Issue 75, 2018

Electron transfer in a covalent dye–cobalt catalyst assembly – a transient absorption spectroelectrochemistry perspective


Various oxidation states of the catalytically active cobalt center in a covalent dyad were electrochemically prepared and the light-induced excited-state processes were studied. Virtually identical deactivation processes are observed, irrespective of the oxidation state of the cobalt center, varying from CoIII to CoI, indicating the absence of oxidative quenching within the dye–catalyst assembly.

Graphical abstract: Electron transfer in a covalent dye–cobalt catalyst assembly – a transient absorption spectroelectrochemistry perspective

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2018
09 Aug 2018
First published
28 Aug 2018

Chem. Commun., 2018,54, 10594-10597

Electron transfer in a covalent dye–cobalt catalyst assembly – a transient absorption spectroelectrochemistry perspective

S. Bold, L. Zedler, Y. Zhang, J. Massin, V. Artero, M. Chavarot-Kerlidou and B. Dietzek, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 10594 DOI: 10.1039/C8CC05556D

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