Issue 47, 2023

Copper and silver heterometallic iodoantimonates: structure, thermal stability, and optical properties


Seven heterometallic iodoantimonates with the general formula (Cat)2{[Sb2M2I10]} (M = Cu(I) (1–6), Ag(I) (7)) were prepared. X-ray diffraction data indicate that these compounds are the first Sb(III) representatives of the structural type previously known only for heterometallic iodobismuthates(III). In 3 and 4, halogen-substituted cations form halogen bonds with the heterometallic halometalate chain. 1–7 show prominent thermal stability. The estimated optical band gaps lie between 2.16 and 2.40 eV. As in heterometallic iodobismuthates, incorporation of Cu+ rather than Ag+ provides a much lower band gap.

Graphical abstract: Copper and silver heterometallic iodoantimonates: structure, thermal stability, and optical properties

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Article information

Article type
11 Sep 2023
06 Nov 2023
First published
08 Nov 2023

Dalton Trans., 2023,52, 17752-17757

Copper and silver heterometallic iodoantimonates: structure, thermal stability, and optical properties

I. A. Shentseva, A. N. Usoltsev, N. A. Korobeynikov, M. N. Sokolov and S. A. Adonin, Dalton Trans., 2023, 52, 17752 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT02960C

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