Issue 17, 2018

Bismuth ferrite dielectric nanoparticles excited at telecom wavelengths as multicolor sources by second, third, and fourth harmonic generation


We demonstrate the simultaneous generation of second, third, and fourth harmonics from a single dielectric bismuth ferrite nanoparticle excited using a telecom fiber laser at 1560 nm. We first characterize the signals associated with different nonlinear orders in terms of spectrum, excitation intensity dependence, and relative signal strengths. Successively, on the basis of the polarization-resolved emission curves of the three harmonics, we discuss the interplay of susceptibility tensor components at different orders and show how polarization can be used as an optical handle to control the relative frequency conversion properties.

Graphical abstract: Bismuth ferrite dielectric nanoparticles excited at telecom wavelengths as multicolor sources by second, third, and fourth harmonic generation

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Article information

Article type
31 Oct 2017
26 Mar 2018
First published
27 Mar 2018

Nanoscale, 2018,10, 8146-8152

Bismuth ferrite dielectric nanoparticles excited at telecom wavelengths as multicolor sources by second, third, and fourth harmonic generation

J. Riporto, A. Demierre, V. Kilin, T. Balciunas, C. Schmidt, G. Campargue, M. Urbain, A. Baltuska, R. Le Dantec, J. Wolf, Y. Mugnier and L. Bonacina, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 8146 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR08102B

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