Issue 20, 2011

Localized surface plasmon resonance interfaces coated with poly[3-(pyrrolyl)carboxylic acid] for histidine-tagged peptide sensing


The paper reports on a novel localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) substrate architecture for the immobilization and detection of histidine-tagged peptides. The LSPR interface consists of an ITO (indium tin oxide) substrate coated with gold nanostructures. The latter are obtained by thermal deposition of a thin (2 nm thick) gold film followed by post-annealing at 500 °C. The LSPR interface was coated with poly[3-(pyrrolyl)carboxylic acid] thin films using electrochemical means. The ability of the LSPR interfaces coated with poly[3-(pyrrolyl)carboxylic acid] to chelate copper ions was investigated. Once loaded with metal ions, the modified LSPR interface was able to bind specifically to histidine-tagged peptides. The binding process was followed using LSPR.

Graphical abstract: Localized surface plasmon resonance interfaces coated with poly[3-(pyrrolyl)carboxylic acid] for histidine-tagged peptide sensing

Article information

Article type
28 Jun 2011
28 Jul 2011
First published
26 Aug 2011

Analyst, 2011,136, 4211-4216

Localized surface plasmon resonance interfaces coated with poly[3-(pyrrolyl)carboxylic acid] for histidine-tagged peptide sensing

F. Tighilt, P. Subramanian, N. Belhaneche-Bensemra, R. Boukherroub, N. Gabouze, S. Sam and S. Szunerits, Analyst, 2011, 136, 4211 DOI: 10.1039/C1AN15535K

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