Bond breaking dynamics in semiflexible networks under load†
We examine the bond-breaking dynamics of transiently cross-linked semiflexible networks using a single filament model in which that filament is peeled from an array of cross-linkers. We examine the effect of quenched disorder in the placement of the linkers along the filament and the effect of stochastic bond-breaking (assuming Bell model unbinding kinetics) on the dynamics of filament cross-linker dissociation and the statistics of ripping events. We find that bond forces decay exponentially away from the point of loading and that bond breaking proceeds sequentially down the linker array from the point of loading in a series of stochastic ripping events. We compare these theoretical predictions to the observed trajectories of large beads in a cross-linked microtubule network and identify the observed jumps of the bead with the linker rupture events predicted by the single filament model.