Issue 1, 2015

Novel carbazole-based two-photon photosensitizer for efficient DNA photocleavage in anaerobic condition using near-infrared light


Two novel carbazole derivatives, BMEPC and BMEMC, were designed, synthesized and first reported as two-photon photosensitizers for DNA photodamage, which showed efficient DNA photocleavage ability under near-infrared light exposure via a two-photon process in anaerobic condition.

Graphical abstract: Novel carbazole-based two-photon photosensitizer for efficient DNA photocleavage in anaerobic condition using near-infrared light

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Article information

Article type
24 Sep 2014
18 Nov 2014
First published
19 Nov 2014

RSC Adv., 2015,5, 770-774

Author version available

Novel carbazole-based two-photon photosensitizer for efficient DNA photocleavage in anaerobic condition using near-infrared light

Y. Zheng, M. Zheng, K. Li, S. Chen, Z. Zhao, X. Wang and X. Duan, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 770 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA11133H

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