Issue 78, 2022

Crystallographic evidence for a continuum and reversal of roles in primary–secondary interactions in antimony Lewis acids: applications in carbonyl activation


Primary and secondary interactions form the basis of substrate activation in Lewis-acid mediated catalysis, with most substrate activations occurring at the secondary binding site. We explore two series of antimony cations, [(NMe2CH2C6H4)(mesityl)Sb]+ (A) and [(NMe2C6H4)(mesityl)Sb]+ (B), by coordinating ligands with varying nucleophilicity at the position trans to the N-donor. The decreased nucleophilicity of the incoming ligands leads to reversal from a primary bond to a secondary interaction in A, whereas a constrained N-coordination in B diminishes the border between primary and secondary bonding. Investigations on carbonyl olefin metathesis reactions and carbonyl reduction demonstrate increased reactivity of a Lewis acid when the substrate activation occurs at the primary binding site.

Graphical abstract: Crystallographic evidence for a continuum and reversal of roles in primary–secondary interactions in antimony Lewis acids: applications in carbonyl activation

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Jul 2022
04 Sep 2022
First published
05 Sep 2022

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 11009-11012

Crystallographic evidence for a continuum and reversal of roles in primary–secondary interactions in antimony Lewis acids: applications in carbonyl activation

D. Sharma, A. Benny, R. Gupta, E. D. Jemmis and A. Venugopal, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 11009 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC04027A

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