Issue 13, 2024

A computational study of nematic core structure and disclination interactions in elastically anisotropic nematics


A singular potential method in the Q tensor order parameter representation of a nematic liquid crystal is used to study the equilibrium configuration of a disclination dipole. Unlike the well studied isotropic limit (the so called one constant approximation), we focus on the case of anisotropic Frank elasticity (bend/splay elastic constant contrast). Prior research has established that the singular potential method provides an accurate description of the tensor order parameter profile in the vicinity of a disclination core of a highly anisotropic lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal. This research is extended here to two interacting disclinations forming a dipole configuration. The director angle is shown to decay in the far field inversely with distance to the dipole as is the case in the isotropic limit, but with a different angular dependence. Therefore elastic constant anisotropy modifies the elastic screening between disclinations, with implications for the study of ensembles of defects as seen, for example, in active matter in the extended system limit.

Graphical abstract: A computational study of nematic core structure and disclination interactions in elastically anisotropic nematics

Article information

Article type
29 Nov 2023
01 Mar 2024
First published
04 Mar 2024

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 2900-2914

Author version available

A computational study of nematic core structure and disclination interactions in elastically anisotropic nematics

L. Myers, C. Swift, J. Rønning, L. Angheluta and J. Viñals, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 2900 DOI: 10.1039/D3SM01616A

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