Issue 10, 2019

Playing supramolecular dominoes with light: building and breaking a photoreversible G-quadruplex made from guanosine, boric acid and an azobenzene


Addition of azobenzene-derivative 1 in its E configuration to an aqueous solution containing various guanosine borate esters induces a helical G-quartet based self-organization, stabilized by intercalation of the dye. The process is driven, in a domino fashion, by the initial host–guest interaction between the dye and a specific guanosine borate diester, whose structure can be thus assigned. This inclusion complex templates the formation of G-quartets. The quartets, in turn, pile up to form a supramolecular G-quadruplex structure, in which other G species present in solution are progressively included. The G-quadruplex can be reversibly broken and reformed by photoisomerization of the dye. This hierarchical and photosensitive self-assembly is unprecedented for simple guanosine derivatives.

Graphical abstract: Playing supramolecular dominoes with light: building and breaking a photoreversible G-quadruplex made from guanosine, boric acid and an azobenzene

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Article information

Article type
24 Jan 2019
15 Feb 2019
First published
20 Feb 2019

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019,17, 2759-2769

Author version available

Playing supramolecular dominoes with light: building and breaking a photoreversible G-quadruplex made from guanosine, boric acid and an azobenzene

S. Pieraccini, M. Campitiello, F. Carducci, J. T. Davis, P. Mariani and S. Masiero, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2019, 17, 2759 DOI: 10.1039/C9OB00193J

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