Issue 6, 2014

How does conformational flexibility influence key structural features involved in activation of anaplastic lymphoma kinase?


Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK) plays a major role in developing tumor processes and therefore has emerged as a validated therapeutic target. Applying atomistic molecular dynamics simulations on the wild type enzyme and the nine most frequently occurring and clinically important activation mutants we revealed important conformational effects on key interactions responsible for the activation of the enzyme.

Graphical abstract: How does conformational flexibility influence key structural features involved in activation of anaplastic lymphoma kinase?

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Article information

Article type
03 Feb 2014
19 Mar 2014
First published
19 Mar 2014
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Mol. BioSyst., 2014,10, 1490-1495

Author version available

How does conformational flexibility influence key structural features involved in activation of anaplastic lymphoma kinase?

T. G. Karabencheva, C. C. Lee, G. W. Black, R. Donev and C. Z. Christov, Mol. BioSyst., 2014, 10, 1490 DOI: 10.1039/C4MB00141A

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