Issue 18, 2014

Low temperature and high frequency effects on polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals with large dielectric anisotropy


We report the low temperature and high frequency effects on polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals (BPLCs) comprising of a large dielectric anisotropy nematic host. Debye dielectric relaxation sets a practical limit even when the device operation temperature is still within the blue phase range. To explain these phenomena, we propose a model to describe the temperature and frequency dependent Kerr constant and obtain excellent agreement with experiment. Doping a diluter compound to the BPLC host helps to reduce viscosity, which in turn boosts the dielectric relaxation frequency and extends the low temperature operation range.

Graphical abstract: Low temperature and high frequency effects on polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals with large dielectric anisotropy

Article information

Article type
17 jan. 2014
19 feb. 2014
First published
20 feb. 2014

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014,2, 3597-3601

Author version available

Low temperature and high frequency effects on polymer-stabilized blue phase liquid crystals with large dielectric anisotropy

F. Peng, Y. Chen, J. Yuan, H. Chen, S. Wu and Y. Haseba, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 3597 DOI: 10.1039/C4TC00115J

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