Issue 20, 2011

Wavelet unfolded partial least squares for near-infrared spectral quantitative analysis of blood and tobacco powder samples


Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) has been shown to be a high-performance signal processing technique in multivariate calibration. However, the signal processed by CWT with a specific wavelet may account for only a part of the information. To effectively utilize more abundant information contained in analytical signals, a method, named as wavelet unfolded partial least squares (WUPLS), was proposed. In the approach, the measured dataset is firstly extended by CWT with different wavelets, and then partial least squares (PLS) is employed to develop the quantitative model between the extended dataset and the target values. In order to select the representative wavelets, principal component analysis (PCA) is used to investigate the distribution of the signals obtained by CWT with different wavelets. The performance of the method was tested with blood and tobacco powder samples. Compared with the results obtained by PLS methods, the WUPLS method combined with signal processing techniques is proven to be a promising tool for improving the near-infrared (NIR) spectral analysis of complex samples.

Graphical abstract: Wavelet unfolded partial least squares for near-infrared spectral quantitative analysis of blood and tobacco powder samples

Article information

Article type
19 Mar 2011
19 Jul 2011
First published
26 Aug 2011

Analyst, 2011,136, 4217-4221

Wavelet unfolded partial least squares for near-infrared spectral quantitative analysis of blood and tobacco powder samples

M. Zhang, W. Cai and X. Shao, Analyst, 2011, 136, 4217 DOI: 10.1039/C1AN15222J

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