Issue 33, 2022

Diastereoconvergent synthesis of anti-1,2-amino alcohols with N-containing quaternary stereocenters via selenium-catalyzed intermolecular C–H amination


We report a diastereoconvergent synthesis of anti-1,2-amino alcohols bearing N-containing quaternary stereocenters using an intermolecular direct C–H amination of homoallylic alcohol derivatives catalyzed by a phosphine selenide. Destruction of the allylic stereocenter during the selenium-catalyzed process allows selective formation of a single diastereomer of the product starting from any diastereomeric mixture of the starting homoallylic alcohol derivatives, eliminating the need for the often-challenging diastereoselective preparation of starting materials. Mechanistic studies show that the diastereoselectivity is controlled by a stereoelectronic effect (inside alkoxy effect) on the transition state of the final [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement, leading to the observed anti selectivity. The power of this protocol is further demonstrated on an extension to the synthesis of syn-1,4-amino alcohols from allylic alcohol derivatives, constituting a rare example of 1,4-stereoinduction.

Graphical abstract: Diastereoconvergent synthesis of anti-1,2-amino alcohols with N-containing quaternary stereocenters via selenium-catalyzed intermolecular C–H amination

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
12 May 2022
25 Jul 2022
First published
03 Aug 2022
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2022,13, 9685-9692

Diastereoconvergent synthesis of anti-1,2-amino alcohols with N-containing quaternary stereocenters via selenium-catalyzed intermolecular C–H amination

T. Zheng, J. L. Berman and F. E. Michael, Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 9685 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC02648A

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