Issue 36, 2015

A frozen matrix hybrid optical nonlinear system enhanced by a particle lens


In this work, a Graphene Oxide (GO) nano-sheet and SiO2 micro-bead hybrid system based on a frozen matrix was investigated for its enhanced optical nonlinear performance. A frozen matrix is a novel approach that hosts the optical nonlinear nano-particles, which combines the strengths from both liquid and solid phase systems for high performance photonic applications. SiO2 micro-beads were used to induce a local field enhancement effect that improved the optical nonlinearity of GO nano-sheets. The nonlinear performance of the hybrid system is several orders higher than the existing GO nano-sheet liquid dispersion. In addition, this frozen matrix and the local field enhancement effect are two facile and versatile methods that can be applied to many types of nano-particle dispersions.

Graphical abstract: A frozen matrix hybrid optical nonlinear system enhanced by a particle lens

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
20 May 2015
23 Jun 2015
First published
24 Jun 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 14982-14988

Author version available

A frozen matrix hybrid optical nonlinear system enhanced by a particle lens

L. Chen, X. Zheng, Z. Du, B. Jia, M. Gu and M. Hong, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 14982 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR03304G

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