Issue 33, 2020

First steps towards a stable neon compound: observation and bonding analysis of [B12(CN)11Ne]


Noble gas (Ng) containing molecular anions are much scarcer than Ng containing cations. No neon containing anion has been reported so far. Here, the experimental observation of the molecular anion [B12(CN)11Ne] and a theoretical analysis of the boron–neon bond is reported.

Graphical abstract: First steps towards a stable neon compound: observation and bonding analysis of [B12(CN)11Ne]−

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Article type
23 Feb 2020
10 Mar 2020
First published
10 Mar 2020
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Commun., 2020,56, 4591-4594

First steps towards a stable neon compound: observation and bonding analysis of [B12(CN)11Ne]

M. Mayer, M. Rohdenburg, V. van Lessen, M. C. Nierstenhöfer, E. Aprà, S. Grabowsky, K. R. Asmis, C. Jenne and J. Warneke, Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 4591 DOI: 10.1039/D0CC01423K

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