New insights into the effect of nitrogen incorporation in Mo: catalytic hydrogenation vs. hydrogenolysis
The catalytic effect of nitrogen incorporation into Mo on hydrogenation (of –NO2 to –NH2 in nitrobenzene to aniline) and hydrogenolysis (of –CO in benzaldehyde to toluene) processes has been assessed. Bulk Mo was prepared by temperature programmed reduction of MoO3 (in H2 to 933 K) and β-Mo2N (confirmed by powder XRD) subsequently synthesised by Mo nitridation in N2/H2. Two intermediate samples (MoN-1 and MoN-2) with different Mo/N ratio were prepared by altering the duration (1 and 2 h) of the nitridation step. XPS analysis revealed a nitrogen surface enrichment (Mo/N = 2.2 → 0.9 from MoN-1 to β-Mo2N) relative to the bulk (Mo/N = 5.1 → 2.5). Incorporation of N did not affect morphology and each sample exhibited (by SEM analysis) aggregates (<5 μm) of crystals (27–36 nm) with unchanged specific surface area (ca. 4 m2 g−1). Hydrogen chemisorption and release (by TPD) increased with decreasing Mo/N (Mo < MoN-1 < MoN-2 < β-Mo2N). Gas phase hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline exhibited increasing rate from Mo → β-Mo2N, attributed to higher availability of surface heterolytic hydrogen (on Mo–N). In contrast, conversion of benzaldehyde to toluene was favoured by increasing Mo/N (from β-Mo2N → Mo) where hydrogenolytic –C
O scission is favoured by homolytic hydrogen chemisorption (on Mo). Our results provide the first evidence that N incorporation in Mo structure can control catalytic hydrogenation vs. hydrogenolysis performance.