Issue 31, 2022

Efficient CO2 conversion to CO using chemical looping over Co–In oxide


CO2 conversion to CO by reverse water-gas shift using chemical looping (RWGS-CL) can be conducted at lower temperatures (ca. 723–823 K) than the conventional catalytic RWGS (>973 K), and has been attracting attention as an efficient process for CO production from CO2. In this study, Co–In2O3 was developed as an oxygen storage material (OSM) that can realize an efficient RWGS-CL process. Co–In2O3 showed a high CO2 splitting rate in the mid-temperature range (723–823 K) compared with previously reported materials and had high durability through redox cycles. Importantly, the maximum CO2 conversion in the CO2 splitting step (ca. 80%) was much higher than the equilibrium conversion of catalytic RWGS in the mid-temperature range, indicating that Co–In2O3 is a suitable OSM for the RWGS-CL process.

Graphical abstract: Efficient CO2 conversion to CO using chemical looping over Co–In oxide

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Article information

Article type
12 Jan 2022
03 Mar 2022
First published
17 Mar 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Commun., 2022,58, 4837-4840

Efficient CO2 conversion to CO using chemical looping over Co–In oxide

J. Makiura, S. Kakihara, T. Higo, N. Ito, Y. Hirano and Y. Sekine, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 4837 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC00208F

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