution with centrifugation (7000 RPM, 10 minutes) and recharging it with MB to initial concentration conditions (assuming complete conversion). The flask was reintroduced to the pertinent light condition and aliquots were taken periodically. Separate trials were performed in which H2O2 was recharged to initial concentration conditions, concurrently with MB. Recovered solid catalysts were dried in air overnight or immersed in 30 mL of solvent (acetone, ethanol, or THF) overnight before drying under thermal vacuum activations. Water stability tests were performed by loading reaction level concentrations of MOF into the batch reactor at 50 mL scale in the absence of dye, oxidant, or light. Unproductive H2O2 decomposition tests were performed by exposing 50 mL solution with reaction level concentrations of catalyst and H2O2 to pertinent light conditions and tracking the concentration through time via acidic KMnO4 titrations of removed aliquots.
Error bars for each temporal conversion profile are determined by propagating observed standard deviation in UV-vis absorbance with uncertainty from volumetric measurements as applicable through calculation of concentration and conversion. Data for control and most activation conditions are single experiments. Data for degradation of MB by MOFs with oxidant and UV light (and their associated leach tests) represent the averages of duplicate trials with error bars reflecting their spread. Uncertainty associated with pseudo-first order rate constants is taken as the extracted standard deviation of the slope from linearized plots, which are averaged to represent data presented of duplicate trials and propagated appropriately to reflect normalization. Extracted rate constants represent the lumped, total pseudo-first order rate constant for MB degradation in the system except where normalized by H2O2 concentration, wherein control rate constant is subtracted.
Both isoreticular structures demonstrate comparable octahedral crystal morphologies based on SEM imaging, although some inhomogeneity exists due to choice of acid modulator (Fig. 3a–c).56 Particle sizes for the MOFs are similar to one another, although notably UiO-67 crystallites, measuring 0.5 ± 0.3 μm along their longest dimension, are larger than those of Fe-UiO-67, at 0.4 ± 0.3 μm (Fig. S3a and b†). Mild attenuation in average size is attributed to the synthetic workup for the Fe-incorporation. UiO-68 features crystals of a similar scale, with a wider distribution, at 1.1 ± 0.8 μm (Fig. S3c†). The presence of isolated or clustered Fe moieties distributed throughout Fe-UiO-67 is confirmed through EDX mapping of agglomerated particles (Fig. S4†). However, scanning TEM (STEM) of Fe-UiO-67 also suggests Fe-containing nanoparticles, as indicated by the darker areas on the high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) image (Fig. 4a; where Fe will show up darker compared to higher atomic number Zr). EDX images in Fig. 4b–d demonstrate one such ∼10 nm diameter region on a particle surface that exhibits Fe and O presence, but little Zr content. The occurrence of these nanoparticles confirm the existence of a Fe/O domain, which is expected to be Fe2O3 based on the synthetic procedure applied.45 Notably, peaks corresponding to (any) Fe oxide are not present in the Fe-UiO-67 XRD pattern, indicating they must be small and limited in quantity (Fig. S5†).
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Fig. 4 (a) STEM HAADF image of Fe-UiO-67 with accompanying EDX mapping (b) Zr, (c) O, and (d) Fe elements (yellow, green, and orange, respectively). |
Elemental contents (Table 1) are further assessed from normalized combustion TGA curves (Fig. S6†) with distinct regions of water loss, organic combustion, and final metal oxide formation. Parent UiO-67 exhibits less water normalized by dry mass of Zr-MOF (2.7 mmol H2O per gMOF) compared with Fe-UiO-67 and UiO-68 (3.2 mmol H2O per gMOF and 4.0 mmol H2O per gMOF, respectively). This water loss has been correlated with defect density,57 suggesting mild increases in defects accruing from Fe incorporation methods. Regardless, Fe content in Fe-UiO-67, determined based on the mass loss profile of parent UiO-67 material, is calculated as 3.8 wt%. Collectively, the compositional and structural characterizations for UiO-67 and UiO-68 are consistent with their successful syntheses and confirm the integration of oxidized Fe nanoparticles and dispersed moieties in the Fe-UiO-67 material.
MOF | Zr (wt%) | H (wt%) | O (wt%) | C (wt%) | Fe (wt%) |
Ideal UiO-67 | 25.8 | 2.5 | 24.1 | 47.6 | — |
Experimental UiO-67 | 29.1 | 2.7 | 26.8 | 41.4 | — |
Experimental Fe-UiO-67 | 29.2 | 2.6 | 27.2 | 37.2 | 3.8 |
Ideal UiO-68 | 21.2 | 3.0 | 19.9 | 55.9 | — |
Experimental UiO-68 | 21.6 | 3.5 | 24.6 | 50.4 | — |
Notably, addition of H2O2 and exposure of visible or near-UV light to MB solutions in the absence of MOFs does not result in significant conversion in the timescale considered (9.9 ks exposure, Fig. S12†). Slight enhancement is achieved by activating H2O2 with visible light in the absence of MOF, with MB conversion of 0.04 ± 0.04 by after 9.9 ks (Fig. 5b, temporal reaction profile in S13 with pseudo-first order model values in Table S1†). Here, conversion is calculated based on the bulk concentration present at 3.6 ks after dark adsorptive uptake has occurred. Identical catalyst mass loading of UiO-67 and Fe-UiO-67 shows mild enhancement above the control with MB conversions of 0.10 ± 0.04 and 0.13 ± 0.07, respectively, while UiO-68 performs closer to the control at 0.05 ± 0.04. Application of a pseudo-first order model over the first 3.6 ks post-oxidant introduction results in rate constants that have similar trends (Fig. S13† fitted profiles; lumping H2O2 concentration into this value, as it is assumed to be constant). Regardless, the rate constants and conversions by MOFs with visible light and oxidant present are all low and within the uncertainty of the no MOF control, suggesting higher energy drivers are needed to induce significant dye degradation.
This motivates the use of UV light, which leads to a more marked difference in MB breakdown across the MOFs considered. Observed conversion at 9.9 ks by UiO-67 of 0.40 ± 0.02 is not enhanced relative to the UV-H2O2 control value of 0.45 ± 0.03 after consideration of error (Fig. 6, extended profile in Fig. S14†). Meanwhile, conversion increases for UiO-68 and Fe-UiO-67, with final values of 0.56 ± 0.02 and 0.70 ± 0.03, respectively. Notably, this increase is not due to a mild temperature increase over the course of reaction (1–3 K) caused by the UV-lamp, as it is roughly the same across all trials, including the control. Application of a pseudo-first order reaction model to early temporal conversion data results in mass normalized rate constants of 3.5 ± 0.4 g−1 ks−1 (1.5 ± 0.2 mmolZr−1 ks−1) and 6.8 ± 0.5 g−1 ks−1 (2.1 ± 0.2 mmolZr−1 ks−1) for UiO-68 and Fe-UiO-67, respectively, consistent with their trend in terminal conversion.
In contrast, UiO-67 has a first order rate constant of 2.0 ± 0.3 g−1 ks−1 (0.6 ± 0.1 mmolZr−1 ks−1), which is similar to the unnormalized value for the no MOF control (0.049 ± 0.007 ks−1vs. 0.068 ± 0.007 ks−1, respectively). A slight offset of the UiO-67 model from data at increasing conversion may be a result of averaging the extracted rate constants from independent trials to produce the fit and comparing them to the average conversion. Regardless, these values for the three catalysts and their associated rates are interpreted as kinetic in nature based on the Weisz–Prater criterion, considering the size of particles observed via SEM (details presented in ESI†), though notably this does not clarify the extent of light penetration into crystal structures or electron–hole lifetimes.58 The increased rate constant for Fe-UiO-67 compared to UiO-67 suggests added conversion from photo-Fenton based chemistry. However, similar rate constants when normalized per Zr for UiO-68 and Fe-UiO-67 indicate another property of these two materials may be similar.
DR-UV-vis is used to determine how the series of MOFs interact with light to explain apparent trends in reactivity. Transforming the reflectance data for each MOF (Fig. S8†) using Kubelka–Munk (K–M) theory results in absorption features that have distinct slopes (Fig. 7, extended absorbance profiles in S9†). The x-intercept of these slopes, determined after systematically applying a four-point averaging method to the data, reveal that the measured BGEs for UiO-67, UiO-68, and Fe-UiO-67 are 3.6 eV, 3.3 eV, and 3.4 eV, respectively. Because the UV lamp used emits light centered at (and distributed around) 370 nm, it is best suited to activate electrons in materials with BGEs around 3.35 eV. Therefore, both Fe-UiO-67 and UiO-68 can facilitate enhanced formation of electron–hole pairs that may interact with oxidant species to activate radicals or dye directly to induce MB conversion, but UiO-67 cannot. Additive photocatalytic reactivity of Fe oxide is ruled out because the BGE of Fe oxides typically lie in the visible light range, yet Fe-UiO-67 exhibits no enhanced improvement over UiO-67 under visible light conditions (Fig. 5b and S13†). Likewise, dispersed Fe moieties in the structure do not contribute to reactivity significantly via traditional, Fenton-type chemical reactions, or similar enhancement would be seen under visible light activation. Nevertheless, Fe-UiO-67 exhibits a higher mass-normalized pseudo-first order rate constant than UiO-68 under identical total mass loading and lighting conditions despite its marginally higher measured BGE. This could potentially derive from longer electron–hole lifetimes in the Fe-loaded structure or more efficient light utilization resulting from its smaller crystallites. Regardless, the enhanced degradation from these two catalysts under UV-light warrants investigation into their stability, particularly for Fe-UiO-67, because Fe-containing MOFs have demonstrated leaching in aqueous pollutant degradation systems that can conflate observed reactivity.23
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Fig. 7 DR-UV-vis data for Fe-UiO-67 (gray) and UiO-67 (orange) with K–M transformation applied. Dashed lines represent tangent lines to the rise in absorption peak for BGE calculation. |
In contrast, the filtrate for the Fe-UiO-67 material exhibits lower conversion and extracted rate constant in the UV system, at 0.018 ± 0.005 ks−1 (Fig. 8a). Here, the depressed conversion suggests the H2O2 concentration is reduced significantly despite its high initial excess in comparison to MB, altering the initial conditions in the leach test for the Fe-UiO-67 material relative to UiO-67 and UiO-68. Indeed, KMnO4 titrations of aliquots in the absence of dye demonstrate limited unproductive H2O2 degradation in the UiO-68 and no MOF control trials with UV light exposure, with conversions by 3.6 ks of 0.05 ± 0.03 and 0.05 ± 0.04, respectively, justifying the application of a pseudo-first order model to these systems (Fig. S17†). However, oxidant conversion of 0.74 ± 0.03 over this same period for Fe-UiO-67, culminating in a final conversion of 0.95 ± 0.03 at the end of the typical reaction timescale, indicates the H2O2 concentration is not approximately constant in this setup. Although the extracted rate constant on this structure (6.8 ± 0.5 g−1 ks−1) is an appropriate model for the system at early conversions, deviations at longer reaction times are consistent with this decrease in oxidant concentration (Fig. S14b†).
When H2O2 is recharged alongside MB to the Fe-UiO-67 recovered supernatant fluid to initial reaction concentrations, the apparent degradation significantly exceeds the no MOF control (Fig. 8b, extended profile in S16b†). The resulting extracted 0.50 ± 0.05 ks−1 rate constant suggests the presence of active leached species in solution, likely in the form of an Fe complex, which may exhibit higher reactivity than the supported metal form. These species conflate observed MB degradation driven by solid and homogeneous species during reaction because of the propensity for Fe to participate in Fenton-like chemistry, partially explaining the apparent increase in degradation of Fe-UiO-67 relative to UiO-68, despite their similar BGEs. Notably, the apparent conversion by leached species from the UV activated system is significantly higher than in the visible light activated system (extracted pseudo-first order rate constant of 0.50 ± 0.04 ks−1vs. 0.03 ± 0.01 ks−1). While solvent interactions with water may contribute, the significant difference in conversion is consistent with UV light interaction or oxidant turnovers driving observed leaching. By truncating the reaction at intermediate time points and performing supernatant tests, the turnover dependence of leaching is explored. In separate trials truncated at 2.4 ks after oxidant and light exposure—one performed with typical reaction conditions, one without adding dye to the initial reaction—similar filtrate conversion profiles are obtained with consistent unnormalized pseudo-first order rate constants of 0.31 ± 0.01 ks−1 and 0.30 ± 0.01 ks−1, respectively (Fig. S18†). Assuming similar levels of H2O2 consumption in these systems, the overlap in value between the reactions with and without dye present highlights the minimal role MB presence and breakdown plays in leaching under these conditions. Moreover, similar pseudo-first order rate constants across filtrates are obtained for systems truncated at 2.4 ks and terminated at the typical reaction timescale after correcting for difference in H2O2 presence (0.13 ± 0.01 ks−1 mMH2O2−1, 0.13 ± 0.02 ks−1 mMH2O2−1, and 0.12 ± 0.02 ks−1 mMH2O2−1 for the truncated reaction, the truncated timescale no-dye exposure, and the full reaction system supernatant tests, respectively). Collectively these data highlight the importance of UV light interaction or initial UV light-MOF mediated H2O2 turnovers in inducing species leaching in the Fe-UiO-67 material.
Fe species in solution may also contribute to observed selectivity toward higher, unproductive use of H2O2 in the Fe-UiO-67 system. KMnO4 titrations reveal contrasting H2O2 utilization efficiencies across the materials studied by demonstrating the capacity for each MOF to unproductively consume oxidant through disproportionation reaction to form water and oxygen. Fe-UiO-67 only uses 9.2 ± 0.4% productively (assuming 16:
1 H2O2 used to MB consumed and complete combustion for calculation) compared to the no MOF control at 23 ± 4% (Fig. 9). In contrast, UiO-68 exhibits a higher efficiency of 36 ± 7%, suggesting it reacts more effectively with H2O2 despite doing so at lower rates than Fe-UiO-67.
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Fig. 9 Terminal H2O2 productive (blue) and unproductive (gray) conversion fractions for Fe-UiO-67, UiO-68, and the no MOF control under UV light activation. |
Despite apparent leaching and greater unproductive H2O2 turnovers relative to UiO-68, recovered Fe-UiO-67 material continues to demonstrate reactivity under identical initial reactant and catalyst concentration conditions with UV light exposure (Fig. S19a and b†). The unnormalized rate constant in the spent material is 0.12 ± 0.02 ks−1, only slightly lower than that of the fresh material, at 0.17 ± 0.01 ks−1. This reduction is partially explained by the spent catalyst (blue in color) containing residual dye and intermediate breakdown products despite its solvent exchange in acetone prior to drying and reuse. TGA combustion of spent material indicates consistent total organic content with fresh material, but the profile shape during organic loss changes in agreement with residual dye presence (Fig. S10†). Buildup of dye and breakdown product species on the surface may contribute to deviations in reactivity from the pseudo-first order model for fresh material at longer time points, in addition to reduced oxidant presence (Fig. S14†). The lower reactivity of the spent sample at identical catalyst mass concentration loading to fresh MOF is at least in part caused by reduced MOF content in the spent sample. Indeed, TGA data suggests there is ∼50% less Fe incorporated in the MOF structure by the end of the reaction, consistent with decreased MOF presence with residual dye incorporation, though it could also be driven by Fe content reduction after leaching. Additionally, the remaining Fe species in the structure still appear susceptible to leaching based on the continued reactivity of supernatant fluid recovered in the spent Fe-UiO-67 trial (Fig. S19c†). This suggests the observed catalyst leaching may be tied to oxidant turnovers or interaction with UV light and is not merely due to residual weakly chemisorbed or physiosorbed Fe species present after synthesis, which would have been removed after the first trial. Taken together, the degradative reactivity of the spent material indicates continued functionality of the catalyst despite mild leaching, at least over a limited period of cycling.
This explanation is consistent with XRD data indicating catalyst bulk structure appears intact. After solvent exchanging with acetone and drying at 343 K, Fe-UiO-67 used in the UV light reactions still exhibits clear peaks at low angles akin to fresh material (Fig. 10). Notably, solvent exchanging with a lower surface tension solvent than water is necessary prior to drying to ensure crystalline material is recovered as water can collapse the pores in UiO-MOFs via capillary interactions during evaporation.59,60 Taking UiO-67 as a test case, the material shows reduced peak intensity when ambient drying occurs after water exposure, even when subsequently treated with another solvent (Fig. S11a†). Exchanging with THF, acetone, and ethanol prior to drying all allow for recovery of crystalline material under heating conditions ranging from 343 K to 473 K. Similar results are observed when UiO-67 is exposed to water alone and then exchanged with these lower surface tension solvents, confirming the role of water in dictating this process, as opposed to H2O2 or MB interaction (Fig. S11b†). Mild peak broadening on the spent Fe-UiO-67 material may be attributable in part to MB presence on or within the structures (indicated by the blue color of the material). Thus, Fe-UiO-67 continues to demonstrate reactivity upon recovery and washing and retains long range order, although it does leach active species and features lower productive H2O2 utilization than UiO-68.
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Fig. 10 XRD patterns for fresh Fe-UiO-67 (gray) and Fe-UiO-67 recovered from reaction with oxidant and UV light and solvent exchanged with acetone prior to 343 K heating (black, scaled up 1.6×). |
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ Samuel Moore and Isabella Hubble have contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |