Issue 15, 2019

Cross-stream migration of a Brownian droplet in a polymer solution under Poiseuille flow


The migration of a Brownian fluid droplet in a parallel-plate microchannel was investigated using dissipative particle dynamics computer simulations. In a Newtonian solvent, the droplet migrated toward the channel walls due to inertial effects at the studied flow conditions, in agreement with theoretical predictions and recent simulations. However, the droplet focused onto the channel centerline when polymer chains were added to the solvent. Focusing was typically enhanced for longer polymers and higher polymer concentrations with a nontrivial flow-rate dependence due to droplet and polymer deformability. Brownian motion caused the droplet position to fluctuate with a distribution that primarily depended on the balance between inertial lift forces pushing the droplet outward and elastic forces from the polymers driving it inward. The droplet shape was controlled by the local shear rate, and so its average shape depended on the droplet distribution.

Graphical abstract: Cross-stream migration of a Brownian droplet in a polymer solution under Poiseuille flow

Article information

Article type
17 Dec 2018
11 Mar 2019
First published
11 Mar 2019

Soft Matter, 2019,15, 3168-3178

Author version available

Cross-stream migration of a Brownian droplet in a polymer solution under Poiseuille flow

M. P. Howard, T. M. Truskett and A. Nikoubashman, Soft Matter, 2019, 15, 3168 DOI: 10.1039/C8SM02552E

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