Issue 43, 2021

Modification of the three-dimensional graphene aerogel self-assembled network using a titanate coupling agent and its thermal conductivity mechanism with epoxy composites


Three-dimensional thermally conductive graphene aerogels have become more and more significant in practical thermal management applications. However, the interface between the graphene aerogel and the polymer has a strong interface thermal resistance, and the compatibility between the interfaces is also poor. In this study, a simple and versatile method for grafting graphene aerogels with titanate coupling agents on the surface was developed so that the modified graphene aerogels exhibit excellent thermal conductivity and mechanical properties and reduce the interface thermal resistance and increase the interface compatibility between graphene aerogels and epoxy resin. A high thermal conductivity of 2.53 W m−1 K−1 was obtained under a low graphene load of 2.5 wt%, corresponding to a thermal conductivity enhancement of approximately 1388% compared with pure epoxy resin. It provides a facile new idea for the preparation of high-quality three-dimensional graphene epoxy composites.

Graphical abstract: Modification of the three-dimensional graphene aerogel self-assembled network using a titanate coupling agent and its thermal conductivity mechanism with epoxy composites

Article information

Article type
23 Jun 2021
04 Oct 2021
First published
05 Oct 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18247-18255

Modification of the three-dimensional graphene aerogel self-assembled network using a titanate coupling agent and its thermal conductivity mechanism with epoxy composites

S. Cui, W. Wu, C. Liu, Y. Wang, Q. Chen and X. Liu, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 18247 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR04075H

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