Issue 5, 2015

One-dimensional barium titanate coated multi-walled carbon nanotube heterostructures: synthesis and electromagnetic absorption properties


One-dimensional barium titanate (BaTiO3)@multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) core–shell heterostructure composites are prepared via a sol–gel route combined with a thermal treatment process. Field emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy measurements show that the BaTiO3@MWCNT core–shell heterostructure composites have a BaTiO3 film thickness of ∼10 nm, and that the BaTiO3 film uniformly encapsulates the surface of the MWCNT core. The measured electromagnetic parameters show that the BaTiO3@MWCNT composites exhibit remarkable and improved electromagnetic wave absorption properties, compared to both pristine MWCNTs and BaTiO3. Notably, more than 99% of electromagnetic wave energy can be attenuated by the BaTiO3@MWCNT composites with the addition of only 40 wt% in the paraffin matrix. In addition, the microwave absorption mechanism of the BaTiO3@MWCNT core–shell heterostructure composites is proposed. The various polarizations including dielectric and interfacial polarization which originate from the heterogeneous structures and interfaces in the composites are responsible for their excellent microwave absorbing performances.

Graphical abstract: One-dimensional barium titanate coated multi-walled carbon nanotube heterostructures: synthesis and electromagnetic absorption properties

Article information

Article type
04 Oct 2014
04 Dec 2014
First published
05 Dec 2014

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 3748-3756

Author version available

One-dimensional barium titanate coated multi-walled carbon nanotube heterostructures: synthesis and electromagnetic absorption properties

Y. Zhu, Q. Ni and Y. Fu, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 3748 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA11784K

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