Issue 43, 2021

Atomic force microscopy reveals the mechanical properties of breast cancer bone metastases


Mechanically dependent processes are essential in cancer metastases. However, reliable mechanical characterization of metastatic cancer remains challenging whilst maintaining the tissue complexity and an intact sample. Using atomic force microscopy, we quantified the micro-mechanical properties of relatively intact metastatic breast tumours and their surrounding bone microenvironment isolated from mice, and compared with other breast cancer models both ex vivo and in vitro. A mechanical distribution of extremely low elastic modulus and viscosity was identified on metastatic tumours, which were significantly more compliant than both 2D in vitro cultured cancer cells and subcutaneous tumour explants. The presence of mechanically distinct metastatic tumour did not result in alterations of the mechanical properties of the surrounding microenvironment at meso-scale distances (>200 μm). These findings demonstrate the utility of atomic force microscopy in studies of complex tissues and provide new insights into the mechanical properties of cancer metastases in bone.

Graphical abstract: Atomic force microscopy reveals the mechanical properties of breast cancer bone metastases

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Article information

Article type
16 Jun 2021
16 Oct 2021
First published
19 Oct 2021
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 18237-18246

Atomic force microscopy reveals the mechanical properties of breast cancer bone metastases

X. Chen, R. Hughes, N. Mullin, R. J. Hawkins, I. Holen, N. J. Brown and J. K. Hobbs, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 18237 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR03900H

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